Page 4
The  noise of the turboprop's engines set up a cacophony within the cabin. Kylee gritted her teeth and resumed chewing a stick of gum that had lost its flavor two minutes out of Pittsburgh. She was tempted to get rid of it and enjoy the pressure in her ears. How could a craft so small make so much noise?

"Sorry," Duverge muttered. "Someone neglected to tell me everything about our flight plans. When they said there was an airport, I figured we'd get something bigger."

"What kind of airport only flies to Pittsburgh?" She dropped her tone despite the lack of other passengers and an absent flight staff. "Too bad we couldn't have taken a G-IV without drawing attention."

"I've got the keys to a car left there for us. An agent from Syracuse dropped it off yesterday, Salerno I think."

"Just get us to the ground alive, I've never told anyone how much I hate flying."

Her voice came in spurts, interspersed with bursts of sobbing. "Anyway, it all got to its worst about six days ago. I captured this delicious little cheerleader� in uniform. Her outfit was one whole piece� a dress sorta." Lauren couldn't look at Kara, the effort would've destroyed her tormented reverie. "Her legs felt so tender and my tongue explored them in their fullness. Coconut� coconut was the flavor, a lotion or moisturizer. I�
had to enjoy her entire body� consume her slowly. I held her dress� uniform� and put her feet in my mouth. I sucked her out of her outer clothing like sucking meat out of a crab claw. I didn't�. didn't even� even� believe it until I was� I was holding her outfit and could feel� oh god� feel her squirming inside my mouth. I was watching t.v. at the same time, the news. I started chewing when� when a story came on about her disapperance and I� and I uh� I saw home video clips of her life and her� her pleading parents. Aat that point, I swallowed her mashed remains. Three days later I got an older woman, forties. As I stared at her, she asked� asked� asked if I'd ever done that before. She begged me to� uh� to make hers quick after I dipped her in melted butter. She told me� that uh� that she had nothing to live for if� if I had eaten her cheerleader daughter. I� I recognized her� her puny face� and� knew� I knew the sorrow� sorrow I was causing. I ate her anyway."

"Now you want to get away, run and hope you can escape your problems," Kara squeaked up to her. "You'll only help yourself and end your feelings of guilt by confessing."

"I hardly have much evidence to prove what I did, except for the teeny outfit and the shrink ray." Her grip on Kara loosened.

She hugged the giant woman's thumb. "And me. I'll testify on your behalf if you're afraid of the sentence."

"No, I want the worst sentence. You'll have to lie and say I did violent sexual things to you and forced my huge body on you with threats."

"It doesn't all have to be a lie." She kissed a massive finger and licked it slowly to ensure that Lauren would feel the gesture. "You don't have to force me to pleasure you."

Nothing more needed to be said between the two women. Kara was placed on a desk while Lauren hastily stripped. Kara followed suit and soon giggled as her naked body stood next to the room telephone. Both eyed the other with the lust of a prizefighter approaching a match. Lauren gently grasped her partner and they went to the bed.

Kara started at the face. Her entire body went to work on her lover's pursed lips. Her arousal was evident and she left her flavor on Lauren, who licked it away when she moved on. The tiny one dropped from chin to neck and dashed to the cleavage. The breasts came together to capture their quarry with the delicate care of a surgeon. The hot grip released and Kara sclaed each breast in turn, giving each one equal attention. She massaged the areola with her tongue, tasting the nipple. As each protrusion hardened she increased the fervency of her work and marveled at the texture she had been ignorant of that morning. Another gentle capture in the sweetly scented canyon marked her passage south.

She took her time on the flat stomach. Kara dragged her tiny body across the taut surface, arching her back and the end of each repetition. The gorund trembled with the omens of laughter, but laughs of a joy purer than love. Her next objective led her to walk through the dark field. She strode through the fertile lands with her hands at her sides and outstretched to experience hair from a radically different perspective� and to titillate. Kara could already smell the pleasure; it filled her nostrils and gave her a tingle she'd never known with any other experience. Anticipation drove the little one down to the sheet. All that remained was the moist cavern and inward was the only course of action. There time lost all meaning to both parties and ecstasy and love fused to reign supreme. When it was over and reality flooded back, Kara emerged sticky with her hair plastered down by the fluids. She was scooped up with the intention of sleeping in the valley of cleavage.

"Having fun?" came a small voice that interrupted their plans. It belonged to a well-dressed redhead with a couple of inches on Kara standing on the desk on the spot she had occupied earlier.

"Who are you?" the couple asked simultaneously.

"I reperesent Lauren's� benefactor. She would be greatly displeased by her plans to surrender. I am now entrusted with preventing that." Before they could even see her raise the weapon, the woman disappeared behind a white flash that filled the rest of the room and rendered the lovers unconscious� and nearly microscopic.
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