Page 9
The crowd became a frantic and angry mob, stampeding like the bulls of Pamplona in their frenzy of self preservation. The cheerleaders tried hugging together and running at the same time to dodge so many careless feet. They saw the splattered remains of the purple haired girl and were in peril of running blindly into a squishing. Despite their popularity, few made any efforts to save them and some went so far as to try stepping on them. Lindsey made a dash to scoop them up, but had to protect herself as more guests got downsized. The popular girls were instead grabbed by Heather, an unpopular girl who had suffered greatly at their hands.

"Payback time, bitches," she called out as she tore off upstairs with them.

One extremely inebriated guy came up behind Julie. He meant to grab her and have his way with her. However, leaning over worked against him and a stream of vomit was a deluge to a shrunken woman. Julie shrieked as her gun sparked from its contact with a mostly liquid substance. The fear of a glitch sending her back to the subatomic world made her throw it away. Instead, the device grew back to its original size and Lindsey wisely and hastily retrieved it.

She waited for the puny girl to wade free from the lake of puke and she motioned the guy to leave. "Bye, bye, Julie." Her shoe crashed down on the wicked one and ground her into mush.

Rounding up and restoring the unsquished of the tiny partiers proved a Herculean task. Normal sized guys wanted their puny girlfriends to finish up first and they had been slow to disagree in the face of pensises bigger than their whole bodies. Others had been taken against their will and were being put through experiences too horrendous for Lindsey to contemplate. The worst was a popular girl being tormented by others in her cliqu�. They were defacating on her despite the fact that she had been their 'leader.' The others got to spend some time seeing the world from her new perspective before they were restored en masse. Heather had been reluctant, but Lindsey aided her in reparations against the cheerleaders for she had once been their victim as well. One had been flushed accidentally before Lindsey got there, the victim of a swirlie attempt on someone so small. The other girls learned fast during theirs and the other punishments doled out; giant sized versions of the terrors they had committed. Their greatest education came either from licking dirt off of giant soles, or being used as bra padding. Luckily, the death toll was contained to ten: the stomped goth, the flushed cheerleader, six girls stepped on under suspicious circumstances - but without solid proof of intent - one accidentally swallowed while hiding inisde a beer, and one guy who learned that receiving oral sex while so tiny can come with difficulties. That Monday, Lindsey had been on the verge of destroying the gun when Amanda brought her the well hidden Franciney who grudgingly allowed them to restore her. Lindsey knew to take her time with Amanda's mother and called in the same people who had helped her.

Kylee finally got her eyes open and could see. The first image was a Coke can stretching into the sky. With no thought and all reflex, she tried to grow back unsuccessfully. She made a few attempts to move, but her body was held in place by thread. Her hope was renewed at the sight of Alicia, the same size she was, walking closer.

"Welcome to your new home, bitch." Her fist went back and then connected with Kylee's face, sending her back to the darkness.
Mission 8 >>>>
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