Hendrik Möbus Speaks

Articles by, or interviews with, Hendrik Möbus

Please note: Only the interviews featured on this site are authentic interviews with Hendrik Möbus. Interviews on other sites or in fanzines may be fabricated. The "interviews" in the book Satanskinder were certainly fabricated.

CFHM Interview - Hendrik Möbus discusses freedom and patriotism in Germany and other subjects.

Die Liebe überwindet alles - von Hendrik Möbus

RABENSANG-Interview - Hendrik Möbus berichtet über Festnahme, Auslieferung, Abschiebehaft; ausserdem äussert er sich zu den gegen ihn gerichteten Vorwürfen.

Eine Dreiecksbeziehung mit tragischen Folgen - Hendrik Möbus enthüllt das wahre Motiv für Sandro Beyer's Tod

Ein mörderischer Sensationsjournalismus - Welchen Zweck sollte es dienen, den "Mordfall Sandro B." durch zahllose Artikel, Dokumentationen, Filme und Bücher bis in alle Ewigkeit zu glorifizieren? Frank H., bestialisch ermordet, könnte auf diese und andere Fragen wohl eine Antwort geben.

A Love Triangle with Tragic Consequences: Hendrik Moebus Reveals the True Motive for Sandro Beyer's Death - For the first time Hendrik Möbus publicly discusses the events that lead up to Sandro Beyer's death.

Lex Scutari Interview - In this interview with fanzine Lex Scutari, Hendrik Möbus explains how much jail time he will be facing in Germany if deported and why.

Seven Years of Stupidity, Lies, and Ignorance - Hendrik Möbus discusses some of the major lies and distortions presented in the media about him: Criminality, Satanism, mental illness, and more. As Hendrik says, "even the most skeptical people can't avoid being influenced to some extent by the mass media," so this is a must read! (in Romanian)

Donner Magazine Interview - Hendrik Möbus berichtet ans der Abschiebehaft in Amerika; er ver kündet seine Entschlossenheit, die BRD für ihre Menschenrechtsverletzungen anzuklagen. Der Herausgeber des Heftes bezeichnet Hendrik als "eine Legende" für die völkische Black Metal-Bewegung in Deutschland.

Love Conquers All - Hendrik asks why this web site is considered a "hate site" and explains what motivates him: love for his people. (en español)

The Death of the West - Hendrik Möbus discusses how those of European descent are facing physical and cultural extinction.

MTA Interview - In this excellent interview, Hendrik talks about everything from his beginnings as a child, his imprisonment as a teenager, his vast work in underground music, to his current situation, where he is being detained in the USA awaiting extradition back to his homeland. This interview certainly shows a side of Hendrik which the media and the authorities would rather you not see. A human side. The story of a man arrested and internationally persecuted for exercising the basic human right of freedom.

Not of This World - Hendrik Möbus addresses those who accuse him of being a "hypocrite" for protesting his lack of free speech. He also describes his experiences as a child in "East Germany" and how reunification effected him.

Hendrik Möbus Discusses his Role as a Music Producer - Hendrik discusses his role as a music producer in this exclusive interview.

Their Self-Delusion - Hendrik Möbus discusses the Federal Republic of Germany's plan to ban the NPD (National Democratic Party) and its possible results.

Swastika and Crescent Moon - Hendrik Möbus discusses the desirability of White Nationalists cooperating with Arab Muslims.

Brave New Germany - In their efforts to save their Brave New Germany, the authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany are turning Germany into a police state. Isn't it surrealistic, even hilarious, to imagine German police chasing and arresting teenagers because they listen to the "wrong" kind of music?

Verbrecherstaat Deutschland - Seit Gründung der BRD werden Nationalisten an der Ausübung ihrer 'Grundrechte' -Meinungs-, Versammlungs- und Redefreiheit- gehindert, seit zehn Jahren gibt es eine planmässige Verfolgung und Unterdrückung der nationalen Opposition, und seit einigen Monaten erleben wir eine hysterische Kampagne mit dem Ziel, die sog - 'Rechtsextremen' ein für allemal mundtot zu machen.

Rogue State Germany - Since the foundation of the FRG, the Nationalists have been excluded from the exercise of their basic rights -- the freedom of expression, the freedom to gather, and the freedom of speech. And for ten years now, the Federal government is systematically cracking down on the nationalist opposition.

As the Pendulum Swings - Hendrik Möbus talks about revolution using the case of the fall of communism in the DDR as an example.

A Letter in Answer to a Critic - Hendrik responds to a letter accusing him of cowardice and stupidity. The letter writer also criticizes the National Alliance for defending him. You can read the critic's letter here: A Letter From a Critic

Traitors and Treason - Hendrik discusses the mistakes he made that lead to his arrest and the various people who betrayed him -- most notably Nathan "Zorn" Pett. Further information on Pett is HERE.

Offener Brief an die Deutschen Nationalisten - Ich möchte Ihnen vielmehr klarmachen, warum es im Interesse des Nationalen Widerstandes ist, sich meines Falles anzunehmen und diesen gegen die Absichten des Systems in den Dienst der gemeinsamen Sache aller vaterlandstreuen Deutschen zu stellen. This letter has resulted in four additional charges for political "crimes" being brought against Hendrik Möbus and may result in him spending over five additional years in jail if he is deported to Germany. This article in English.

Articles by Others

Demonstrating for Freedom - Dr. Pierce discusses a demonstration outside the German Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Return to the Dark Ages - Censorship is on the rise. Is it coming to America?

The Masters of Hate - There are people who ceaseless promote hate, but they are not White Nationalists.

Psychoterror in INS Detention - Due to the neglect of the INS, Hendrik Möbus is in solitary confinement and subjected to the verbal abuse by other inmates all day and all night long.

The Case of Hendrik Möbus - Dr. Pierce discusses the brutal arrest of Hendrik Möbus and the significance of his case. Even though Hendrik was unarmed, offered no resistance, and was not believed to be violent or aggressive, federal goons jumped on him, jammed a pistol in his ear, slammed his face down on the back of a car so hard that teeth marks were left in the paint, and twisted his arm behind his back with such force that they broke his arm. So far not one media report in the United States has mentioned this.

And not one has focused on the fact that the German extradition request cited only so-called "offenses" in Germany which are not offenses in the United States. They don't want the public to have any sympathy for a "hate speech" criminal.

Outrageous Treatment of Asylum-Petitioner Hendrik Möbus - The governments of both the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany are doing their best to keep Hendrik Möbus from being able to present his case for political asylum in court.

It is possible to take a second, more penetrating, look at people who have the reputation for villainy and evil, and sometimes the second look makes for a reappraisal of the naughty ones. - John O'Hara

Copyright © 2001 Committee to Free Hendrik Möbus
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