Letter 54 -- Difficult Times


 Dear Friends,

 We just returned from the summer school and convention held at Lake Geneva and at Olcott. We truly had a delightful time renewing old friendships and making new ones; it was a special time for us as we discovered that so many of the members, Lodges, etc. have given root to the Letters. Therefore we thank all of you for passing the Letters on, making copies and distributing them to those whom you think would be interested. Also there are many people outside of the society who are finding the material meaningful, and this is as it should be for the message has been “this material is not secret–it is for ALL.”

Following is a message that came through during the week we spent at Lake Geneva. This occurred during a group at 12:15 a.m.–late at night–Wednesday July 12 or shall I say the morning of Thurs. July 13. Because this message came through me verbally it was not taken down as a Letter–therefore after it was received, we grouped together and tried to pull together the main points. Hence the wording and flow will be somewhat crude and of course missing the natural flow of the other messages. However, we feel we have recaptured the essence and wish at this time to pass it on to you. I might add that this “Letter” had to do basically with the future of the society.

My dear Brothers and Sisters,

Truth is moving. That which you have seen which causes you pain is also Truth moving.

There will be a period of time in which the Society will experience a very low period–however the foundation will be there upon which you may rebuild her. She will have to be rebuilt–stone by stone. Be willing to put your backs to the wheel–be willing to strain your backs for her. Don’t be discouraged. We use the term “rebuild” in a different way than you would expect. What is happening is a natural process. We have not abandoned the Society; We care for her and We nurture her.

Your intuition is heightened and linked with ours–open your eyes wider and listen harder so that you will hear Us as We whisper to you–and do that which comes to you. Don’t expect others to do what you can do–We have said that We will make ourselves known to those who are so attuned. We have kept Our promise. Don’t always expect or look for something grand or big; we more often than not work in gentle and subtle ways. And when you feel pain in your body and tension in your emotions, it is because Our desires are being damned up. Each of you has a guiding force behind you that has a particular task for each of you, no matter where you are. *We ache–there is much work to be done. New Age Awareness cannot enter into an existing organization without there first being some tearing down of the old–but listen and listen carefully–once this has happened, there must be those who are willing to work to rebuild and work diligently in that process. It won’t happen by itself.

Blessings to you all, We are filled with joy at being with you again this year. There is so much to be done–don’t be afraid. The King is here.

You may wonder if this message was solely directed to the people gathered for the meditation. I can assure you it was not. This is for everyone to know that there are and will be times when we will become discouraged–but not to be afraid–that workers are needed (as they always have been) in order to allow the Society to be a continuing channel for the Hierarchy. Times are difficult now and many organizations throughout the world are experiencing upheavals–this is to be viewed as a healthy sign and should bring forth in us steadfastness and loyalty to our own Society and a renewed commitment to that for which she stands–Truth.

We wish you all Blessings and Joy of Heart–and do let us hear from you from time to time, as we so appreciate the many letters we have received.

                                                                        In Him,

                                                                        /s/ Sharon and Randy

*I experienced heavy chest pains at this point.


To: Main Page

To: About the Letters


1)  Proclamation Letter 2)  Opening the Heart 3)  Blessings
4)  Seek Your Specialness 5)  Blessings 6)  Group Work
7)  Meetings & Ceremony 8)  Blessings & Opening the Heart 9)  Vulnerability
10)  Joy 11)  Regarding the First Ten Letters 12)  Service
13)  Service #2 14)  Service #3 15)  Service #4
16)  Group Service 17)  Wisdom 18)  Art of Listening
19)  Courage 20)  Discipleship 21)  Discipleship #2
22)  Holiness 23)  Saintliness 24)  Perfection
25)  Karma 26)  Karma #2 27)  Grace
28)  Grace #2 29)  True Happiness 30)  Children
31)  Children #2 32)  Children of the New Age 33)  Understanding
34)  Understanding #2 35)  Understanding #3 36)  Intuition
37)  Intuition #2 38)  Will of God 39)  Will of God #2
40)  Cataclysm 41) Will of God #3 42)  First Space Contact Letter
43)  Visitation 44)  Self Description 45)  Toward Loving Light
46)  Telepathy 47)  Telepathy, Attunement 48)  Night Teachings
49)  Night Teachings #2 50)  New Age 51)  New Age #2
52)  Oneness 53)  Listening, Attunement 54)  Difficult Times
55)  Faith 56)  Faith #2 57)  Faith in the New Age
58)  Trust 59)  Great Teachers 60)  Last Letter


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