Letter 59 -- Great Teachers

Palm Sunday–April 8, 1979, 9:00 p.m.

Our Dear Ones,

Oh what a special week this is for you, followers of Christianity. Oh what a special week it is for you who are not Christians, and what a gloriously special week it is for the world and the universe. You see-the Master Jesus is at this moment pouring forth His love and energies upon all of humanity. Those who believe in Him will realize and experience an expansion of mind and of heart–consciously. Those who are not His believers will experience it but unconsciously; for you see, all benefit–even those who have never heard His Name. One may think that birthdays and anniversaries of events in the Great One’s life have little or no meaning; just a celebration in name only. Not so, for the turning of the consciousness of humanity to His life draws His living attention and energies to mankind. He bows to those who for two thousand years have followed, believed, and lived according to His Word, even though not always as He meant and intended. Nevertheless the motivation of their minds and hearts are what He sees and He loves; and He has not expected perfection always in the interpretation of His Word. For He is well aware of human error. Has He not gone the same route and path as all of earth’s children? His understanding is divine and His forgiveness and mercy shall withstand the tests of eternity. Remember the Masters so gently say, “try”. See His Heart opened as depicted in many paintings, and know that the earth, the universe is flooded with the Greatest Blessing. Turn to it, open your heart and receive.

Let us explain what we mean when we say the universe is blessed this Easter. Every planet in our system has received its great Teachers from the goodness of Our God’s Heart. He sends each planet what it calls forth in the cry for understanding, teaching and yes, redemption. He knows all and has mercy upon all. His love, mercy and justice are the heartbeat of our system–yours and mine. Now, being that we are aware of each other and of you, we are aware of your Teachers of Wisdom that have been sent to you through all ages. And the entire solar system rejoices every time you celebrate an event that marks an advancement in your evolution, such as the births and deaths of your Teachers.

We send you a special greeting at this time and wish you all many Blessings as we work with Him in dispensing the Will of the Lord on us all–Our Heavenly King. This is, as you would say, a galactic telegram of good greetings.

Oh yes, many will say: “But the birth and death of Jesus and all the Great Ones are not truly known and we celebrate those events at surely the wrong time of the year. It matters not–what is the only important fact is when the mind and heart of man decide to turn to the commemoration of these occurrences. For you see it is then that the believers are open to the exchange of energies that take place between them and the One honored. For He receives from them as well as they receive from Him. That which goes into His great mind is the awareness of all who have worked diligently in the past year and are willing and ready for further work. For at this period of time the followers are open for His guidance as to how they may be more in His service in shedding His light upon humanity. He, the Lord Jesus is in understanding of the talents and abilities of everyone of His followers. And during special times such as Easter, there is an exchange–as the disciple sends forth love and devotion, the Master returns it with love, encouragement and further guidance. This of course happens rarely in full consciousness for the disciple, but nevertheless the exchange of energy does occur. The week of Easter is of special importance for it deals more with the determination of will that the follower, aspirant, disciple and initiate has put forth into the purification of his or her life…in other words the times during the year that there has been a crucifixion of self in the name of the will to good. It is a time for each to ponder on those times and connect them with the energy of His crucifixion, for then–and this is important–He sends forth to those His love, appreciation and the guidance to further such steps of purification in the coming year. All is growth, our friends, all is moving onwards.

The celebration of His birth at Christmas is one of mainly opening the Heart (your manger) so that the Christ principle may be born within you. And hopefully each year at that time finds that principle of love and brotherhood in greater expansion than it was the previous year.

As Jesus’ purpose upon your planet was to lift all of mankind–so too at each commemoration of Him, the earth is bathed in His Blessings. To the extent that you move into it, will be the extent of the benefit you will receive, but all are blessed–never doubt. Therefore wise is the person who is purposely aware of the celebrations of all of the Great Ones, so that he may turn in reverence to the message brought by that Heart and Mind and become one with it, and see and ponder upon what special wisdom and guidance it holds for him.

Oh gone, gone are the days our earth friends when you acknowledge only one Leader; it is the narrow mind and starved heart that does so. For there is so much to be given to the one who knows no boundaries of learning and trusts his powers of discrimination and intuition. Open, open–there is much all around you, do practice the Art of Listening more and you will see and feel what we mean.

Know that we too have had our Teachers and these Teachers are revered and known by each planet in the solar system. And when their lives are celebrated on one planet, the entire system sings in glorious harmony–for the Words of a Wise One are heard anew and each ear hears with expanded awareness as his learning has brought him a step closer to the full comprehension of the Divine Message.

So we here rejoice with you people of the earth this Easter as the meaning of His life is resurrected once more in your hearts. Be well and joyous of heart that you now approach another year of gaining further entry into His Kingdom. And know that someday you will be taught of our Great Ones and their teachings and in that time you will join with us in our hour of jubilation.

–Take Our Hands–



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