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Karen scampered across the expansive mattress before her. Freedom was there, if she could survive the drop. She reached the edge and leapt into the void, aiming for a pile of dirty laundry. The tiny projectile�s flight path was broken by Pete�s hand scooping her out of the air.

�Silly plaything, freedom�s for big kids.� Pete�s playful tone belied the smoldering hatred in his gaze. �Every fucking warning�s been used up, dry and barren like your insides.� His grip tightened and a hip snapped. �You�re the stupidest bitch I�ve ever met.� The other hip and both legs went and she screamed. �You
don�t cuckold me!� Her arms and torso melded into one unit and blood oozed. �I end the relationship.�

A fire raged within that needed quenching. He sough out another toy, a brunette that once called itself Heather. She�d always been the sex kitten type and was ready to go. Her legs wrapped around his member and she went to work pleasing him without any prodding. Pete let himself smile at the sensations and chuckled as she later struggled to clean the fluids from her face. He needed more girls who could recognize and appreciate the privilege of being in his collection.

A sharp crack punctuated her remark, a heel accidentally busting a rung on her chair. Lindsey had trained her mind in perseverance after two brushes with shrinking technology. The noise was a shock no one expected, given her timid appearance.

�I don�t care how long the training usually lasts. Listen, I want to be a part of the search for Agent Kylee in any capacity. Let me sift through reports or something.� She locked eye contact with the boss. �I
owe her.�

He sighed, leaned forward in his chair, and folded his hands on top of his desk. �I don�t mean this to sound dismissive, but get in line. Everyone owes Kylee more than they could ever repay, especially me. She�s been declared dead and the investigation to prove me wrong is supposed to be top secret. Please don�t bring it up again.�

�I�m even willing to be shrunk. Change that part on my file.�

His expressed was peppered with desperation. �Please, not another word.�

She slumped forward in her chair, defeated. �Okay, sir.�

Kylee circled her opponent warily. Alicia gave her the same treatment. The ground trembled and both needed a moment to regain their footing. A turntable served as their battlefield and the rotation was intended to make it more interesting. Each woman brushed aside the disorientation and charged.

Alicia�s kicks were deflected easily and she reacted as readily to Kylee�s kickboxing attacks. Kylee snuck in a roundhouse from a fake and dropped the turncoat. Her cheers were all inside and outwardly she winced. The teeny gladiator still bore the bruises and pain from Mistress after five days. Her training helped her fight through the agony that burned her nerves and weakened her bones. The rage of betrayal drove her the rest of the way as she straddled her downed nemesis.

�Meet my friend, Nurple,� Kylee slowly intoned. It was all in the wrist work.

Alicia rallied back with a jab. It was enough to throw Kylee off balance and they quickly switched positions. Alicia yanked Kylee�s hair to lift her head off the ground. Then, she drove it back down with a straight shot to the jaw.

Kylee made several quick moves she knew she�d never recall how to reproduce and threw the other girl off of her. The spin of their floor carried Kylee away from Alicia�s landing. She got to her feet and rubbed her jaw when it sunk in:
her jaw should be broken. Alicia�s training and instincts were honed and her strength was sufficient to have broken Kylee�s jaw in a single punch. She reviewed the fight in the second it took Alicia to get back up. Every hit � and attempted hit � had been off, as if� she was holding back.

�You are good indeed,� Kylee called out. �You have been a worthy adversary, but it is time we parted ways. Your disloyalty shall now be avenged.�

They charged again and this time tangled together. Their bodies became a mass of flailing limbs, moving without any discernible pattern. The two rolled across the record player until Kylee allowed herself to be pinned down. She made eye contact with Alicia and held it as her enemy winked, a signal no one else could possibly see. Her head moved in a nod that would be imperceptible even to others their size. The two rolled to the edge and off.

�A tie,� Mistress announced as she caught the pair. �Quite a shame really.� She returned them to their tank. �We�ll see how you do tomorrow.�

The others slept soundly, unaware of any actions in the fish tank. Kylee and Alicia faced each other at the spot. Each looked at the hole, filled in with Super Glue now. They sat down, each barely within arm�s reach of the other.

�What the hell?� Kylee whispered.

�Did you really think I could be reprogrammed? I can�t believe you think that little of me.� She twisted to break eye contact.

Kylee hated the sickness in her gut. She�d had to deal with others doubting her at the onset of her career. �Alicia, I sorry. I was a total ass for being that way. It�s just that you were gone for so long and you put on such a good show.�

�Training, remember?�

�Regardless, what the hell was with the whistle?�

�Three parts to that. Firstly, she doesn�t sleep more than a few minutes at a time. I�ve been here long enough and gained enough of her trust to know she tries that DaVinci sleep thing like on that episode of Seinfeld. You would very likely have been caught during her patrols. Secondly, if she hadn�t, one of the girls she has brainwashed would�ve. Those girls are smaller than we are and have a first rate communication system. They�re the remnants of that tiny army in D.C. It turns out we never got all of them.�

�How do we know they aren�t watching us right now, or listening in?�

Alicia glanced up and locked eye contact again. �I�ve done my recon. They only guard the floor. No point in watching the tanks since every prisoner needs to use the floor anyways to escape. My third point is the most important. We had a real, honest-to-God jailbreak during your early days of incarceration while you were still out of it. Several went in the blender as a lesson to the rest of us. Another girl� got lost for a few days in the Mistress, intentionally. A few had to watch when she was released and flushed. Only two girls were involved then, the rest were mass punishment. You couldn�t have brought help in enough time even you had made it out. You�re more important than me or any other woman here. You go and we�re all dead.�

She leaned in close to her friend and grabbed her by the shoulders in a tight grip and shook. �Why me? Why am I so important? Does it have to do with me stopping her other plans?�

Alicia freed herself from the senior agent�s grasp and shook her head. �She won�t tell me, but I doubt it. If I had to guess, and I do, it�s far more personal. Whenever she has a captive doing �spelunking� and thinks of you, she tenses to the point of brutally crushing her victim.�

�If only we knew who she is; then I�d maybe have a clue as to how I pissed her off.�

A creak was heard at that moment, a sharp crack to one of their diminished size, coming from another room in the house. They all knew the sound and could sleep through it. Loud noises meant very little to anyone after spending an extended period shrunken. Alicia and Kylee scurried back to their beds. Each one feigned sleep before Mistress�s gaze fell upon their tank.

She could make out Kylee�s tiny form on the makeshift bed. �I�ll avenge you soon enough, my dear.�
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