Letter 56 -- Faith

Saturday, January 6, 1979–11:22 p.m.

This Letter came while I was visiting Paula and Tom Cartwright in Hallandale, Florida.

Our Dear Friends,

To continue we wish to say that this series on faith is not to be read over lightly, but examined closely as the story it tells–past, present and future will explain a great deal as to why most of humanity is in the danger it is. For you see most of the people on your planet have not risen above the primitive man in faith. Isn’t it sad to think they’ve come no farther than that in regards to this virtue? As we said earlier, man has done very well in some areas, but the one that will move him the most rapidly in his growth is the most neglected. Why is this? You are the creators of your own destiny and in that way you are ‘Gods’ creating your worlds, but that power and ability is God-given as you are created in His Image. However this God-given ability flows from Him to you to use for good and right purpose. And if, with your free will you chose to employ it to selfish ends, lifetime after hundreds of lifetimes, death of the soul will result and that spark may have to begin again the long arduous trek of discovering itself. Have you not realized that your destiny through all aeons of time has been to discover yourselves?

0, stop our dear brothers and look inside
at the candle that burns within
Look at it long and hard and know
That it is all you ever need see–For if you gaze upon it long enough,
You will also view it in your neighbors’
Heart~thus is the secret of Life.


That Center is often spoken of as a flame because it is the warmth of a nurturing God. However, it is also the fire of purification burning away all that hinders man from his destiny; this also is from God. And it is this very point, the faith in that Divine spark, that most of humanity refuses to accept. Every great Teacher has brought this Message to the earth, it can barely be said in another and different way. Yet time and time again man turns his face aside and walks away. For true faith to begin in the heart of a human soul, the belief that he has a Divine nature must be the primary step.

Yes, there can be glimmerings of faith in the life that are to be seen in several ways:  such as a mother having faith that when her son goes to war, he will return home unharmed. This is a beautiful sign of devotion and is to be admired, but our friends there is a higher state of faith that is required of today’s disciple. This will take a moment to develop, for we will return to the above example to prove our point.


If man slowly begins to believe that he has a Divine nature, and desires to discover all that this means to him, it will surely lead him to the awareness that others must also have this nature within them. It is at this point that his evolution moves quickly ahead, and a new world is opened to him. (1) Step ONE has taken place; he has discovered the God-flame in its warmth and nurturing aspect.

However, as always with new awareness and expansion of consciousness, the dangers loom. For with this comes new RESPONSIBILITIES. Laziness, lethargy and fear set in, for this new man has to CHANGE; old things beg to be released while the new pushes in and he becomes stymied. He didn’t dream it would be like this–“Why can it not be all beautiful now that I’ve discovered my Father dwells within me and all my brothers and sisters”, he cries. (2) Step TWO has taken place:  he has discovered the purification aspect of that flame, and in his pain he wants to give up. He desires to lie down when his journey has truly just begun. But it is not that easy, for he cannot forget what he knows, he cannot turn his back on his new world as easily as he would like. And his dilemma begins.

The entire Universe is his aid, all the graces from the Heavenly Throne are his, the guidance and inspiration of the writings of all Great Beings are his to ponder upon, the world of spiritual strength awaits him with open arms. And yet, all of this cannot reach him if he does not have faith. Faith precedes realization:  he must move forward into the darkness before he learns the darkness is his friend. And when this discovery is implanted deeply in his soul, he will never turn back. His faith becomes as a growing mountain–first a mound–then a hill, and as he reaches the final step of his path, his faith is as a mountain, sturdy and strong and unwavering.

His awareness of oneness with all creation becomes a joy unto itself as all things are made anew in his life. He knows no separateness as he experiences the love of God flowing in and through his being to the world. His life is still fraught with pain and suffering, but they have no hold for him as he realizes they are there to serve the purpose of purification. His life is not an easy one, but is rewarded with the continuing awareness that all life is ONE and has its roots in God. And with this comes joy in the very fullest of its meaning.

Many of you who read these Letters are at some point of the above evolved state; however, there are some who–in truth–think they are and are not.

With even a portion of the faith as spoken above, the mother’s faith would not be that her son would return alive, but that whatever happened, it was part of his own creation and destiny in this lifetime. And her faith would also be that death was not an end, if it were the plan of his soul that he should meet it.

We have been building this material to lay the foundation for the meaning of faith in the New Age which will be expanded upon in the next Letter.


–Take Our Hands–



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37)  Intuition #2 38)  Will of God 39)  Will of God #2
40)  Cataclysm 41) Will of God #3 42)  First Space Contact Letter
43)  Visitation 44)  Self Description 45)  Toward Loving Light
46)  Telepathy 47)  Telepathy, Attunement 48)  Night Teachings
49)  Night Teachings #2 50)  New Age 51)  New Age #2
52)  Oneness 53)  Listening, Attunement 54)  Difficult Times
55)  Faith 56)  Faith #2 57)  Faith in the New Age
58)  Trust 59)  Great Teachers 60)  Last Letter


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