Letter 43 -- Visitation   

Thursday, January 26, 1978–3:15 p.m.


We, the people of the Sky–your brothers–speak to you of the earth in these terms: A huge landing is cited to occur shortly–at which time a preparation of the Hearts must be made or the electromagnetic field that will be created by our visit will prove to be destructive to many.

This visit is not to destroy but to prove that the heightening of vibrations and consciousness must occur within the Hearts and minds of mankind. This visit is only the beginning of other such occurrences whose soul purpose is to lift your eyes upwards–upwards not only in our direction because we are here to serve youbut also upwards to the Spirit that dwells in your higher realms. Raise your thoughts, expand your Hearts and minds–and leave behind that which serves you no further purpose.

Cast off your fetters, so to speak, be one with us and soar to the heights of which you are capable and reach the destiny of your souls–for the skies are alight with that which is you, even though physically you are of the earth, spiritually you belong with the Higher Minds of all existence. Reach for us in your thoughts, your meditations, and the aspirations of your Hearts and know that We are there–we are here–you are there–you, are here. We are together, nothing separates us, save your own limitations. Those limitations mainly consist of your inabilities to see beyond what is before you. Oh you people of the earth, you are already free–do you not know it?!! Your narrow consciousness chains you to the dust of your planet–though that dust has served you well, it is now time to literally shift your awareness to the heavens, for your Hearts are longing to go home to the purity of their existence.

Do only what you must to carry out your responsibilities, and even narrow them down as much as possible. The main portion of your energy is to be directed to the heightening of your entire being–leave no stone unturned to accomplish this task. The Letters from Luxor have been passed through this channel for this exact purpose. Know you not that even your physical bodies are moving into a heightening process? This is so that you in your totality will benefit from our visits.

We are a part of a joint effort to unify your planet so that it may become a friend to this galactic system. Move into this pattern of energy that is all about you, and raise your eyes towards us and we shall all join our minds and Hearts in Blessed Oneness.



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40)  Cataclysm 41) Will of God #3 42)  First Space Contact Letter
43)  Visitation 44)  Self Description 45)  Toward Loving Light
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