Letter 28 -- Grace      

3:30 p.m. Sunday, March 7th, 1977

To Our Dear Blessing Spirits,

Much can be written regarding grace as it is a subject that is viewed so differently across the world. The Hindus will have trouble with the conception of grace that We have given and yet–it is true. For you see it is the closed intellect that will not allow even the meaning of grace to work in the Heart. Those of oriental thought view religion and the spiritual path as a discipline of the mind, and when it is well disciplined it also controls the body. This is honorable indeed as it serves a great purpose in the beginning stages of the Path.

However one must advance beyond that and listen to the call of the Self as it knows best what is correctly needed for the further advancement of the disciple. If his eyes are kept on the rules and regulations of his particular faith, then his Heart is closed to that which is truly his towards the furtherance of his liberation. His eyes are tightly shut to the Wisdom of the Lord as it moves about him seeking entrance within his soul.

If one does not believe in the mercy of God then one cannot believe in grace. For grace is the love and mercy of God that is truly able to lift some future karma if the disciple is deemed worthy by his reaction to a present karma. This was explained in the last Letter hence no need to reiterate here.

The Christian world also carries a great fault within its bosom regarding grace. For many of this faith believe that all are saved by the death of the Savior as He has redeemed them. Little do they know that the grace that descended upon and flooded the earth at His Crucifixion was only healing insofar as the people began to change their pattern of living by loving and serving others. Then and only then did He have true meaning in their lives. And this continues to be true for the occult understanding of the death of the Son of Man upon the cross is beyond the full comprehension of the modern mind.

The Eastern disciple has also a task of understanding to accomplish. He believes that little or nothing can alter his state of affairs or what the future has to offer. His karma is his karma and so be it in his mind, and sad to say this is how he views his brother’s plight. Little does he know that the opening of his Heart chakra is his saving grace and the sooner he surrenders to what that center can do for him and his country the better will be the world. For such a vast spiritual treasure exists in his land waiting to be explored and utilized by the hearts and minds of men throughout. But if he continues on his path with a Heart that sees and hears not the pain of his brother, that door in truth remains shut.

The Heart knows no rigid rules Our friends, it moves this way and that directing the disciple in accordance with the Voice of the Spirit. Learn to trust and yes–to be daring as true growth only occurs in the aspirant who is willing to risk all by meeting the challenge of what Life may ask of him in the Name of the Brotherhood.


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