Mental State
Part 6-
July 5, 2006 8:00 AM:

Aw, screw it! I�ve restarted at least seven times so far. How to begin this tale? Jesus, like I�m supposed to know that. I flunked every writing class I ever took and people say I flat out suck at telling stories. I figure I should record this for posterity before I pound enough alcohol and smoke so many blunts my brain�ll be fried and this�ll all become a dream. But then, why record this?

July 5, 2006 12:00 PM:
Shit! I know exactly why and if you�re reading this, you have some clue. Others should know, you have to know what happened and how things got so wrong so fast. They were right you know, human minds weren�t mean to do it.

I�m jumping ahead and I apologize. You�ll know who �they� are in good time. I really am a bad storyteller. I should�ve erased and started over instead of this explanation. Maybe I have already snapped and my story is a delusion. Unless you are one of �they,� or remember the events I�ll be telling you. Of course, the way some parts of the experiment worked, if I�m delusional, then I could be making you believe false things. �A disciplined mind, grounded in reality, and with a strong sense of morals.� It all went right to hell, didn�t it?

I promise I�ll explain all of that soon enough. Keep reading and you�ll know the truth. You have to know what happened. I�m a goddamned modern day Ishmael, or Coleridge�s Mariner. I suppose all I have left is my story and everything hinges on you hearing it, or reading it I suppose, and heeding my warnings. I guess there�s really only one warning: don�t fuck with reality. If you do, you�ll become me; a crazed man hunched over his computer in his apartment. Feel free to substitute �her� if you have to. By the way, my name�s Eric.
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