Kylee Mission 6:
Lauren sighed and lobbed her keys onto the counter. Juggling an armload of merchandise, she kicked the door shut behind her. It ricocheted off someone coming in and she screamed. The bags crashed to the linoleum and the athletic brunette whirled on her heel. She sized up her opponent and froze at the sight of a uniform.

�Sorry to startle you, ma�am,� he apologized. �I was about to knock�� He remembered his purpose and held up the plainly wrapped object. �I have a package for you if you�re Lauren.�

She had no idea who would be mailing her something, but she signed for it anyway. Once alone, she checked the return address. It was some company that was always sending her some piece of crap novelty item she never needed. Giving in to the curiosity that ruled her, she opened it up.

Inside was a plastic ray gun, something out of a cheesy 50s era sci-fi show hybridized with a Super Soaker. A letter accompanied it, probably one of those typical form letters ensuring authenticity and giving a heavily inflated value. Again Lauren gave in to her inquisitive nature. This letter surprised her in both its elegant script and the text.

� �Dear Lauren,� � she read aloud. � � You have been selected, along with many others, to receive this exciting product. I chose you and the other because you have met all of the necessary qualifications. This item is right up your alley. Further instructions are enclosed, but you already know what you have been given. You have dreamed of it for many years. Enjoy.� �

It couldn�t be� could it? There had been rumors for some time that it was possible. The events in Washington, D.C. remained in everyone�s mind and there had been the more recent activities in Virginia. Anything she had heard suggested chemical origins. Could there really be a gun that would do the same? There was only one way to find out.

She reviewed the instructions momentarily and headed further into her home. A jingling at the door grabbed her attention. It was her annoying roommate, Kate. The wiry brunette who always sported a hairdo that reminded Lauren of a lesbian bounded into the apartment.

�I�m home, but I forgot to buy my half of the groceries,� she announced.

�You�re always pulling this shit,� Lauren muttered under her breath. Heading towards her roommate, she held up the weapon. �You know that idea you talked about?�

�Are you saying we can actually experience shrinking ourselves?� She threw her coat on the floor, the same spot she always left it.

�Do you want to go first?� The pest nodded. Lauren grinned and adjusted the setting. �First floor, women�s shoes.�

Kate�s body shimmered and rippled under the glow of the beam. Everything was fading, her physique melting away. This candle could be reconstituted, though, if Lauren chose to do so. The girl tittered with glee as more and more of her vanished. The beam cut off, the glow waned, and Kate was left barely three inches high. Lauren scooped her up and brought the tiny apartment dweller to her face.

�Don�t worry about the food, that won�t be a problem for me now and you�ll never need to remember again.�

Kate trembled, cowering and making herself smaller in her friend�s hand. �You�re starting to scare me. Just put me back to big.�

�I don�t think so. I�ll also take care of your messes permanently.� Her free hand still brandished the gun. The jacket that had recently been discarded readily ended up able to fit its owner again. �My fantasy has always been more of the vore type, sorry.� With that, Kate was tossed to the back of her mouth and swallowed a few seconds later. �Hmm, cucumber body lotion.�

Kylee threw herself into the chair and kicked her feet onto his desk. She flipped back her golden locks in a gesture of supreme annoyance. It wasn�t the meeting itself and it wasn�t the report. She was pissed off at herself, anger eating into her.

�Just what the hell are we supposed to do?� she demanded.

�There�s very little we can do,� he admitted. �All we can do is continue investigating. Her brother told the story of the mysterious stranger again. Of course, he repeated that he neither met her, nor received any useful description of her.�

�I know, it was all in the report. He didn�t know how to contact her either. Our only true witness ended up as pavement pizza. Now we have more proof of someone or some agency behind the distribution of shrinking technology. And the one group with the best resources has nothing.�

�Apprehending whoever it is at any cost will be our top priority.�

None of the prisoners in the lowest level would talk. Offers of release and a full restoration were met with silence and fear. Whoever was behind it was formidable. Those who spoke said the pickups were done blind, or through random black market dealers. Greater confirmation of an organized system behind it terrified everyone.

�Understood, sir, I�ll get that bitch.�
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