Page Three
She gasped in delight as his tiny feet made contact with her vulva, sensitive from all the stimulation she�d been receiving. She managed a quick peek as he waded through her pubic hair, trying to push aside strands as thick as vines to him. She moaned when he stopped to massage her quickly. She was then disappointed to not feel anything again. She looked and he was gone. Jessica was about to sit up and look for him when another wave of ecstasy hit. She realized he�d climbed down to her slit and was massaging that. She became afraid and wanted to stop him. If she got too caught up in the moment, he could be seriously injured. She had to warn him, she couldn�t do it, but it just seemed so right.
  Ron could smell her arousal and noticed his fully formed erection. He really enjoyed this excitement he was giving her and shook his head when he realized that if she ever did restore him, he still couldn�t brag because no one would believe his story. She was making quite a bit of noise and it hurt his ears, so her considered stopping. His hands were just pulling back away from her vagina when he saw her right hand swoop out of nowhere and he was scooped up. He wondered where he was going until he descended and got a look at his heading. He saw her legs spread wide and himself rushing towards her open slit. He closed his eyes and waited for it, hoping that he would at least go feet first so he could breathe.
  He was lucky and his head was indeed sticking out. However, his arms were inside her and he couldn�t move them without making her more excited. He knew getting her to orgasm would mean she�d pull him back out, but her muscles were pressing tight against him as her legs came back together. Only her thumb and forefinger were needed to manipulate him and even with just those, she was squeezing too hard. He tried screaming, but her moaning drowned him out. Suddenly she came all over him and he waited to be taken back out, but nothing happened. Then came knock on her door, a thunderous pounding to him.
  �Who is it?� she asked.
  �Your boyfriend,� answered the visitor.
  �Oh shit,� she whispered. �Hang on.� She didn�t have time to restore Ron and get his clothes back on him. She also couldn�t think of a quick place to hide him and get clothes on to answer the door. She prayed that he�d understand and jumped to her feet. She winced when she heard his pained scream, her giant body nearly crushing him with her simple movements. She looked down to see Ron�s head sticking out of her and she almost smiled at the amusing sight until she noticed his expression of pain and terror. She mouthed a quick sorry and got to work. She managed to get her panties over her feet without either spreading her legs far enough apart for him to fall, or moving enough to cause him more suffering. She then pulled them up quick, her legs coming apart just a little too far, but Ron didn�t have time to drop. Her panties going up met his head going down and stopped his fall before his feet left her. His quick descent sent her new waves of pleasure, as did the sensations caused when the force of her underwear pushed him back in. She frowned when she realized that he was now all the way inside of her, she�d pulled her underwear on so quickly that it had gone on tight and he�d been jammed completely inside with no way to pull himself free. She hoped to God that he�d stop squirming so her pleasure would go away long enough to answer the door.
  Ron could barely breathe. He was now pretty much completely inside Jessica. He�d wanted to tickle her from the inside, just not in this particular way. Thankfully, his face was just outside and pressed tight to her underwear. It wasn�t good for breathing, but was better than no air at all. He tried to keep himself still and managed until she put her jeans back on, blocking more air. He tried to scream, but couldn�t get much sound beyond the fabric. Enough must have for what must have been her hand to press against her slit to silence him. He cursed his luck as that action forced him further inside her. Her muscles were trapping him and drawing him deeper. Her voice went on endlessly with her boyfriend and Ron was ready to die when he heard the door slam and lock. He legs were moving frantically as her pants came off and her panties. Sadly, he was too far inside to fall free when her legs came apart. Instead, he saw her fingers come in after him and he held onto them as he was dragged to safety.
  �That was fun,� he remarked when he was placed safely onto her desk and had caught his breath. Then he saw the hurt expression on her face and regretted his statement. �I didn�t mean that the way it sounded. I enjoyed most of it. It was only because of your boyfriend.�
  �I understand,� she said, starting to smile again. �I�m sorry for not warning you that sometimes I get a bit carried away sometimes. That�s why I�m usually the tiny one.�
She insisted on cleaning him up. Thankfully, the RA�s room here was always the room closest to the bathroom. She snuck him in and washed her juices off of him. Then she filled a container with more water and brought it with her. She explained that she might need a cleaning later as well.
  �It�s time to turn the tables a little bit,� she chuckled.

  Ron stood patiently on the floor as Jessica worked high above him. She had insisted on working naked, just to excite him and because she wasn�t going to be wearing anything when she shrank. He gazed at her massive mammories jiggling up in the heavens and the red forest that hovered over him when she knelt down.
  �Let�s see,� she said, �clear pattern? Yes.� She grinned at him. �Just kidding. Whoops, I guess you are stuck like that. Don�t worry, kidding again. Restoration? Yes. Amount of restoration? Complete.�
  She hit the activation button and Ron felt himself tingling. The world and Jessica started shrinking around him as he approached the correct height. He smiled at the familiar whirring of the machine and found it amusing that he�d once mistaken the sound for a hair dryer. When he was back to normal Jessica wrapped her arms around him in a hug, pressing her naked body tight to his. Her lips met his and the kiss was spectacular.
  �Got to remind you what that�s like,� she said sensuously. �Kisses won�t be the same until I�m back.�
  �Then I�ll try not to take too long playing with you.�
  Jessica helped him set the machine to the same reduction percentage and showed him how to restore her. Then she walked in front of the device and struck a sexy pose. She blew him a kiss with one hand and rubbed a nipple with the other.
  �Going down,� he said.
  The beam struck her and she stared up at her ceiling, laughing as she descended to her miniscule size. When it was over, Jessica was just barely less than four inches in height. She raised her arms up to Ron, begging him to pick her up. He complied immediately, setting her on the palm of his right hand. He lifted her to his face and examined her minute form. Ron grinned as he took note that she was perfectly proportioned as he had been. His left pinky began stroking both breasts simultaneously and the brown dots of her nipples jumped to attention. She had her head tilted back and was moaning in high-pitched squeaks.
  �Oh, Ron, go wild with me,� she pleaded. He held her close to catch the squeaking. Her feminine voice became so high when she was reduced. �I really like tongues and going down pants.�
  �But I�m not wearing pants,� he said slyly. �But I think I�ll come up with something just as good.�

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