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�We�ve got a new one on our radar screens, lady who goes by the handle Dominator.�

�Sounds like a real pussycat,� Kylee shot back.

�Try saber-toothed tiger and you�ll be on the right track. She just popped up in the Boston area. She�s been hard to track down.�

�Do we have a real name?�

�We wouldn�t be half as good as we claim if we couldn�t figure that out. Her name is Gayle, not nearly as exciting as her professional name. You can see her photo and all pertinent information.�

�Hit me with the data,� she purred as the dossier was slid to her.

�Does anyone even remember where you modified that phrase from anymore?� The groan was implied.

�You do and your agony makes it all worthwhile.� Nothing more needed to be said right away and she indicated it when the cover flipped open.

A single 5 x 6 stared up at her, captured through the efficiency of a zoom lens. The short but wavy golden locks were arranged to suggest modest means, a girl who couldn�t afford to keep herself looking as good as was possible. The face was nothing impressive, neither gorgeous nor unpleasant. The hair and face together, however, had probably doomed her to ridicule from peers from an early age forward. The lens was precise enough to catch the gentle swell of her D-cups and the faint impression of her nipples though the nylon of her lime top. Kylee would never know if Crazy Lady had rubbed off, or if it was something as simple as her Woman�s Intuition. Either way, the top suggested Gayle knew of no other way to attract a man and resorted to such callow stunts, a thought she immediately shared with her boss. It was not that she had never tried anything like that; she just enjoyed looking down her nose at others who did it.

�The Doc said the same thing. She thinks she draws in men for sex and shrinks women who insult her. We know she�s shrunk men as well, probably guys who aren�t blindly drawn in by her chest.�

�Sometimes you get a moth that avoids the flame.� The red flush across his face reminded Kylee of his own preferences in women. �Where do we do the pickup?�

�We�re still debating that. It�s a busy city, finding a place for a secluded spot can be tricky at times. We have found where she takes her targets, a place down near an Orange Line stop late at night. As part of the new procedure, I�ll call you with more details when you get in to your room at the Radisson.�

The balcony called to her and she gave in to the temptation. The city sprawled out beneath her and the Prudential Building loomed in the distance. She could easily make the entire city so much larger, yet it was unnecessary. Ironically, after enough rounds of shrinkage and the changes in perception, the world at normal size became dizzyingly huge. As quickly as those thoughts crept into her brain, she felt a desire to explore the hotel�s pool from a minnow�s viewpoint. Maybe just trying it in the bathtub would be fine for now.

She giggled and dove across the bed. By the time she landed, she was barely eight inches high and skidded onto a pillow. She sprawled herself out and then grew until her fingertips finally reached the edges. For an instant, she wondered about bringing in someone else to enjoy the experience. It took her as long to remember that there was no one to fill that role. Her fingers twitched to the size she felt and her body reflexively dwindled to match her perceived insignificance. Somewhere in the back of her brain a warning sounded, alerting her conscious mind that she was succumbing and her size gradually returned. In a moment of good timing, her boss called the second she regained her normal size.

The alarm of her watch startled her from her reverie. The platform was too quiet for her tastes, the kind of setting law enforcement personnel always warned women away from. The empty of the cavernous chamber was punctuated by the roars of passing trains. That detail unsettled her; too much noise meant she wouldn�t be able to hear Gayle�s approach. If her own shrinkage wasn�t timed right everything could go to hell quickly. If the Shannon mission had gone badly, Kylee hated to think of what could happen around speeding walls of metal.
The figure dropped onto the bench beside her and Kylee felt a few years slip away. The woman was close enough to the picture in the file, the location was right, and it was close enough to the correct time. If that wasn�t Gayle, Kylee would shrink herself and dive under the wheels of the Outbound.

�Hi, how are you doing?� the woman asked.

�Great. This is my first trip to Boston.�

�Do you need someone to help you see the city?� Gayle�s fingers brushed Kylee�s arm just enough to catch the fine hairs.

�Not really. If I was looking for someone, I could do a hell of a lot better than you. No offense or anything.�

�None taken, bitch.�

The incoming train could be heard as Gayle drew a shrink ray. It was one of the newest models and Kylee knew the reaction time of it was quick. She readied herself and focused on the target height of six inches. The ray struck her and she dwindled in time with the gun�s normal operation. Her clothes collapsed onto her and she did her best to play the frightened victim. With every performance, she got better at seeming astonished at shrinking technology. Her clothing went into the oversized purse she hadn�t noticed before and she followed, landing softly on her own blouse.

�Now you don�t get a say in the matter, cutie-buns. Right now, you�re probably thinking that I�m just what you�ve been looking for.� The purse zipped shut over her as the train pulled in and stopped.

Kylee bounced and flew across the purse as Gayle deliberately swung her bag with every step. Her footfalls carried her onto the T and into the path of someone, an event Gayle wasn�t prepared for given the late hour. Her balance was shot and that was all it took for this new woman to grab the handbag and run off, leaving an ersatz bag in its place. Her motions also pushed Gayle into the train as the doors were closing. By the time she could get to her feet and look out, the train was leaving and the stranger had vanished.

Kylee had felt the preceding, but there had been no noises to provide any clues as to what was happening. Gayle was merely being a little rougher in her treatment of her new acquisition. She had felt like she was traveling in the opposite direction, but the first jarring had really sent her sprawling, she most likely lost her bearings inside the bag and was now confused. She felt through the darkness and found a pin on her blouse. The hook was near the top of the blouse and the hook had been facing the direction of movement. She felt for it again, finding the hook facing away. She only knew one thing, she needed to get outside and assess the situation and to hell with Gayle if she didn�t like it. True there were other agents shadowing Gayle carefully, but the thought of not being able to retain even one aspect of control infuriated her.

The interior of her prison held numerous grips to someone viewing it from her perspective. The swaying of the bag hindered her work; yet, she pressed on to reach the top. A silent thanks escaped her lips at the sight of a gap in the zipper. Digging her fingers into the track, Kylee pressed on and worked across this miniature person�s jungle gym with her feet dangling above her garments. The opening in the zipper provided an ideal handhold and she hoisted her reduced head through the opening.

The blinding glare of an overhead streetlight assailed her vision and conjured imaginary shapes. Blinking away this intrusion, and receiving a reprieve by the luck of angles, Kylee could see what some part of her had already suspected. A straight mane of sienna now replaced the soft gold she had memorized. A younger face softened with a few more layers of adipose tissue and a larger bosom confirmed that she was not dealing with Gayle in a wig. Her body silently descended to its earlier perch on the blouse so the mind could reflect and prepare.

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