Under the weight of your wings
You are a god and whatever I want you to be
And I wonder if truly you are
Nearly as beautiful as I believe

-Anna Nalick

Another rumble shook the world. A cataclysm of noise and upheaval that tossed her from her perch and sent her reeling hundreds of feet. The �her� in question was a young woman named Erika. The chaos was not nearly as terrible as believed, for reasons to be discussed soon. The first was as mundane as the fact that she jumped.

Erika assessed her situation and checked herself for injuries. Bruises were too easy to look for being naked from head to toe. If there had been anything internal she doubted she�d feel any pain; the rush filled her as the comfort of booze or nicotine fills an addict. Perhaps she was an addict, but it was not for the �what� she was doing. More than likely it was the �who� involved that drove her to such stupid recklessness.

Matthew. Matthew was all that mean anything to her and she worshipped him. Not in the silly manner of puppy love felt by teens and many foolish girls in their early twenties like she was. At least, that�s not how she saw it. She knew it was a complete devotion more suited to the throngs packing the world�s cathedrals to revere a man attached to lumber. Nothing less could have driven her to the very precipice she stood upon days earlier and leapt from. Or the precipice she now faced and the finality of her decision. She was seconds away from ever going back, but there could be no turning back at that point. Not after what she�d been through and suffered to reach that moment. She was too busy climbing the blankets of a sleeping man.

He�d rolled over while snoring. Erika had few options but to leap from his stomach. She wanted to be with him forever, that�s why she�d done it, but not by being crushed under the sum weight of his slumbering form. Now she clung to a few inches of blanket hanging off the edge of the mattress.

A few days earlier, Erika had strolled into a strange shop. All that had been on her mind as she followed the sidewalk was finding a way for Matt to ask her out. Then she slammed into a customer stepping out of a doorway. Erika had been drawn to the strange store on a side street in Chinatown. There was where she found the droppers. A promise of fulfilling her heart and mind�s deepest desires lead to her parting with a measly five.

The instructions were simple. She simply swallowed a globule from the red dropper and waited two minutes. After six hours, she either took a droplet from the blue one, or else it all became permanent. The drop went in her mouth that night a few hours after her neighbor got home. Everything went dark and the world spun. She awoke soon after, naked and confused. It had taken her some time to realize her clothes, now magnified an improbable number of times covered her. Panic had been her first instinct until she realized that she could still have what she wanted. She�d always been nothing in his eyes and she had been made less than an inch high. All she wanted was to be with him always and enjoy every inch of his flesh. That was why she didn�t care that the blue container was on the table and well out of her reach forever. She needed to get next door and into his house before he woke up. Getting there at night could be problematic in her reduced state, but she was too committed to give turning back any real consideration.

Thankfully she was near her front door when she shrank and the door had enough of a crack in the bottom for her to easily squeeze under it. She prayed his doors would be as simple to get past. A giggle found its way out her throat, astonishingly the first sound she�s made since becoming tiny. Erika�s mind couldn�t get beyond wondering what her coworkers would think when she didn�t show up at the office the next day. Could any of them entertain the notion that was little more than an insect in their world, something they�d squish without a second thought? Could they guess that she was living her dream and was nestled up with her dream man�s titanic genitalia? That realization filled her with another rush of excitement. In high school, her friends loved discussing their boyfriends� attributes. Never before had she thought of facing a penis many times her size, or of balls that she couldn�t even wrap her arms around. A flush of excitement surged through her, with a simultaneous pang of revulsion. Any other guy would just be gross. If it was her man and her man alone, then words could never describe the glorious honor of such a privilege.

The stinging bite of nighttime air wrenched her from her erotic reverie. A task that had seemed arduous at worst became epic at best when she was forced to realize her scale. Her front step was a parking lot with monstrous potholes. A series of giggles cascaded from her lips and into the darkness, a m�lange of giddy joy and unfettered insanity. Erika surrendered herself to the moment and sprinted across the expanse of concrete. At the end she hurled herself into the void of the two-inch rise. Sharp wet slaps cracked across her naked flesh; reddening it in the seconds it took for her brain to register the impact. Blades of grass wider than her whole body, wet with the moisture of a sprinkler earlier in the evening, slowed her arc and finally stopped her outright. She shrugged off the pain and made a hurried scramble for his place.

The modest two-story affair drew little attention from most of the neighborhood. Only the occupant�s closest neighbor ever paid it any heed and she more than compensated for the gap left by everyone else�s joyous apathy. A surveyor�s mistake had led to the structure being built on the edge of the property boundary. Erika�s house had somehow fallen victim to the same error that wouldn�t be discovered until both homes were under construction, and then only by a few perplexed contractors who got around to speaking up. This flaw in the planned community had been done ten years before either of the individuals would occupy their respective dwellings, but Erika took it as a sign. The closeness of the homes meant that the occupants should be as close.

This proximity was her savior and blessing once she was miniscule. The voyage would have taken all night otherwise and the speck of a girl wouldn�t have made it to her destination. Twice she sought refuge below a dandelion to avoid the typical nocturnal critters that would find her appetizing in her current state. In the end, she found her safe haven in a mere hour.

Her dreams were realized in two simple steps. Firstly, his home had no front step, just a gradual incline to the threshold. Erika paused at that point to wonder why she�d never noticed such a detail before. The second moment of salvation came from a chip in his door, imperceptible to the rest of the human world. The damage provided her ample opportunity to enter his home. Her entrance shifted from a purposeful stride into a joyous skip as the miniature maiden reveled in what she considered secret knowledge. No one else in the entirety of the world knew of the passage she traversed, nor could they ever exploit it and that made her special.

His front hall was sprawled before her, a vast expanse that would have driven any other mind to endless depths of insanity. Erika laughed it all off, using the thousands of feet of floor space to practice cartwheels, summersaults, and back flips. On such leap landed her inside a neglected pair of sneakers. It wasn�t so much of a landing, though, as an awkward headfirst tumble after a painful back injury. Her jump led to her landing on the ankle of a low-cut New Balance. In an effort to extricate her prone form, and succumbing to gravity, she gracelessly plunked onto the insole. There she would have stayed until he put them on again and crushed her under a size eleven foot if not for a combination of determination and a little luck. One white lace barely hung inside the shoe, but it was enough that she could make a running leap to the aglet and haul herself to the tongue. It was there that she could catch her breath and deal with the pain that should have crippled her. Erika brushed it aside the same way she dealt with everything else that night; she laughed it off. Her giggles chased her anguish to the same dark recesses as the chain reaction of madness brought about by her quest.

When the distractions of pain had been dealt with, she took some time to indulge herself; an hour in fact. She slid her bare flesh across the coarse fibers of the crisscrossing laces. Stretching her arms as far as she could, she grasped the edge of a lace and slowly pulled herself forward, letting the material slide over her hardening nipples. Erika arched her back and ground her pelvis into the white fibers. The aglet of the other lace was next to her and she straddled it. The plastic nub was too large for penetration, so she was contented to use it to stimulate her already swollen labia and push against her clitoris. As much as she ached for the sexual release of the act, she craved his scents on her body all the more and that surface was covered in one such scent. It entrenched itself in her olfactory sense and was unyielding in its position. An electric tingle of a different kind than she�d given to herself ran its way down her spine as she dreamed of how she would drink in Matthew�s aroma once she reached his body. That thought alone snapped her out of her sexual reverie long enough to set her back on the path to his bedroom.

Everything else had been all too simple. Now the bed was proving to be her final challenge, a test of her devotion. A drop from his mattress would have been lethal. She pushed herself to drag her battered form back onto the bed. Awe strangled her and choked off her senses once she was finally able to properly gaze upon his slumbering form. He was there before her and she strolled over to him to feel as much of his body as she could before he awoke. The next night, she planned to explore further so he�d never know she was there. And when she�d seen every inch of his body, she would start over again. The only logical place to start would be inside of his boxer-briefs.

Matthew awoke from the best dream he�d ever had. It was weird, but enjoyable nonetheless. He was in his bed, but so was a tiny girl. He didn�t know she was there until she started playing with his member. He�d become very hard and it ended in him releasing himself all over her puny body and nearly drowning her in his semen. He�d whispered that they�d do it all over again the next night. Upon opening his eyes he became aware of his surroundings and realized he was as hard as the dream. He reached down to do something about it until he heard a voice being cleared. He laughed as he saw his girlfriend standing in his doorway with her eyebrow raised.

�Hiya, babe, you just get in?�

�Yeah,� she purred, sauntering over to the bed, swaying her hips seductively. �I let myself in about ten minutes ago. It looks like someone had a good night�s sleep.� She placed her palm against his erection and wiggled it slightly. �You need me to help you take care of that, or were you content with a solo act?�

�You could always join in and make it a duet.� He reached up to squeeze one of her large breasts. He called his girlfriend, but each saw the other as a convenient fuck toy.

She left his bedside to open the curtains and then rejoined him to slide down his boxer-briefs. �You think that creepy neighbor of yours will be watching today?� She danced her fingertips over his shaft. �What does what�s her name think of watching me do you?�

�Erika? Probably; she�s nuts about me. I don�t even know if she notices you, though.� He moaned as kissed the head of his penis. �We should invite her to join us.� He tugged down her skirt and panties simultaneously.

�Totally, she�d not bad looking. I�d even like to finger myself as I watch you fuck her. You should totally date her, she�s your type if just a bit obsessed with you.� She straddled his lap and guided his penis into her vagina.

�I was going to ask her out tomorrow. You�d better get your fill of me today. I�ll be busy getting some outta her for a while. She should be good for a lay or two.� He grasped her hips and ass to pull her towards him.

�Oh, you�re filling me quite nicely,� she gasped. She took a deep breath and took in more of him until his entire penis was in her and her moist lips touched his sack. She had a deeper vagina than most women, but this always pained her in an agonizing and also pleasurable way given his above average size. She stopped before they could get a good rhythm going.

�What is it?� he asked, more out of concern for his blue balls than her.

�I could have sworn as I took the rest of you that I heard a shriek, all tinny and close by.�

�Weird,� he muttered to himself. �Oh, damn, I must have hurt you, I see a drop of blood.�

She followed his gaze and wiped up the droplet from the base of his penis. She then pulled back and saw a thin smear. �I don�t think that�s me and it�s not you.�

�Freaky, some little bug was on me.�

�That�s totally gross,� she laughed. �But imagine what that bug saw in its last moments, my huge pussy about to swallow it up. That would be so damned cool. That must have been the sound, it was scared of great big me.�

�Eh, whatever, that�s just dumb. Some talking, screaming, bug,� he spat out. Matthew grabbed a tissue and wiped up the remains and discarded it.

�Totally pretend you�re banging Erika instead of me. Even call her name out and call me that in dirty talk.�

�That�s more what I want to hear. Let�s get back to it, it was just some stupid worthless little insect.� He grabbed her hips and forced his shaft into her. It was so awesome to bang her, even if he couldn�t remember her name.
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