Why Get Married?

I object to the whole idea of marriage.

Gay folks want to get married, but what is the point of marriage anyway? Why can't you just live together with the one you love? And you can't say that tis a sin to do that, because so is being gay, according to the Bible. My opinion on gay marriage is that if straight people can get married, so should gays. However, I think marriage all together should be outlawed. (I also believe that most people who say they're homosexual really aren't.) It's hypocritical to "gather in holy matrimony" in a church if you don't believe in God.

I know I stressed marriage before sex. It's weird to not believe in sex and not believe in marriage at the same time. I'll explain. I think two people shouldn't have sex until they make a COMMITMENT to stay together forever--living together, being lovers, etc. If this commitment means marriage, then fine. But tis perfectly possible for a couple to make a commitment without marriage. And I think that is better. You would save a lot of money. A wedding is a big waste of money. You have to set up a place to have it, buy decorations, rings, cake, bride's wedding gown, groom's tuxedo, go on the honeymoon. . . . You can still be together with your lover without having a big expensive ceremony. If you must marry, eloping is a better idea.

If you insist on a formal ceremony, at least don't get dressed up. The couple should look their normal selves, with no make-up or fancy clothes. Why? Because the person is marrying you for you--the normal you, not the you who is on stage to look so attractive they don't even recognize you. If your partner really wants you, they'll take you as you are, your ugly plain self with no superficial bells and whistles. Forever in blue jeans, babe. If you're having second thoughts about marriage, those thoughts should not be put to rest by good looks. Face it, one day your looks will be gone. If your partner is only with you because of your good looks, then how will they be able to stand you when you're old and wrinkled?

The vow is "Til death do us part." That's a lie as long as there is the option of divorce. Don't make promises you can't keep! The divorce rate in this country is 50%. So many people waste their money on marriages that don't even last. I see no point in making a "commitment" if you're just going to break it. Disgusting. If you're going to get married, STAY MARRIED! And if you think you can't be with someone permanently like that, DON'T GET MARRIED!! Just think, if you don't get married, you wouldn't have wasted all that money on the ceremony if you later decide to separate with your partner.

So in a nutshell: Being committed and living together > Eloping > Marriage. I admit, tis hard to tell if the other person is seriously committed to you if you just live together. I suggest asking your partner to get married, and if they are committed to you, they will agree to it. After you know they are committed, you don't have to get married. You can just live together and trust in them.

And another thing! What's up with diamonds always being in the wedding ring? Diamonds are expensive and hard to break, but they certainly aren't any rarer or prettier than other stones. If diamonds were so rare, they would have run out by now with every married person in the country wearing a diamond wedding ring. And a plain clear stone is boring looking in my opinion. I say break tradition and get a ring for your spouse that is their birth stone or favorite color! Break tradition even more, and don't buy a ring at all!!

I'll tell you my opinion on funerals too, since funerals are a lot like weddings. They both mark a beginning and an end. Why is there the rule of wearing white to weddings and wearing black to funerals? Who made black the color of death anyway? White is the real color of death, hence the snow that falls in Winter, the season of death. Funerals are another big hypocrisy. For all the Christian people out there, you should all be happy when your loved one dies because they're going to Heaven, which is supposedly better than Earth. (That is, if the dead person was a good person worthy of Heaven.) For everyone else, you're still being hypocritical by mourning, because the dead person probably wouldn't want you to be sad, and yet you are anyway. One more thing: People who talk about the dead person at a funeral only say good things about the person, which adds to the sadness of the event. Why do this? What about the bad things the dead person did? Bring up all the bad things they did, and everyone will be happy that the person is dead!

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