Why, Boys?

I ranted about how much I hate girls, so I have to be fair and say how much I hate boys. And yes, they get on my nerves too. There's not much of humanity that doesn't. However, boys get less on my nerves than girls. Boys vary a bit in their ways, whereas every single freaking girl that I know wants to look pretty with those false beautifiers.

When I was in first grade, I wanted to be a boy, because I thought girls were stupid for playing their stupid hand clapping games and making flower bracelets and girly junk like that. Girls had to wear dresses on special occasions, and I hated wearing dresses; I wouldn't be able to sit how I wanted with a dress on. Oh yeah, and girls would think everything was gross, like bugs and stuff. I got along better with boys; we had more in common. Now, I still hate girls, but I like being one. (Just like I hate teenagers, but I like being one.) For one, girls have kooler clothes--more colors, more variety. And secondly, girls seem to form closer friendships than boys do. Boys don't get close to their friends for fear that others will think of them as "gay." Which is where our story begins. . . .

To the straight guys: Girls do a lot of stupid things they don't know the reason for, and so do boys. I'll start off by asking all the questions I ask people and they either don't know or have a stupid answer: Why is it gay to wear short-shorts but okay to show your boxers? Why do you want to see a girl show her legs but you don't want to show your own? Why must a girl shave all her hair away to be pretty, but a boy--who has much more hair than a girl anyway--doesn't? Do guys just want to be ugly or something? What's up with wearing little or no socks and those shoes with the big lounges? Girls get me mad the way they constantly dress-up and make-up to gain attention, but boys are just as much a victim of style as girls are. Girls try to dress as extravagantly as possible, and boys seem to want to be as plain as possible . . . which is the style. Don't want to look gay now.

But what is gay? Just another style. A gay person could dress just as boring as you, and a straight guy could wear short-shorts, therefore falling into the stereotype of being gay.
I really hate that gay stereotype. Clothes shouldn't define your personality. I wear tie-dye, but that doesn't mean I'm a hippie. I acknowledge the hypocrisy and evil of war, but I don't mind it taking place, because I know tis necessary. Note. What if tis a hot day and you don't want to wear those so-called "shorts" that go past your knees? If a person likes purple or rainbows, they are automatically considered gay. Hey, I love purple and rainbows (as if you couldn't tell), and I'm not gay. Would I still if I was a boy? I don't know; probably so, since I don't care what others think of me. My little brother is a boy--he likes rainbows, and he's not gay. I know a few other guys who like purple too, and they're not gay either.

To the gay people: I have no problem with gay/lesbian/bisexual people, but I don't like it when people pretend to be that. Most people do, and most of the time these posers--these phonies--are PEGS. In another attempt to be different and/or rebel, you pretend to be attracted to the same sex as yourself. Can you honestly say you were gay at birth? That you were never infatuated with a person of the opposite gender? If you're gay, you're that way from the start. You don't like the opposite sex one year, and then decide you like the same sex as yourself. People who "change their mind" are doing so because they question their sexuality. You question it because there is the OPTION. What if society didn't know anything about gay people, and neither did you? Then there would be no QUESTION about what sexuality you are. You only question things because there are options. Well sexuality is simple. You should know what sex you're attracted to. Think about it--what other animal is attracted to the same sex as themself? I don't know of any male cats mating with another male cat. Tisn't natural. So why would it be for humans? Unless tis a disorder or something went wrong with your chromosomes. But I doubt that all the people in the world who claim to be gay have a gay disorder. O_o' Some of them might, but not all.

This isn't just my opinion. There are facts on this. About one-fifth of gay and lesbian couples were previously married to heterosexuals; 22% of lesbian couples and 5% of gay couples have children from their earlier marriages.* Now if those people were really homosexual, they would have never been married to the opposite sex, let alone have biological children. You can't change your mind about sexuality. Although today's technology can give you a sex change (which is a physical change), sexuality (an internal, biological change) can't be changed . . . unless scientists alter your genes.

Homosexuality is biological. There was an experiment done on fruit flies in which scientists altered one gene in the flies that made them start mating with the same sex. It is natural for all creatures to be heterosexual; homosexuality is abnormal. Therefore, it is impossible that so many people in the world are homosexual. They may claim to be, but they really aren't, because most of them change their mind about their sexuality in the middle of their life, or they have reasons like these:

List of reasons men give for why they think they are homosexual (similar reasons would apply to lesbians as well):
1. I think the opposite sex is stupid/inferior/weak.
2. I used to be straight, but dating the opposite sex never worked out for me.
3. I like to dress like the opposite sex (dresses, make-up, long hair).
4. All my life people have said that I act more like the opposite sex.
5. I like the personalities of those of the same sex; we have more in common.
6. I was raised around a lot of the opposite sex.
7. I was abused; example: My father raped me.

Notice none of those reasons were, "I'm sexually attracted to the same sex." Sexual attraction to the same sex is the only real reason that someone can be homosexual. If they claimed any other reason, they are not a true homosexual, and are just trying to be different. This isn't to say that homosexuals don't exist, because I know they do.

Greek men were known to be all homosexual. However, since homosexuality is a genetic thing, there are other reasons why the men in these cultures had sex with other men. The Greek men married only to produce children; their real sexual pleasure came from the relationship between a young boy and a wise old man (the lover and the beloved). The Greek statues also show their appreciation for the beauty of the male body (notice the statues have no ugly body hair). This supposed homosexuality comes from sexism; back then, men were considered superior in everything; men were stronger and wiser. Why then would any logical man love a woman? He wouldn't. That's why he has sex with another man. Also, the Spartans (Greeks) spent all their time training for war in the woods. They only came home to their wives three months out of the year to mate. We all know how badly men want sex, so what can they do when they're all alone in the woods without a woman to be found? They have sex with each other, of course.

Another example of how straight men "turn gay" is in prisons. I took a college class all about prison(er)s, so I know that there is a lot of homosexual rape and sex going on. They weren't gay when they came in; why are they having sex with men in prison? Because there aren't any (or many) women in the prison, and men still want sex, so they resort to having sex with other men. It's not that they "turned gay;" they just need a hole to stick their penis in to satisfy their natural instict to reproduce. This is not far fetched, since there have been many occasions in which men have had sex with animals.

To clarify, I don't have anything aganist homosexuals. If a person is genuinely gay, it's not their fault. There's nothing wrong with it. My position on the gay marriage controversy is this: If heterosexuals can get married, homosexuals should get married too. If homosexuals can't get married, heterosexuals shouldn't get married either. I find marriage to be pointless for anyone, but if one group gets to get married, it's no different if the other group wants to too.

But if you ARE really gay, please don't accept the stereotype and say you like rainbows and purple. >:-T It makes me angry, because everything purple or rainbow gets labeled gay now, and that makes people who like purple and rainbows to be ashamed and lie about what they like. (Just like pink being associated with girls.)

Honestly, I don't see how you could be attracted by another guys' looks. Even without the make-up and junk, girls are more attractive. (Just because I said that though doesn't mean I'm lesbian/bisexual. Don't assume things.) In most animals, the male is more attractive so that he can get the females to want to mate with them; male birds are more colorful than female birds, male fish are more colorful than female fish, etc. But in humans, I think tis the male who seeks out the female. So the female has to look more attractive in order to get a mate. Since this argument has strayed from my rant about boys to my rant about gay people to my rant about who's sexier, I guess I'll put my "battle of the sexes" thing in here:

Statement A: Girls are the only sexy ones, and boys are ugly.
Defense: What makes girls sexy? Guys would answer breasts, thinness, tanness, hair, etc. But what makes boys sexy? Girls would answer penis or muscles--but you can't see that through clothes . . . yet girls still say men are visibly sexy. Girls must have been created for beauty and boys weren't. Plus girls always tell girls how sexy they are. Boys never do that to boys. Boys have nothing sexy about them that can be seen with clothes on. Girls always accentuate their breasts, their hair, and their figure. Boys do nothing. What can boys do to accentuate their penis through their clothes? Nothing. You hear girls say, "She's ugly; she looks like a man." You don't hear girls say, "He's ugly; he looks like a girl." That is a subtle clue that girls think guys are ugly. Notice in anime, the guys who look the most like girls are the ones that all the fan-girls go wild for. . . .

Statement B: Girls aren't sexy at all, and boys are naturally sexy.
Defense: Boys don't enhance their looks in any way like girls (makeup, hair alterations, breast implants, fake nails, "tan-in-a-bottle," etc.). Girls just say boys are sexy no matter how they look. In movies, thin "sexy" women are often attracted to fat men, old men, etc. But "sexy" men are never attracted to fat or old women. So boys must be naturally sexy and girls must only be sexy if they use those false beautifiers (make-up, etc.).

Which do you agree with? I've asked some people, and all the girls agree with statement B. That's because they are attracted to guys already. I agree with statement A, obviously, hence my previous argument. But just because I think girls are naturally the prettier gender doesn't mean I'm lesbian/bisexual! FYI, I do find guys attractive (but the more feminine looking males are more attractive than the manlier looking males)! In general though, girls are prettier than guys. Do we have that STRAIGHT?! >:-J

Read the facts on homosexuality being biological.

*Henslin, James M. Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach. 7th ed. Boston, MA: James M. Henslin, 2005. 466.
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