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History & Tours
The Circluar Rug in the Room depicts the Presidnetial Seal and relacts the most dramatic change of administration
The Blue Office

The Blue Office is a unique room for the circular rotundared Office of the Preisdnet derives it's name from the colour scheme of the room. Since it's Begining, this room has been used traditionally by the Preisdnet to host visiting Heads of State, and as a pre meeting area to the ajoining Cabinet Room (Which is now known as the Old Cabinet Room or the Blue Office Meeting Room) speeches and office Photo Ops are also conducted here.

For the past 18 years or so since the start of the Whitmore Presidency, this room has been called the Golden Office, becasue of it's Gold scheme. President Cherrie reverted to the name The Blue Office on 1st April 2006, to match the new dark blue rug installed.

However, it has been called the Blue Office and the Terricota Office before and when the Kluger Wing was built, it was initially known as the Green Office.

President's have always been named after the Office, and above the front door is a pague which bears the name of the Office Bearer.


Today, the room reflects the most dramatic change of administrations. Most Preisdnets bring in ther own custom made rug, which dominates the room and gives it it's name. Traditionally, it is the First Lady which designs the rug, though in modern times this has been left to the Professionals to do the job for the less artistic Preisdential Wifes, but most of them still lend in a hand.

Preisdent Cherrie has chosen Bill Hickman, a designer from Y Shere to create a special rug with dark blue and gold colours to dominate the circular room. The Rug was woven by D&G Rug Makers, Y Shere.

Preisdents today also use the Blue Office as a back drop to address the Nation, sign bill and do other history making things. it is by far the room where the President is seen most often on his official duties in the Chateau.

The Blue Office is linked to a number of rooms which make up the Blue Office Suite. It comprises of the historic Old Cabinet Room, the Oval Rception room and his Secretary's Office. Outside the Blue Office belies the Kluger Collonade and the Kluger Garden.


This Room is not open to the public but should you get an audience with the Preisdent, look out for the beautiful frescos which adorn the upper panels of the room. Admire the view it gives of the North Lawn and breathe in 'history in the making...'


The Blue Office Meeting Room served as the original Cabinet Room until 1945, when the Cabinet met in the underground 'War' Room, which was converted to today's Cabinet Room. Thus, this room retains the history of the Old Cabinet, where there were only twelve members of that cabonet. The post war Cabinet consists of 14 Members.

Today, the BlueOffice Meeting Room is uesd by the Preisdent to convinently host Staff Meetings or informal Luncheons for visiting dignataries before heading onto the collonade to speak to the Press.
The Blue Office Meeitng Room today.
You would be able to see the ajoining Blue Offce throught the doorway. Notice that the President's Chair bears the Presidential Seal.
The Blue Office as decorated today. The Preisdent's Regemental Colours of Military Office can be seen flanking the President's left. The Cornices patterns on the skirting of the celing is one of the room's artictic highlights.
The Office wing Lobby is where Head of States and Other Callers on the Presidnet enter.
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