Letter 47 -- Telepathy, Attunement

Sunday, March 12, 1978–9:04 p.m.

Our dear Brothers of the Earth,

We shall speak now–more of us and more of telepathic communication. We are one pointed beings as we move through our lives–learning and growing much in the same way you do. However there is one basic difference. Our mistakes are never made due to the hurting of others–this quality has no meaning for us. Our mistakes are made because of the miscalculating of certain procedures that are involved in tasks that we undertake. There is no punishment or retribution for such a mistake–only that we must begin again and correct our error. No one amongst us ever suggests or suspects our motives for our mistakes to be of an ill nature. Yes, there are those of us who learn more slowly than others, and therefore more patience is required on his part as he attends his task with precision and detail. Each ‘job’ that we begin is always preceded by what you people term meditation. We would not think of starting anything otherwise; for if we are to do our best so that our finished product is such that its essence is with us forevermore, we must not treat it lightly. Hence, we call forth our own essence to meet the destined task with all of the wisdom and knowledge that it can offer as we commence our duty.

There is no small task for us; therefore we always meditate for a few moments in all that we do. This again, mysterious as it may seem to you, opens the avenue to telepathic communication. You see, before you can successfully communicate with other beings, human and otherwise, you must learn to communicate with everything you touch and everything you do. For all things have a system and you may ‘sense’ that system–and know it enough so as to work with it perfectly. No, you will not be able to understand it or intellectually describe its inner workings. However your essence understands it and will guide you to the most proper and effortless way of working with what is before you. Do you think we are talking of working only with machines? We speak of work and tasks in all manners, from your small daily chores to the settling of governmental affairs between nations. Trust yourself to that within as its understanding and wisdom directs you in all that you do. Whenever you are about to begin a duty, whatever it may be–sit or stand before it–close your eyes–with its image in your mind and raise your vibrations as its image becomes firmly implanted–and merge with it–become one with it and ask that what you are about to do will be done with the very best that you are. Now begin…

–Take Our Hands–



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