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Her eyes struggled to open minutes later and she squinted to ward off the glare from bathroom lighting. Lieutenant Gordon stood over the federal agent, her service revolver drawn. Her gaze was locked with her eyes, his intent clear. She didn�t need much to realize her hands and legs were bound and she was trussed up in the room�s bathtub. Her own sidearm was nowhere to be found; she�d obviously checked her carefully. Her bra sat differently on her and she understood how thorough Gordon had been in a short time.

�I want to know what the government�s interest in this is,� she demanded. �Why are you looking into shrinking so intently? I find that suspicious and that bothers me.�

�I�m working to find a cure,� she sighed.

The Amazonian laughed. �Bullshit. You�re here to hide your peoples� mistakes. You screwed up shrinking people and are trying to make it look like you�re helping. What�s the stuff you made, a better way of reducing people?�

�No, it�s an antidote, just like I told you. God you're stupid.�

�And I told you pretty clearly that I don�t believe you.� The gun was aimed at her heart and the trigger moved a perceptible amount. Then the gun dropped. �I�ve got a better plan for dealing with you so you�ll be more likely to talk.�

She reached past her and turned the knobs for the tub. The water rushed into the porcelain, roaring around her. Kylee knew trying to maintain her size would only agitate the officer so she allowed the shrinking to take its course. Her body dwindled away under the complex chemical reactions taking place. She shut it off and pulled the dripping body from the tub with gloved hands. Her smile broadened as the agent finished shrinking and stopped at eight inches.

�Now, you either talk, or I put you back in there and melt more of you away. Or I could grind you under my shoe slowly.�

�You�re retarded,� she squeaked. Her legs kicked out purposefully and threw a few drops on her assailant�s face, not enough to affect her.

She winced and threw her into the sink. �If I turn the faucet on now, you�ll be sucked down the drain. Now, are you ever going to do that again?�

She nodded no and emphasized it vocally with profanity. �You can interrogate me all you want, but I keep telling you the truth. Now let me help people, or I�ll make sure you spend the rest of your life in a prison you�re
really not going to like.�

�I�ll be right back to deal with you.� She stepped out and went into the main part of the room.

Kylee could hear her on the phone. She was no doubt calling in some trusted friends to assist her. Probably perverts who would get off on what still amounted to rape. She would have to teach her how professional women should treat each other, even if one of them was under a foot tall. She grew enough to climb out of the sink and then grew until she was the height of the bathroom sink. She leapt to the floor and heard some cursing at the sound. Kylee dashed behind the door and finished the restoration. Gordon stepped in and met the door.

Kylee threw her across the room and chased after her. She wouldn�t get the chance to recover from the first blow. She drove each fist into her face in turn and followed them up with both elbows. She was reeling and Kylee tossed her into the tub. She thrashed around and slowly disappeared before her eyes. Mercy took over her actions and she fished the cop out of the deadly brew. She stood little more than six inches, or dangled from her fingers at that size really. She was swearing and swinging her fists. Kylee let her rant and then gave the tiny officer a few seconds up her crotch to remind Lieutenant Gordon who was in charge.

Kylee switched on the set and watched the news report. All the shrinking victims were now fully restored and showed no susceptibility to the water. Everyone else around Virginia Beach had equally positive results. She had no doubts in her ability to produce an antidote, especially when it was confirmed by the best biochemists in the nation. Some other odd reports were flooding in about the mangled corpses that were turning up on beaches and backyards. Her superiors told her to expect that for at least a week. The girl with the traces of honey on her had been a strange one, though. It would impossible to prosecute people for their crimes against any dead tiny people. Proving they were intentionally stepped on or whatever when no one knows how small they had shrunken to couldn�t be done. Besides, it wasn�t her job to sort those matters out. Kylee stretched out, letting her muscles work themselves and turned off the TV. She had work the next day, screw vacation.

She switched off her set and permitted herself a faint chuckle. Some was at the ineptness of those she�d trusted, some was out of raving lunacy. They�d been good and stopped this one, just like the others. She would have to try harder next time. At least another person had delivered some good results. If she could do that again� one could hope. The charts were strewn in front of her in a mad array only she understood. Her answers were in them and all the notes, she was sure of it. It was only a matter of time.

Keep Going To Mission 6>>>
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