Shrinking Maniac's Story Notes
More Fun:
-Originally intended to be GTS instead of SW with Ron being the kidnap victim.
-I had started it in my head before �Little� Fun was even finished.
-The kidnapper was originally a local person with the possibility of being a classmate of Ron�s and with no connection to Amy.
-Added the MIB part very late in the writing and changed some of the dialogue to hint at it. This came out of having seen MIIB.

General Stuff:
-Most of the names come from people I know. Some names have been movie characters as well.
-Magical Mayhem and Kylee Mission 1 were written almost together. They were thought up at the same time and both ideas were juggled in my head for a while.
-None of the stories have definite endings when I start typing them up. Much of it is made up as I go along and rethink old ideas.
-The titles are always the hardest part for me.

Magical Mayhem:
-Instead of magical powers, the characters were supposed to shrink by a ray gun with a limited charge that needed time to build up again.
-It was based off of a SW/GTS fantasy I had about an old girlfriend and her two sisters, also fairly attractive.
-The punishments were created on the spot, part of my general improvising while I write. Blake�s was the hardest in part because of having to think up a message for the plaque.
-It was the first and probably only time I�ll ever use anything like a chapter system within a story.

Halloween SW:
-Written in less than a day when I saw the Halloween challenge message of the SW Message Board.
-I simply started with a Halloween theme and kept writing. This was my most improvised piece. There was very little direction while writing it and I had no idea what would happen from paragraph to paragraph.
-The twist ending was added when I decided the story should have a happier ending.
-I have called this my fourth story at the SW Library, but it was written after Kylee Mission 1 was completed, making it really my fifth story. The confusion was because neither story was posted to my site for a few months.
Kylee Missions:
-Kylee�s original name was Michelle. I changed it because I liked the real life Kylee better than the real Michelle.
-The entire series was started out of a single sentence. The opening line of Mission 1 was originally planned for Magical Mayhem.
-A Shrinkguy picture inspired the drug delivery method of Mission 1.
-Every story was supposed to start with the conclusion of another mission like a James Bond movie.
-I first planned to only write a few mission and move on to another story universe. Now I�m using the ideas for those other stories to and modifying them for Kylee.
-Mission 2 was not going to be written until other missions were done first. It was supposed to deal with Kylee trying to catch a guy. She would have shrunk herself and sought shelter with her target, but then realized too late that it was the wrong guy. The switch up was shifted to Mission 3.
-Alternate endings for Mission3: Patty would have lived and Kylee would have stayed small to be her tiny lover. The next idea was the same as above and future stories would have followed a different agent. The last idea was to have it stated in the final paragraph that she was leaving the business.
-Yes, the title of 3 is a rip-off of Bond�s �Die Another Day.�
-The company �shrink� was to have remained as nameless as the boss. Maybe there will be a name for him down the road?
-The effects of the X-390 in Mission 4 came out of wanting to write a gripping opening. I hadn�t really considered the sensation of shrinking much before in these stories. Then I decided to make that unique to that particular weapon. This is all part of never fully developing the universe when I started.
-The Dustbuster scene was inspired by Back to the Future II. I got the DVD trilogy for Christmas.
-Mission 4 was to have actually said Dolly Hitler during the initial setup of a SW army instead of merely alluding to the stories.
-There was to have been more done with numerous tiny soldiers. Mission 6 will deal with this in some fashion.
-Everyone back at HQ was to have been shrunk. The nurse rushing to the antidote station was a setup for that. It seemed too complicated to resolve, so it was nixed.
-The FBI agent was added for convenience in getting across the street. He will be seen again, though.
-Mission 5�s title was taken from a sign I saw at my work-study job.
-I used a reference to a Meth lab because there has been a rise in the discovery of them in my area.
-The �60 Minutes� reference about Meth labs came from a �King of the Hill� episode where something similar is said.
-Lt. Gordon was originally male.
-What about the couple who enjoyed shrinking? Their names are a reference to a Billy Joel song.
-The scene between mother and daughter was inspired by a Poison Pen story.
-The last bit of Mission 5 was added while posting the story to my site. I realized that the �Gypsy Lady� left an opening that could explain a lot. This one initial oversight while writing enabled me to change the direction of my story.

New, 7-31-04:
Kylee Missions:
-Lauren's stuttering speech in Mission 7 was based upon Chiana's speech to Moya in
Dog With Two Bones, the season three finale..
-I had toyed with the idea of describing Duverge better in other stories, but finally went with the Capt. Sisko idea  while typing it up because I'd just started watching
DS9 again on a Canadian channel I pick up here in the States. I also finally stuck with a goatee because of that, too.
-Lauren's fate in the hotel took several mental rewrites before she spares the waitress. At one point, there was to have been a cop investigating disappearances who would have met a terrible end. It gets referenced when Lauren contemplates putting Kara on a serving tray outside another room.

Mountain Dew & Urban Legends:
-I once worked with a Hailey who is just as beautiful as the character. I didn't know her very well, but I like to use the names of people I have come in contact with, so she was a natural choice for the main character.
-The bad guy was to have orginally been her boyfriend. He would have tampered with numerous bottles like the old Tylenol scare a while back. His plan: his own flea circus.

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