Letter 19 -- Courage                           

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 1976–12:40 p.m.

To Our Dear Blessing Spirits:

Courage once more comes to our minds. We have spoken of courage before but let Us now move more deeply into its meaning.

When one has the courage to forsake all that one has to serve others then We are seeing the courage and strength of a higher being. This person begins to have the ability to move about in the higher places and learn more of the Wisdom because he or she now has the ears to hear and the eyes to see.

Let Us explain:  It is the things of the earth that tie one to elementary school and its teachings. Not that certainly you have to take care of your daily needs and that of your loved ones–but hear Us O Brothers. and Sisters–the lure of the material grows stronger as one moves more closely into its clutches. For the astral body feeds on that which is allurement and it will continue to do so as long as you allow it.

Be wary of the glamour and sparkle of those things that doth rust and fly away with the wind, as even after they are gone there is more to take their place and are surely available for the seeker.

Be a seeker after Wisdom and She will unfold treasures before your eyes and no jewel on earth will even match Her dazzling beauty. Take Her unto yourself and give your divine consent to Her marriage with the Spirit in you. When this is done you will never be tempted to look back. Did you know that looking back requires more energy than looking forward? Because it is the events of the past that hold too much emotion for you whereas when you look forward to Wisdom–you lift your eyes and look forward to God. And when the sights are set on Him the dreadful pain of looking back becomes intolerable. So as it should be for the disciple.

Our Dear Ones–have the courage to look forward–as it is the future that holds all things dear to your Hearts because He is there. He is not of the past–He is always of the now and the tomorrow. Many say:  “Live for today for it is all that we have”–Nonsense. You have the future and the many tomorrows of Joys and Blessings to touch your Hearts—so that you too may fly on the wings of the angels as they soar you to the Heavens. Live today–but live tomorrow also for she holds the promise of the One Sent in all His Glory, if you have allowed His Sister Wisdom to fill every wit of your being.

If you have learned the art of Listening as We have described, you will know that She precedes His coming as surely as the dawn precedes the coming day. For then He will not be a stranger to you for He has found a dwelling place in your Heart

Have courage–to not look back to the sorrows and woes of yesterday as they hold nothing for you but pain and emptiness. Reach out for the stars as you seek new growth and new life and an ever expanding Heart for service to humanity. There is nothing that cannot be yours–all the joys, happinesses, and blessings will be bestowed if your vision is clear and set on Him.

This is Truth. 


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