Why, Girls?

For as long as I can remember I have hated girls. I don't hate them as people, or think that men are superior. What I mean is that I hate what they do. It seems like 99% of the girls in the world (or at least America) are all concerned about how they look. I can't stand that. They all wear make-up and can't wait to get breasts and wear high-heels. They are also all concerned about fashion, and use that to judge other people. Everything a girl does is to look pretty. Who are they trying to impress? Boys? And then they cry about getting raped.

Why alter hair? I have observed many women, and they all seem to want the opposite of what they have. As humans, they are never satisfied and always crave more. Straight haired women want curly hair; curly haired women want straight hair. Blondes want to have black hair; brunettes want to be blonde. Why waste your money and the health of your hair applying all that junk to it? Can't girls be satisfied with the way the look? Do they really think they're that ugly? Take pride in your own individual look and don't try to be someone else. It's not nature's way. Also, women spend hours in front of a mirror doing their stupid hair when it just gets messed up in the wind. Why waste time with that?

Why make-up? I never wear makeup. I think it�s stupid to hide one's true beauty. All it is is a mask to hide ugliness. It shows lack of self-confidence. Whenever I see a stupid girl putting on her stupid make-up, I feel like telling her, "Are you really that ugly that you have to put all that junk on?" But of course I don't, because I'm too nice.

Why breast implants? In 2004, nearly 12 million people had cosmetic surgery in the U.S. alone.* Why do so many people pay so much money to go through surgery to have things like bigger breasts? Just to impress guys? Why are they worth it? Why do you let men have this power over you? And what makes breasts so attractive anyway? They're nothing more than utters. Guys are either brainwashed by the media into finding them attractive, or they have a complex and are infatuated with breasts because it reminds them of when they were sucking on their mom's. If you think that men finding breasts attractive is a biological thing�men being more attracted to sexually mature women because they can have babies�well, big breasts don't mean more milk. Even the small breasts can produce milk just fine. Do you honestly find cow utters attractive? I don't. I think the body looks best with no useless things hanging off it. And if they must, the smaller the better. This goes for both genders.

Why fake nails? Those cost money, are hard to pick things up with, and don't even look real. They're way too long, and they somewhat look like a witch's claws. And then when you take them off, your real nails look all gluey and ugly, and they weaken from not being exposed to sun. Another thing that is pointless, and only worsens matters. Just be happy with the nails you have. Be happy that you have nails at all.

Why tan? Who ever said a tan made a woman beautiful? In China, fair-skinned women are considered more beautiful, because it shows wealth and power, whereas tanness shows that you're a peasant farmer. The color of one's skin is not important. It just means you are of a different ancestry. We all look different; we all have different traits. Why try to be someone or something you're not? Tan-in-a-bottle is just gross, and spending hours in the sun or hours at a tanning booth/salon is stupid; you want skin cancer? Another thing that makes me mad is when girls want a tan but don't want a tan line from their clothes. Why does it matter?! My gosh, who the heck cares?

Why shave? If hairy arms and legs are so ugly in the eyes of men and women, why don�t men shave? Why is it only women who have to go through all sorts of trouble to look beautiful, and men have to do next to nothing? Men are much hairier than women; if women are more beautiful hairless, then men should be too. Hairlessness is just another way of how women try to look like little girls. Women don�t consciously want to look like little girls, but that�s what men want, so they do it. Men must naturally be attracted to young girls for some reason. Maybe little girls truly are more beautiful than mature women. Or maybe men are attracted to little girls because they are weak, ignorant, and easier to control. Is that how you want to be seen? Think about that next time you shave.

Why slutty clothes? You know what I mean�thongs, tight pants, short-shorts, push-up bras, miniskirts, shirts that are too low on the top and too high on the bottom. Boys still look attractive without having to wear revealing clothing, so why do girls feel they have to show their skin in order to be good looking? They�re advertising themselves as sexual objects, so they shouldn�t complain when that�s how they�re seen. If you dress like a slut, you�ll be treated like a slut.

Why high-heels? I never wear them. They're uncomfortable, hard to walk in, and don't come in very many varieties. I once saw on the news that this woman wore high-heels everyday, and because of that, her foot bones broke. News people surveyed women and told them about this; they asked if the women would continue to wear high heels. They said yes. And even the woman who got her foot bones broken continued to wear them after her bones were fixed! That's plain stupid! That is almost as bad as binding your feet! Why wear something that is painful? Girls are so consumed with trying to look beautiful all the time that they go to these lengths. It's just as bad as wearing a corset. As for platforms, I don't see a point to wearing them; it isn't bad to be short; if you are, so what? And if you're tall, there is really no point to wearing them. Why do you want to be so tall? What's wrong with regular flat shoes? They're much easier to walk and run in.

Why perfume? I remember when I used to have P.E. The locker room would always stink with smelly perfume, and it would give me a headache. Those things are like inhalants. I think I'd rather smell sweat than that stinky perfume. And what's worse, the girls spray it all around themselves when other people are nearby, so the stinky stuff gets all over the room. Perfume-users have no consideration for people with allergies.
Same with lotion-users. It's okay if you have dry skin to use lotion, but if not, there is no reason to use it. And if you're going to use it, use it at home where other people don't have to smell it. Golly, girls are so thoughtless. Note.
This is a girl page, but the perfume thing applies to guys too. I haven't been on official dates to know if a guy puts on cologne, but if they do, they shouldn't. Tisn't attractive at all. It smells worse than girl perfume. And besides, if the girl really likes you, she'll like you no matter how bad you smell. And if she doesn't like you that much, you don't need her!

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*Roberts, and Leslie. Pick Me Up. 2006.
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