Letter 26 -- Karma       

Saturday, February 5th, 1977 –8:35 p.m.

To Our Dear Blessing Spirits,

Let Us move on with the discussion of karma. When We speak of karma We are speaking of a process that is twofold. Remember this:  that as one examines what comes his way, works diligently with his responses, and conquers them with the help of his Master, his dharma, for the next phase in his life-has approached him and now commands his full attention.

So many of you wonder “Why aren’t I further along the Path” or “I try so hard to do what is right, I sometimes feel abandoned by the Master.” There is not one amongst you that is free of all negative karmic responses. And he who thinks otherwise is foolish, indeed! For he who moves still further along the Path is ever more keenly aware of the failings and shortcomings that pursue him.

“Look again Our children into thine own heart-more deeply than before. And see what lies in that hidden corner of darkness. Shed the Light of will upon thy forgotten child as it huddles and shrinks from the eyes of consciousness. Bring it forth into Light and discover that that which has separated the two of you is only fear itself–one of the other.”

Ah, what courage this shall require of the disciple of today as he moves more quickly on in evolution. Do not question that to those of you who feel you have done your best and wonder why you find yourself in a state of spiritual stagnation, there is a block or hindrance, so to speak, that stands within your being presenting itself as a locked door through which you must now pass.

At this moment sit quietly in a meditative state. Still your mind as you individually best know how and ask, “O Lord, what is it that stands at my door now asking for recognition? Give me your Light so that I may see it more clearly, and may your strength illumine my way unto the understanding and acceptance of it”. Pay heed to that which appears first in your mind as it is our stimulation that has given it courage to be seen. And know that We will be with you in this moment if you are sincere in your search. We have spoken of before and do not need to elaborate here the importance of attitude, for it is the attitude of a loving Heart that will indeed find the key to his or her own locked door. For through that door and waiting on the other side is the dharma of this Age awaiting each disciple and shall be interpreted by him and his Teacher as they work together in constant communion on the task at hand.

Some of the doors through which you pass will be tightly shut while others open with just a touch. For do you know that many of you are clutching to your bosom karmic responses that have been completed for many years? But you simply don’t know of any other way to act. Be wary of the habits of actions, Our loved ones, for they keep you on the treadmills that lead you nowhere. Pride rears its head and keeps you on your cycle as it tells you of the justification of your response. Waste no time in returning it to its proper place in your life. We need you, dear ones, to help Us for We are using Our energy at such a rate that it commands of Us the very best that We are as the preparation of the Coming One heightens. Be willing.


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25)  Karma 26)  Karma #2 27)  Grace
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