U. N. S.   E a g l e,   T e c h n i c a l   I n f o r m a t i o n  

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Ship Information:

From its beginning, the UNS Eagle was a special ship. As the first of a new line of warships, the Eagle was designed to take advantage of the newest technologies the UN Spacy had to offer.  Then the funding for the fleet was pulled by the United Earth Government, and construction on the ship was cancelled.  For months, the hull of the Eagle sat emptey and unused until aquired for use in the Rim Expeditionary Forces.

New radar absorbent materials were added to her outer hull, and advanced active stealth systems were installed to even further decrease her sensory profile.  A new battery of sophisticated and experimental sensors were added, in addition to slight weapons upgrade as well as enhanced fire-control systems combine to make the UNS Eagle the single most expensive frigate ever built by the UN Spacy.

Ship Statistics:


Class: Northampton Class

Ship Type: Long Range Escort Stealth Frigate

Manufacturer: UN Spacy Corps of Engineers / Shangri-La Colony Shipyards  


  • Length: 820 ft

  • Width: 340 ft

  • Height: 365 ft

  • Unloaded Mass: 120,000 tons

  • Standard Weight: 160,000 tons


  • 750 total

  • 30 command crew

  • 45 science/medical crew

  • 48 shuttle crewmen

  • 38 soldiers (MARDET)

Notable Ships of Class:

  • FFG-328 Stargazer (Destroyed 2046)

  • FFG-1121 Eagle


  • Main Body -- 12,500

  • Command Tower -- 2,500

  • Foredecks -- 2,200

  • (1) Flight-decks -- 2,000

  • (2) Main Engines -- 6,000

  • (4) Secondary Engines -- 1,200

  • (20) Guidance Thrusters -- 200

  • (2) Heavy Laser Cannons -- 500

  • (2) Heavy Missile Launchers -- 400

  • (6) Medium Missile Launchers -- 200

  • (8) Retractable Laser Turrets -- 300

  • (25) Small Airlocks / Access Hatches -- 250

  • (20) Large Airlocks -- 500

  • Armored Hull (10 sq meters) -- 120

  • Interior Hull (10 sq meters) -- 60

  • Interior Bulkheads (10 sq meters) -- 20

  • (4) Pin Point Barriers -- 5000 (regenerate 2500 every round)


  • Main Sub-light Drives:  0.20c (32,000 miles per second)

  • Auxiliary Drives:  Mach 3

  • Hyperspace Fold Drives:  1 light year for every 4 minutes


Heavy Laser Cannons  (2): The main weapon systems of the Northampton frigates are two heavy laser cannons, mounted on either side of the ship near the command tower facing forward. Despite the ship's small size these cannons pack a punch equal to those used by larger UN Spacy and Zentraedi vessels and make the Northampton a foe to be reckoned with. Each laser can fire separately or together, but can only fire at targets that are almost directly in front of the frigate (lasers can aim 10 degrees off the ship's centerline).

  • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Heavy Assault


  • RANGE: 100,000 miles (160,000 km)

  • DAMAGE: 1D8x1000 M.D. per blast

  • RATE OF FIRE: Unlimited. Will function so long as the main engines are intact. 

Heavy Missile Launchers (2): Northampton Stealth Frigates are not designed for heavy starship-to-starship combat. However if necessary the carriers are armed with two missile launcher tubes for launching ICBM-like missiles at enemy ships. Resembling torpedo launchers, they are mounted on the front of the ship facing forward. The launchers contain long-range nuclear missiles and are usually used only during assaults and heavy combat.

  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Warship

  • Secondary Purpose: Assault

  • Range: 3000 miles (4824 km)

  • Speed: Mach 2+ (1340 mph/2140 kmph) in an atmosphere.

  • Damage: 4D6x1000 M.D.

  • Blast Radius: 3000 feet (915 m)

  • Rate of Fire: Each launcher tube holds one missile and must be reloaded after firing. Reloading a launcher tube takes 1 minute (4 melee rounds).

  • Payload: A Northampton carries 12 missiles in storage that can be readied for firing in about 30 minutes. Additional missiles can be carried if deemed necessary, however.

Defensive Missile Launchers (6): In addition to the heavy missile launchers, the Stealth Frigate is armed with twelve medium missile launchers which are primarily intended for anti-aircraft defense. Each launcher contains 8 missile tubes allowing volleys of up to 8 missiles to be fired at a single target per launcher. Once depleted, the missile launchers are reloaded by an automated loading system that takes 15 seconds (one melee round) to reload all 8 missiles. Armor-piercing smart missiles are usually used to avoid chances of friendly fighters being shot down by the missiles.

  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft

  • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Warship

  • Missile Types: Any type of UN Spacy long-range or medium-range missile can be used. Smart missiles are commonly used to avoid hitting friendly aircraft.

  • Range: Varies, typically 60 miles (80.4 km).

  • Damage: Varies, typically 2D4x10 M.D.

  • Rate of Fire: Volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 8 missiles per launcher.

  • Payload: Each launcher holds 8 missiles. Once the missiles are expended the launcher is reloaded within 1 round via an automated system. The reload system holds 24 missiles per launcher.

Retractable Laser Turrets (8): As a final line of defense the Stealth Frigate is armed with eight laser turrets that retract into the ship's hull when not in use. These short-range lasers are intended primarily for anti-aircraft defense, but can do moderate damage against smaller enemy spacecraft if they get close enough. The lasers are located at key points along the spacecraft's hull. At most 4 lasers can be directed against a single target at any time.

  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft

  • Secondary Purpose: Assault

  • Range: 30 miles (48.2 km) in an atmosphere. Double in space.

  • Damage: 1D6x20 M.D. per shot

  • Rate of Fire: Equal to the controller's number of hand-to-hand attacks

  • Payload: Unlimited.


  • RAM (Radar Absorbant Material) Hull Coating:  While not really an active system, the Eagle is the first UN Spacy capital ship to include RAM construction in it's hull.  Paired with the active stealth systems the Northampton Class is renown for, the Eagle is perhaps the most stealthy capital ship ever made.

  • EWS (Electronic Warfare Suite) Array: This systems is an upgraded version of the ECM Suite normally installed in a Northampton Class Frigate.  Including the standard ECM (electronic counter measures) and ECCM (electronic counter counter measures), the EWS also includes ED (electronic deception) and ECD (electronic counter deception) to further fool the sensors of enemy units.

  • Anti-Gravity Systems:  The Eagle is equipped with an anti-gravity propulsion system used for planetary landings and liftoffs. The system is good for vertical ascent/descent only and can lift the ship at speeds of up to 1,320 feet (400 m) per minute. The system will function so long as the main engines can supply energy to it.

  • Hyperspce Communications Array: Based on the same technology as the space fold system, the hyperspace communications relay allows faster-than-light communication between the Far-Explorer ships and other vessels or planetary bases. Hyperspace communications are still not instantaneous, however. Audio/video communication travels through hyperspace at a rate of about 5 seconds per light year, so messages communicated over vast distances can still take days, weeks, or months to arrive.

  • Life Support Systems: The Eagle has sufficient life support to provide breathable air and comfortable temperatures for 900 people for up to 30 years (air is recycled). In an emergency the life support system can support up to 1200 people at one time, though living conditions onboard will get extremely cramped at that point. The carrier also contains Hydroponics Farms and water recycling plants to support a crew of 850 for up to five years..

  • Long Range Radio/Laser Communications Array: The impressive communications tower of the Eagle can communicate with up to 500 craft simultaneously at ranges of up to 900 miles (1,440 km). This range can be boosted indefinitely by using satellites or other spacecraft as to relay communications.

  • Long-Range Radar: The radar array of the Frigate is equally as impressive as the communication system, and can track and identify up to 1,000 craft simultaneously. The radar system has a 1,000 mile range.

  • Hyperspace Fold Drives: For FTL propulsion, the Eagle is equipped with a Starlight Laboratories Fold System Cluster, capable of propelling the ship through hyperspace at speeds up to 1 light year per 6 minutes. The range of the fold drive is theoretically unlimited except by the life expectancy of the spacecraft.

  • Sublight Engines: As a backup to the Fold System, the Frigate is equipped with ORTEC/Centinel Impulse Drive Cluster engines that can propel the craft at speeds up to 0.20 speed of light (32,000 miles per second) in space. Note that these engines are mainly intended for rapid movement inside a planetary system and are not suited for long voyages between star systems. In a planetary atmosphere the ship is limited to speeds of Mach 3 maximum due to hull stress.

  • Mass Detection System: The Eagle is equipped with subspace sensors, which are based on the same principles as the hyperspace communications array. These sensors can essentially instantly detect mass readings and movement of objects up to 1 AU (93 million miles) distant from the carrier, and the readings are used both for early warning and for navigation when traveling at sublight speeds. Readings taken with the subspace sensors are not very detailed (-25% penalty when trying to identify a detected object) and cannot detect objects of less than 60,000 kg (this includes most variable fighters).

  • High Sensitivity Bio-Energetic Sensory System:  Another system unique to the Eagle is the highly specialized sensors installed by the Special Science Forces specifically for the REF mission.  The sensor suite was designed to scan the surface of an entire world, and quickly determine the planet-wide amount of life (both plant and animal), artificial energy use, large urban centers (if any), atmosphere content, and any abnormal seismic activity.  The sensor suite can scan 25% of an Earth-sized world and analyse the findings in about five minutes.  A complete scan of the world would take at least one hour, and no less than two full orbits.


  • (48) VF-11 Thunderbolts (held in reserve).

  • (6) CS-4 Appaloosa Shuttles

  • (2) C-420 Goliath Heavy Transports

  • (8) M-155 Armored Personnel Carriers

Note: The Northampton Class Frigates have enough room to hold an 12 fighters if necessary, though the landing bays would be extremely cramped at that point.

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