Close the World::txEn eht nepO

My biggest pet peeve (sp?) is when a person doesn't give a reason for the things they do. The first step to wisdom is to know thyself. You don't know yourself if you don't know the reasons behind the things you do. I'm very wise; I have reasons behind everything I do and think and feel, etc. So if you were reading ~ me on my Brains' pages, and you were wondering why I dislike what I do, here is where you will find the answers. Part of why I'm such a strange and hard person to get along with is because of my different views and opinions. Frankly, I hate humanity, and the reason for that is because they're mostly all the same; the things they do I don't agree with, and I think they're stupid for blindly acting the way they do. This especially goes for teenagers. I have hated teenagers for as long as I can remember, even when I was in first grade. (I hated girls then too.) Teenagers are probably the evilest of humans because everything they do revolves around fitting in and doing what is "cool." They of all humans, can't think of any reason for the things they do. That just burns me up. And yes, I'm a teenager, and yes, I'm a girl. But I'm not like them. So I can hate them. K?
You're probably thinking, I do so have a reason for the things I do! Well, yeah, of course you do. But you won't admit it. See, when I ask people, "Why does it make a guy gay to wear short shorts?" or "Why do you cuss?", etc. they always give a lame stupid reason or they say, "I don't know." That's the kind of idiotic answer I hate. I know the reasons for why people do the things they do (in most cases), but the people themselves either don't realize the truth because they refuse to admit it, or they are just plain stupid and don't know why. And if that's the case, humans are more stupid than I thought.
Anyway, not everything is answered here, because some of the answers may be too short to deserve a page. Or the answers are obvious. (Like why do I not like learning unnecessary things in school? Because tis unnecessary! Tis a waste of my time and life!!) Note. So if you have a question that isn't answered here, e-mail me. Please don't get angry with me for my opinions though, okay? People are entitled to their opinions. If you don't like them, you can leave. This place wasn't meant for humans anyway. Especially those with closed minds. Here is some controversy in action.

This is a picture of Galaxia from Sailor Moon. The way she walks, the way her face expression is -- that's how I'm going to look at the end of the human race. >:-P

False Stereotypes
Girls and their false beautifiers
More on sexism
Queer Boys
National Tradition
Racism Against Majorities
Growing Up
Condescending to Children
Corruption of Children
3d Animation
Sex-Hungry Humans
Buying Antiques
American Humor
Temporary Dating
Anti-War Protests
Contemporary Music
Netspeak Abuse
People thinking they know me when they know NOTHING
FAQ (People asking questions that don't matter)
It all comes down to this: If you don't know the reason for what you do, there is no reason to do it. If you don't know why, why do it?

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