Letter 4 -- Seek Your Specialness

July 31, 1976  11:15 p.m.

Be it known to all men that whatsoever comes from Us is to be reached by all.

Just as We said earlier that the body must not be denied–any aspect of it–as a carrier of Our Love and message, there must be no one who will be denied of our Love Letters. For all are as important as the One and He wishes that all be used as carriers of His Divine Love. Let Us explain this more clearly. Every single person has a uniqueness all his own and a uniqueness that We can use for His service. As mentioned: the hands are not more important than the feet, and so be it that no one's talents or abilities are more important than another’s. For as a baby’s senses and abilities are developed as he reaches for a toy, understand that more than one portion of him is in use or being developed at that time. And later as he grows he’ll use his legs to fetch the toy. So too it is with Us as we work with all of you–you are as babes in learning what We wish to teach. Some of you may be His hands and We will help you learn to be His hands; others may be His eyes; others His Voice; and others His Ears–(being His Ears and knowing what that means takes study). All of these things We will teach you, but know that none of you are more important than the others in His service. Let Us not hear one of you say, “Oh this person is more holy than I. I have too many faults. I have no talents or spiritual abilities;” or “Let us follow this person–he or she knows all.” No, Our message is–don't you understand–for each of you to turn inward and seek your own specialness and dearness; and follow that; and seek how to develop it until its Light shines. How is this done? Several ways:

First, through serious meditation. We say serious because too many people only half-meditate. They think they are serious but We see they are not and their light is dimmed. The body is so important and so many think it is not. But most important is attitude–and belief that meditation leads one to fulfillment and an ever-increasing awareness of rightness of life and how to live it in His service. How is it with attitude? Know that attitude is at the center of all thought. How you think or feel about something will color and shade the conclusions you reach and also how you go about it. The attitude cannot be changed unless one desires it to happen and thus the Heart is on its way to being cleared. Desire to meditate; invite Us into your Hearts and see Us there, feel Us there, think Us there. Want meditation to happen for you. Don’t you ever wonder why some people feel so good about their meditations and others don’t? It is because they believe in those minutes or hours that they spent being still and listening to Him with every fiber of their being.

The time has come not to do things by rote anymore, but to believe in what you do and use your entire being in following it through. Whether in your prayers, your meditations, your attendance at worship, your involvements in your meetings, be there wholeheartedly. Don't you understand that if you attend to your life of the Spirit halfheartedly then that is the extent to which We will work with you? Times are changing quickly. Be with Us in your entirety. Have understanding now as to the importance of attitude. Before attending to any of your spiritual duties ask yourself, “What is my attitude concerning what I'm about to do?” Don't take the question lightly. Sit down and think about it–feel it–and if your attitude doesn't seem right, ask yourself why and then proceed to discover with your intuition what is to be done about it. And keep in mind, that attitude will be involved in that process also.

It is important that We now explain that these letters are given so as to stimulate you to deep thought, prayer, meditation, and study–alone and in groups. Much We leave unsaid because it is for you to discover with your intuition what it all means to each of you as individuals and as a group. Don't worry if your Hearts are clear and your attitude is pure (or in the process of becoming so). We are with you, for why would We impress these letters except that We love you and will help you expand them further for the good of all humanity. In other words, the writing of these letters is only the first small step regarding their ultimate purpose. And it is also important to know the reason why We don't describe in detail some of the main points. You have a duty (if you are so motivated) to gather with others and find within yourselves and each other the meaning of the messages. For in every individual life each point will mean something special to that person and you are to share this with one another in group meetings. Listen and be open to what others are sharing about all aspects of the letters, such as the opening of their Hearts; how their attitudes affect their lives, their meditations, and so on. And be open also to what they intuit and what they say regarding your sharing time with them; for often holy minded people have wise insight into what you are saying from the depths of your Heart. Hear them and then later go into your inner Self–meet Us there–and together We will help, encourage and caringly nurture your soul as you make some important decisions about your life. For doing what We ask requires courage that calls for bravery. For old ways will go. But have Heart–the joy that pours into your being well outweighs the pain that We ask of you. Be tender with yourselves for just as a good father and mother do not punish their children for honest mistakes, but take them by the hand and love them through life as they grow, so do We expect no more from you than you are capable of at any given moment, in moving towards wholeness through growth. If you begin to push yourself too hard, know without a doubt that spiritual pride is standing in your way. For then your wish to grow is for others to see, and your sight of Us is lost in the process. Again attitude is so important. Spiritual development is most profound and everlasting when it is done slowly and with much inner love for your being. We are aware that Our message is one of urgency, and it is. But not to the extent that maybe some of you are thinking–and certainly not to the extent where your thrust is in areas where you are not yet ready to be. The understanding of this last sentence is for each of you alone. By urgency, we simply mean this: Turn your heads, your hearts, in Our direction and the world of love and wisdom will unfold before your eyes and the inner recesses of your Hearts. One way to begin to do this leads Us to the second point we wish to make as we began several paragraphs back to tell you how to develop your own inner uniqueness and dearness, thus being able to serve more efficiently and lovingly. And that is to stand each day in the sunlight and allow Us to Bless through you the North, East, South, and West of the world, turning in each direction as you do so. You will begin to be aware of Us working through you. This is an awareness that those of you who are honest and sincere will desire to foster. Secondly by blessing everyone you see, whether mentally or verbally; for your blessing carries Our love, and opens the channel for the Divine Purpose to be carried out. Visualize this, if you will, with your inner eye: hundreds, possibly thousands of people blessing one another each day. See the Light pass through one another and then you will perceive this vast force of United Light that We spoke of earlier. These Blessings will do more to further His coming than you could ever imagine. Again there will be times when a mental blessing will be more appropriate than an actual blessing greeting,” but you will know which is better. Who is worthy of the Blessing: Everyone. All are children of the same Light; all are on their path towards home; all are homesick. Do not allow hesitation to enter your Hearts while the Light passes from you to another, for this is a blockage that blocks Us from humanity.



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To: About the Letters


1)  Proclamation Letter 2)  Opening the Heart 3)  Blessings
4)  Seek Your Specialness 5)  Blessings 6)  Group Work
7)  Meetings & Ceremony 8)  Blessings & Opening the Heart 9)  Vulnerability
10)  Joy 11)  Regarding the First Ten Letters 12)  Service
13)  Service #2 14)  Service #3 15)  Service #4
16)  Group Service 17)  Wisdom 18)  Art of Listening
19)  Courage 20)  Discipleship 21)  Discipleship #2
22)  Holiness 23)  Saintliness 24)  Perfection
25)  Karma 26)  Karma #2 27)  Grace
28)  Grace #2 29)  True Happiness 30)  Children
31)  Children #2 32)  Children of the New Age 33)  Understanding
34)  Understanding #2 35)  Understanding #3 36)  Intuition
37)  Intuition #2 38)  Will of God 39)  Will of God #2
40)  Cataclysm 41) Will of God #3 42)  First Space Contact Letter
43)  Visitation 44)  Self Description 45)  Toward Loving Light
46)  Telepathy 47)  Telepathy, Attunement 48)  Night Teachings
49)  Night Teachings #2 50)  New Age 51)  New Age #2
52)  Oneness 53)  Listening, Attunement 54)  Difficult Times
55)  Faith 56)  Faith #2 57)  Faith in the New Age
58)  Trust 59)  Great Teachers 60)  Last Letter


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