A Letter From a Critic

National Alliance Hdqrs.
Victor Gerhard/Chief of Staff
P.O. Box 90
Hillsboro, WV 24946


Fellow Kamerad!

I am pleased to know that a man of professional skill and integrity has joined the ranks of the organization.

As you have been assigned the duties of the National Office general counsel, you are no doubt very aware of Hendrik M�bus and his apprehension by the "secret police" of the INS.

I have enclosed a money order of $50.00 which is for the payment of my regular monthly dues for September. I have not as of yet contributed a dime for the legal costs regarding Mr. M�bus's predicament.

Having sympathy for Hendrik is difficult for me regardless of his contributions toward our cause. Perhaps I do not have all the information I need to come to a fair conclusion on this matter.

Did not Mr. M�bus flee from a warrant issued for his arrest in Germany whether he had a passport to leave the country or not? (Web master's note: The warrant was issued after he left Germany.) He wanted to seek "sanctuary" at the National Alliance headquarters therefore becoming an international fugitive.

It makes no difference what the "offence" is when a fugitive warrant is issued because it then becomes a contempt of court and evasion of arrest of a fugitive. It would not have mattered what country he had fled to, he would have been arrested.

I myself have been arrested first and charged later, so what happened to Hendrik does not surprise me.

The fact that he did not fight back, surprises me. And after having his face bashed onto the hood of a car and his arm broken, that he did not at least spit in the goon's face leaves me wondering what "quality" of Aryan Mr. M�bus is?

Furthermore, I understand that because he was "afraid" and did not know his "rights" that he signed his extradition papers to be taken back to Germany.

I don't want to sound harsh but one should not reward cowardice and stupidity by providing legal council that could drain the organization's assets to prove a point to which we all know already: the Jews and liberals are stealing our rights and our pride of racial quality and homogeneity away from us.

Tell me, how many weapons with ammunition can be purchased with $100,000? How many Class III bullet proof vests?. How many explosives? How much will it cost for an adequate defense against those who will destroy us?

Hendrik M�bus is no "Horst Wessel" nor "Bob Mathews".

"Rassen Uber leben Erst"

Charleston, SC

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It is possible to take a second, more penetrating, look at people who have the reputation for villainy and evil, and sometimes the second look makes for a reappraisal of the naughty ones. - John O'Hara

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