No Good Deed
Tanya tossed back her auburn locks and settled into a reclining position on her bed. She casually flicked her wrist and launched a black rectangle into the air. Her other hand snatched it from the air and hit the POWER button. A laugh track was the first sound to greet her. She kicked her feet out and her shoes flew to the floor. A thud and squeal were the reply.

�What the hell?� Tanya blurted out. The television was returned to dormancy.

�Help me,� a faint voice squealed back.

�Where are you?� Tanya asked, her head swiveling back and forth.

�Down by your shoes,� the high, plaintive voice replied.

Tanya stated to recognize the voice. �Rachel,� she called out to her roommate, �cut the shit, this isn�t funny.�

�This isn�t a joke,� a higher pitched version of Rachel�s voice shot back.

Tanya sat up and moved to the foot of her bed, her lithe body stretching as she went. She peered over the end and nearly tumbled to the floor. �Rachel, you�re little�. and naked.�

�No shit. Sherlock,� the brunette shot back. She threw her arms open. �You gettin� a good enough look at my tits?�

Tanya chuckled at that and shook her head. �There�s not much to see anymore. I thought my little bug bites made me flat-chested, but you really take the cake.�

�Help me,� Rachel begged, dropping to her knees and clasping her hands. �Get me off the floor, I was nearly stepped on twice getting here and then you nearly crushed me under your New Balances.�

�What else can I really do?� She got to the floor and sprawled onto her smooth stomach in front of her diminutive roommate.

�Find a way to get me big again, I miss my triple-Ds.�

Tanya licked her lips in excitement. �Oh, I don�t know. They still look delicious to me.� Her right hand shot out towards the living doll.

�Yikes!� shrieked Rachel. She leapt back and her huge, to her, breasts jiggled with the motion. �I know we�ve talked about our feelings, but this may not be the best time to act on them.�

�It�s the perfect time.� Tanya scooped her up and rolled onto her back. Her puny would-be lover was dragged down her taut stomach and across her covered vagina. �When will I ever have the fun of getting one of those milk glands in my mouth?� She tried it out once, rolling the tiny breasts around with her tongue before depositing her love in her outstretched palm. �Relax, I�ll take you to the hospital now. I prefer it when we can both contribute.�

�Too late,� Rachel squeaked before the world went into a spin.


Tanya�s next sight was of Rachel staring down at her naked body. �What� what is this?�

�I�m sorry it has to be this way,� Rachel started, her voice booming overhead. �I helped out a tiny man and he gave it to me. It�s a curse that can only be broken through intimate contact.� She picked up teeny Tanya. �And I�m afraid there�s no tag-backs with this. I�m permanently free of it and you would be too if you got to contact a normal person who�d never been shrunk. I�m sorry I did this to you.�

Tanya felt panic rising and made a dash for the edge of her friend�s hand, but was thrown back by curling fingers and an iron grip. �Why are you talking that way? You just have to help me find someone to give the curse to.�

Rachel shook her head. �That wouldn�t be fair to that person, leaving them stuck in the pathetic condition you�re in. They�d be living in fear, worried about being crushed by a misplaced step. I learned about the curse from the guy and it started with many people. Some day, there may come a time when someone will be unable to get back to their old life because there aren�t enough un-cursed people left. I�ve decided to end this line of the curse with you.�

�Wait, you bitch,� Tanya screamed back. �Why not just die yourself? Why make me suffer?�

She licked her shrunken lover and madness flashed across her gaze. �You can�t love me and wish that upon me.� She tightened her grip.

�You�re wishing it upon me right now, what does that mean?�

�It�s just good sense with me, I am the prettier one. But don�t worry, I�ll make it enjoyable.�

She dragged Tanya across her breasts, forcing her against nipples bigger than her head. Rachel wept as she pushed Tanya between her breasts and then compressed them together. The puny woman�s struggles continued until Rachel pushed a little harder. She felt the pop pass through her chest and felt the movements subside. Then she cleaned herself up, retrieved some clothes from her room, and went out to face the world.
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