Petone and Wellington as "God gift for New Zealand's birthday" and evidence of God's continued special treatment and care of Petone
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Updated: 2024/7/14
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       Did you know that every country and nation begins its existence because of a "birthday gift from God". A well documented by history example of just such a gift is the capital of Wellington and the industrial town of Petone, which were created in the most favourable place for the island nation of New Zealand and exist to this day there only because are the result of just such God "birthday gift of New Zealand for the then newly born Christian country and nation". In turn that it was a God gift (i.e. NOT just a random "natural event" as the monopoly of "official atheistic science" would try to convince us) is confirmed with unique "signature" assigned to it by God. If you have any resistance regarding believing in it, then take a look at my photos below, i.e. at Fig. #1a (upper) and Fig. #J3d (lower) arranged to show examples of two permanent plaques cemented in both of these urban areas, while historically documenting that birthday gift from God and even repeatedly confirmed with the unique "signatures" that it is from God. In turn if you can afford to go to New Zealand, then you can see both of these plaques in person and even touch them, as well as e.g. read their historical documentation in local libraries and museums. I have summarized the meaning of both of these historical tablets and their history in more detail under photos from Fig. #F1ab and in #F1 and #F3 from the web page named pigs.htm and from post #368E to blogs of totalizm, in #N1 to #N3 from the web page newzealand_visit.htm and from post #369 to blogs of totalizm, as well as in #L1 below on this website. Here are my photos showing what these historical plaques look like (note in #1a the symbolically documented mountain with a slope continuing into depths of the sea):

Fig. #1a

Fig. #J3b
Fig. #1a (upper) (it is also Fig. #F1a of "pigs_pl.htm"):

Fig. #J3d (lower) (it is also Fig. #F1b of "pigs_pl.htm"):

Fig. #J3b of this web page "petone.htm":

Fig. #1a (upper) and Fig. #J3d (lower): The upper photo "Fig. #1a" shows above one example from the entire line of commemorative plaques measuring approximately 91 by 46 cm, embedded in the sidewalks of Wellington city streets, which, together with the plaque from the lower photo "Fig. #J3b", historically document the "birthday gift uniquely created by God for the newly born New Zealand" and at the same time contain confirmation and warning of the wisely encoded biblical message from God "I Am". One can search for more photos of these plaques from Wellington on the Internet, for example with the following keywords: Shoreline 1840 plaque Wellington . In turn, the lower photo "Fig. #J3d" shows the permanent plaque from the "Celtic Cross" in the industrial town of Petone, approximately 8 km away to north from Wellington city. God wisely encrypted His unique "signature" into the "Act of God" (i.e. into the uplifting of land by series of mild earthquakes) which uplifted the flat land for the construction of Wellington and Petone, by intentionally separating both of them with about 8 km long line of mountain slopes along which the seabed was NOT raised up, and by leaving unraised all the remaining shores of the Wellington Bay - see item #L1 below. God also repeatedly reminds us with other similar "Acts of God" that in all cases when everything around is destroyed by some "Acts of God" but selected places or objects are distinctively left untouched, then this means His "signature" of protection. For example just such unique "signatures" repetiotively receives the town of Petone when various disasters leave that town untouched while the same cataclysms destroy towns from all four sides of the world around Petone - e.g. consider the case of the earthquake in Kaikoura on midnight of 13 to 14 November 2016 also mentioned in this introduction and below in item #J2. On the other hand, if these "Acts of God" were caused without the watchful protection of selected areas by God, but just by nature acting randomly as the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" controlled by UFOnauts persuades us, then it would be impossible to ruin the towns on all 4 sides of the world around Petone, and leave completely untouched the town of Petone enjoing special treatment from God. The plaque from the lower photo Fig. #J3d also reveals the messenger of God and the date on which in Petone was initiated that "Act of God" causing gift of the "birthday New Zealand". More facts about this birthday gift clearly "signed" by God Himself are documented in item #L1 below on this web page, as well as in blog #369E. There is also another unique signature "I Am", which also symbolically confirms God's intentional raising of an area of ​​flat land from under the sea level for the development of the capital city of Wellington and the industrial town of Petone. It is particularly wild and dangerous, although considered to be very beautiful, the so-called "Providence Canyon Georgia State Park" shown e.g. from 25 seconds to 1:43 minutes of the 11:38 minute English-language video on YouTube from and on entire 1:43 minute long video from . This canyon was also created by an "Act of God" in 1840, means at the same time as the above "God's birthday gift to New Zealand". But the creation of that canyon was the result of a very effective method of punishment used by God, which I described in more detail under the modern name "method of depriving privileges" in #I5 from blog #362E and from my web pagee bandits.htm. In the case of farmers who before 1840 cultivated the particularly fertile land on which this canyon was created, their punishment depended on "depriving them of the privilege" of owning fertile land and turning this land into some kind of wasteland. After all, the Bible has been warning "destroyers of the earth" for thousands of years in the verses quoted in item #T1 from my web page woda_uk.htm, e.g. in verses 24:1-3 from "Isaiah" - I quote: "Behold, the Lord is destroying the earth, destroying it and overturning it, its surface, and scatters its inhabitants: and shall be affected like the people, like the priest, like the servant, like his master, like his maidservant, like her servant, like the buyer, like the seller, like the lender, like the borrower, like the creditor so is his debtor. The land will be desolate and devastated without limits, because the Lord has pronounced this judgment." Another verse also warning in this way is 107:33-34 from "Psalms" - I quote: "He turns rivers into a desert, oases into a thirsty land, fertile land into a salty wasteland because of the wickedness of its inhabitants." Unlike the New Zealand town of Petone, which to this day is is protected by God from cataclysms, the area of ​​that canyon, similarly like every wasteland formed due to ceasing by people of fulfilling the comandments and requirements of God, with the elapse of time begins to accumulate its toll of mysterious dangers, deaths and disappearances.
       However, the most important and joyful thing is that God continues his care and special treatment of the town of Petone to this day. So let us summarize here, at least briefly, the types of miracles described in greater detail on this web page - which the town of Petone enjoys to this day due to the Celtic Cross discussed here and the "sacred open-air place" existing around it. And so, have you ever wondered, why the small town of Petone from New Zealand, described on this web page, probably has the most sunny days out of all urban areas in New Zealand - just as the "contrast" with nearby Wellington in the role of a God-appointed "witness" confirms this in blog #366 and in #D1 to #D1a of the web page wtc.htm. So consider also what may imply the ambiguity of scientific explanations e.g. for repetitive reappearance of "blue windows in the sky over Petone" illustrated in Fig. #I3ab below on this web page. After all, their frequent manifestation only above Petone simultaneously perfectly illustrates the defined and reminded in my publications so-called "canon of ambiguity". More comprehensively this "canon of ambiguity" is described in my publications indicated by its Polish name "kanon niejednoznaczności" links to which are listed on the Polish web page named skorowidz.htm - for example in item #H1 and in the caption under Fig. #H2a from my web page named bible.htm. In turn a perfect illustration of its implementation in practice provided in #C2 from my web page tornado.htm. The manifestation of this canon of ambiguity is always an identifying feature for everything that was caused with the consent, or even through the act, of God Himself.
       Have you considered also e.g. why Petone is omitted by cataclysms which by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" are described as "natural" and which presently, similarly to the rest of the world, increasingly more often plague different than Petone towns and cities of New Zealand. (Notice, however, that morally decadent but technically advanced cosmic civilizations, some abilities of which I described in #K1 to #K4abc of this web page, are able to secretly cause on Earth all these cataclysms with their UFO starships - about which danger I am warning briefly, among others, in the caption under Fig. #N3b from the web page cielcza_uk.htm, while I explained it more extensively in posts for blogs of totalizm numbered from #363E to #359E.) For example, the town of Petone was omitted by effects of earthquakes described below in item #J2 - e.g. the one from Kaikoura axactly at midnight in November 13 to 14, 2016, which destroyed buildings in neighbouring towns located in all four directions of the world from Petone. Petone also was omitted by effects of floods of the type which e.g. on 2023/1/27 damaged the NZ city of Auckland located around 666 kilometers to the north from Petone, and even was omitted by the fury of the powerful cyclone Gabrielle - which devastated around a half of the NZ North Island on which Petone is located. Meanwhile, neither the so-called "coincidences", "fortuities" or "conjunctures" that supposedly characterize the so-called "nature" typically do NOT break so clearly the mathematical probability that according to the "materialistic reductionism" of our present official atheistic science is supposed to govern over being "afflicted" or "omitted" by "acts of nature".
       Or consider why in New Zealand there is only a single colony of white herons, hundreds of kilometres away from Petone, although one of these mystical birds adored by Eastern religions insisted on sitting on the car of the author of this web page while staring at the windows of author's flat - as this is illustrated in the photograph from Fig. #B2ab of this web page. Or consider the mysteriously sounding name "Arawa" already around the birth year of the author of this web page assigned to the flat which he bought in 2012, while the meaning of which he explained only in 2021 and described in item #A3 from his web page klasa_uk.htm and in post #352E to blogs of totalizm. Or have you tried to find out "what" and "why" symbolically tried to reveal to us the "heart" imprinted on grass of the most important promenade of Petone and shown below in Fig. #J3c , and also why on pavements of Petone recently so frequently started to appear melted footprints of UFOnauts, documented in #K1, #K3 and #K4 of this web page.
       All above unusual puzzles constantly emphasize to us that their source is always the documented in items #J1 to #J3v of this web page, the empirical evidence manifested by the area near located on the edge of petonian beach the so-called "Celtic Cross". According to the author of this web page, this cross marks the Christian holy area under the open sky, the only such one in entire New Zealand, and clearly blessing Petone with a special treatment and protection of God. Simultaneously, this cross also indicates the location of the "Earth Energy Chakra", about which chakras it is known that typically they are located just in sacred areas. For the use of the local population, these chakras emit nerve-calming energies and body-strengthening energies as well as feelings of peace from threats and relaxation from worries. This intelligent energy emanating from the chakra in the sacred area from Petone is so strong, that when I sit on one of the benches placed in there and focus my attention on internal sensations, then I am able to physically feel its soothing flow through the body and its relaxing effect on the mind - in the feeling of both of which probably helps me the memory of experiencing previously the phenomenon of earned nirvana. Energies of the Earth's chakras are also known from their ability to intuitively attract to such holy places everything that lives and that is characterized by a higher than others sensitivity to experienced sensations - as this is described in the INTRODUCTION and in #J2 to #J2c from my web page named stawczyk_uk.htm and in post #344E to blogs of totalizm. In Petone the attractive action of this miraculous energy carried by God Drobinas e.g. causes that on days when the weather and simultaneously a day free from work populate the Petone beach, then almost a half of people resting on this relatively long beach intuitively gather just in the vicinity of this Celtic Cross. Thus, in my opinion, the "powers" of protection by God, working miracles, and fulfiling requests expressed in human prayers by this Petonian sacred area under the open sky can be estimated to be approximately equal to the "powers" that characterize the Basilica and the Earth energy chakra from Jasna Góra (meaning: Luminous Mountain) in Polish town of Częstochowa - which estimates of these "powers" seem to be confirmed by results of research and personal experiences described e.g. in #R2 to #R2ab from the web page quake.htm and in post #278E to blogs of totalizm, as well as confirmed by the meaning of the word "Arawa" explained in #A3 to #A4 from the web page named klasa_uk.htm and in post #352E to blogs of totalizm, and also by postulates from #J2 to #J2c of the web page named stawczyk_uk.htm and post #344E to blogs of totalizm.
       Also very telling is the date of natural uplifting of the land for the development of Petone township. Until May 1840, the present area of Petone was a vast swamp covered with jungle. However, this did NOT discourage the English settlement company from selling plots of land for building houses on this swamp, while settlers who arrived from England this swamp did NOT stop from building wooden and reed cottages in there. But the discussed first holy mass of February 23, 1840, held in the place presently indicated by the above "Celtic cross", has changed all this. Exactly three months later, on 26 May 1840 in Petone and in nearby Wellington a series of mild earthquakes began. Gradually they uplifted land of Petone and Wellington to the present height, and dried up Petone swamp. In Wellington, plaques marking the boundaries of land and sea in the early 1840s are still embedded in the sidewalks of Wellington streets. The first of these earthquakes is reported in a local newspaper article published on the web page . These earthquakes, however, were merciful to settlers from Petone and did not destroy their houses. Only at their end, probably in order to include this elevation of the area of Petone into the uncertainty of "canon of ambiguity" and thus in order NOT to break the "free will" of people learning about these facts, the last of these earthquakes that occurred on 23 January 1855, while is described on the web page , was strong enough to destroy more primitive buildings, although in Petone no-one was killed by them. To be honest, the course and consequences of these earthquakes, and the uplifting of the swampy land of present Petone and a part of nearby Wellington by them, gives me the impression that since that historic holy mass on 1840/2/23, this area from Petone was planned by God as a holy area - only that, unfortunately, this area had to wait until someone is to discover manifestations of its sacred attributes. (Later, the neighbouring Wellington, also according to God's plan, became the capital of the country in order to keep in its institutions historical records which, amongst others, helped in documenting the sacred area of Petone described on this web page, and also in order to clearly illustrate to those who seek the truth, the differences of attributes of events that took place in Petone from attributes of events in its neighbourhood.)
       The special treatment by God and divine protection over this sacred area (and over the entire township of Petone located right next to it) was first noticed only by the author of this publication. In turn the evidence which confirms it is described on this web page. Unfortunately, many of us people do NOT understand that in order to NOT break the extremely important so-called "free will" of people who learn about it, this evidence must meet the so-called "canon of ambiguity" which must characterize absolutely everything that concerns God - in order for God to still be able to distinguish those who are able to identify the truth from those who are blind to the truth. Because of the operation of this canon, noticing the special treatment of the town of Petone by God that is described here, required the ability to notice signs, at which often look and do NOT see people untrained in looking for what is commonly overlooked - as this is repeated many times in the Bible verses (e.g. in "Matthew" 13:14). Furthermore, it also required the courage to publicly state the truth so unpopular in present times, that for the preaching of it increasingly often one is (usually secretly) punished. In addition in this case his noticing took place also in spite that the author earned for his life as a "professional scientist" - means he worked in a "profession" today typically behaving as if it was paid for denying the existence of God. In his research career at several universities of the world the author held professorial positions in two different scientific disciplines, none of which has anything to do with the research on God (i.e. in "Mechanical Engineering" and "Machine Construction" and in "Computer Science" and "Informastics") - see his autobiographical web page. Also is intriguing that since the time of his university studies he considered himself to be an "atheist" - fortunately only as long until he development of the breakthrough Theory of Everything from 1985 (which, in order to avoid the secret blocking of being published, is also disseminated under a different name of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity) - which theory inspired him, among others, to formulate as many as two scientifically irrefutable proofs that God does exist, i.e. the newest empirical proof based just on findings of "Mechanical Engineering" and "Informatics" while developed in 2021 and presented in items #D1 to #D4 from the web page named 2020life.htm, and the earlier formal proof for the existence of God from 2007 (i.e. in units of "human years" older by twice of the holy number "seven"), developed during his professorship at the University of Ajou from South Korea, and together with several related empirical proofs presented in items #G2 and #G3 from the web page named god_proof.htm. In his noticing this special treatment by God for the town of Petone, it was also significantly helped that in his life as an emigrant who repetitively kept loosing his educational jobs because of the officially persecuted subject of his research, the author was constantly forced to change his place of residence - so he knew perfectly well how life looks like in towns which inhabitants forgot about God. So when in 2001 the author moved to Petone, he immediately noticed the extraordinary nature of it, and with growing admiration he started to research and systematically document events from this town. However, only on the sunny autumn Wednesday of 2018/4/25 it was revealed to him, that the uniqueness of the area marked with the commemorative Celtic cross from the Petonian beach described and illustrated in item #J3 below on this web page, has a historical justification, i.e. that the sanctity of this area from the coast of Petone most probably results from the fact that it was the site of the first Presbyterian mass in the entire New Zealand, means that it is a kind of "temple under the open sky". (Before that date the author suspected that in the vicinity of this town lived those "10 righteous" required by the Bible, which are described e.g. in #I1 to #I2 from the web page named quake.htm.) Some time after noticing the sanctity of the area located by the above-mentioned Celtic cross from the beach in Petone, the author of this web page also became aware that similar holy areas were created by God within the range of a pilgrimage that could be completed by every inhabitant of the planet Earth who trusts truths from verses of the Bible. So it seems that the purpose of creating a whole network of these sacred areas is to enable and persuade every believer in God to go on a personal pilgrimage to one of such sacred areas at least once in his/her life in present crucial times and through his/her sincere, own and avoiding any intermediaries prayer, establish a direct relationship with his/her God and Creator, while at the same time through the active undertaking of such a pilgrimage to area of special treatment by God he/she documented to God the power of his/her own faith and created for himself or herself an opportunity to personally ask for blessing with care and help in all matters that are most important for the course and effects of his/her life.
       How good it is that in the initiated by the "covid-19" pandemic times of the exam and the exemplary qualification of every person and community to the biblical category of "seed" or "chaff", we have the Bible, while God also reveals to us examples such as Petone. After all, divinely-precisely formulated verses of the Bible much more precisely than many religions explain to us the purpose for which God created us, and also indicate how we should live. In turn what God illustrated in Petone demonstrates how effective are the methods of God's work - and at the same time allows that in accordance with "free will" everyone chooses and decides his/her fate. So it is worth that e.g. the symbolic meaning of the fig tree, in the Bible described e.g. in verses 11:12-14 from "Mark", 21:18-19 from "Matthew", and 13:6- 9 from "Luke", persuades us to voluntarily take these two examples to heart. After all, similarly as increasingly more of today's people and communities, also this fig tree e.g. in verses 11:20-21 from "Mark" perfectly illustrates for us to what leads the ignoring of purpose of one existence, e.g. instead of bearing permanent fruits for the good of others, selfishly overgrowing with short-lived leaves causing only one's own growth.

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The content of this web page is authorized by Dr Eng. Jan Pajak that is by a researcher, discoverer and inventor of New Zealand and Poland and WorldCat Identity (see the web page, the course of whose life is briefly described at the autobiographical web page pajak_jan_uk.htm. By profession Dr Eng. Jan Pająk is an academic teacher who lectured and carried out research at 10 tertiary educational institutions of the world where he lectured numerous subjects in two different disciplines, i.e. in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Construction, first at his native Wrocław University of Science and Technology, then at the universities of New Zealand (Canterbury), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Borneo (Kuching), as well as in the discipline of Software Engineering and Programming Languages at four New Zealand tertiary educational institutions (i.e. at Invercargill College, Dunedin University, Timaru Polytechnic, and Wellington Institute of Technology) and at universities in Cyprus (Famagusta) and Korea (Suwon). At as many as four among these universities (i.e. at universities in Cyprus, Malaysia, Borneo and Korea) he was employed as university professor. In the early part of the 21st century, Dr Eng. Jan Pająk distinguished himself from the group of still alive at that time discoverers and inventors who simultaneously were citizens of Poland or/and New Zealand, that he became among them the most widely known in the world, most variously interpreted, and moreover, the most productive - in spite of conducting his research without funding and on the principles of alleged a private scientific "hobby", forced by the official disapproval of the areas of knowledge and truth he researches, and in spite that the results of his research constitute knowledge and truth that in present world is one of the most fiercely overpowered and blocked from getting known by people. Only a brief illustration and summary of the most important of his discoveries, inventions and scientifically indisputable formal proofs with the use of teaching movies, required the preparation of a series of half-hour video presentations available for free on the Internet: either in three languages, namely i.e. in Polish, English and German - examples of which can be the movie entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" while the English version of which can be viewed at and the movie entitled "Future Propulsions" the English-language version of which is disseminated from the address; or English and German 4-minute video "How big is the Magnocraft" disseminated from the address; or videos disseminated with narration in Polish but with subtitles in English - for example the quest movie entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój nirwany", the title of which means "The Nirvana System: World That Rid Of Money", available at and the warning movie entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030", the title of which means "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s", available at (note that these English subtitles can be turned "on" or "off" by clicking on the icon "cc", i.e. "subtitles/closed captions", located at the bottom-right of given movie). Unfortunately, the results of his breakthrough research to-date illustrate how perfectly the today's situation with truth, knowledge and monopolistic "official atheistic science" is reflected in the life wisdom of the Bible verses from Matthew 13:57, Luke 4:24 and John 4:44, as well as in the folk wisdom contained in the saying "truth hurts". After all, e.g. in New Zealand until today almost no-one wants to know about the existence and outcomes of his research. In turn, e.g. in Poland, in order to invalidate, deny, silence, and combat his discoveries, inventions and formal proofs, many compatriots conspire into gangs that act as monopolies distorting the truth and forgetting about God (as, for example, it is documented from #A5 to #A5bc from the web page named totalizm.htm), while trying to leave for future generations only lies, rubbish, polluted water, air and soil, and devastated nature.

It is also worth knowing that the print size of this web page as well as many of the author's other web pages, can be increased up to about 300%. This in turn allows it to be read easily without the use of glasses. This is because every software used to display it has a built-in so-called "zoom". For example, in "Google Chrome" this "zoom" is revealed by clicking on the vertical "three-dot" in the upper right corner of the screen, then the print can be increased or decreased by clicking on the plus or minus of this "zoom". "Firefox" reveals the same "zoom" by clicking there on a three-line dash, while "Internet Explorer" reveals by clicking a "cog" over there. Photos of this and other web pages by the author can also be enlarged up to 500% of their original size - which allows e.g. to carefully examine the face of someone who interests us. The easiest way to enlarge a photo in such a way is to first click on it - so that it appears in a separate window. Then one should (also by clicking) show it to oneself from this separate window on the computer screen. In turn having it on the computer screen, one can open for it the "zoom" which I described above for enlarging the print size of this web page, then by clicking on the + or - of this zoom, one can freely increase or decrease this photograph on the screen.

Part #A: Introductory information of this web page:


#A1. What motivated me to prepare this web page:

Motto: "The true holy areas always look very humbly - in spite that they are established to reassure believers that the undertaking the efforts of making pilgrimages to them, usually fruit in all prayers for God's intervention are listened in there more instantly and abandonly."

       We pretend that we are "highly civilised". But really we live in especially immoral times. If, for example, Jesus appears right now amongst people, and does whatever in the Bible is described as guidelines for the exceptionally moral behaviour ordered to people by God, then everything that He would do, today would turn-out to be illegal and punishable by law. Moral standards of people were so significantly deviated and devaluated in the meantime, that even the most moral actions of Jesus Himself, today would turn to be punished by law, taken as offences by many loud but influential people, and treated with hostility by some rich people and politicians - as satirically this is illustrated in items #D1 and #C3 of the web page named antichrist.htm and item #G3 of the web page named prophecies.htm. As the result, in present immoral times Jesus probably would also meet the fate similar to that in antiquity, while in face of such obvious disobedience God would again be forced to punish, persecute, and disperse over the world the responsible nation - similarly like for the duration when Christianity prevails God is doing this with Jews. This present high immorality of people stems from the monopole and incompetence of the to-date official human science, which with its primitive tools still is unable to research and to encompass God, therefore it insinuates that "God does NOT exist" and promotes the behaviour type "enjoy life because there is NO hell" (see item #A2 below, or item #I1 on the web page named god_exists.htm). In turn, if any present scientist researches officially God (e.g. researches commands of God expressed in the Bible), then always does it with the intention of "negating" - e.g. proving that a given miracle could be fabricated, insisting that given events were just coincidental, etc. In turn, with such an attitude, these scientists are unable to take notice of many truths, which for a significant number of people later turn out to be the matter of life or death. For example, these scientists are unable to notice, that immorally acting communities God subjects to group punishments by hitting them with cataclysms - as this is explained in items #C1 and #E2 of the web page named day26.htm, or items #I5 and #I3 of this web page. Or notice, that institutions which ceased to listen to the voice of conscience are "eliminated" by God, while individual people deaf to the voice of their conscience are prematurely dead - according to the "principle of extinction of most immoral" (explained, amongst others, in items #G4 and #G1 from the web page named will.htm, in item #A2.7 from the web page totalizm.htm, or in item #B1 from the web page named changelings.htm). Or understand, that every war in the final count is always lost by the aggressor - as this is explained in items #I2 and #E3 from the web page bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm. Or realise that the so-called "scientific morality", mentioned in item #I5 from this web page, in reality is a version of "immorality" and is punished by God equally severely as every other form of immoral behaviour. (This "scientific morality" are moral rules which fulfil the scientific definition of "morality" quoted in item #B2 from the web page named morals.htm, and thus which are recommended to people by representatives of various disciplines from present official atheistic science - in spite, that they do NOT fulfil at all the definition of "true morality" ordered to people by God, which definition is provided in item #B5 from the web page morals.htm.) Through ignoring the fact, that God has its own goals to accomplish and own methods leading to these goals, the "official atheistic science" is also unable to detect, that all communities can effectively defend themselves from cataclysms - as this is explained in items #H1, #I2 and #J1 from the web page quake.htm, that institutions may easily avoid being "eliminated", while individual people can disperse the danger of premature death by just a change of practiced philosophy into totalizm - as this is explained e.g. in items #G6 and #G7 from the web page will.htm, and in item #J5 below on this web page. In the result of these ignorant behaviours of the official science, our civilisation increasingly more denies the truth about God, increasingly closer approaches an anarchy and self-destruction, as well as increasingly more is punished for its immorality with evermore destructive cataclysms, while the longevity of people, instead of increasing, lately started to decrease because of the need of premature putting to death by God of all these most immoral individuals. Fortunately for the truth, not long ago emerged a different, and competitive towards the old, new science called the "totaliztic science" (i.e. the science described in item #A2 of this web page). This new science gradually straightens errors and deviations introduced by the old "official atheistic science" (i.e. by this old, monopolistic, official science, which erroneous claims we still must learn in schools and at universities). In turn, one amongst topics included into this straightening of errors and deviations of the official atheistic science, is the truth of statements from the Bible. This web page in its "part #I" (especially in items #I3 and #I3.1) provides a body of evidence which confirms the truth of God's promise from the Bible that "God is NOT going to send any cataclysm to destroy or to seriously harm a town or a community in which lives at least 10 so-called 'righteous' people". This body of evidence is described below in items #I3, #I3.1 and #I5. It remains verifiable by every reader. After all, it concerns well documented facts and communities (i.e. it is based on facts described in newspaper articles available in internet, it concerns phenomena and places also described in internet - e.g. the present New Zealand township named "Petone" located in suburbia of Wellington, in which township lives, amongst others, the author of this web page, etc.). Thus, in the situation when the city of Christchurch trembled repetitively by God, would NOT even look at the public offer of the author of this web page, to stop further earthquakes in there with the method based on morality and described in items #J1 and #P5.1 from the web page named quake.htm, probably a lot of years must still elapse before any other scientifically confirmed body of evidence for the absolute truth of statements and promises from the Bible becomes also commonly available in internet. In the meantime, the township of Petone and the city of Christchurch from New Zealand may get opportunities to enter legends on morality, similarly like to legends got the city of "Nineveh" described in the Bible and the city of "Vineta" described in item #H2 from the web page named tapanui.htm.
Petone, New Zealand, 17 October 2012

#A2. The body of evidence presented on this web page could be gathered only because of the eventuation of the new "totaliztic science" with its "a priori" approach to research:

       Already as small children we all experience one amongst the most fundamental truths of our physical world, namely that "in order something we get to know really well, we must to view it, examine it, or research it from more than just a single side, point of view, approach, etc." This is why even as small children, we look at every toy and every object from front and back, from side and in overhead view, and at every possible angle of sight that is available to us. In turn when we become adult, then we do NOT buy a car, house, nor we acquire anything else (e.g. a wife) is we do NOT examine this thoroughly from at least front and back, and frequently also from every other possible side. Unfortunately, about this fundamental truth most clearly have forgotten human luminaries of the science. After all, the present official science researches the entire reality that surrounds us from just a single philosophical approach, which is called "a posteriori" means "from effects to causes". In the result, this science learn at the most only "a half" of the reality around us. After all, in order to learn also this other half of reality, the humanity will need to officially establish also the second entirely new science, which will be "competitive" towards the old, and which will undertake scientific research of the surrounding reality from a completely opposite approach, by philosophers called "a priori", means "from the cause to the effect" or "from God understood as the superior cause to the reality around us understood as the effect of actions of that God".
       So far, if any scientist researched, or researches, something officially from that "a posteriori" approach (e.g. researched or researches origins of the universe, or statements from the Bible), then his most important although hidden goal automatically becomes the "negation of God" (e.g. the attempt to prove, that the universe eventuated without the participation from God, or to prove that all statements of the Bible can be formulated without the need for the existence of God). After all, "a posteriori" approach (i.e. "from effects to causes") of the old official science is based on the assumption that "God does NOT exist", which is expressed by the so-called "Occam's Razor". This assumption represents a philosophical foundation of the present (old) official human science. (NOT without reasons this old science by some people is called the "atheistic orthodox science".) What even worse, to some "luminaries of the science" is NOT enough that the old official atheistic science as a whole negates God, but they alone, completely privately, exploit their scientific titles, academic positions, and high salaries (financed by taxpayers), in order to undertake public campaigns aimed at convincing people to the attitude expressed by the old Polish proverb "indulge the souls because there is NO hell" (in the original Polish language "hulaj dusza piekła nie ma"). An example of just such a campaign was not long ago placing on English and New Zealand buses advertisement saying that "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life" described e.g. in item #E1 from the totaliztic web page named will.htm or in item #A2 from the totaliztic web page named timevehicle.htm. In addition to this, such "luminaries of the science" that occupy positions of decision makers, exert a powerful pressure onto their subordinates and onto other scientists, so that these in everything that they do officially also "negated God". In the result, almost until today, no-one on the Earth undertook scientific research of the reality around us from that second philosophical approach called "a priori", which would allow the humanity to learn also that "second" part of truth, that is overlooked by the old official science.
       Fortunately for the truth, in 1985 was formulated a new scientific theory called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. It has proven formally the existence of God. In turn with that proof it created philosophical and scientific foundations for a completely new science, called the "totaliztic science". This new science researches the reality around us just from that opposite to previous one, "a priori" approach (i.e. "from the cause to effects"). In that approach this new science is already able to learn also that second, overlooked by the old science, and missing half of truth about the reality around us. (E.g. with the researching of the universe it can establish scientifically how really the universe eventuated - for details of this true origins of the universe see subsections A1 to A3 from volume 1 of my newest monograph [1/5]. In turn by researching the Bible it can scientifically determine "how" and "why" God does whatever the Bible states, "which body of evidence confirms this", etc.) This web page presents results of some amongst findings of this new totaliztic science.
       In present days intensify pressures of the old official science to guarantee it an absolute "monopole" in entrenching in people exclusively atheistic views adhered by that old science. These pressures manifest themselves already in practically every area of the life. Their perfect example are increasingly more powerful persecutions of Christian believes and systems of values, expressed e.g. through an official undertaking persecution acts described, amongst others, in the article [1#C3] from item #C3 below, or described in the article [1#A2] entitled "Christians persecuted by courts, ex-archbishop says", from page B1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Tuesday, April 17, 2012; or actions described in the article [2#A2] entitled " ' No right' to wear cross at UK work", from page B3 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, March 12, 2012. (Intriguing that the present scientists seem to be unable to notice, that such scientific persecution of Christians and the "new age crusade" of the official science against the "belief in God", in fact represents still another confirmation for the existence of God. After all, the behaviour of that science only confirms, that towards the so-called "group intellect", which are Christians, just started to act the group version of karma and the ruling over this karma the so-called "Boomerang Principle" - described, amongst others, in item #C4.4 of the web page named morals.htm or in item #B3 of the web page named mozajski_uk.htm. This principle causes that currently Christians receive back, amongst others from atheists, the so-called "return of group karma" for the treatment that they subjected atheists to during times of medieval inquisition and burning unbelievers on stakes, similarly like various other "group intellects" also receive currently returns of karma for whatever they did in past - e.g. England receives the return of karma of colonialism, Europe receives the return of karma for its "crusades", New Zealand receives the return of karma from around 200 years ago, i.e. from times of the arrival of first white settlers to that country, USA receives the return of karma from times of slavery, etc. In turn the sole fact that this Boomerang Principle works in the real life and serves the "self-regulating" justice, is the confirmation of the existence of God, because truly only God is able to supervise and execute such "boomerang" actions of the mechanisms of morality.) Other examples of such pressures of the old science onto accepting by people atheistic views, can be the abovementioned placing advertisements on buses, thus persuading people to become atheists (i.e. advertisements of the kind "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life" from London and New Zealand buses - described amongst others in item #E1 from the web page named will.htm); or official implementation of various manners of moral (atheistic) corrupting of present youth - e.g. see such manners described in item #B5.1 at abovementioned web page named will.htm, or described in item #D3 of the web page named god_exists.htm. But the most detrimental for the humanity is establishing of the "monopole of official science" in teaching in schools exclusively atheistic views. A manifestation of this monopole is, amongst others, that scientists openly forbid teaching "creationism" in schools and force that taught in there is only "evolutionism". An example of such pressures are fates of so-called "Monkey Bill" (means the right to teach creationism in schools) - described in the article [3#A2] entitled "Scientists campaign for veto on controversial Monkey Bill" from page B1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Wednesday, April 11, 2012. In turn giving up to these pressures introduces a very dangerous precedence of establishing a monopole for just a single kinds of views (i.e. atheistic). Therefore one amongst goals that the new "totaliztic science" set for itself, is to realise to people, that all monopoles, including also the "monopole for knowledge and views" of the old "official atheistic science", are highly dangerous and very detrimental for people - as this is explained more comprehensively item #H1 from the web page named humanity.htm. So instead of the to-date teaching in schools just one-directional views, e.g. only the "scientific evolutionism" or in the future - only the "totaliztic creationism" (i.e. "creationism" based on the new theory of everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and on the resulting from that theory the highly moral philosophy of totalizm), the new "totaliztic science" argues, that the most benefits will bring to the humanity the official teaching in schools both these views simultaneously - so that the healthy and progress bringing scientific "competition" between both of them could inspire and accelerate the discovery by people where really truth lies.
       More information about both above sciences "competitive" towards each other, i.e. about the old "official atheistic science" and about the new "totaliztic science", and also about their approaches to research and capabilities, presents, amongst others, item #A2.6 from the web page named totalizm.htm, items #C1 to #C6 from the web page named telekinetics.htm, item #J2 from the web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm, item #B1 from the web page named tornado.htm, items #F1.1 to #F3 from the web page named god_exists.htm, and also several further totaliztic publications.

#A3. This web page presents results of another research completed by the new "totaliztic science", which on the basis of empirical evidence verify objectively and scientifically the truth of statements (promises of God) contained in the holy Bible authorised (inspired) by God Himself:

       Problem with our objective knowledge on the subject of God and on the subject of statements and knowledge contained in the Bible, is that in fact so-far NO-one tried to apply modern scientific methods and tools for carrying out objective and unbiased verifications of our knowledge regarding God - as I am continually trying to explain and emphasize this in my publications (e.g. see item #A2 of the web page named healing.htm). After all, religions order us to "believe them just on their word" in all matters relating to God and relating to claims of holy books. In turn the old "official atheistic science" concentrates mainly on spectacular "negation" of everything that concerns God (instead of researching everything objectively and impartially) - as I am explaining and emphasize this, amongst others, in the introduction to this web page. Thus, the new "totaliztic science" is the first science in the history of humanity, which with the use of modern tools of present science tries to objectively verify on the body of empirical evidence which is available to it, the truth of our knowledge on the subject of God, on statements contained in the Bible, on vital differences that must exist between the hypothetical "world deprived of God" and the world created and intelligently governed by omnipotent God in which we live (as these vital differences are described in item #B1 from the web page named changelings.htm), etc., etc.
       Until the present day the new "totaliztic science" managed to verify objectively and scientifically on the empirical evidence available to it a number of statements contained in the Bible. Listed below are topics of these verifications and links to these items on totaliztic web pages and publications, in which results of these objective verifications of the statements from the Bible were presented by the new "totaliztic science". Here they are:
       1. The promise of God from the Bible that He is NOT going to destroy any town, city, or community in which lives at least 10 so-called "righteous". This promise turns out to be immensely important for people. After all, in present times of cataclysms and disasters it gives us to hands a relatively easy for implementing method of self-defence from cataclysms. Results of the scientific verification of this immensely important promise from God are presented in items #I3 to #I5 from this web page. In turn a number of methods of defence from cataclysms, which are based on this promise from God, is described in items #I1 to #J1 of the web page named quake.htm.
       2. The discreet warning of God provided in the Bible, that is going to be killed every person which ceased to listen to the voice of his or her conscience. The consequence of this warning is, that e.g. if any parent does NOT discipline his or her children and teenagers with a proverbial "rod", then he or she allows them to develop a deafness to the voice of conscience, and in this way probably endangers them to die while still in a young age. The interpretation of examples of these God's warnings, and also the mechanism which in children deprived of disciplining with a rod can cause a premature death, is presented in item #G1 of a separate web page named will.htm. As this new "totaliztic science" established, such killing of immorally acting people (i.e. people that are deaf to the voice of their conscience) is a component of the principle of the "survival of most moral" which God consequently implements on the Earth. (Other components of the same principle of the "survival of most moral" include e.g. bankrupting by God institutions which become deaf to the voice of their conscience, or loosing wars always by the aggressors.) This principle of the "survival of most moral" in fact is implemented by God equivalent for the Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest" - which, however, on the Earth is applying only to the world of wild animals deprived of conscience. Unfortunately, the incompetent old "official atheistic science" erroneously tells the humanity, that that principle of the "survival of fittest" from the animal world is applying also to people equipped in the organ of conscience. The general principle of the "survival of most moral" is described more comprehensively in item #B1 from the web page named changelings.htm. In turn the detailed presentation of results of objective verification of God's warning described here on empirical evidence available to the new "totaliztic science" is presented in items #G1 to #G7 of the web page named will.htm.
       3. The explanation of God in the Bible, that everything that for people is "visible" was created from what to people remains "invisible". The explanation of the new "totaliztic science" that the entire visible "physical world" is formed through appropriate organising the invisible for people and intelligent so-called "counter-matter" with a natural "program", is described in (5) from item #C12 on the web page named bible.htm. This explanation is based on the detected only lately by the relatively new "Theory of Everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, the invisible for people substance called "counter-matter". It is worth to also notice, that that natural "program" which organises that invisible "counter-matter" into the visible for people "matter", in the Bible is called "word" of God. In turn in times when people did NOT know the present idea of a "program", the terminology "word" perfectly illustrated of what today we call "information", and also "algorithm", and "program".
       4. The explanation from the Bible, that "women" were created as complementing and extension of "men", which in the union with men forms something much better than each one amongst these two genders taken separately, NOT just as copies of men designated for independent from men life, decision making, governing, procreation, etc. This explanation is confirmed in item #B2 from the web page named antichrist.htm.
       5. The God's command from the Bible, that people are NOT allowed to practice homosexuality. High social damages caused by homosexual practices which caused issuing this God's command, are confirmed and explained in item #B4 from the web page named antichrist.htm. In turn one amongst manners on which God discreetly punishes today (without taking away "free will" from people) every promotion of open homosexual practices, is documented with evidence from item #I3.1 below on this web page.
       As the reader can check by himself or herself on the verification procedures presented at the abovementioned links, each single statement from the Bible that was already verified scientifically by the new "totaliztic science", turns out to express an absolute "truth". In addition, the old "official atheistic science" only groundlessly scoff at the Bible, negating the content of it exclusively in a speculative manner which is NOT based on any empirical evidence, and which is just a product theoretical deliberations of individual scientists. Also none scientist managed to prove conclusively, that in the Bible is contained untrue information of any misleading claim. All this taken together, obliges us to start treating and study the statements from the Bible with the respect, professionalism and objectivity that they deserve, and with which started to relate to them only the new "totaliztic science". (More on the subject of scientific confirmations of stataments from the Bible is explained in item #G7 of the web page named will.htm.)

#A4. What is the goal of this web page:

       The goal of this web page is to document scientifically on the verifiable by every researcher empirical evidence, really occurring cases when for many different reasons (e.g. because of the permanent living of so-called "10 righteous" in the vicinity of the New Zealand township Petone, or because of the presence in Petone the holy area marked by the Celtic cross by the Petone beach - as described and illustrated in item #J3 below on this web page), the township of Petone enjoys a "special treatment and protection" from God - and (as the Bible promises this) it is in fact clearly protected from cataclysmic phenomena that trouble other nearby towns and cities.
       To be honest, this large body of evidence, which until today I managed to gather about the "protection and special treatment of Petone by God" since practically 2001 (i.e. since the year in which I started to live in Petone and noticed the extraordinary attributes of this unique township), and a publicationable fragment of which I am trying to document at least partly on this web page, is increasingly urging me to consider the truth of quite a revolutionary thesis. This thesis states that "the New Zealand township of Petone repetitively manifests events and phenomena which reveal to truly religious persons that it has been blessed by God through giving to Petone the privileges of a general "Christianly-holy" area capable of performing miracles and fulfilling prayer-requests of these people of any faith, who deserve such fulfilling due to morally correct conduct". The most convincing to the truth of this thesis are events which I described in items #J1 to #J3 below on this web page. Unfortunately, as a scientist who is used to proving every own statement, I feel quite powerless here, because the truth of this thesis neither myself, nor probably no-one else, is NOT, and probably will NOT be able to, prove scientifically beyond any doubt (my research shows that in order to NOT take away from anyone the so-called "free will"). For example, the repetition of the sighting of the "burning bush" described in the Bible, the witnessing of which is described in item #J3 from this web page, and which has the potential to confirm with the certainty (on the basis of Bible werses) that the area of Petone is a holy ground, I have not been able to see again and to document, although to the area where appeared this "burning bush" I am walking practically almost every day since 2018/4/25 - if only the weather and my situation allow it. Therefore, the only people who will be able to notice the truth of this thesis are probably these few deeply believing people who "look and see" (as the opposite of that vast majority of today's people, a lot of which also lives in Petone, but who "look" however "do NOT see"). After all, although the list of different locations in which I lived a bit more permanently in my life, already reaches around 40 addresses, still I have never before had the pleasure to live in a place which would repeatedly experience similar miraculous events like Petone does (even if one considers the wonders and extraordinary events that I experienced in my native village of Wszewilki). Unfortunately, all my attempts to draw the attention of other people to the qualities testifying about the sanctity of Petone, so far seem to come to naught. Just as most of today's people reject God, these people also reject the truth that God clearly treats currently the township of Petone as the only truly Christian-holy place in New Zealand.

#A5. This web page is another one in a whole series of web pages which I authorise, and which are devoted to the extraordinary places on the Earth, my living in which influenced the shaping of the philosophy of totalizm:

       To other web pages which I also authorise, and which describe human settlements in which I lives at some stage and which inhabitants influenced somehow the gradual formation of the present form of the philosophy of totalizm and the new "totaliztic science", include (click on their names below to view any of them): wszewilki_uk.htm, wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm, stawczyk_uk.htm, milicz_uk.htm, bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm, wszewilki_milicz.htm, sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm, wroclaw_uk.htm, malbork_uk.htm, prophecies.htm, korea.htm. Almost the only village on the subject of which I still have NOT prepared a complete web page, although I lived in it almost for a whole school year, and although it exerted a significant influence on my philosophical awareness, is the Polish village Cielcza near Jarocin. Although I already started and published in internet an initial form of the web page about Cielcza, it still requires a bit of "fine tuning" and "polishing". But when I will be in Poland a next time, then I intend to visit also this village, refresh my memories, and then add final touches to that web page and to the description of influence that it exerted on the eventuation of the philosophy of totalizm.

Part #B: What is this "Petone":


#B1. Where Petone is located:

       Petone is a small township located around 8 kilometres to the north from the centre of Wellington - i.e. from the capitol of New Zealand. On 17th April 2012 statistics quoted the population of Petone at equal to 6609 persons - means approximately close to the number of people living in the Polish village named Cielcza, which I am mentioning in item #A3 of this web page. (However, from that date the population of Petone township probably already declined - as described in the article [1#B1] entitled "Skilled and cashed-up Kiwis flee in numbers", from page A5 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, December 22, 2011. After all, the numerous monopolies, with which New Zealand has overgrown, brought to this country so many price increases, such high cost of living, and such level of bureaucracy, complexity, inefficiency and unemployment, that the life in there is becoming increasingly difficult and a growing number of New Zealanders "pats" an increasing poverty.) Actually, Petone is considered by locals as one of the suburbs of capitol Wellington. However, because to Wellington leads one road and one rail which extend along a narrow contact area between the steep slope of the mountain range visible on the horizon of photograph from "Fig. #B1a", and the bay called "Wellington Harbour" - also recognized on that photograph, actually Petone is an unconnected township separated from Wellington due to the lack of buildings along the length of up to several kilometres. (Note that the narrow passage carved into the rock-ledge on which this highway and railway tracks run, do NOT allow any buildings to be also placed in there.)
       Petone is located at the outlet from a long valley bordered by two mountain ranges and pointed towards the sea in the direction from north to south. Petone is the last township at the southern end of this valley. After Petone this valley delves into the sea and forms a kind of bay called the "Welligton Harbour". To south from Petone is located the capitol city of Wellington. It is no longer positioned in this valley, but by the peak areas of the mountain range that constitutes the western boundary of the valley - in the place where this range delves into the sea so deep that the tops of some of these mountains descend down almost to the level of sea. To the north from Petone, in the same valley is located a number of other towns, the nearest of which to Petone is "Lower Hutt". From Lower Hutt Petone is separated by quite a wide river called "Hutt River", the mouth of which to the Wellington Harbour is visible on the photograph from "Fig. #B1a". After reaching Petone, the river crosses the valley diagonally, from the western to the eastern ridge of the mountain spine. Being so limited up on three sides by (1) the river, (2) the western maountain ridge, and (3) the beach of Wellington Harbour, buildings of Petone are forced to spread over the area shaped into a triangle.
       Petone is connected with Wellington with one highway and one railway line - both running along this rock-ledge at the edge of the Wellington Harbour. The easiest way to get from the airport in Wellington to Petone is by using an orange-painted bus number 91 - called "Airport Flyer". A transfer from the airport in Wellington to Petone lasts around a half of hour. About the ticket price I am not definitely clear, as it grows repetitively every short period of time. At the time of writing this paragraph a ticket costed around NZ$ 10.
       Similarly as in nearly all of New Zealand, also in Petone everything works on the principle of "old boys networks". After all, almost everyone here knows everyone else - sometimes even for several generations. Also each one calls here others by their Christian name. Since being the creator of totalizm and the researcher of philosophical trends, it is for me highly interesting to compare the work of mechanisms of life in Petone, with mechanisms that I still remember from the Polish village Cielcza - in which also everything was handled on the similar basis of "everyone knowing everyone". The reason why this induces such my curiosity is that both these human settlements are occupying almost opposite ends of the moral spectrum.

Fig. #B1a
Fig. #B1b

Fig. #B1ab: Sights of the township of Petone from the suburb of Wellington, New Zealand. These photographs illustrate a typical appearance of the township in a nice day. Unfortunately, lately nice days appear rather rarely in the capitol Wellington, which in New Zealand is known as a "windy city". In turn because Petone is in close proximity to usually cloudy and wind-swiped Wellington, also typical weather in Petone is a windy day, cloudy sky, fog over the airport, and frequent rain. Only that in the consequence of close presence of so-called "10 righteous" (explained better in item #I2 of this web page), Petone is incomparably less frequently troubled with fogs than Wellington - what excellently illustrates the photograph from "Fig. #B1a" - which captured fog accumulating over Wellington, while Petone is free from it. (After all, opposite to clouds, fogs are a frequent cause of transportation difficulties, paralyses of airports, collisions and accidents if cars, etc. Thus, similarly like with cataclysms, also, amongst others, the intelligent "mother nature" manifests through fogs its triggered by moral mechanisms "disapprovals", "warnings", "hostile attitudes towards given communities", etc.) Thus, days when the sky above Wellington and Petone is free from clouds, as on the above photographs, are more exceptions than norms. (Click on any above photo to see it enlarged.)
       Fig. #B1a (upper): The general view of Petone photographed in the direction from east to west from the top of a narrow mountain range which separates the township of Petone from the settlement of Wainuiomata. Because of this mountain range, Wainuiomata does NOT lie in the same "range of destruction" as Petone. (What is that "range of destruction", explains item #G2 from the web page named day26.htm.) Thus many cataclysms which cause significant destruction in Wainuiomata, does NOT do any harm in Petone. Notice on this photograph the sea bay called the "Wellington Harbour", the mouth of river called "Hutt River", and a section of long, straight beach in Petone covered with black gravel. Along this straight section of beach I like to walk in nice days around lunch hours. I also like to sit on a bench and enjoy views from that pier in Petone running into sea, which thin outline one can see around a half of length of a straight section of the beach. around a half of left edge of the photograph is also visible on the bay a part of the Island closest to Petone, called "Somes Island" - which is also visible on photographs "Fig. #B1b" and "Fig. #I3a" from this web page. This island is a nature reserve now, while in past it was a place of quarantine (and isolation) for people accused that they bring some dangerous illness to New Zealand. One should also notice the general "atmosphere" of this photograph. After all, it perfectly illustrates the finding of the "totaliztic science" explained in item #I4 from the web page named day26.htm and in item #I5 of this web page, that the weather and nature of a given area on the earth always is a reflection of moral state of community which inhabits this area.
       Fig. #B1b (lower): The appearance of sea bay called "Wellington Harbour", photographed in a nice day during one of my favourite walks at lunch time over the gravel (volcanic) beach in Petone. (I.e. these walks along the beach were my favourite manner of relaxing until the time when on this beach appeared a plague of blood sucking "sand flies" described in item #B3 below on this web page.) This black gravel beach visible in the lower part of this photograph is quite vital strategically. After all, in case of any war and an invasion at New Zealand (caused e.g. by the epoch of "great hunger" that is slowly arriving to the Earth - as described in item #H3 of web page prophecies.htm), most probably the sea landing is to aim just this beach - as it is explained in item #C2 below. Notice that on this photograph the tops of sea waves are aligned parallel to the line of beach - as it is a typical behaviour for seas. This photograph was taken when the camera lens was pointed in southern direction. Therefore apart from the nearby "Somes" island with quarantine building on the top, on the horizon the photograph captured also buildings of nearby Wellington - which city in nice days is well visible from Petone and for which Petone is one amongst suburbs. (The island of Somes is visible also on "Fig. #I3a", but over there buildings of Wellington are NOT visible, because they are covered by low clouds.) In interesting phenomenon also captured on this photograph are these wind-spread, long white clouds. From just such long, white clouds, New Zealand has its Maori (native) name "Aotearoa" - means the "Land of Long White Clouds".

#B2. Satellite photograph and map of Petone:

       A satellite phpotograph of Petone can be viewed at the address In turn a map of Petone is available at the address I encourage to have a look at them.

#B3. Mysteries and curiosities of the township of Petone:

       For some mysterious reasons, Petone is rather unusual township. For example, it was settled by European immigrants much earlier than the nearby Wellington - because already in 1840. At that time present Petone was called "Port Nicholson". The street where I live is called until today with the same name as the second of three ships on which the European settlers came from England to form this township.
       For this web page the most important are, of course, the extraordinary and interesting facts about Petone which are relating to morality. The most important out of these, in my opinion is the fact that in the vicinity of Petone live those required at least "10 righteous", who protect the township against all natural cataclysms and weather anomalies - as more thoroughly it is documented in items #I3, #I3.1, and #I5 of this web page. I actually counted how many of these "righteous" is nearby, and the results of my counting is described in item #I3 from the web page named day26.htm. My counting disclosed, that in the vicinity of Petone really lives at least 10 of them. This number is also confirmed by the complete absence of natural cataclysms which would hit Petone while they affect the neighboring human settlements - as documented by the empirical evidence presented in items #I3, #I3.1 and #I5 from this web page. Cataclysms and destructive weather anomalies systematically bypass Petone, in spite that, as explained in item #C2 from this web page, Petone turns out to be one of the most dangerous place in the world.
       In present times of the prevailing attitudes of greed and profits, a moral curiosity is also what about the nearby to Petone town of Upper Hutt writes the article "Mayor and council turn down $8600 salary increases", from page A1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, May 3, 2012. They represent the only known to me case in New Zealand, when some elected politicians have rejected the wage increase decreed to them by the governmental so-called "Renumeration Authority", because they know that in order to raise money for this salary increase, the inhabitants of their town who finance them, will be forced to pay increased rates - which in severe conditions of the economic depression is NOT a morally good conduct. This article created the example for other people in power, who in spite of hard times still constantly increase their own earnings by asking ordinary people to pay for them. Perhaps because of this reason, just two weeks later appeared another article entitled "Unwanted pay rise on way", from page A5 of the newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, May 17, 2012, which reported that the "Renumeration Authority" has decided that the mayor and his consuls are NOT allowed to reject wage increases granted to them.
       In my opinion in Petone also are interesting extraordinarities of nature. An example of these might be the white heron shown below in "Fig. #B2". In 2011 and early 2012 its favorite place for sitting was my car that was parked on the yard in front of the apartment which I occupied then - see "Fig. #B2" below. When, after 11 years of living in there, in February and March 2012 I shifted from this flat, the heron arrived as if it wanted to say goodbye to me - see "Fig. #B2(b)". In many countries,e.g. in Korea, the white herons are symbols of spirituality. In there they are thought to be almost sacred birds, and people assign to them a number of extraordinary abilities. The view of such a white heron sitting on my car would not be unusual, if this bird was seen in New Zealand as often as e.g. sparrows, or if the breeding colony of it was located somewhere near to Petone on the North Island of New Zealand. However, according to the article "NZ's 10 most endangered species", from page A10 of the newspaper Weekend Herald (issue dated on Saturday, April 7, 2012) in the entire New Zealand are now living only 126 of such white herons. They also belong to a group of 10 most endangered species of New Zealand. What's the most interesting, the only in New Zealand breeding colony of white herons exists in the province of Westland on the banks of the streamlet named "Waitangiroto" (i.e. around 30 miles to the north from the "Franz Josef" glacier), means on a different island and in the distance of about 600 km to the south from Petone. So where did come from to Petone this lonely white heron, and why it reveled in sitting on my car? Is the appearance and strange behavior of it symbolically passing to us some message?
       Another curiosity of nature noticeable in Petone, is a pengant smell of horse urine, which spreads out from the sport and recreational area located in the center of town (near the buildings of the local Polytechnic). In the halcyon days, and typically just after the rain, the smell of this urine spreads around Petone and hits people in nostrals almost everywhere in this town. In turn during strong winds it can be felt only if one takes a walk through these grass-covered sport areas. Once, very long ago, Petone repetitively organized horse races and even built itself for this purpose a turf racing track located in the center of the town. However, these races were abandoned a while ago, and during these 12 years in which I lived in Petonie none horse race was held in there. In turn this grass race track was turned into a kind of sport and recreation area, on the grass of which during weekends local teams play a rugby or cricket matches, while on weekdays people go there for a walk or for a release of children and dogs for a run. But the extraordinary feature of this former grassy horse racing track, is that until today it is imbued with a strong smell of horse urine. It is a strange phenomenon, because I know many other similar grass race tracks for horses, on which, however, the smell cannot be feeled. For example, in Dunedin I used to live in the house adjacent to the used and highly active such a track, but it did not emit any odour. Meanwhile, in Petone this smell is simply striking. Under this race track from Petone runs the famous "geological fault" - which is described in item #C2 of this web page. So is it possible that from this "fault" escape some volcanic gases that constantly like "renew" and "intensify" this smell of the horse urine. I do not know how else to explain why this smell lasts for so long and is so strong that it even drowns out even the smelly fumes from the local huge cigarette factory, and previously also poisonous fumes from the factory Exide (both of these factories are described in item #I3 below on this web page).
       Yet another extraordinarity of nature noticeable in Petone are strange elliptical windows in heaven (aureolas), which occasionally appear in the dense layer of clouds above this town. Pictures of one of these windows, are showed (and described) in "Fig. #I3ab" below on this web page. One may wonder whether these windows also are intended to be a kind of message or inspiration to the local people.
       Probably to the extraordinarities of nature in Petone belongs also the plague of blood-sucking "sand flies" which administer very painful bites. (In the Polish language "sand-flies" are called "mustyk".) These flies are very small. Their size does not exceed the size of European "fruit flies". But their bites are relatively painful - sometimes one can feel these bites like from the European horsefly. What is even worse, sand-flies can bite through a single layer of clothing, such as socks, pants, or shirt. Thus, it is difficult to defend ourselves from them. In addition, while biting they sip into the wound a kind of venom, which causes the location of their bites to not want to heal and then itches and rots for about a month. They reproduce in the sand where their larvae feed on organic impurities contained there - hence their English name "sand-fly". In New Zealand you can be beten by them most frequently at the beach, because over there is a lot of sand - and thus also these flies. For the first time the appearance of this plague on the Petone's beach (i.e. on the beach which the reader can see in "Fig. #B1") I noted only in October 2012. Although these painful flies were always present in New Zealand, but on the Petone's beach they could be met rather rarely and thus it was possible to drive them away. Thus, in spite I previously used to walk along this beach almost every day, I was bitten by these flies no more frequently than about once a month - which rare biting I was able to withstand. However, in October 2012 (i.e. during the New Zealand spring) suddenly large swarns of these flies appeared in there. There were so many of them, that one could NOT frive these flies away from. Because of them, I was forced to stop my favourite beach walks. What is even worse, because my flat is only around 200 meters from the beach, they began to appear in the house - making life significantly less pleasant. Their appearance in my opinion is due to the fact of excessive water pollution in the "Hutt River" with organic waste - as described in the article, "No swimming: 52% NZ impure", from page A1 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. The thick like a soup water from this river flows into the "Wellington Harbour" saturating the sand from Petone's beach with organic waste matter, thus providing food fr larvae of these flies. As a result, their numbers exploded. Previously I already once witnessed a very similar mass explosion of the Malaysian relatives to the same sand flies. This happened on my favorite tropical beach in Port Dickson, Malaysia. Before 2005 I often travelled to this beach in Port Dickson to wade in the hot tropical sea at that beach of golden sands. Nothing then was biting me in there. Unfortunately, around 2005 the authorities in there decided to build a pipeline which discharged raw city water into the sea right on this beach. This water quickly saturated the sand of the beach with organic matter - which resulted in the emergence of explosion of swarms of local painful sand-flies. (Malaysian version of these flies is smaller than the New Zealand one, because it is only of the size of a poppy seed, so it is even harder to notice and therefore also harder to defend from it. Also its venom if more effective in anaesthetising the bite, thus its bitings are not as painful as these from New Zealand. But its venom rots the body for equally long time and it itches equally diabolically.) In turn bites of these Malaysian sand-flies scared almost all beach goers. As the result, there is currently no-one going to this beach, including myself. So in the effect of this sewage discharge into the sea, golden beaches in Port Dickson are now completely deserted - which soon later brought financial ruin to the local bussinesses. This way once buzzing with life and tourists Port Dickson now has become the sleeping town in which it is difficult to see a tourist. Likewise it may soon happen to Petone (and also to Wellington and to the rest of New Zealand). Especially, that similarly like these sand-flies, in New Zealand also rapidly grows the number of local monopolies and cartels - as this is explained in item #H2 from the web page humanity.htm. In turn these monopolies and cartels continually raise prices of everything, while diminishing the quality and productivity - which price rises and quality drops are even more painful to the wallets of tourists than sand-flies for their bodies.

Fig. #B2a
Fig. #B2b

Fig. #B2ab: One amongst curiosities of the township of Petone - means a lonely white heron which liked to sit on my car parked by previous flat which I was hiring in Petone in years 2001 to 2012. When I was shifting out of this flat at the turn of Fabruary and March 2012, this heron arrived probably to say good bye to me or to my car. It looked into windows of the flat that I was leaving and make an impression as if it is sad and lonely for this reason. (Click on any above photograph to see it enlarged.)
       Fig. #B2a (upper): A phtograph of a lonely white heron which in years 2011 and 2012 liked to sit on my car. (Please notice, that the same my old car was a witness to many strange things from our physical world. For example, it is also present in "Fig. #H2" from the web page named seismograph.htm, and in "Fig. #D1" from the web page named mozajski_uk.htm.) I took this photograph during the New Zealand winter of 2011. The mystery of this bird stems from the fact, that white herons do NOT live in the vicinity of Petone, which a nearest colony of them is on other island in the area distant by about 600 km from Petone. According to the article "NZ's 10 most endangered species", from page A10 of newspeper Weekend Herald (issue dated on Saturday, April 7, 2012), in the entire New Zealand lives just 126 of these birds. This is because white herons belong to the group of 10 birds of New Zealand most endangered with extinction. It is also worth to know, that in some other countries, e.g. in Korea, white herons are considered to be highly spiritual and symbolic birds, which are characterised by several extraordinary attributes. We may wonder what a symbolic message supposed to express the appearance and a strange behaviour of the above bird?
       Fig. #B2b (lower): This white heron sitting sad and lonely on the fence near the place by which my car used to be parked, and looking at the windows and doors of emty flat in which I lived previously. (The window and door of this flat are visible on the ground level by the left edge of the photograph.) On me this heron make an impression, that it arrived knowing that I am shifting, trying to say good bye. This photograph I took on 15 March 2012.

Part #C: "Which deadly cataclysms" and "why" continually threaten to hit Petone and other human settlements from the vicinity of it:


#C1. Even the Mayor of the Christchurch city (i.e. the city which recently was destroyed by earthquakes) expressed a fear of staying in Wellington and could not wait to leave Wellington and return to almost continually shaking Christchurch:

       In the article [1C1] "Parker frightened to be in Wellington" from page A3 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, was emphasized that the Major of New Zealand city of Christchurch, after the arrival to Wellington publicly expressed his fear of staying in that city, because he is afraid of an earthquake the threat of which hangs above heads of Wellingtonians. But one must remember, that Christchurch not long ago was seriously destroyed by a killer earthquake of Tuesday, 22 February 2011 (that described in item #P6 from the web page named quake.htm) - which killed 185 persons and destroyed a significant proportion of Christchurch, and which at the time of visit of this Major in Wellington was still repetitively shaken by series of aftershock earthquakes. So if the Major of Christchurch city is afraid to stay in Wellington, one can imagine how obvious, alive, and serious is the threat of earthquakes and tsunami waves over Wellington. In turn because very cataclysm which is to hit Wellington, is also going to hit the suburb of it known as Petone, these fears of the Major from Christchurch can be also extrapolated to Petone.
       In order to understand the above reluctance of the Major from city Christchurch, below in items #C2 to #C4 I am going to summarise the most important threats which hang over the township of Petone. But because both sciences described in item #A2 of this web page drastically differ in their definition as to what is this "endangering by a cataclysm", below I firstly in item #C2 describe threats which hang over Petone in the understanding of "cataclysms" adhered by the old official science. Then in item #C3 I am going to describe threats that hang above Petone in the understanding of "cataclysms" developed by the new "totaliztic science". Both categories of threats reveal that the township of Petone, and with it also all neighbourly settlements (e.g. Wellington, Lower Hutt, etc.), are probably one amongst most dangerous inhabited places in the world. Probably none other human settlements in the world are exposed to so many potential threats of cataclysms, as them. No wonder that even the Major of repetitively shaken city of Christchurch clearly expressed his fears against longer staying in Wellington.

#C2. Which cataclysms threaten the township of Petone (and also threaten other settlements from the neighbourhood of Petone, such as Wellington, Lower Hutt, etc.) - according to the definition of "cataclysms" adhered by the old "official atheistic science":

       The old "official atheistic science" defines that cataclysms are events that result from extreme work of laws and mechanisms of nature, which cause significant destruction or even deaths of people". In other words, according to the old official atheistic science, cause of cataclysms is slightly more powerful than normal work of mechanisms of nature, while effect of cataclysms are destructions or deaths of people. It is worth to notice here, that in such a definition of cataclysms, people are unable to defend from them nor prevent them.
       In order to reveal what typical cataclysms endanger the present humanity, below I am going to list these kinds of them which are also threatening the township of Petone, and human settlements which are neighbours of Petone, i.e. Wellington, Lower Hutt, etc. After all, the township of Petone is so seriously and so obviously endangered by numerous killer cataclysms, that some people just are afraid to settle in it, or even just shortly stay in it (it is probably because of this reason, prices of flats and houses in Petone are lower than in some other cities of New Zealand). So here is a list of various cataclysms, which are directly threatening Petone, and also threatening other human settlements similar to Petone. (Some amongst these threats are also described in item #I1 from the web page named day26.htm.)
       1. Earthquakes. Directly below houses of Petone, and also directly below buildings of Wellington, runs the most important seismic "fault" which runs around the entire Pacific - and which is described by the expression "Pacific ring of fire". This "fault" shakes practically continually. It is the same "fault" which was the reason, amongst others, of the earthquake and tsunami waves which on Friday, 11 March 2011 destroyed Japan - for their descriptions see item #C7 from the web page named seismograph.htm. It is also to repetitively remind local inhabitants about the duty of moral behaviour and obedience to commandments of God, the same "fault" every now and again is make alive by God and causes numerous earthquakes, which occasionally shake not only the township of Petone, but also neighbourly city of Wellington but which for reasons explained and documented in items #D1 and #I3 of this web page, so-far do NOT cause more serious damages in any of these human settlements. One amongst most meaningful, illustrative, and reassuring such earthquakes, was the one which shook Petone and Wellington on Tuesday 3rd July 2012, at 10:36 pm, and which is described, amongst others, in the article "Big quake rocks capital but no damage reported", from page A5 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Wednesday, July 4, 2012. The meaningfulness of this earthquake stems from the fact, that the force of it was 7 in the Richter's scale - means it was even larger than the force of the earthquake which devastated the city of Christchurch and which is described in item #P6 of the web page named quake.htm. Similarly as in Christchurch, it was also accompanied by a powerful "roar" of the mother earth. But in spite of this all, neither in Petone, nor in Wellington, occurred any destruction. Thus this lack of destruction can be interpreted as the reassurance from God, that "for the entire time when Petone fulfils the requirement that I specified in my promise from the Biblical "Book of Genesis", verse 18:32, it is to be protected from the destruction by any cataclysm".
       2. Tsunami waves. On 23rd January 1855 Wellington was hit by a powerful earthquake of the force 8.2 in the Richter's scale, after which the streets of that city was flooded with tsunami waves of around 3 meter high, while in the nearby coasts of "Wairarapa" experienced the tsunami of around 10 meters height. Died then a lot of people, while the majority of city buildings were destroyed. Those tragic days of Wellington are described in two articles, namely in the article "If you think it couldn't happen here ... It already has" from page A1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post Weekend (issue dated on Saturday-Sunday, March 19, 2011), and also in the article "What happened on January 23, 1855", from page A2 of the same New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post Weekend (issue dated on Saturday-Sunday, March 19, 2011). In other words, less than 200 years ago the city of Wellington was treated to almost similarly deadly cataclysms as not long ago was Japan, and which I discussed in items #C7 and #I1 from the web page named seismograph.htm, and also in item #M1 of the web page named telekinetics.htm.
       3. Volcano eruptions. Petone is located within the range of devastation of several temporarily dormant volcanoes, which have long been ripe for a next eruption. If, however, any amongst these volcanoes suddenly awoke from centuries of slumber and errupted, then the fate of Petone (and neighboring towns) would likely be regrettable. In addition to this, this seismic "fault" which runs under Petone also has the potential to suddenly generate a completely new and previously non-existent volcanoes. So we should not exclude the possibility, that one day in Petone will happen what already has happened in Christchurch - i.e. that people will wake up to the kind of seismic activity the existence of in which under their feet they have NOT suspected.
       4. Fallouts of volcanic ashes. Such fallouts represent the same kind of disaster that destroyed ancient Pompeii near Naples, Italy. For Petone such a disaster could be easily triggered by a powerful eruption of one amongst the nearby volcanoes.
       5. Being gassed. The so-called "faults", out of which one of the biggest in the world runs just under Petone, sometimes bring out the toxic gases. From time to time, on small scale such gases appear in the New Zealand town named Rotorua, poisoning in there individual people or single families. Probably on a small scale such gasses appear also near Petone, causing mass deaths of birds and other creatures that are trying to collect something on the ground (such mass deaths are described, amongst others, in item #C5 from the web page named newzealand.htm). However, such gases may also appear on a larger scale, filling the entire valleys and killing all the people who live in there. If such gases appeared in the valley in which the township of Petone is located, then there is a risk that they would kill all of citizens from not only Petone but also from the neighboring Wellington, Lower Hutt, etc.
       6. Outbreak (or pendamia) of a deadly disease. The constant prescribing of antibiotics for practically every ailment caused that the population of New Zealand is particularly unresistant to germs. While these germs are constantly coming - as it is explained in item #B1 from the web page named plague.htm. Thus, there is a considerable danger that a deadly plague one day attacks Zealand. In turn being located just near the capital, to which constantly are arriving people from all over New Zealand and abroad, in such a case Petone will be one of the first victims of the plague.
       7. Mass poisoning. Also cannot be excluded the risk that one day the entire population of Petone will experience a mass poisoning. After all, most of people drinks here the same water, that may be contaminated by a toxic agent - as indeed on a small scale likely to happen here (as described in item #G2.2 from the web page named healing.htm). After all, in New Zealand continuously are discharged from aircraft and poured over the fields various poisonous substances - as described in item #E1 from the web page cooking.htm. Then these substances get into the "food chain" and can land in drinking water, or in some popular foods. Moreover, in spite of protests of population and the lack of secure protection, there are also carried out experiments with genetic engineering - e.g. see the article "GM attack 'threatens NZ's edge'", from page A10 of newspaper Weekend Herald, issue dated on Saturday April 14, 2012. In turn these genetic experiemnts carried out in New Zealand have the attribute, that they chronically and repetitively keep escaping from the control of scientists.
       8. The phenomena that cause mass deaths of fish, rabbits, insects, etc. Not far from Petone take place mass deaths of various creatures, e.g. fish, rabbits, insects, etc. These deaths are described, for example, in item #C5 from the web page newzealand.htm and in (1) from item #D4 as well as in item #I1 from the web page named day26.htm. Nowhere, however, I encountered an explanation as to what causes them. But whatever is the cause of these deaths, probably it has also the potential to cause a mass deaths of people from Petone.
       9. Powerful explosions. On the edge of Petone are located powerful tanks for gasoline and other fuels. Of course, by a chance, accident, tampering, or an act of terrorism, the tanks may explode. Their explosion in turn would completely destroy the entire Petone, and probably also the nearby Wellington and Lower Hutt. Moreover, not far from Petone, i.e. in Taranaki, was detected and exploited was the natural gas. It cannot be excluded, that deposits of such natural gas are also located under Petone, while a small earthquake can cause cracking of the Earth's crust which may trigger the escape of this flammable gas to the surface. In such a case, one spark can be enough to cause an explosion that would erase Petone from the surface of the earth. After all, not so far from Petone, in the so-called. "Pike River Mine", took place just such an explosion of gas - even at the time of writing this item there were still trapped in there bodies of 29 miners. In addition, the Hutt River is currently carrying out a vast amount of organic matter, which settling causes the build-up of methane gas. In turn tis gas tends to accumulate in valleys, while at the appropriate concentration it can also explode. But Petone is located in a valley, not mentioning that every now and then also flames and sparks appear in it which are capable of inducing an explosion of gasses.
       10. Fire in the whole township. Almost all the buildings of Petone are made of wood or cardboard. There are also built close to each other. In turn such a whole township built of combustible materials, in which flammable houses almost touching each other, almost begs for a catastrophic fire that would consume it all at once. After all, such fires of the entire towns have historically happened before - the last of these was the "Black Saturday" in the state of Victoria from Australia, on 7 February 2009 - when 173 people were burned in there. So we should not exclude the possibility, that some sort of accident, coincident, sabotage, or a terrorist act, could one day lead to a fire of the entire town of Petone. Especially if this fire was initiated by some explosion discussed in the previous paragraph. In such a case, almost all residents of Petone would burn alive in their town - as recently it happened in Australia. After all, as explained in item #C4 below, Petone is built in the shape of a "trap", from which in the event of any disaster there is almost NO way to escape.
       11. Weather anomalies. In the era of global warming, the world is treated with increasingly more destructive weather anomalies. Some amongst these anomalies, especially strong winds, storms, floods, frosts, droughts, etc., for a long time have been plaguing New Zealand and attack it with an increasing fury. Thus, one day the township of Petone can also fall victim to them. Especially since it is located just off Wellington, which is well known throughout New Zealand as the "windy city", and in particular that it is situated in a valley between two mountain ridges which interaction onto clouds has the potential to trigger heavy rains and destructive floods.
       12. Flash floods. These floods are the kinds of "walls of water" that roll along the areas in which there has been a "cloudburst". They are characterized by a rapid increase in the water level. It means that water rises in them so quickly, that e.g. it floods houses after time of minutes rather than e.g. hours or days - as this happens is case of ordinary flooding (these "ordinary flooding" usually are called "surface flooding"). Therefore, these flash floods are particularly dangerous in the mountain valleys, where the entire drop of water begins to roll along a relatively narrow ravine or valley. In there these flash floods take the form of high walls of water that roll at high speed, so that they take everything in their path. People have no time to escape before water takes them. Further descriptions of these "flash floods" are also provided in items #K1.1 and #K1.9 from the web page named newzealand.htm.
       Flash floods are rather an unusual and rare phenomenon. For example, when I still lived in Poland, I have never heard of them. I learned about their existence only in New Zealand, where they were relatively more frequent than in other countries. As it is explained in the description from item #K1.9 of the web page newzealand.htm, one of these flash floods hit the valley called "Rimutaka", which is adjacent to Petone. Similarly as every New Zealand town that is located in a valley and surrounded by the ocean, also Petone is endangered to these "flash floods" that might happen due to a "water bomb" from clouds that pass through peaks of the surrounding mountains.
       13. Submerging into sea water. As official atheistic science tells us, warming the earth causes rapid melting of glaciers. In turn the water from these glaciers raises the level of the oceans and seas. Yet even more intriguing trend reveals item #I5 from this web page. According to it, in areas where the population as a group practices the so-called "scientific morality" (i.e. the deviated morality forced onto mankind by the old "official atheistic science"), the sea level rises much faster than in other places of the earth. For example, according to the article [3#I5] from that item #I5, the sea level in Wellington is growing fastest out of all the coasts of New Zealand. Petone is located not far from Wellington and low in relation to the sea level. Thus, although the sea level rises in Petone significantly slower than in Wellington, still in case when this level rises significantly, Petone will be submerged in the sea. Petone can also be submerged if an earthquake moves downwards the surface of it. After all, in the year 1840 Petone, similarly like nearby Wellington, was lifted up by the earthquake. (To this day on the streets of Wellington one can see brass plates with the inscription "1840 Shoreline" which indicate the border of a part of Wellington which in 1840 was raised up from the sea floor - such plates can be seen, amongst others, by the gate to Parliament.) Since these settlements were lifted up from the bottom of the sea by one earthquake, another earthquake can sink them into the sea - as it happened once with the city of Vineta near Świnoujscie, Poland, described in items #H2 and #G2 from the web page named tapanui.htm.
       14. Tornadoes. In the vicinity of Petone already appeared tornadoes. Not long ago one of them spread destruction in the nearby New Plymouth. So we should not exclude the possibility that one day a deadly tornado hits also Petone.
       15. Hurricanes. Hurricanes relatively frequently sweep over Petone - which is documented, amongst others, by the evidence from item #I3 of this web page. It may therefore happen that one of them will cause a noticeable devastation, or even takes human lives.
       16. Landslips. While located in the valley, Petone is exposed to catastrophic landslides. Especially since the only two roads to Petone run just below mountain slopes - hence can easily be blocked with such landslides. Also river "Hutt River" in some areas flows next to mountain slopes. It can also be blocked with such a landslide, thus creating both a flood and a flash flood.
       17. Meteorites. Just like almost any other place on the Earth, also Petone can be destroyed by an impact of meteor that has a significantly higher weight than typical meteorites. Just to such destructions from meteorites were even devoted entire fabular films.
       18. Burning the population by cosmic rays. Periodically Petone can easily found itself within the so-called. "ozone hole" that people have opened over the south pole of the earth. (This hole, as well as some other mysterious mechanisms of destruction that debilitate inhabitants of Antipodes, are described in item #G1 from the web page named newzealand_visit.htm.) An uncontrolled enlargement of this hole can eliminate the protection of the Earth and people from the deadly cosmic radiation. It may therefore happen, that some event on the Earth, for example an explosion or a faulty operation in one amongst large chemical plants, will cause a sudden and massive removal of ozone from the atmosphere. In such a case almost the entire population of New Zealand, including the residents of Petone, probably would have been burned by the deadly cosmic rays.
       19. A nuclear disaster. New Zealand does not have their own nuclear reactors or nuclear bombs, so that itself could cause a nuclear disaster of the kind described in items #M1 to #M1.3 from the web page named telekinetics.htm. However, in 2009 it turned out, that a significant part of the Australian uranium exports flows through New Zealand ports. In addition, Petone town lies on the sea shore in which operate nuclear submarines. Over Petone also fly planes and satellites of other countries than New Zealand - and not always is known what is on their deks. So it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of an accident or a case when Petone would fall a victim of a nuclear disaster similar to that from Fukushima in Japan and from Chernobyl in the Ukraine.
       20. The catastrophe and the fall down of a flying device. To this day, people built a huge number of flying devices, many of which often passes over Petone. Orbital stations, satellites, missiles, military aircraft, passenger and transporting planes, etc. Some amongst these devices carry in themselves a lot of fuel that could explode, and sometimes even radioactive isotopes or nuclear bombs. It can not be ruled out that any of these devices one day falls down onto Petone and, for example radioactively contaminates it, or e.g. destroys it through an explosion.
       21. Anarchy, lawlessness, state collapse, robbery, famine, depopulation, etc. In times of medieval plagues some areas of Europe experienced a complete collapse of civilization, combined with anarchy, robberies, collapse of food production, hunger, loss of population, etc. For example, during the plague of cholera in 1680, one of these areas of civilization fall became the area's Lower Silesia from Polish, especially from the part which lies on the border of present-day Poland and Czech. Pushed by hunger people rushed to leave the towns and villages and wandered in search of food, robbing and destroying everything in their path. Those people who could no longer endure died where they fell. In addition, residents of neighboring areas in which there was still a relative order, organized the "cleansing military campaigns" to such anarchized area to kill the remains of these wild and hungry wanderers - so that these wanderers could NOT spread looting and anarchy to these neighbourly areas. As a result, roads and fields were there dotted with human skeletons and skulls. A hundred years later, when the order and civilization returned to that area, the local priest Wenceslas Tomaszek (in Polish "Wacław Tomaszek") collected from fields, some of these bones and skulls, and paved with them walls and ceiling of now very famous throughout the entire world and crowdly visited "Chapel of Skulls" from Czermna near Kudowa Zdrój, Poland. In this chapel has been accumulated almost 25,000 human skulls. The reason for which in the Middle Ages kept appearing these periods of anarchy, lawlessness and mass deaths, was a sudden extinction (because of a plague) of highly skilled specialists who are absolutely vital to sustain civilization governance in the area, i.e. the sudden extinction of millers, bakers, farmers, etc. As a result of such the sudden extinction, the rest of society has experienced a sudden starvation, collapse of food production, hunger deaths, depopulation, anarchy, getting wild, etc. So the remaining people resorted to roberies of food - which resulted in an additional escalation of hunger, food production decline, extinction, depopulation, bestiality, etc. But what is very intriguing, although for a completely different reason, in New Zealand begin to appear conditions dangerously similar to those that caused such medieval declines of statehood, depopulation, periods of anarchy, hunger, robberies, etc. For example, starting from 2008, New Zealand specialists absolutely indispensable to sustain civilization governance across the country increasingly more massively flee to Australia - for details see, e.g. the article "Thousands of disillusioned Kiwis pay $15 each for chance to attain the mass exodus to Oz", from page A1 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Monday, April 14, 2012. So if this massive flight of highly skilled specialists is NOT stopped somehow, then the threshold number of specialists required to maintain a civilization order in the country can be undermined. In such a case it suffices that a small additional cataclysms appears, e.g. an earthquake, flood, drought, rapid frost, etc., which disturbs the proper distribution of food, and there will start a sudden food shortages, which in turn can cause an abrupt migration of population away from the cities, looting, anarchy, collapse of food production, hunger, and the rapid extinction of the entire population. So in case of the continuation of this dangerous trend which started back in 2008, the possibility cannot be completely ruled out that the situation could spiral out of control, and that New Zealand as the first in the world is to experience a modern version of these medieval periods of anarchy, lawlessness, desertification and famine. Outcomes would be in keeping with the old prophecy described in item #H1 from the web page named prophecies.htm, that the population of Earth comes down to such a low numbers, that "a person will kiss the ground when he or she sees the footsteps of another person". Of course, if by any chance such an anarchy, depopulation and starvation came to New Zealand, Petone lying next to the capital, would be the town that would be affected by these events as one of the first, and one of the most battered.
       22. Revolution. This occurs, when a significant proportion of the population of the country is starting to be so fed up with the political system or with the government which prevails in that country, that it is taking an armed struggle to remove that system or government. The best example of the revolution is that "October Revolution" in Russia of 1917. (Although it started when less than 20% of the population of the Russian Empire showed a high dissatisfaction with their political system and with their government, it was still winning.) It was also just as bloody and destructive, like a typical civil war. No country in the world is free from the danger of a revolution. After all, in order a revolution is triggered, is just enough that the government of the country alienates itself from its people. And it may look like that's what is the current situation with the Government of New Zealand. For example, the article "Low value of vote, lack of trust, key to poor election turnout", from page A6 of the New Zealand newspaper Weekend Herald (issue dated on Saturday, April 28, 2012) was informing that in the elections of 2011, more than one million citizens of New Zealand eligible to vote (approximately 25%), showed so much dislike for the present government and the current political system, that they did NOT go to vote. (Right now New Zealand has only four and a half million of inhabitants.) In other words, already now in New Zealand there is a higher percentage of citizens disaffected with their government and their political system, than there were of them in the Russian Empire at the time of the eruption of the October Revolution. So we should NOT be surprised, if one day the news agencies will have a lot to say about New Zealand.
       23. Civil war. This one occurs when one part of a country or a nation begins military operations directed against other parts of the same country or nation. As a rule, civil wars are even more bloody and destructive than the true wars. After all, during civil wars each of the warring sides attempts to completely annihilate the opposite side. (While in the war, the aggressor usually just wants to get access to natural resources of the attacked country - is it is so interested that these resources have remained relatively intact.) According to the findings of the philosophy of totalizm, in order that in a given country or nation, a civil war broke out, at least two conditions must be met. Namely: (1) there must be at least two so-called. "group intellects" with the same characteristics but with mutually conflicting ideologies, and (2) historically between the two group intellects there must be an accumulation of unbalanced "group karma" (what is that "group karma" is roughly explained in item #A2 from this web page). In the case of New Zealand, in my opinion the condition (1) is already fulfilled. As about the fulfillment of the condition (2) I did NOT complete the required analysis. After all, such analysis would require a highly time-consuming moral quantification of previous wars that have taken place between these two group intellects. However, I have an impression that, unfortunately, there is still such an unbalanced karma between these two group intellects. In turn, the possible existence of such an unbalanced karma would mean that one day may actually come to some form of a civil war between these two group intelelcts. Of course, Petone located near the capital, probably during such a civil war would be affected significantly (if not the most).
       24. War. It might seem that Petone is too far away from the rest of the world that any war could threaten this town. However, if one checks the history of the Second World War, then it becomes clear that New Zealand escaped invasion only "almost". In turn some war and still could happen again - after all, the world is full of politicians with overinflated egos and stifled conscience. So the age "big famine" that is coming to the Earth may cause a situation that a starved country or a starved nation may be tempted to gain an access to food which is mass-produced in New Zealand. In such a case of a war, if someone planned to invade a militarily rather weak New Zealand, then Petone would probably be the first victim. After all, every invasion is actually aimed firstly at the capital (in this case, at Wellington). However, Wellington location makes it strategically more justified to direct the landing forces to the beach in Petone. After all, Petone is the only beach in the vicinity of Wellington, on which any amphibious vehicles can land easily - while such a landing would be extremely difficult in the mountainous Wellington (which city probably would also be better prepared to defend itself than Petone). In turn the landing in Petone would allow for a simple cut-off of Wellington from the rest of New Zealand, thus for a cut-off from the supply of food and military reinforcement - after all, the only two highways to Wellington run right by Petone. Petone also lies in a flat valley - which is much more difficult to defend than the mountaneous Wellington. Finally, from Petone it would come much easier to surround and to attack Wellington from all sides, then it could be done from any other place of landing. In total, in the event of a war and the invasion of New Zealand, it is almost certain that Petone would be the first New Zealand's victim, and probably also the place that would suffer the most from such a war.
       To summarise the above, a number of cataclysms which can destroy the township of Petone, and with it also destroy the neighbourly city and towns (i.e. Wellington, Lower Hutt, etc.), is probably one amongst the highest in the world. This is because Petone (and with it also all neighbourly human settlements) is probably "endangered" by practically almost every cataclysm which is possible to occur on the Earth, and which endangers any other place in the world. So without a exaggeration it can be stated, that Petone is one amongst most endangered human settlements on the Earth. For what is known to me, none other human settlement on the Earth is exposed to so many various potential cataclysms, as Petone is. Thus it should NOT surprise us, that even the Major of repetitively shaken city of Christchurch expressed his fear about a longer staying in the city of Wellington, which is in close proximity from Petone.

#C3. To which further threats is exposed the township of Petone (and also other settlements from the neighbourhood of Petone, such as Wellington, Lower Hutt, etc.) - according to the definition of "cataclysms" developed by the new "totaliztic science":

       The new "totaliztic science" (i.e. the one briefly described in item #A2 from this web page), developed a definition of "cataclysms" which drastically differs from the definition adhered by the old "official atheistic science". Namely, from findings of this new "totaliztic science" stems, that "cataclysm" is a name given to every act of God which "corrects the group morality of people" through spreading significant destructions or even deaths that force later a given community to undertake its moral and philosophical renewal. More information on the subject of these cataclysms that correct human morality is provided, amongst others, in items #C1 and #E2 from the web page named day26.htm. In turn definitions of "morality" and "group morality" developed by the new "totaliztic science" are provided in item #B5 from the web page morals.htm and in item #E2 from the web page totalizm.htm.
       Such drastic difference of the above definition of "cataclysms" developed by the new "totaliztic science", from the definition of "cataclysms" adhered by the old "official atheistic science" and provided in item #C2 above, introduces a number of significant consequences. After all, for example, people can defend themselves from cataclysms send to them by God through the elimination of reasons for which this cataclysm is being send. Furthermore, people can already now prevent the occurrence of these cataclysms, and even hold them back with the use of promises which God gave to the humanity in this matter.
       Also, according to the above definition of "cataclysms", the new "totaliztic science" is going to define quite differently all "threats" which can bring any cataclysm on a given city or community. This is because after such defining "cataclysms", according to findings of the new "totaliztic science", the "threat" which is able to bring a "cataclysm" onto a given city or given community, is a "departure of that city or community from practicing a morel life". In other words, according to the new totaliztic science cataclysms are just effects, while causes for the appearance of cataclysms, are group-departures of given cities or communities from principles of leading moral lives. In order to illustrate here which kinds of "threats" according to the new "totaliztic science" can cause the arrival of cataclysms, below I am going to indicate on the example of the township of Petone (and settlements that surround it), what threats appear for this township. So here is a list of most important amongst them (listed in the order of estimated by the author their significance for Petone and for neighbourly settlements).
       1. The danger that the number of "righteous" decreases below the minimum of 10 required by God. Probably the only reason why the township of Petone (and thus also the city of Wellington, Lower Hutt, etc.) is still NOT hit by a killer cataclysm, is that in the "range of destruction" from it still lives these at least "10 righteous" required by God - as this is explained, amongst others, in item #I1 from the web page named quake.htm, or described in items #G2 and #I1 from the web page named day26.htm. Unfortunately, in recent times an "initiative" of local authorities emerges, which in the final effect may cause the drop of these "righteous" below the required number of ten. This initiative is described in the article [1#C3] entitled "Quake fears strike Catholic churches", from page A1 of newspaper The Dominion Post Weekend, issue of Saturday, April 7, 2012. According to this article, near Petone about 25 Catholic churches may be closed, because the manner in which they were built is not compatible with the today's "building code" which is legally required in New Zealand. In turn, the failure of compatibility with this "building code" means that these churches cannot be insured - which causes that in an event of any accident authority of the Church would need to bear all the costs. However, it is obvious, that if in fact these churches will be closed for good, then priests who celebrate masses in them, will be transferred to other regions of the country, or even to other countries. This massive closures of churches in the vicinity of Wellington (and thus also Petone) were confirmed again in the article [2#C3] entitled "Number of Catholic parishes set to halve", from page A5 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald (issue dated on Tuesday, May 14, 2013). So this type of "initiatives" of local authorities, threaten that soon may happen that near Petone no longer live these required "10 righteous", so Petone is missing the complete set of 10 persons who protect Petone and the nearby towns from a cataclysmic event that threatens these settlements since a long time.
       2. Następstwa niemoralnych postępowań ludzi. W wielu miejscach Biblii zawarte są ostrzeżenia, że jeśli ludność jakiegoś miasta zacznie postępować niemoralnie, wówczas miasto to zostanie zniszczone kataklizmem. Przykłady bibilijnych miast zniszczonych w taki sposób to Sodoma i Gomora. Natomiast bibilijny przykład miasta które uchroniło się od takiego zniszczenia, a stąd dało nam przykład jak my możemy się bronić przed kataklizami, to Niniwa. (Niniwa to stolica dawnej Asyrii, zwana także "Nowym Bibilonem". Jej ruiny zlokalizowane są na obszarze dzisiejszego Iraku. Zgodnie z artykułem "Detective work proves Hanging Gardens existed, but not in Babylon", ze strony B6 gazety Weekend Herald (wydanie z soboty (Saturday), May 11, 2013), to właśnie w Niniwa miały się znajdować słynne "wiszące ogrody" w starożytności uważane za jeden z 7 "cudów świata".) Jaki jednak los może spotkać niemoralnie postepujące miasta, ilustrruje nam to NIE tylko Biblia, ale także aż cały szereg przykładów historycznych i dzisiejszych. Do takich przykładów opisanych na totaliztycznych stronach, należą średniowieczne miasto Wineta, które kiedyś istniało koło dzisiejszego Świnoujścia, a którego zniszczenie opisane jest w punktach #H2 i #G2 strony o nazwie tapanui.htm, a także miasta Salamis i Saeftinghe opisane w punktach #H3 do #H4 strony tapanui.htm.
       3. Następstwa niemoralnych decyzji i działań polityków. Wellington jest stolicą Nowej Zelandii. Jak zaś przystało na stolicę, to w Wellington podejmowane są najróżniejsze decyzje których następstwa dotykają potem cały kraj. Kiedy więc któreś z owych decyzji i działań nie spełniają definicji "moralnie poprawnego postępowania" (tj. nie spełnią definicji przytoczonej w punkcie #B5 strony o nazwie morals.htm), wówczas ich następstwa indukują skargi i narzekania ludzi. Z kolei takie właśnie skargi i narzekania ludzkie są powodem dla którego określone miejscowości są karane kataklizmami przez Boga - tak jak wyjaśniają to "2" i "Ad. 2" z punktu #B5 strony o nazwie seismograph.htm. Ujmując powyższe innymi słowami, to co czynią politycy w Wellington, jest powodem iż ponad Wellington i ponad Petone gromadzą się coraz cięższe chmury nadchodzącego kataklizmu.
       4. Unikanie przez lokalną społeczność oficjalnego podjęcia wdrożania którejkolwiek z bazujących na moralności metod ochrony przed kataklizmicznymi zjawiskami. Ani Petone, ani żadna inna miejscowość w Nowej Zelandii NIE podjęła jeszcze oficjalnego wdrożenia którejkolwiek z bazujących na moralności metod obrony przed kataklizmicznymi zjawiskami, w rodzaju metod opisanych w punktach #H1, #I2 i #J1 strony o nazwie quake.htm czy w punkcie #I3.1 strony o nazwie day26.htm.
       5. Unikanie przez lokalną społeczność próby choćby tylko przetestowania efektywności bazujących na moralności metod ochrony przed kataklizmami - w rodzaju metody opisanej w punkcie #J1 strony quake.htm czy metody opisanej w punkcie #I3.1 strony o nazwie day26.htm.
       6. Pogłębiające się odchodzenie od wiary w Boga i uleganie ateistycznym naciskom dzisiejszej oficjalnej nauki. Jak zaś wyjaśniłem to w punkcie #A2 niniejszej strony; jak podkreśla to artykuł "Worried scientists call for veto of Monkey Bill" (tj. "zmartwieni naukowcy nawołują do zawetowania ustawy o dozwoleniu nauki kreacjonizmu, zwanej Monkey Bill") ze strony A14 gazety The New Zealand Herald, wydanie ze środy (Wednesday), April 11, 2012; a także jak ujawnia to aż kilka innych totaliztycznych stron - dla przykladu patrz punkty #D1 i #C3 na stronie o nazwie antichrist.htm czy punkt #G3 na stronie o nazwie przepowiednie.htm, stara "ateistyczna nauka ortodoksyjna" niemal już siłą zmusza obecnie ludzi do coraz bardziej niemoralnego postępowania. Drastycznym przykładem tego procesu ulegania ateistycznej nauce, jest pojawienie się także na nowozelandzkich autobusach ogłoszenia dla Londynu opisywanego w punkcie #A2 tej strony.
       7. Niemoralne konsekwencje kapitalistycznej gospodarki. Jedyne o co kapitalizm dba, to dochód. Owa jednak pogoń za zyskiem zbyt często odbywa się kosztem zatrucia, zanieczyszczenia lub zniszczenia naturalnego środowiska, wykorzystywania i eksploatacji robotników, itd., itp. W ten sposób rośnie przepaść pomiędzy bogatymi i biednymi mieszkańcami Nowej Zelandii, rośną więc także ilości skierowanych do Boga skarg biedagów dopraszających się sprawiedliwości. Z kolei np. gleba i woda w Petone mogą zostać zatrute jakąś niechlujną fabryką, tak jak do niedawna zatruwane one były sproszkowanym ołowiem i chemicznymi wyziewami zlokalizowanej w Petone fabryki "Exide". Natomiast woda lokalnej rzeki "Hutt River" może być zatruwana produktami gospodarki rolnej, gnojówką, odchodami ludzkimi, oraz odpadami przemysłowymi, które z kolei zatrują aż dokumentnie środowisko basenu "Wellington Harbour", że oprócz owadów nic zdrowego nie będzie chciało tam się rodzić. Już obecnie okolice Petone są trapione przez chmary krwiożerczych "muszek piaskowych" (po angielsku zwanych "sand flies") na których ukąszenia wielu ludzi, włączając w to mnie, jest uczulonych. W pobliskich wodach zagnieździł się też nowy rodzaj komara - tego samego który w tropiku roznosi chorobę "żółtą febrę" oraz "dengue".
       Each one amongst these moral hazards can be escalated above the level that is punishable by God. In such a case, God can send to a given town or community any kind of cataclysms described in item #C2 of this web page. Therefore, in the interest of every town and community lies undertaking aware actions to keep each of these moral risks at as low as possible level. Unfortunately, it seems that the scientific knowledge about God is still far too low not only in Petone, but also throughout New Zealand and even in the entire world, to already take such a conscious defence against natural disasters. Thus, as so far, rather instead of intentional actions, everywhere people are defended against cataclysms only because of the action of coincidences and favourable circumstances.
       Honestly, if one compares the above list of risks and moral realities prevailing in Petone and in nearby towns, then it becomes clear that some cataclysmic phenomenon should already strike at those locations a long time ago. Thus, the only rational explanation for the fact, that such a cataclysm has NOT hit Petone yet, is a purely coincidental residence within the range of destruction from Petone of these required at least "10 righteous" which protect Petone from all possible disasters. In turn, as befits all coincidents, one day this coincidental protection can cease to exist.

#C4. Petone is configured like a "trap" - in case of a cataclysm it would be almost impossible to escape from it, nor the help would be able to come to it:

       Someone who is accustomed to the European way of urban management, in which the city councils actually make decisions and implement well thought-out plans for buildings, infrastructure, communication, water and sanitation of the city, after the arrival to New Zealand is shocked. Although New Zealand has a lot of advantages over Europe and offers a lot of good things, e.g. still the great freedom of expression, care for nature and animals, open spaces, etc., when cities are compared to those from Europe, there is a kind of "wild east" prevailing in there. Councils of New Zealand cities almost as a rule do NOT have any long-term plan, there is no communal discipline nor consistency in treatment, and almost everyone builds where and how he wants (some even more than others). As a result, in New Zealand such urban mazes like Petone in which I live are created. Means, are created cities and towns which are more similar to urban "mazes" than to user-friendly habitats. In spite of vast areas of land which these cities or towns occupy, the streets are in them narrow and winding, roads which appear to be main ones suddenly end up on a building, while to get in to such a city or town, or to exit it, one have to know perfectly well the way in and out, because ones needs to move within it like inside of a complex maze.
       Such shaping of New Zealand cities and towns into the form of complex mazes, in conjunction with the type of potential cataclysms which threaten them, turn these cities and towns into a kind "traps". In order to understand their trapping nature, it is enough to look at the plan of town of Petone in which I live. After all, Petone is a tiny town, from which in case of an incoming disaster should be easy to escape. However, it has the nature of a typical "trap", an effective escape of people which is really impossible. For example, it has a shape of triangle that is congruent to the the sea on the south side (i.e. the one shown on the photograph from "Fig. #B1b"). Of course, in case of a cataclysm, it is impossible to escape to the sea - especially if this disaster could involve a tsunami, earthquake, or a volcano erruption. From the east side this triangle is congruent to the deep river called the "Hutt River" - the mouth of which can be seen at photograph from "Fig. #B1a". By this river are build only two bridges, existing at both edges of Petone. However, the access to these bridges leads through winding and narrow streets. So if in the case of a cataclysm arrival someone tried to flee by car through these bridges, he or she would get stuck in congestion on these narrow and winding streets and even was unable to reach any of bridges. On the other hand, if someone try to ran on foot, then the distances to bridges are so large that he or she would not have time to reach them. Furthermore, the first of these two bridges, visible on the photograph from "Fig. #B1a" is located next to the sea. Thus, for example in a case of tsunami, such a person would be swept up in the first phase of the disaster. The last of the triangular sides of Petone is adjacent to the fenced railway tracks and to the fenced highway - which both run side by side along the west ridge of the valley in which the town of Petony is spreading. Through these fences railroad tracks and the fenced highway also from Petone lead out only two bridges, the access to which is equally tortuous and through equally narrow streets, like the access to the Hutt River bridges. Thus if someone tried to escape through them, then such an escape also would be impossible - independently whether they would flee on foot or in a car. In total, Petone is so constructed as a kind of "trap". A similar situation is also in some other major cities of New Zealand, including the capitol Wellington.
       In addition to all this, if the disaster has struck,then neither to Petone, nor to cities from its neighborhood, e.g. to Wellington, the help has a way to arrive. After all, with the rest of the world these urban setlements are connected by only two main roads, both narrow and piercing through steep mountains. In case, therefore, of almost any significant cataclysm, these roads are to be blocked by landslips and become impassable. After all, just such landslips even without major cataclysms are constantly plaguing a lot of New Zealand roads endangered by soil erosion.
       Interestingly, after I published this site, suddenly authorities from nearby Wellington published results of some studies, from which it follows that, if this city is hit by an earthquake over 7 on the Richter scale, then Wellington (and surely also nearby Petone) will be cut off from the road connection with the rest of the island for a period of approximately 4 months. The results of these analyzes was published, amongst others, in the article "Lifeline cut for four months", from page A1 of newspaper The Dominion Post, edition of Thursday, July 5, 2012. However, from the past experience it is known, that after a momentary sensation is stimulated, such findings are quickly deposited somewhere on the shelf and no-one is taking any action based on them.
       For as long as I can remember discussions are conducted to yet build another road, this time a safe one, because leading along one of valleys pointing at Wellington. However, these discussions almost always remain only discussions. In turn if, for example, someone had to count on dispatching helicopters during a cataclysm, then he would also be disappointed. After all, the total number of helicopters which New Zealand has, barely would be enough to provide assistance to families of government officials living in Wellington, while providing a help and rescue to ordinary people simply would not be enough of the "throughput power" of these helicopters.

#C5. In the face of threats and situations described in previous items, the "grace of God" is the only hope at which Petone can count:

       To summarise information described in previpous items #C1 to #C4, the existeing and highly real thereats from cataclysms, combined with the lack of capability to provided rescue if a cataclysm really arrives, leaves the security of Petone exclusively in "hands of God". No wonder, that those more atheistic people do NOT even try to settle in that township.

Part #D: Why, in spite of being so endangered by cataclysms, Petone still is NOT hit:


#D1. The protective power of "10 righteous" inhabiting vicinity of Petone:

       Although all the signs in heaven and earth indicate that Petone is long overdue in getting a hit from some kind of cataclysm, the fact that it still avoided a battering results from the living in the vicinity of it those required by the promise from the Bible at least "10 righteous" - about which I write in item #I2 of this web page. The number of these "righteous" living near Petone I personally counted, while the results of their counting is described in item #I3 from the page named day26.htm. As I am going to prove it with the body of evidence presented in items #I3, #I3.1 and #I5, in fact the presence of these "10 righteous" really safeguards effectively Petone from all devastating cataclysms and weather anomalies.

Part #E: "From outcomes you recognise them" - means how to distinguish between a "special treatment" and so-called "random events":


#E1. Kinds of "treatments":

       Kinds of treatments, which depending on the morality and philosophy practiced by a given community, God serves to this community, are described in item #I4 from the web page named day26.htm.
       At this point it is worth to emphasize, that in the world created and wisely governed by omni-knowledgeable and omnipotent God (in which we live), there is NO such a thing as a "coincidence" or a "random event" - what explains in more details item #B1 from the web page named changelings.htm and in item #J5 from this web page. This is because in such the world with God everything that happens is the intentional act of God with strictly defined goal and consequences. Thus a "coincidence" or a "random event" is something, that in our world does NOT exist, but that was invented and is used by "official atheistic science" to justify their lack of knowledge and the lack of ability to explain.

#E2. What one should seek to recognise a "special treatment":

       A "special treatment" must be distinguished from extreme weather phenomena which are normal for a given area. This is because all weathers that are occasionally repeated throughout tens of years, including in that number also times shortly after the World War Two - when people of almost every country and area on Earth behaved especially morally, are just extreme weather phenomena which are normal for a given area. However,"special treatments" are cataclysms and harms which bypassed our area, although they devastated the other areas in our vicinity, and although according to the laws of nature, they should also devastate us.

Part #F: Is the "special treatment" for Petone a temporary one (i.e. it just stems from the nearby presence of "10 righteous")?


#F1. Is the to-date "special treatment" of Petone to finish, when the number of "righteous" falls below 10, and whether then Petone, and with it also nearby Wellington, could experience events that are undesirable?

       Like all of us, also residents of Petone are NOT "saints" and they do NOT differ from inhabitants of other towns and cities of New Zealand. Thus, until my sighting of the "burning bush" described in item #J3 below, I believed that the only thing that turns Petone into an exception, is the "coincidence" that in the so-called "range of destruction" from this township live these so called "10 righteous" required by the promise from the Bible. (As I personally believe - see item #J5 below, this living of "10 righteous" in the vicinity of Petone have been deliberately "organized" by God so there is the opportunity to research and to scientifically document consequences of it, and to make the results of this research available to other people.) Therefore, if I am right in this assumption, and for some reason one of these "10 righteous" is to shift to another place, then the protection of Petone is to finish and the town is going to get battering - similarly as already are battered other towns from the vicinity of it. But I personally believe, that this will not happen "during my lifetime". Therefore, I previously believed, the way that Petone could be included into a permanent "special treatment" from God, would be to continue the improvement of philosophy and morality of inhabitants of this township - as this is described in item #H1 from the web page named quake.htm.
       However, the situation could be different, if Petone actually is blessed with the status of "Christianly-holy place", as described in item #J3 from this web page. In such a case Petone could have a chance to remain an exception practically forever.

Part #G: How the possible "temporary nature" of present "special treatment" could be changed into a "permanent state":


#G1. In order to convince God, it is necessary to "display an obedience" through a public, official, and open declaration and implementation of activities which change the philosophy:

       More on the subject of making public, official, and open own intentions and efforts, means on the subject of "display the obedience to God", is explained, amongst others, items #A2 and #G1 on the web page named quake.htm.

Part #H: Why the increase of "special treatment" for Petone lies in the interest of neighbourly human settlements:


#H1. The work on principle of the Chinese proverb that "the bigger the tree the larger area is protected by its branches":

       For as long as Petone is blessed by a "special treatment from God", also from destructive cataclysms are protected by this Petone all human settlements which are located so close to Petone, that a destruction of Petone would affect also them (and that destruction of them would affect also Petone). Thus, at the moment, Petone is protecting also the city of Wellington, as well as the town Lower Hutt. Therefore, in the interest of inhabitants of these settlements lies that the "special treatment" is extended over Petone for longest possible time, and also - if possible, that inhabitants of Petone undertook the official program of adoption of the philosophy of totalizm.

#H2. Settlements from beyond the "range of destruction" are excluded from protective effect of Petone:

       Beyond the "range of destruction" for the township of Petone lies e.g. neighbourly settlement called Wainuiomata. (Wainuiomata is located in "bad valley of Rimutaka", just by so-called "Rimutaka Forest Park" known from the action of "dark powers" described, amongst others, in item #K1.9 of the web page named newzealand.htm.) The township of Wainuiomata is separated from Petone by just a narrow mountain range from the top of which was taken the photograph shown in "Fig. #B1a". However, its random destruction would NOT affect Petone. Therefore Wainuiomata is NOT protected by moral mechanisms which protect Petone against cataclysms. As it is described in item #I3 from this web page, Wainuiomata is actually troubled by cataclysms which omitted Petone.

Part #I: Body of evidence which confirms, that really the New Zealand township of Petone receives a "special treatment" from God:


#I1. This "part #I" represents the repetition, extension and improvement on evidence presented in "part #I" from a different web page named day26.htm:

       Initially, on the occasion of subsequent update and reediting of the web page named day26.htm, I included into "part #I" of it descriptions of these cataclysms, which occurred already after my shifting to Petone, and which - accordingly to typical behaviours of nature supposed to hit Petone and to cause significant destruction in it. This is because each one amongst these cataclysms spread destruction near Petone, but it skipped through Petone without causing any damages. Then it turned out that such cataclysms is unexpectedly lot and that their pedantic descriptions begins to increase that web page "day26.htm" to undesirable large size. Therefore, on 30 March 2012 I decided to cease further extending that web page "day26.htm", while descriptions of next similar cataclysms shift to this web page and here continue them further. In this way this web page and its "part #I" was established. Apart from item #I3 of it (which is an exact repetition of descriptions of such cataclysms presented in item #I3 from the web page named day26.htm), all remaining items of this web page are to present different findings of the new "totaliztic science" than the corresponding items from the web page named "day26.htm".

#I2. Why in first place I started to accumulate and analyse scientifically the body of evidence presented in this "part #I":

       Originally the accumulation and presentation of the body of evidence provided here in this "part #I" (especially in its item #I3), I started in order to check whether God really keeps His promise contained in the Bible - with which God guarantees to people, that He will NOT destroy cities nor communities in the midst of which live permanently at least so-called "10 righteous". (That God's guarantee is described more extensively in items #I1 and #I2, while additionally I am mentioning it in items #P5.1, #A2, #G1, #H3 and #K2, of my web page named quake.htm. In turn requirements of someone's belonging to the class of these "righteous" is explained in item #G2 of my web page named day26.htm.) This is because, as my personal investigations revealed it, in the vicinity of the township of Petone, really live permanently at least 10 persons which meet the Biblical definition of "righteous". Thus, according to the promise from God, Petone should be avoided by all destructive cataclysms until the time when the number of these "righteous" drops below at least 10. As my checks documented it scientifically with the use of a body of evidence presented in item #I3 below, in fact this promise from God is fulfilled for Petone with the truly "iron consequence". In this way Petone described here is the first modern township in the world, for which was scientifically verified the fulfilment by God of the promise provided in the Bible.

#I3. Body of evidence which confirms that the nearby hosting of "10 righteous" really keeps cataclysms away from the New Zealand township of Petone (i.e. exactly as God promised this to us in the Bible):

       Below I am listing cases of cataclysmic events which affected New Zealand communities living not far from Petone. The attribute of these events is, that their characteristics, nature, and course, suggested that they should affect cataclysmically also the township of Petone. But in fact they "skipped" through this township without causing any significant damage in it. This fact in turn conforms the "special treatment" which township of Petone enjoys from God. So here are these cataclysmic events, which originally I watched, analysed scientifically, and described in item #I3 from a different web page named day26.htm:
       1. The cloud giving birth to tornadoes. A good example of just such a case was the "atmospheric phenomenon" described in the article [1#I3] entitled "Southerly buster hits Wellington, ripping off roofs, and halting trains", from page A1 of New Zealand newspaper "The Dominion Post Weekend", issue dated on Saturday-Sunday, March 13-14, 2010. This phenomenon was a lens-shaped cloud looking as a giant UFO vehicle, which flew along almost the entire New Zealand, generating a hurricane-like swirling wind which spread chaos and destruction on its path, torn trees and roofs, etc. This cloud sometimes even generated mini-tornadoes on its peripherals. This intelligently behaving weather phenomenon left a trail of destruction almost on the entire its path, including Wellington - to which it reached around 4:30 pm that Friday. But when after Wellington it reached Petone, it just friendly scared of few passers-by through breaking a several branches on trees, then it flew further. However, already in the next town after Petone (i.e. in Lower Hutt) it again started to rage, barricading the road, collapsing trees, and stopping trains.
       2. Intense rains that induced floods. Another example of destructive weather phenomenon which also illustratively confirmed this rule of omitting the settlement of Petone without causing any serious damages in there, were two-weeks prolonged disastrous rains which affected New Zealand in second half of May and the beginning of June 2010. These rains caused serious floods, landslips, evacuations of settlements, and destruction of roads, both on the northern as well as on the southern end of the long like sausages main islands of New Zealand. But in the centre of these islands, just where Petone and my flat is located, these rains only watered the dried soil without causing practically any damages. On the subject of these floods-inducing rains and their consequences, alarming articles were published in New Zealand newspapers almost every day, e.g. see the article [2#I3] "Heavy downpours to hamper clean-up operations", from page A5 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald issue dated on Wednesday, May 26, 2010; the article [3#I3] "After the floods and a landslide, now get set for bitter cold and snow", from page A3 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, May 27, 2010; the article [4#I3] "Nature's fury", from page A1 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald issue dated on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 (which article describes and illustrates with photographs a cataclysmic flood from the area of New Zealand called the "Bay of Plenty" - which is distant from Petone only by a length much shorter than span of the low-pressure weather system which caused these floods, however still the same weather system has NOT affected the township in which I live); or the article [5#I3] "Residents flee homes as Whakatane hit by water bomb", from page A4 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, June 3, 2010 (which article discusses quantitative data of catastrophically powerful rainfall in that area called the "Bay of Plenty").
       3. The earthquake from Christchurch. Still another confirmation of the protective significance of these "10 righteous", was the powerful earthquake the arrival of which I predicted already several months earlier and carefully announced it in the content of this web page. This earthquake hit the city of Christchurch on Saturday, 4th September 2010. (The description of this earthquake from Christchurch is provided in item #C5 of the separate web page named seismograph.htm - devoted to the description of the telepathic device for remote detection of impending earthquakes, and in item #P5 of the web page named quake.htm - devoted to the description of methods of defence against any cataclysms, which methods are based on work of mechanisms of morality.) As I explained this here in item #I2 above, Wellington (and thus also Petone) belongs to 3 major cities of New Zealand, one of which must be destroyed by a cataclysm, if it turns necessary that God carries out the forced moral and philosophical renewal of that country. In addition, from the scientific point of view, Wellington has incomparably higher chances of being hit by a powerful earthquake, than both remaining amongst these 3 cities, means than Auckland or Christchurch. After all, it is exactly underneath of Wellington that the deadly "Ring of Fire" is passing, while it runs rather far from Christchurch and from Auckland. Also, whichever kind of philosophy or behaviours start to dominate over the rest of New Zealand, the origins of this always can be traced to Wellington. After all, Wellington is the capital where politicians make all decision and from where all laws are issued. However - as it turned out, for experiencing series of destructive earthquakes (which started in 2010, lasted throughout the entire 2011, and still continued in 2012 - when I was updating this item), God selected Christchurch. (One can speculate that this may have something to do with the name "Christ-church" which is especially "obliging" - as this explains item #G2 on the web page named prophecies.htm.) What also is interesting, that first powerful earthquake took place when I just was on my vacation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
       4. A week long cold storm. Starting from Saturday, 18 September 2010, for the entire next week, New Zealand was battled by the cold storm which froze to death thousands of lambs on paddocks, interrupted electricity supply, collapsed sport stadium in Invercargill, blocked numerous roads, interrupted communication, and flooded farms. During the week of that storm television was full of reports from destruction, while newspapers were filled with articles of the type "Chaos as big blow hits" from page A1 of the New Zealand newspaper Weekend Herald, issue dated on Saturday, September 18, 2010; or "Three days of storm leave trail of damage" from page A3 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, September 20, 2010. (This last article describes also, amongst others, the collapse of the roof of almost a new stadium in Invercargill, described also in 1 from item #E1 of the web page named rok_uk.htm.) But in spite that almost the entire New Zealand was battered by this storm, Petone in which I live almost day after day had sunny weather and just a weak wind - as if God intentionally emphasized that it is a township with very special treatment. What even more interesting, already in a nearby town named "Lower Hutt" the lightning from that storm hit and burned a house (although its female inhabitant was saved) - this lightning is described in the article "Lower Hutt woman's lucky strike", from page A1 of the newspaper The Dominion Post Weekend, issue dated on Saturday-Sunday, September 18-19, 2010.
       5. The flood of "once in 150 years" in nearby "Golden Bay". Not far from Petone, because just on the opposite side of the narrow "Cook Straight", lies an area called the "Golden Bay". Actually, if not the mountain range which hides it, then the "Golden Bay" would probably be visible from Petone. On 28th December 2010 the area of it was destroyed with a storm and a destructive flood. Mass media described this flood as appearing once per 150 years - see the article "Clean-up begins after storm inflicts worst flooding in 150 years" from page A2 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald (issue dated on Thursday, December 30, 2010). Shockingly, on the day of that cataclysmic storm and flood in the nearby "Golden Bay", in Petone sun was shining. (Notice that I am also describing this "flood of once in 150 years" in 9 from item #C5 on the web page seismograph.htm.)
       6. Deluge from the "king tide" and storm in Auckland on Sunday, 23rd January 2011. On that Sunday in Petone was just an ordinary rain, which watered nicely local soil and vegetation. It was too-insignificant to e.g. stop me from visiting a local library. But when in evening I switched on the television set, I got a shock. The entire North Island of New Zealand, including Petone in which I live, was that day covered with a hostile looking elliptical low-pressure cloud, similar in shape to storm clouds of powerful tropical typhoons. This storm flooded the city of Auckland and "Bay of Plenty" with teens of centimetres of rain water. Simultaneously the so-called "king tide" additionally increased with the sucking action of this low-pressure storm, lifted up waters of the ocean, so that these waters also flooded streets of the city. In evening television news at channels "3" and "Prime" reported was an incident of recent construction of a low wall which supposed to separate ocean waters from the city. During the construction of that wall supposedly inhabitants of nearby houses begged the engineer who supervised these works, to build much higher wall. But the engineer ignored the requests of locals, claiming that according to his calculations sea never lifts itself so high. Unfortunately, the sea did lift that day and flooded the city - interesting whether that engineer will be made accountable for such "shabby work". In the result, in television shown were streets of Auckland turned into fast rivers, sea waves raging in the city, and people standing up to knees in water inside of their own kitchens. So the same low-pressure cloud which in Petone just caused a beneficial watering of gardens, for Auckland turned out to be a source of cataclysmic deluge. Photographs from that deluge, and the map of destructions caused by it, can be viewed in the article "Nature's brutal king hit" from pages A1 and A5 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald (issue dated on Monday, January 24, 2011). This deluge from Auckland was in fact the first more serious cataclysm that affected that city. Before the deluge Auckland was only gently "warned" with electricity "blackouts" and strange failures of public transport. So it seems that either Auckland only just entered into the level of practicing the philosophy of parasitism which God is NOT prepared to tolerate any longer, or that previously that city was protected by these "10 righteous" - but just now for some reasons their number dropped down below 10 that are minimum required. Whichever of these two reasons caused that Auckland just joined cities of New Zealand "punished" by God with cataclysms, still for sure we soon will hear more on its subject.
       7. Battering of the city of Auckland and its vicinity by the tropical cyclone "Wilma". In just 6 days after the flood described in the previous item, i.e. on Saturday evening, 29th January 2011, almost the entire north of New Zealand, including the city of Auckland, was poured with water and battered with winds of the tropical cyclone named "Wilma". Reports of destructions from that cyclone are summarised in the article "Cyclone Wilma leaves sodden trail of damage in its wake" from page A4 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, January 31, 2011. Also this time only an outer (weak) edge of the cyclone rolled over Petone. It watered soil with quite a good rain, and sawed wild seeds with string winds, but people and properties were left unharmed. As it shows, God keeps His promise, and omits Petone with cataclysms, thus confirming that this township is really protected by "10 righteous".
       8. The prophecy of Maori visionary. On Sunday, 6th February 2011, New Zealand celebrated yearly holiday of native Maoris called the "Waitangi Day". As usually on this occasion, crowds of Maoris, as well as many governmental dignitaries, took part in official celebrations. To the surprise of these crowds, Maori visionary (which is also a priest in one of New Zealand churches) took the opportunity of his formal speech during this holiday, to announce publicly his vision which he had 38 years ago. The vision which he revealed publicly was repeated that day in evening news of New Zealand television channels, and also a day later was published in the article entitled "Kaumatua's earthquake prophecy will come true ... eventually" from page A1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, February 7, 2011. In his vision he saw the city of Wellington hit by a deadly earthquake. He saw how streets of the city were paved with body bags. He saw how houses on slopes of Wellington hills just disappeared. He saw how roof of the parliament building mixed with ruins of surrounding houses. He saw how waters of the Wellington harbour firstly receded, then with a fury returned to hit the city as a deadly tsunami. In his vision all this destruction is to take place in the month of June - but he did NOT know of which year. Because he undeniably believed in the supernatural truth of this vision, for 38 years each June he looked with a worry whether it fulfils. But so-far the earthquake did NOT happen. So he decided to warn other people about it in his public speech. (I personally understand his certainty, as I myself also had a vision of visiting the village of Stawczyk in a distant future - as I described it in item #J3 of the web page named wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm and in item #C4 of the web page named stawczyk_uk.htm. So I know how certain one is about the truth of whatever is shown in such visions.) Although many took highly sceptical stand regarding this Maori vision, generally almost everyone agrees that Wellington already passed the date of next such a powerful earthquake, and that there is no doubt that one day it is to come, only we do not know yet "when" it is to happen. After all, Wellington is located on a powerful geological "fault". I would add to it, that as a capitol of the country, Wellington is also a "cause" and a "brain" of every situation for which other areas of New Zealand already take hammering from God since a long time. After all, if e.g. New Zealanders do NOT discipline their children according to requirements of the Bible - as this is described in item #B5.1 of the web page will.htm, the "cause" for it are laws and orders issued in Wellington. If the entire New Zealand is infested and tormented by immoral monopoles - as this is explained in (1) from item #E1 of the web page rok_uk.htm, the "cause" of this are friendships, encouragements, and permits initiated in Wellington. Etc., etc. In other words, both - according to logic, as well as according to the prophecy of that Maori visionary, Wellington should be "punished" with a significant cataclysm even much earlier than all other places described in this item, as well as in items #C5 and #C5.1 of the web page seismograph.htm. Since such a cataclysm so-far omits Wellington (and thus also omits Petone in which I live), the only known explanation for this omitting is the protective power of the presence of these "10 righteous" in that city and in the vicinity of it, which still protect these places against unavoidable cataclysms. So in spite that probably the date of arrival of a next cataclysms to Wellington and to Petone is already overdue, still the prophecy described here is NOT going to fulfil itself until the time when for some reasons the number of "righteous" individuals which live here drops below the protective "at least 10".
       9. A powerful storm which raged over New Zealand for over a week, starting from 26 April 2011. Destructions from that storm were described in a number of articles, e.g. in [1#I3(9)] "Gale-force fury" from page A1 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Wednesday, April 27, 2011. This storm is also described in caption under "Fig. #M1" from the web page telekinetics.htm, because probably it was a major reason for which its winds drifted to the beach in Petone one amongst these famous in the world "yellow ducks" which were dumped into the sea near eastern coasts of the USA, and then drifted with ocean currents over practically the entire world. This powerful storm caused a range of destruction and losses in practically every direction from Petone. When battering New Zealand it encircled a large arc the centre of which was in Petone, but the Petone itself was left by it untouched (i.e. during that storm in Petone just rained as usually and there was a typical for Petone wind). The scale of destruction from that storm can be traced from articles that appeared at that time in New Zealand press. The storm e.g. in so-called "Hawkey's Bay" flooded houses with so rapid and so powerful deluge, that people needed to be evacuated by helicopters. Their houses were flooded, their stock (cows and sheep) was drowned, roads were destroyed with landslides, bridges damaged, electric power-lines were broken, water supply disrupted, etc. - for more information see e.g. articles [2#I3(9)] "Heavy rain 'worse than Bola' wreaks havoc in Hawke's Bay", page A3 of New Zealand newspaper "The Dominion Post", issue dated on Friday, April 29, 2011; or [3#I3(9)] "Storm battering gets fierce", from page A1 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Monday, May 2, 2011. What puzzles me most, is that this storm was the first which caused also a significant destruction in the opposite to Petone suburbs of Wellington (i.e. in the city to which Petone is a suburb). So clearly for some reasons recently that Wellington ceased to be protected by "10 righteous" - however, such "10 righteous" still protect Petone.
       10. The storm which to south-west from Petone flooded vicinity of the "Grey river", while to north-east from Petone (i.e. in Masterton) killed a person. In spite that this storm was passing over Petone, and that it spread noticeable destruction in both opposite directions from Petone, in Petone itself it was almost unnoticeable. The storm, and its victims, are described and illustrated in the article [1#I3(10)] entitled "Couple crushed in weather chaos" from page A1 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Tuesday, November 22, 2011.
       11. The earthquake which damaged a building in Wellington, while in nearby Petone was hardly noticeable. The earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter’s scale hit Wellington at 19:19 on Saturday, 3 December 2011 - damaging almost a new building which was a headquarter for electricity company named "Meridian". A description of this earthquake and destruction that it caused is provided in the article [1#I3(11)] entitled "New city building damaged by quake" from page A1 of New Zealand newspaper "The Dominion Post", issue dated on Monday, December 5, 2011. Because of the damage to just this one building, it is worth to ask a question, whether this "Meridian" is e.g. responsible for an uncontrolled (immoral) increase in prices of electricity in New Zealand? - for more detailed data see the article "Power chiefs' mixed fortunes" from page C1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, October 22, 2009, or see the article "Power rises defended amid 'windfall profits'" from page A2 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Friday, December 12, 2008. (Notice that facts described in these articles took place in times when because of the world's economic crisis normal New Zealanders were forced to "tighten their belts".) After all, these almost unjustifiably-high prices of electricity (i.e. the electricity which New Zealand generates almost for free with its numerous river-dams which already are paid of), are the reason for which many poorer New Zealanders are immorally subjected to suffering - for example, for retired people because they cannot afford the use of electricity for heating their flats, while for unemployed people because they cannot afford to cook their meals on electricity. In turn the number of such increasingly poorer people rapidly grows in NZ, e.g. see the article [2#I3(11)] "NZ rich-poor gap widens faster than rest of world" from page A6 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Wednesday, December 7, 2011. In this situation 42% increase of over million dollar salary of the "Meridian Energy" CEO, described in the article [3#I3(11)] "Public CEOs hit paydirt" from page A1 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Monday, March 26, 2012, is NOT just immoral, but also arrogant. So, is it possible that the damage only to the building of Meridian means that there were "moral reasons" for which from the entire Wellington hit by this quite strong earthquake, meaningfully only the building of Meridian was damaged? Should we now expect that next earthquakes are to damage headquarters of some other New Zealand companies which immorally induced human suffering, for example that of the monopolistic company which lifted prices of milk produced in New Zealand to such a high level, that milk become unaffordable to a majority of ordinary New Zealanders? - e.g. see the article "Price families pay for milk an outrage, says health chief" from page A7 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Wednesday, February 16, 2011, or the article "Milk products tipped to get even pricier" from page A2 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Thursday, February 17, 2011. (Notice that New Zealand is one amongst the biggest producers of milk in the entire world. Unfortunately, inhabitants of it are ruthlessly robbed out of benefits from so high production of milk by the monopolistic institution which, according to the information provided in evening news on channel 3 of television New Zealand on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 at 6 pm to 7:30 pm, pays to farmers just 65 cents per litre of milk, but then allows the same milk to be sold in supermarkets for the price around four times higher.) More information about numerous "monopoles" which gradually "suffocate" New Zealand, is provided in item #H2 from the web page named humanity.htm and in item #D5 from the web page named fruit.htm.
       12. "Worst in 50 years" flood, which devastated the town of Nelson and the vicinity of it. This deluge is described e.g. in the article [1#I3(12)] entitled "Torrent sweeps farmer outside" from page A5 if New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post Weekend, issue dated on Saturday, December 17, 2011. The town of Nelson is almost at "doorsteps" of Wellington and Petone, as it is located on the opposite than Wellington side of a narrow "Cook Strait". But when on Wednesday and Thursday, 14-15 December 2011, Nelson was hit by a "water bomb" and a destructive flood, in Petone hardly one could see any rain. In fact, during recent years the weather in Wellington and in vicinity of it (e.g. in Petone) become so pleasant and so "friendly" towards people, that it surprised many locals, and the untypical pleasantness of it become even commented with amazement in the evening television news from channel 3 of the New Zealand television at 6-7 pm on Tuesday, 27 December 2011. After all, in times that proceeded my shifting to Wellington, this "windy city" was known from its treacherous weather and had an opinion of the one amongst most stormy cities of New Zealand, with wet, windy and difficult to take weather.
       13. The announced improvement of situation with air pollution in Petone. The present economic depression in the world, causes that almost everywhere the so-called "protection of the environment" is pushed aside and neglected completely. After all, the immorally acting capitalists which cause the present catastrophic pollution of the air, water, soil, forests, etc., have now an excellent excuse for their immoral activities of poisoning our planet, by claiming that they are forced to "fight for survival" in difficult economic conditions, and that they do NOT have financial reserves to also take care of the natural environment and our planet (which "lack of reserves", however, do NOT stop many amongst them from accomplishing higher than usual financial profits). Thus, everywhere the pollution of the air, water, soil, forests, etc., are now rapidly escalated. Therefore I was nicely surprised by the announcement published in articles [1#I3(13)] "Residents hail Exide closure" from page A1 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, February 16, 2012; and [2#I3(13)] "Exide plant closure plan within week" from page A6 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post Weekend, issue dated on Saturday, February 18, 2012. In these articles the announcement was made that one amongst the worst smelling, unclean, and dangerous plants of New Zealand, which employed only around 40 workers but since a long time polluted ghastly the air and the environment of Petone, is to be closed completely by 31 March 2012. This plant, belonging to "Exide", processed and recycled old batteries. From its chimney and ventilators were continually streaming to Petone large jets of heavy, sticky, smelly smoke and dust, full of poisonous to human bodies, heavy elements, powdered led, and various murderous chemicals. In the result of these pollutions, inhabitants of Petone almost continually were sick on various lung illnesses, some children with degeneration were born, soil, grass, and everything that grew here was covered with a layer of poisonous substances which eventually make their way to human organisms, while collars of shirts were covered with a brown layer already after a few hours since they were worn. For as long as I live in Petone (i.e. since 2001), I am hearing how local inhabitants hopelessly fight and loose numerous legal battles for the closure of this plant. But whatever they did so-far, it went to no avail. After all, which decision maker is to listen to voices of ordinary people, when he has also the choice to listen to persuasion of capitalists and their capital - while we all know that "money talk". In the result, for all these years the factory arrogantly blew pollutants straight in the face of inhabitants of Petone, and all people knew that it is to take a miracle to close it down and to cease the further polluting. And herewith the miracle has happened right in February 2012 - as I believe, only because since fairly recent time Petone and the vicinity of it started to be inhabited by that required minimal number of 10 "righteous". The fact, that the closure of this factory had a character of supernatural intervention - NOT a morally intended action of human decision-makers, in the best way can be deduced from the information provided in the article [3#I3(13)] "Exide was wrong; NZ not a backwater" from page B4 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post (issue dated on Monday, February 20, 2012), and the article [4#I3(13)] "Council seeks more info on Exide shutdown plan" from page A4 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald (issue dated on Wednesday, March 7, 2012). These articles reveal, that the factory was NOT closed because of the pressure from public opinion or because of someone's morally correct decision. It was closed only because market mechanisms caused that Korea and Philippines started to pay much more for used New Zealand batteries than the price which for these batteries were prepared to pay owners of the Exide factory. Owners of Exide even resorted to court case in their trying to stop that lucrative export of used batteries, and to still be able to buy them for almost nothing. In turn the fact that while doing this they poisoned the environment and inhabitants of Petone and that they spread powdered led, did NOT bother neither politicians nor decision makers. These facts prove that the closure of the factory was caused by market mechanisms controlled by God and conditioned by human moralities, NOT by morally correct actions of human decision makers or politicians.
       It also appears, that God NOT only restores the cleanness to the environment of Petone, but also intends to prove soon to all people opened to truth, that this restoration of cleanness is NOT just a coincidence. This is because according to the article [5#I3(13)] "US High-Tech firm considers making furnaces in Hutt" from page C11 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, March 3, 2012, some American firm which produces furnaces decided to open a factory in the township called "Lower Hutt" which is a close neighbour of Petone. In turn it is known, that producers of furnaces are famous in the world from spreading pollutions highly detrimental to health (i.e. chemical, ceramic, asbestos, as well as also dangerous heavy metals). So probably that firm is "pushed out" of the USA just because of the pollutions that it generates. Thus, perhaps, it choose New Zealand, which is almost deprived of anti-pollution laws, to be able to continue without problems its dangerous emissions. So God will have an excellent opportunity to prove to people who are open to truth, that also that firm is going to meet a similar fate as Exide. For me personally there will be an interesting opportunity to watch further (and to report outcomes in this web page), how God is going to handle the matter of tempering pollution ambitions of that firm. For example, is God going to cause, that the owner of that American firm rapidly gets heart attack or falls a victim of deadly accident, or bankrupts, or e.g. the firm is going to be troubled by continuous strikes, labour problems, sabotages, accidents, cataclysms, legal problems, financial crimes, etc., until finally it will be forced to leave New Zealand - if we live we will see!!! The fact is, that if someone acts contradictive to intentions of God then NO-ONE would want to be in his shoes!!!
       14. "Weather bomb" which went over Petone in weekend on 3rd and 4th March 2012. Climatologists did NOT know how to name the phenomenon which affected New Zealand in that weekend. So they called it a "weather bomb". This is because the phenomenon was something between a tornado and a hurricane. Means, it carried very strong winds - in gusts reaching 150 km per hour, a wave of cold, and simultaneously powerful rains. It moved across New Zealand along the line that links so-called "Taranaki" (with its central town of New Plymouth) and "Wairarapa" (with its central town of Masterton). So the destructive edge of that "bomb" went also over Petone. But in spite that in other towns it caused damages of millions of dollars, in Petone it just watered flowers slightly more generously than usual, and persuaded people to spend the weekend in homes for change. This non-typical "weather bomb" was described more comprehensively in articles [1#I3(14)] "Weather bomb will be like a bull in a china shop" from page B2 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post Weekend, issue dated on Saturday, March 3, 2012, amd [2#I3(14)] "Millions in damage after gale battering" from page A3 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, March 5, 2012.
       The most meaningful effects of this "weather bomb" were described in the article [3#I3(14)] entitled "High winds and floods hit Wainui" from page 15 of the local newspaper The Hutt News, issue dated on Tuesday, March 6, 2012. The point is that the township Wainuiomata described in that article is located just around 2 km from Petone, while it is separated from Petone just by a narrow mountain range. Because of this vicinity to Petone, one would expect that it is to be hit by exactly the same winds and rains as Petone. But Wainuiomata does NOT belong to the same "area of destruction" as Petone. In addition, the majority of its inhabitants belong to a different moral category than inhabitants of Petone. (E.g. a noticeable proportion of inhabitants of Wainuiomata constitute inmates of the "Rimutaka Prison" located in there. In turn it is known that in prison rarely land people that act pedantically moral.) Therefore, the moral difference of Rimutaka causes, that the entire valley in which lies the township of Wainuiomata, God qualifies as a "bad valley". Almost continually it is troubled by various disasters. Thus, during the "weather bomb" discussed here, the fire brigade from Wainuiomata was called to around 20 cases of ripping off roofs by winds, breaking trampolines to garages and homes, and to flooding f houses and a school. Several people were injured by objects blown by winds. Trees and power-lines were blown by powerful gusts, while a car driver only due to a miracle escaped unharmed from a collision with one of them. Etc., etc. All these happened when in the nearby Petone almost nothing similar took place.
       So the reflection resulting from that "weather bomb" is, that Petone (and by it also Wellington) is a kind of "exception" located in the very centre of a "cataclysmic triangle". While the entire this "cataclysmic triangle" is repetitively 'lashed" by various cataclysms, Petone located in the centre of it always comes out without any harm. In turn this triangle is including as many as three provinces of New Zealand, namely so-called "Taranaki" - with the central town of New Plymouth, "Wairarapa" - with the central town of Masterton, and "Tasmania" bordered by three towns, i.e. by Nelson, Westport and Graymouth. Furthermore, just by Petone, separated only by a narrow mountain range, is located also that "bad valley of Rimutaka" which also repetitively is troubled by various disasters and cataclysms. What is the most meaningful, when one analyses cataclysms that hit that triangle, then neither geography, nor geology, nor any attributes of natural phenomena, do NOT allow to explain "why?" these cataclysms attack with a fury all three provinces of that triangle, but they always avoid hitting Petone located in the centre of it. Thus, the only cause which allows to explain the omission of Petone by cataclysms, are differences in morality of inhabitants, and the presence of these at least "10 righteous". After all, according to the descriptions from items #H3 and #H4 of the web page named quake.htm, such repetitive troubling of given communities by increasingly powerful "weather anomalies", represents warning of inhabitants of these areas by God, that their philosophy starts to reach already the punishable level of the philosophy of parasitism, and thus if these communities do NOT undertake actions aimed at changing their philosophies or at settling in their areas these required at least "10 righteous", then send to them will be even more destructive kinds of cataclysms. At this point perhaps it is worth that reader also checks, whether his place of living is NOT by any chance warned by God in just a similar manner.
       15. The destructive storm which lashed the South Island of New Zealand on 20 to 22 March 2012. This storm was described, amongst others, in articles [1#I3(15)] "Family run for their lives as gale rips off roof" from page A5 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald issue dated on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, and [2#I3(15)] "Brace for more violent weather" from page A3 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Wednesday, March 21, 2012. The storm caused most damages in the close to Petone province Taranaki, and also in Northland - at the northern tip of New Zealand. In the nearby New Plymouth (central town of Taranaki) its winds reached 113 km/h causing tearing trees with roots, falling powerlines and cars, and ripping off roofs. A spectacular example of destruction caused by it is shown on photographs that illustrate the article [3#I3(15)] "End of line on cards for train track" from page A5 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Wednesday, March 28, 2012, and article [4#I3(15)] "Slips leave 100 m of track dangling" from page A6 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald issue dated on Wednesday, March 28, 2012. These photographs show a section of railway line around 100 metres long, which is dangling high in the air over a cliff. The storm caused landslips on both sides of a deep valley which previously was crossed by the railway line. Because now there is NO solid ground to support the track, while crossing this valley in a different place would be too expensive and uneconomical, probably the entire railway line linking towns Napier and Gisborne must be liquidated because of this storm. The storm caused also a widespread floods. But in Petone the rain and wind was almost indifferent from these that normally prevail in there.
       Watching the course of newest events it is difficult to oppose the impression, that in recent times New Zealand started to receive increasingly frequent and strong battering from the "mother nature". In turn, knowing from the content of web pages quake.htm or morals.htm "for what" the "mother nature" lashes at people, it is enough to look at headings of present New Zealand newspapers, or to view television news of that country, to understand "why" this lashing of nature so intensifies lately and "what" New Zealanders should start to do to stop further escalation of it.
       That storm started to ease on Friday, 23 March 2012. So when in hours of "lunch" sun started to shine over Petone, I went for a walk along the local beach. Over there my attention again attracted the phenomenon of ideally elliptical "window in the sky" which existed then exactly over Petone in the thick layer of clouds, and which caused that sunny weather which convinced me to go for a walk. The "window" was so located on the sky, that apart from Petone no other nearby township received any sun. Such elliptical "windows" I saw over Petone already several times earlier (the most easy is to see and notice them from the local beach) - and I even frequently wondered how they could be documented photographically without the need to use an airplane or satellite which would be required to catch on a single photograph their entire size and their almost ideally elliptical shape. (Apart from Petone such precisely formed elliptical "windows in the sky" I did NOT see in any other place on the Earth.) That day it turned out that the window was so located, that with my ordinary photo-camera I managed to photograph both its rounded ends from the edge of beach along which I was walking - pointing the lens of my camera towards the south and then towards the north. In turn the shape and location of these ends of ellipsis documented how the entire ellipsis was located over Petone. Both photographs which I took then are shown in "Fig. #I3" below. They document photographically that God on His discreet manner lets to know to interested people, that Petone receives from Him a rare "special treatment". After all, while the entire North Island of New Zealand was covered with a thick layer of dense clouds - which are also visible on my photographs, over Petone there was a clear blue sky. But in order to also provide the explanation to sceptics - as God always does it, this His confirmation of a "special treatment" for Petone, He expressed onto manner that is typical for God - i.e. such which contains in itself as many as at least three (3) independent explanations described in item #C2 of this web page (and even better described in item #C2 of the web page tornado.htm).

Fig. #I3a.
Fig. #I3b.

Fig. #I3ab: A photographic documentation of one amongst these "windows in the sky" (or "weather halos") taking the shape of extended ellipses, which repetitively open (are formed) over Petone. The above "elliptical window in the sky" appeared over Petone on Friday, 23 March 2012, in the easing stage of the three-day-long destructive storm which on 20 to 22 March 2012 lashed the majority of the North Island of New Zealand, and which is described in (15) from item #I3 of this web page. But "windows" similar to the above I saw already earlier several times over Petone - always curiously analysing their attributes and wondering how I could document them photographically without the use of an airplane. Apart from Petone, such precise "elliptical windows in the sky" I have NOT seen so-far in any other place on the Earth. (Click on any above photograph to see it enlarged or to shift it in other area of the screen.)
       The repetitive appearance over Petone such "windows in the sky" with smooth edges and shapes of elongated ellipsis, cannot be scientifically explained by any known atmospheric phenomenon. These "windows" have shapes of elongated ellipsis (i.e. NOT round circles). Their centres of symmetry always seem to be permanently anchored just above my flat. (Because my flat is located near local beach, only their larger halves spread over buildings of Petone, while their smaller halves spread over the local beach and over nearest to Petone part of the sea-bay called the "Wellington Harbour".) They never envelope with their range any other human settlement from the neighbourhood of Petone. Furthermore, their edges are relatively smooth, looking as if someone precisely cut them in clouds. Also they do NOT drift with wind - as this is done by the layer of clouds amongst which they are "anchored", but simply they stay motionlessly over Petone until the time they dissipate. When they dissipate, simply in the entire their volume, on previously blue sky rapidly dense clouds begin to condensate. After a short time, these clouds cease to be distinguishable from the layer of clouds in which a given "window" was formed earlier.
       The only atmospheric phenomena about which I know that also form similar, but "circular", "windows in the sky", are so-called "eyes of cyclones". Namely, in very centres of spinning weather formations called "cyclones", always exists a single ideally round "window", in which typically prevails calm and nice weather. But such "eyes of cyclones" display a number of attributes which significantly differ from attributes of these "windows in the sky" from Petone shaped like elongated ellipsis. Namely, they always are "circular", NOT elliptical. Furthermore, they are permanent, and they drift together with a given cyclone, NOT (like in Petone) appear just as motionless temporary forms "anchored" amongst moving clouds, then after around an hour they dissipate through condensation of clouds in their entire volume.
       The next appearance of the "window in sky" similar to the above, which I noticed, took place on Thursday, 12 April 2012 - also afternoon. When I noticed it, I immediately went to the point of taking photographs shown here on "Fig. #I3ab" - to also take similar photos. But when I arrived in there, the window started to generate clouds that filled it up - and it gradually disappeared. On photos that I took these clouds spoil the appearance of previously smooth, elliptical edges of the window. Interesting, whether somewhere are available for ordinary people any satellite photographs of the area of Petone from hours of around 2 to 3 pm of that day. On such photographs still should be visible the unspoiled elliptical outline of that "window in the sky".
       Fig. #I3a (upper): A photograph of southern end of the elongated ellipsis of the "window in the sky" described here. It reveals how ideally elliptical are these "windows", and how they form a kind of motionless tunnel in the moving layer of dense clouds that reach almost to the ground. For example, on the right part of the photograph should be visible the panoramic view of Wellington - which city in good weather is well visible from that point of the Petone beach. But this thick layer of clouds, which reached down almost to the ground, hided completely that city. (The city of Wellington is partially visible on the photo from Fig. #C1 on the web page named cloud_ufo.htm - which also was taken approximately from the same point of Petone beach, and approximately in the same direction, as the above photograph.) Notice, that even the course of sea waves captured on this photograph significantly differ from a typical one. (Typically sea waves always align their course to be parallel to the line of beach.)
       Fig. #I3b (lower): The northern end of the elongated ellipsis of the "window in the sky" described here. This end was photographed from the same point on the Petone beach, as the southern end shown on "Fig. #I3a". Only that in order to to capture it, after taking the photo "Fig. #I3a" with camera pointed towards south, I rotated the direction by 180 degrees and took the above photograph "Fig. #I3b" with the lens pointed towards north. (Unfortunately, I do NOT have an access to a helicopter, an airplane, nor a satellite, to capture this ellipsis in the overhead view and to reveal the ideally elliptical shapes of it, nor the precision with which it opened exactly over Petone.) The shape and dimensions of this ellipsis reveal, that it was so formed that sun shining through it rewarded exclusively inhabitants of Petone. NO other neighbourly human settlement was included into the range of that "window in the sky". This fact, in my opinion, was a manner in which God subtly let inhabitants of Petone know, that so-far this township enjoys an exceptionally rare "special treatment", and that this treatment may be continued - if Petone as a whole puts an effort into fulfilment of moral requirements imposed by God. Therefore, in my opinion, inhabitants of Petone have a lot to loose, if they remain passive towards initiatives of the kind described in the article [5#I3(13)] above, or described in the article [5#I3(15)] entitled "Tobacco deal turns Petone into the big smoke" from page A1 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, March 26, 2012. (This latest article [5#I3(15)] was then corrected by letter from a reader published under the title [6#I3(15)] "Imperial Tobacco expansion is bad news" on page B4 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, March 29, 2012. The reader calculated in his letter, that each new employee working in there to produce cigarettes will cause in New Zealand the death of 15 people and will cost New Zealand 5.4 million dollars of losses in costs of medical care for victims of tobacco addiction.)

#I3.1. Weather anomalies and cataclysms which after starting this web page "skipped over Petone" without causing any damages (although this township stood on their path), and thus which additionally confirm, that Petone enjoys a "special treatment" from God, because next to it live these at least 10 "righteous" required by the God's promise from the Bible:

       After starting this web page I ceased further updates of item #I3 from the web page named day26.htm with documentations of weather anomalies and natural disasters that appeared to likely hit the town of Petone, but which "jumped" through Petone without causing any damage to it. (I.e. I ceased further updates of item #I3 from that other web page, which item has been repeated on this web page here, also as item #I3.) Although, already after the discontinuation of this updates, New Zealand still was repeatedly "pounded" from time to time by next lots of similar weather anomalies, I was too busy with various other research topics, to have also the time to document the fact of deliberate avoidance of Petone by these anomalies. It was only on 17 October 2012 that I advanced these other research to the state in which I was able to return to documenting such weather anomalies. At that time somehow it so happened, that a few days earlier along New Zealand moved a next big storm, which, however, (as usual) jumped over Petone without causing any damage to it. So my return to the documenting in this item the further devastating weather anomalies and natural disasters I could begin by providing data for that particular storm. In such a way, this item #I3.1 becomes an extension of previous item #I3, only that it is presented only on this web page, while data item written up in here are no longer repeated on the web page named day26.htm. So here are reports from next devastating events that have rolled over Petone and battered other neighbourly places, but because of the "special treatment" which Petone enjoys from God, they have not caused any harm to Petone:
       16. The devastating storm "Vile" which swept over all of New Zealand on the weekend, 12 to 14 October 2012. The storm caused a lot of damage, toppling trees on buildings, cutting power lines, throwing the supply track on the passenger plane from the airport in Auckland, causing a massive landslide of boulders and earth on the only road leading to Milford Sound, preventing 700 international cruise ship passengers of the cruiser "Sea Princess" from returning back on the board after visiting the town of Akaroa, etc. - for more details see eg the article [1#I3.1(16)] entitled " 'Vile' storm hits country", from page 5 of the newspaper Herald on Sunday issue dated on Sunday, October 14, 2012. But as slowly are starting to notice it with the shock even the New Zealand mass media, this storm, as usual, jumped through Petone and through other settlements adjacent to Petone (e.g. through Wellington - which is the capital of New Zealand) without causing any harm to them - for the report from journalists shocked by that fact see the article [2#I3.1(16)] entitled "Capitol 'unscathed' as storm batters country", from page A1 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, October 15, 2012. According to the content of that article, the New Zealand media were slowly beginning to notice of what I already document and explain since a number of years on this web page, namely that Petone enjoys a "special treatment" on the part of God - from which treatment also benefit the human settlements from the neighbourhood of Petone - including the capital of New Zealand, means the city of Wellington. For example, in spite that Petone (and also Wellington) are historically known throughout New Zealand as a place with an exceptionally windy, rainy and nasty weather, in the article [3#I3.1(16)] entitled "Coolest little capital warm up", from page A1 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Wednesday, October 3, 2012, someone with a surprise has explained that in the month of September 2012 the city of Wellington was the sunniest city in the entire New Zealand. (Note, however, that actually the sunniest place in New Zealand was the town of Petone. only that no-one officially records the weather for Petone, although for reasons described on this web page, today it is Petone which decides and administers what king of weather is to have the capital city of Wellington.) What also is highly interesting, the official weather forecasts prepared for Wellington and broadcast during New Zealand TV news, in recent times almost always are wrong, and almost always describe the weather, which is much worse than that which actually is to come out in there - although typically the same weather forecasts in a large percentage are correct for other places in New Zealand. (Notice that Petone is considered to be too insignificant to get its own weather forecasts broadcast on television which I watch. Fortunately for Petone, to Petone apply forecasts prepared for Wellington.) This fact almost chronic erroneous weather forecasts prepared for Wellington also demonstrates and confirms that the weather in Petone is controlled by God in a "special manner" - which completely gets out of laws and regularities known to climatologists and used by them for weather forecasting. Because this "special treatment" from God regarding the weather in Petone, affects also the weather in Wellington, it is not surprising that the forecasters are unable to predict as accurately as for other cities in New Zealand, the weather which is just coming to Wellington (means in reality to Petone).
       17. The "disaster" of a sunny, hot, summer weather from the first quarter of 2013. Readers from Europe know very well, that when summer comes, then one should also expect about three months of a sunny, hot weather, during which it is so hot that men wear shorts and women wear summer skirts, while in the middle of day people sometimes must rest in shadowy spots. Unfortunately, the New Zealand summers (which usually prevail there in months of January to March) typically are quite different. Typically during New Zealand summers rains almost every day, and the cold blasts from Antarctic typically cause that unused to them immigrants from Europe, such as myself, protect against the cold by constantly wearing long trousers and at least shirts with long sleeves. Particularly cold and rainy weather, typically prevailed in Petone, which township is a suburb of Wellington - well-known in the entire New Zealand as the "city of winds" ("windy city"). Actually, during the first few years since I moved to Petone on 12 February 2001, I had no opportunity in there to wear a short-sleeved shirt or short trousers. In turn cold winds blew in there so powerfully, that one day they torn away from my hands the door of my car just opened, and then ripped away this door from its hinges. However, at the moment when in vicinity of the township Petone settled finally these "10 righteous" (to which I'm referring in item #I2 of this web page, and which represent the number of "righteous" minimally required by God in every community), the weather situation began to change rapidly in there. Probably God decided, that for giving hospitality to these "10 righteous", an example of moral behaviour of which influenced rest of the population, the entire township of Petone should be rewarded with a warm, sunny summer - after all, this township has its own beach, the possession of which its citizens should be able to enjoy. So starting from around 2005, each subsequent year the weather in Petone started to become increasingly more sunny, until the summer of 2013 has become as warm and sunny as I remember it from days of my youth in Poland. In 2013, for three consecutive months, from January to March, in Petone sun was almost constantly shining and there were no these cold winds from the Antarctic - which I know from previous years. In turn starting from 8 February, until 16 March 2013, in Petone NO rain fell at all. It was only on Saturday, March 16, when the first rains returned to the entire New Zealand - which rains, of course, immediately caused various problems (e.g. see the article [1#I3.1(17)] "Flooding in Wairarapa", from page A5 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Wednesday, March 20, 2013). The normal for the entire New Zealand combination of almost everyday rains with cold winds from Antarctic God restored in a typical for Him manner, i.e. together with a message discreetly coded into it - by starting it in a highly symbolic day, because as from Easter Sunday of 31 March 2013. In turn that mixture of rains and winds restored greens to dry pastures, and smiles to faces of these farmers who live from cattle and sheep grazing. Of course, that great summery weather, for residents of Petone was a kind of "gift from God", blessing, and the subject of joy. Since it extended to a significant part of the rest of New Zealand, it became also a "gift from God" and blessing for a number of other places of New Zealand - especially for those ones which are known from orchards and from fruit production. For example, the owners of vineyards revealed, that in 2013 the grape harvest is appearing to be the best since at least 30 years - for details see the article [2#I3.1(17)] "Grape growers revelling in the hot, dry conditions", from page A23 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Thursday, March 21, 2013.
       However, while being a "divine reward" for Petone and for some selected communities, the same sunny weather turned out to be also a "divine punishment" for a large number of other areas of New Zealand - especially for those ones whose farmers lived from cows or sheep grazing. Unlike the farmers of Europe, typical farmers of New Zealand are NOT prepared for the situation that rains stop raining, while a dry and sunny weather dries out their pastures and slows sewage outflow in streams and rivers from which their cattle drink water. After all, New Zealand does NOT have a problem of insufficient rain, but it does have a problem of the lack of infrastructure prepared by people, which would hold the clean water that falls in the rain from becoming polluted and from flowing into the sea unused. In New Zealand only sparse farmers have prepared pools or wells that would provide their flock with clean water to drink. Almost no farms have systems for the manure management and for the reuse of other livestock's effluents. Also rarely farmers have accumulated feed or hay for a case of drought or snow. As a result, these three months of hot, sunny, summery weather, started to be regarded in New Zealand as a kind of national disaster - after all the grazing of cattle and sheep is the basis for the country's economy. Throughout the entire North Island a state of drought disaster was declared. Newspapers published maps of driest areas - for example see the article [3#I3.1(17)] entitled "Forecast: Rain many days away", from page A7 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Monday, March 11, 2013. In turn the television began to show grasslands of farmers scorched by sun and devoid of any trees.
       During a careful analysis of facts which this drought disaster started to reveal, for me personally become noticeable various highly meaningful regularities that support evidentially the main thesis of this web page (i.e. the thesis that "natural disasters have a direct link with the level of morality in communities that are affected by these disasters"). For example, (A) maps of driest areas published on the occasion of this drought, revealed that the areas most affected by this drought are simultaneously areas that on the map with "centres of sin" from New Zealand have been marked as centres of sinning, means were marked on this map as areas with the highest intensity of "sinning" by population living in them - in order to see this map of "centres of sin" from New Zealand one should reach for the article [4#I3.1(17)] entitled "City of Sails in the sin-bin", from page A19 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Thursday, February 28, 2013. Another meaningful regularity which hit my eyes, was (B) that these farmers, which were most disadvantaged by this sunny weather, typically have NOT planted on their estates almost any tree, while these farmers who reported that they were prepared to the drought, have trees planted along borders, roads, and in purposely created islands of shade at their pastures - so that their cattle have shadows in which can hide from the hot sun, rain, or snow. (In New Zealand cattle remains outdoor for the entire year round, while farmers do NOT build any roofed shelters for the stock.) So now it would be interesting to find out, what is the mechanism that governs over the connection between the planting of trees on the farms and the lack of problems with drought. For example, does this mechanism work through (1) the nature (i.e. whether these trees maintain moisture in the soil and thus help the cattle to survive), or through (2) character of farmers (i.e. whether trees are planted only by the industrious and provident farmers whose foresight urges them also to prepare for the eventuality of a drought), or through (3) the morality (i.e. whether God seeing the suffering of animals for which their owners do NOT deign to even prepare a shade for summer's sun, and for protection from rains, punishes those farmers most severely). Still another meaningful regularity which hit my eyes, was (C) a further confirmation of an actual work of the moral principle explained in item #E2 from the totaliztic web page named totalizm.htm, and stating that all participants of a given "group intellect" (e.g. a given country or community) are morally responsible as a group (e.g. are rewarded or punished by God as a group) for the outcomes of actions of each member of this "group intellect". In case of the drought discussed here, this group responsibility is manifested by the situation that soon all citizens of New Zealand must pay for the lack of preparation to a possibility of drought by some farmers and institutions. After all, even while the drought did NOT finish yet, already warnings appeared in mass-media, that because of this drought the price of milk and meat is going to rise further in New Zealand. For an example of just such a warning, see the article [5#I3.1(17)] entitled "Drought tipped to push up milk and red meat prices", from page A1 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, March 18, 2013. In turn the appearance of this type of warnings, may induce various questions. For example the question, whether by any chance God intentionally so pre-planned this sunny summer just in such a manner, that the summer NOT only become a reward for communities which deserved it (e.g. for Petone, or for communities that live from orchards and vineyards), but also become a punishment for those communities, which through their passiveness support the immorally acting monopolistic institutions which are responsible for hunger and shortages that affect the ever increasing proportion of citizens of this prosperous country. Or the question, whether by a chance this sunny summer was a kind of the first warning for those monopolistic institutions, which through their market policies caused, that in spite New Zealand is one of the world's largest producers of milk and red meat, it is simultaneously the country in which prices of milk and meat related to income of people are among the most expensive in the world (if not the most expensive) - i.e. frequently these are even more expensive than in countries to which milk products and red meat are exported from New Zealand.
       In the evening of Wednesday, 17th April 2013, in the parliament from Wellington a vote was held in which 77 members of parliament voted "for" and 44 - "against", the introduction of the law which makes New Zealand the 13th country in the world in which homosexuals can officially marry, enjoy the same rights which are granted to traditional marriages of women with men, and due to this openly cultivate their perversion. More information about this law can be found in the article [7#I3.1(17)] "Gay marriages likely within months", from page A1 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, April 18, 2013. In fact, together with the so-called "anti-smacking law" described in item #B5.1 of my the web page named will.htm, this new law for homosexuals is another law that has been "forced upon" the public of New Zealand. This is because a few hours before that parliamentary vote, the television programme "Campbell Live" conducted a telephone vote on the same matter, in which 78% of participants were against the law that allow homosexuals to marry, with only 22% participants supporting such marriages. Thus, the law passed by politicians clearly goes against the overwhelming will of the people that these politicians are supposed to represent. On the occasion of the official adoption of this law, one of the members of parliament gave a speech into which he included a joke trying to imply to listeners that for sure a drought which New Zealand just experienced has not been sent down by God as a punishment for passing this law. However, I would have argued with the intention of that joke. From my research it is clear, that every action of God is always so carried out, that it simultaneously accomplishes a whole range of different goals. I also know what is the stand of God expressed in the Bible regarding homosexuality, and how much socially harmful (and therefore immoral) are open homosexual behaviours - which opinion and harmfulness I tried to explain in item #B4 from the web page named antichrist.htm. Not without reasons the city of Sodom, the immoral practices of inhabitants of which gave the name to "sodomy" (means to the male version of homosexual copulation), was burned by God for an example, while the fate of it was immortalized in the Bible as a warning, and the example of the punishment for people who practice this form of debauchery and deviation. That biblical case quite unambiguously suggests to us, that in typical for God discreet manners, which do not violate anyone's "free will", at every opportunity God not only gave in past, but with the godly consistency also gives, and will give us hints, clearly visible to those who pay attention to God's messages, that He disapproves everything that promotes immorality, means He disapproves also moves of New Zealand politicians who generated laws that turn this (until recently) God fearing country into a today's equivalent of biblical Sodom. Besides, I am NOT the only person who adheres to such views - for other example, see also the article [8#I3.1(17)] "Church group claims Chch quakes 'warning from God' ", from pages 3 and 4 of the local newspaper The Hutt News, issue dated on Tuesday (Tuesday), April 16, 2013.
       18. Series of downpours and so-called "flash floods" that began to plague New Zealand since the adoption on 17 April 2013 the law that allows homosexuals to marry. As it is already explained in (17) above, in the evening of Wednesday, April 17, 2013, the Parliament of New Zealand passed a law that allows an official gay marriages. However, also so happened, that soon after the passing of this law, over the New Zealand started to gather heavy waves of storm clouds, that just two days later led to a series of rare and unusual so-called "flash floods" (see descriptions of these floods in item #C2 above on this web page). From these "flash floods", as well as from tornados and lightning flashes accompanying them, suffered a number of New Zealand settlements, although all these disasters regularly bypassed the township of Petone (but the neighbourly town Nelson was hit by them). Examples of descriptions of those "flash floods" the reader will find e.g. in the article [1#I3.1(18)] entitled "Wild weather sweeps across NZ", from page A5 of the newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Monday, April 22, 2013, or in the article [2#I3.1(18)] "Waihi Beach braced for another deluge", from page A2 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, April 22, 2013, or in the article [3#I3.1(18)] "Relief to Nelson residents as torrential rain get to ease", from page A5 of the newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Tuesday, April 23, 2013.
       These storm rains and flash floods still hung over New Zealand's towns when on 1 May 2013 I was preparing these descriptions. For example, in the television evening news on April 30, 2013, was shown such a "flash flood" that took place on that day in Christchurch. (It is worth mentioning here, that the member of parliament elected in Christchurch, voted "for" the adoption of the law discussed here.) Of course, for the scientific exactitude, when I was preparing this report on 1 May 2013, I initiated also searches for some written information about that flash flood from Christchurch - so that the reader could read it on his or her own. The information [4#I3.1(18)] on this topic, prepared at 16:24 on 30/04/2013, I have found in internet, where it was available under the title "Hail, thunderstorms batter Canterbury". But in spite my thorough searches in newspapers that I typically read, I have NOT found in them even a smallest mention of that flash flood from Christchurch. This silence of newspapers on the subject of flood is very strange. After all, these newspapers describe exactly floods and events from every other city, but the flood from Christchurch is NOT even mentioned in them - in spite that the entire New Zealand with a huge interest watches what happens in that city. Is it possible, that the censorship intentionally blocked descriptions of that flash flood from Christchurch, to NOT feed any further the belief growing fast in New Zealand and expressed, amongst others, in the article [8#I3.1(17)] referred above, that God clearly does NOT approve behaviours manifested by some groups of people acting in that city? In six days later, i.e. on Monday, 6 May 2013, the evening television news showed again scenes of a violent flooding in Christchurch, what took place in there that day. Again the next day I could not find any information about this flood in the newspapers that I typically read. But in these newspapers was an extensive article [5#I3.1(18)] entitled "Sunny spell forecast as country recovers from heavy dose of rain", from page A3 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Tuesday, May 7, 2013. It described the similarly violent flash floods that on that Monday May 6, 2013, took place in the cities of Auckland and Wellington. In both floods described therein, the most puzzling is the violent flood from Wellington (i.e. in the city hosting the New Zealand parliament), described and illustrated also in the article [6#I3.1(18)] entitled "Wellington residents wake to find their streets under water", from page A2 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Tuesday, May 7, 2013. After all, Wellington is located only around 8 km from Petone, and is in the same valley and by the same sea bay as Petone - means Wellington should have almost the same rain as Petone has. However, although in Petone also was raining a little - as it usually does at this time of the year, in Wellington rain were so violent that water chocked drains and caused the flooding. Is it possible, that with this rapid rain that flooded the city of New Zealand's parliament, God again passed to us an urgent message or even a warning? On this intriguing question the matter does NOT finish.
       In the abovementioned article [5#I3.1(18)] is also included another quite puzzling information. Namely, this article states, quote: 'Federated Farmers said the rain had managed to miss the farming areas most desperate for it. ... "Farmers are gutted to see biblical quantities of rain falling while they are lucky to scrape up more than a few millimetres." ' In other words, while places known to us already for a long time from various other cataclysms that trouble them, are flooded with rain, these farming areas that were previously affected by the drought described in 17 above, as so-far have been sprayed only with a few scant drops of rain. This situation prompts us to start asking at least the most vital questions. After all, totalizm teaches us, that the key to learning the truth is to ask right kind of questions, while without learning the truth there is no progress. So here are the most vital questions, replying to which perhaps brings solutions to own problems of the person who answers them. (1) If really weather phenomena are controlled only by accidental work of mechanisms of stupid nature - as it is telling us the official "atheistic orthodox science", then how to explain this intelligently selective choice of communities and areas of the country onto which fall different quantities of rain, and also how to explain the correspondence between the quantities of rain and different kinds of cataclysms that already for a long time trouble these communities and areas? (2) What is the criterion that decides about that intelligently selective differentiation of the quantities of rainfall, i.e. what is the criterion which causes that in New Zealand can now be distinguished 3 categories of areas, namely these (like the city of Christchurch) which are flooded, these (like the township of Petone) which receive the amount of rain that normally is needed by them, and these (like paddocks of farmers affected by the drought) which receive too little rain? (3) Is this selective distribution of rains carrying a message addressed to the people whom it affects - if so then what this message is trying to tell to those communities affected with floods, and what it is trying to tell to farmers affected by the drought?
       From my research stems, that every action of God is designed to accomplish a number of different goals - including, amongst others, the communicating to interested persons the "message from God" regarding the reasons, significance, etc., of given divine action. Hence, in the light of this research, it should NOT be considered to only be a "coincidence", that these series of rare and unusual "flash floods" swept-in over New Zealand immediately after the adoption by its parliament of this law which allows to marry people who practice homosexuality that is prohibited by God. I am also sure, that if someone carefully analyzed which city and which constituencies of New Zealand have chosen Members of Parliament that voted "for" that law, and also established in what places are properties and houses owned by MPs who voted "for" that law, and later compared the data obtained to the list places victimised by these "flash floods", then probably would receive an additional explanation about that message from God. Except that, this research looks simple only on the surface, while in practice it is very difficult - after all, to the MPs are assigned only the names of their constituencies, which names typically do NOT say which cities or towns belong to these constituencies, and also it is NOT known which member of parliament where owns any house or property - as it is NOT easy to determine because of the so-called. "privacy laws". Thus, unfortunately, in spite that it is widely known how each member of parliament has voted - because their votes were published e.g. in the article [5#I3.1(18)] "How they voted - final reading", from page A8 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Thursday, April 18, 2013, I do NOT have myself neither the time, nor the resources, nor the official status required to carry out such a research. On the other hand, apart from me probably no-one else in New Zealand is interested in an objective conducting such research without aiming it at the deliberate denial (as officially always seem to deny God the atheistic orthodox scientists).
       In item #T1 from the separate web page named humanity.htm, is described a feature of all immoral human activities, causing that if these immoral activities are NOT stopped on time, then they are to be escalated to the level at which they cause the disaster that is pre-programmed into them. As it turns out, problems triggered by the law that allows homosexuals to marry, have already started to escalate, although only not entire month has passed since this law was introduced. This is because, as describes it the article [8#I3.1(18)] entitled "Gay man rejected as priest goes to court", from page A2 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald (issue dated on Monday, May 6, 2013), a homosexual man put the bishop of Auckland to court, accusing him of discrimination and of causing a humiliation, because this bishop refused to admit him to the seminary - while that homosexual man claims that he feels the vocation to become a priest. So now New Zealand courts and lawyers have a serious problem on their heads. On the one hand they should punish discrimination and humiliation, but on the other hand they should NOT dictate to religions who must or should not be a priest. In turn, another article [9#I3.1(18)] entitled "Family First finds unlikely ally in charitable status fight", from page A10 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald (issue dated on Tuesday, May 7, 2013), describes that the government decided to dissolve the charity organization called "Family First", because in order to protect families this organization opposes the law that allow homosexuals to marry, and also fights the "anti-smacking law" enforced by the government and described in item #B5.1 from the web page named will.htm.
       19. Ten days of floods, blizzards and storms. Starting from Thursday, June 13, 2013, onto New Zealand a wave of 10 days of especially nasty weather pounced. Firstly poured unusually-heavy rains, which in some areas during just a few hours dumped the amount of water which typically does NOT fall in there even during the entire wet month of June. These rains quickly turned a lot of parts of the country into huge lakes. Water flooded homes, covered roads, tore bridges, washed railways, cut off the supply of electricity to many settlements, slipped whole mountain slopes, and near the town of Nelson a powerful ground landslip swept the dwelling house and killed its inhabitant - see the article [1#I3.1(19)] entitled "Woman dies as slip destroys home", from page A3 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald (issue dated on Monday, June 17, 2013). Immediately after the flood, a wave of cold temperatures, snow and powerful winds also came - see the article [2#I3.1(19)] entitled "Polar blast to follow the flooding", from page A5 of newspaper The Dominion Post, (issue dated on Tuesday, June 18, 2013). Winds were so powerful, that they swept away the roofs of houses and uprooted old trees. In the capital city of Wellington, wind gusts reached the speed of 202 km/h Thus, in the Wellington wind left about 30,000 homes without electricity, tore the sea ferry from its anchor, stopped public trasnsport, while wind-driven waves collapsed concrete barrier walls, destroyed a number of coastal buildings, washed out sections of coastal rail-line, and tore up several-meter-long asphalt slabs - e.g. see the article [3#I3.1(19)] entitled "Freezing Antarctic blast could be worst in decades", from page A3 of newspaper The Dominion Post, (issue dated on Friday, June 21, 2013). In turn the snow-falls of over a metre depth cut off a number of human settlements from the rest of the country, buried pastures, imprisoned in snow sheep and cows - so that it was necessary to dig them out individually, deprived of electricity even more homes, and closed schools. The bad weather abruptly ended on Sunday, June 23, 2013, when onto the practically entire New Zealand returned a calm and sunny weather.
       In spite of damages that suffered other localities, as usual Petone came out almost unscathed. The town has NOT experienced neither flooding nor snowfall. Winds carried only a bit of rubbish onto footpaths and courtyards, but the wind does this always, so it is difficult to discern the difference between outcomes for Petone of these 10 days of exceptionally bad weather, and the windy weather that is typical for this town.
       In events of this 10-day long attack of the bad weather onto New Zealand, again one can notice intriguing regularities, which seem to admonish people to understand, that there is a link between the group morality of a given community, and events which affect this community (notice here the religious significance of the number 10). For example, the most affected communities once again proved to be the same, that are famous for different reasons and previously had already been troubled by various cataclysms - for example Christchurch, Nelson, or Dunedin. (For example, Dunedin is known for student drinking binge, and is known e.g. for its war with the sea that eats its footpaths.) Furthermore, this supposedly blind bad weather, as if deliberately unharmed selected areas of the country - for example, the township of Petone, and almost the whole province of Southland with the city of Invercargill - in spite that both Petone and Invercargill were on the way of this 10-day long bad weather. What is most interesting, although this bad weather missed Petone, it seriously harmed the nearby capital-city of Wellington, for which Petone is a suburb. Besides, it was NOT the first weather anomaly which harmed Wellington while missed Petone. After all, starting from the time when the parliament in Wellington passed this law that allows homosexuals to marry (described in sub-item 17 above), virtually every arrival of a bad weather hits now into Wellington with the entire power of its fury, while at the same time it omits Petone.
       20. Another 10 days of stormy weather that plagued Wellington. Just a few days after the disappearance of the series of snowstorms and windstorms described in the previous sub-item, the New Zealand came under the next 10 days of torrential rain and gale-force winds. Although this next wave of bad weather harmed many places, the strongest it affected the capitol city of Wellington. Quite a symbolic meaning for me had a satellite image of New Zealand that was shown in TV news in one of the final days of its duration. On this picture the weather looked like a kind of narrow spear thrown up from the Antarctic, which struck in Wellington. That 10-day wave of bad weather in Wellington tore off power to many homes, in the port a sea ferry broke up from its anchor, it also caused severe landslides, toppled many trees, washed railroad tracks, stopped passenger flights at the airport, etc. In the worst (final) its period, the squally wind reached the speed 165 km/h near Wellington. Descriptions of some amongst consequences of this wave of bad weather are presented in the article [1#I3.1(20)] entitled "Storm lashes capital again", from page A1 of newspaper The Dominion Post (issue dated on Monday, July 15, 2013). The sun and mild weather returned to Wellington and to Petone only on Tuesday, July 16, 2013.
       Again, a rarity of these 10 days of stormy weather was, that when it hammered Wellington, in Petone it was not much different from just a typical days of rainy and windy weather. Also in contrast to Wellington, in Petone this wave of bad weather did not cause any damage. The strange thing in all this is, that Petone lies so close to Wellington, that when Petone is protected by God against consequences of any Act of God, the protective effect of Petone should also extend to Wellington. In fact, up to the date of enactment in Wellington of the law described in sub-item 17 above, when any weather-anomaly jumped through Petone without causing any damage, typically it also jumped similarly through Wellington. However, after the adoption of this law, this situation has changed. Namely, virtually any Act of God which now appears in New Zealand, with a great fury hits also in Wellington, but it jumps only through Petone without causing any damage. I wonder, whether this means that God gives us in this way a discreet message about what is His position on this law passed in Wellington? I wonder also, whether these periods of bad weather lasting typically for 10 days, count on purpose this particular number of days, as if they carry a message for us?
       21. The series of earthquakes that struck Wellington starting from Friday, 19 July 2013. Calm and sunny weather prevailed in Wellington only for 3 days. Already as early as at 9:06 am on Friday, 19 July 2013, Wellington was hit by the earthquake of the strength of 5.7 on the Richter scale. This earthquake was clearly felt also in Petone, although in Petone it did NOT cause any harm. After that first shock, Wellington began to be shaken with a long series of earthquakes, the strongest of which, with a power of 6.5 on the Richter scale, occurred at 17:09 on Sunday, July 21, 2013. As a result of these earthquakes, the capital city of Wellington suffered significant damages. Descriptions of these damages one can read from pages A1 to A7 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald (issue dated on Monday, July 22, 2013) - especially see in there the article [1#I3.1(21)] from pages A2 to A3 entitled "Residents terrified as tremors rock capital" (which article gives a list of damages that occurred in the capital city of New Zealand). Similar descriptions of the destruction in Wellington are also provided on pages A1 to A5 of newspaper The Dominion Post (issue dated on Monday, July 22, 2013) - especially see in there the article [2#I3.1(21)] from page A4 entitled "Quake equal to 100 nuclear bombs" (which article explains that this earthquake in Wellington of about the strength of 6.5, actually was carrying much more destructive energy than the one which on 22 February 2011 destroyed the city of Christchurch, and which is described in item #P6 from my web page named quake.htm - only that the shocks that hit Wellington were less severe in their characteristics).
       The extraordinary aspect of those earthquakes which in Wellington caused a widespread destruction, was that in Petone I have not noticed any damage. It is strange, because in fact these earthquakes caused damages in practically every direction from Petone, but NOT in Petone itself. For example, independently from the neighbouring Wellington located only about 8 kilometres south from Petone, from this earthquakes suffered also the adjacent to Petone township of Wainuiomata lying just a few kilometres east of Petone, as well as the neighbouring Lower Hutt which borders with Petone on the northern side. In addition, these earthquakes were significant. They were accompanied by a loud rumble and roar. For example, when on Petone began that earthquake of Sunday at 17:09, we both with my wife immediately ran out from the flat to the garden. I noticed then that our building and also the surrounding trees and houses, were waving like boats in choppy water. The earth rocked so hard under our feet, that my wife could not stand up and had to sit on the bench. It is strange that the brick building of our flat has not disintegrated. Although I myself managed to stand up at my feet, the telepathic noise emitted by the earthquake was so strong, that it caused in my head a kind of shock, confusion, and the blocking of ability to think - it is no wonder that these telepathic waves are able to remotely initiate the earthquake warning device described in parts #D to #H from my web page named seismograph.htm.
       As a scientist who objectively researches the methods of God, I am most puzzled by the question "when God sends a cataclysm, then whether into the subjects and kinds of damage that this cataclysm is to cause, God writes a discreet message about the reasons why this cataclysms was send?" Of course, for a majority of cataclysms there is no way to to get the widely available data to be able to satisfactorily answer this question. However, for the earthquake described here I have an access to the required data. After all, the earthquake struck the city of Wellington lying almost on the threshold of my flat. So now I am to share with the reader the facts that I managed to notice. The first of these facts is the information shown on the television immediately after that Sunday's earthquake of the strength of 6.5. It revealed that one of the most affected buildings in Wellington was a former library from parliament. So if God gives us a message, then one of the keywords of this message reads "parliament". Significantly affected in Wellington were also other libraries. One of them was flooded with water. In turn the collection from another library (that one at the Faculty of Law from the Wellington's University) has been removed off the shelves and mixed. Thus another keywords which can be added to this discreet message would read e.g. "law" and "mixing of ideas and laws." The most frequent damages to Wellington ware glasses from windows that broke in windows of individual buildings. Hence, the next keywords of this discreet messages could presumably be "distortion or destruction of human perspectives and views." Significantly has also been hit the export sea-port in Wellington, a significant section of which fell into the sea. Thus, the message discussed here would probably contain also keywords "export" or "sending in the world." In a number of Wellington streets cracks and sinkholes have appeared. Thus keywords of the messages discussed here probably would include a "losing ground under our feet" or "losing stability". To summarize here the symbolic meaning of only the above-described subjects and types of damage, one could argue, that if into this earthquake is attached any discreetly passed message, then this message says something along the lines "the law from parliament which distorts human views, removes the ground under people's legs, and is exported to the rest of the world". So the question for which the reply should be further sought in characteristics and effects of the earthquake described here, and also in characteristics and consequences of other natural disasters which recently have been repeatedly plaguing the capital city of Wellington, is whether the reason for these Acts of God is the adoption by parliament from Wellington of this law described in sub-item 17 above, which law is contrary to what God commands us in the Bible?
       22. Various other cases of destructive phenomena, which trajectories were targeting Petone, which even battered localities situated just before Petone, however, which jumped through Petone without doing any serious harm in it, and then again began to batter the settlements located behind Petone. After documenting various natural disasters described above, which initially targeted Petone, but which behaved differently after reaching this town, I discovered that no matter what type of disaster it is, always the course and the scenario of it looks approximately the same. Namely, every such a cataclysm typically approaches the township of Petone, battering the localities lying in front of our township and sowing destruction in there. However, after reaching Petone its destructive force temporarily diminishes so that in Petone it does NOT cause any serious damages. But after harmlessly skipping over Petone, it quickly recovers its strength, again pounding further localities on its further path. This scenario is so repetitive, that it can be found in virtually every cataclysm which destructive trajectory was aimed at Petone after 2009. So although after cataclysms documented above I still have listed for some time newspaper articles documenting further such cataclysms aimed at Petone, after analyzing their descriptions I have come to the conclusion that there are NO reasons to expand further the content of this page (already quite extensive) by by thorough documenting them. After all, their effects are always the same, and in addition, if any of the readers for important reasons wants to examine such documentation, then he or she may officially ask me to make my documentation available to him or her - after all, so-far privately I still continue the collecting this documentation. In addition, the interested readers can also find by themselves further descriptions of this kinds of cataclysms - after all in the above documentation I also provides links to the websites of newspapers which I regularly read myself and which typically publish descriptions of cataclysms passing through Petone (and thus also passing through the capitol city of Wellington). Copies of many amongst these newspapers readers can also review in the newspaper service which I describe in more detail in item #D9 from my web page named faq.htm. Here on this web page I will add another description only in the case, if in the future is going to happen some really unusual "Act of God" - an example of which I still had NO opportunity to document here. After all, so far I documented here already a sufficiently large number of typical for Petone Acts of God, which from the point of view of statistics and the theory of probability are able to prove conclusively that God actually protects the township of Petone from cataclysms - as for all the settlements hosting these required by God number of at least "10 righteous" is explained in item #I1 from my web page named quake.htm. Nevertheless, I recommend to the reader's attention the fact, that although I already do NOT document here further cases when the next amongst such cataclysms "leaping through Petone" keep happening, still by the time when on 23rd December 2013 I was adding here this explanation, virtually almost every month at least one of them rolled through Petone.

#I3.2. Unusual economic revival and the growing importance that after 2009 the township of Petone experienced simultaneously with the diminishing of natural disasters that previously used to affect it:

       I live in Petone starting from 12 February 2001. For the first 9 years of my stay in this township, in almost every respect it was similar to other areas of the country with a declining economy and emptying churches. I mean, its only main street (called Jackson Street) shone numerous eye sockets of empty units "for rent" - as for the time just after the loss of power by the most moral amongst New Zealand leaders known to me describes it item #B1 from my web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm. Houses and flats were then in Petone relatively cheap (for New Zealand), because no-many people wanted to settle in the "godforsaken" and "sleeping" location. In addition, the weather was nasty - Petone almost continually was pounded by storms, oppressed by fogs, swept by strong winds, while sunny days here could at that time be counted on the fingers. Myself also - seeing how things are going in here, intended to remain in Petone only for the time when I had a job in the township, while afterwards I intended to run away from it to any place more friendly towards people (at that time my dream was to live in Christchurch, which at that time I considered to be the best city in the entire New Zealand - only that in spite of numerous efforts in Christchurch I never could find a job for myself).
       But after 2009 things started to change in Petone. Firstly I noticed that around Petone lives already these at least "10 righteous" required by God - a fact that I described in item #I3 from my web page named day26.htm. Then I noticed that the weather in Petone gradually begins to improve and becomes bearable. Actually, from previously one of the worst in that region of the country, the weather in Petone has become one of the best. For example, although Petone is too small township for anyone to regularly publish statistical weather data on the subject of it, still such data are published for the nearby capitol city of Wellington - for which Petone is a suburb. Thus, in sunny days, and beyond times of storms and disasters, the weather in Wellington is therefore almost as nice as the weather in Petone - except that Wellington is plagued with mists and clouds more often than Petone. Still, on 20th December 2013, evening TV news from governmental channel 1 of New Zealand television, officially announced that in the last year, Wellington became the most sunny city of New Zealand - it had the most sunny days from all the cities throughout New Zealand. Of course, this message in TV did NOT even mentioned the fact, that such a perfect sunny weather in Wellington is due to the fact, that that Wellington is situated not far from the township of Petone - which township just enjoys a "special treatment" from God.
       From 2010 onwards I started to document also facts described in items #I3 to #I5 of this web page. These facts have gradually confirmed to me the objective truth that Petone really receives from God that "special treatment" promised in the Bible for those hosting the required at least "10 righteous". The main kind of confirmation of this truth was my objective establishing that Petone is actually protected against the consequences of natural disasters. In addition to this, I also started to notice a remarkable economic boom in the township of Petone. These sockets of previously empty premises "for rent" all disappeared in the meantime. Prices of flats and houses suddenly began to grow quickly - which fact for me was a rather unpleasant surprise when after the earthquake in Christchurch described, amongst others, in item #G2 from my web page named prophecies.htm, I changed my prior intentions and decided to settle permanently in Petone. In the meantime Petone become a kind of "restaurant" and shopping destination for residents of the nearby Wellington and a few other places. During days numerous such newcomers populate footpaths of Petone's main street, visiting tens of shops that in the meantime have appeared in there. In evenings, especially on weekends, the main street of Petone has become almost as noisy and as full of people visiting its nearly 100 restaurants, cafes, and eateries, then the main street "Courtenay" from the nearby capitol city of Wellington - only that in Petone the visiting crowd usually exhibits a more cultural and more pleasant behaviour, than the behaviour of the crowd from the nearby Wellington. All of this in spite that such an economic recovery of Petone occurred when the rest of New Zealand virtually was chipped increasingly powerful by the economic crisis and unemployment started in 2008. Overall, it turned out also, that sleepy until recently, and god forgotten Petone, begins slowly to become the envy of other nearby settlements, which also would like to do as well as Petone does. Everything above suddenly helped me to realize that in addition to peace and defence against cataclysms, towns and cities protected by the presence of these required at least "10 righteous" also receive from God an abundance of benefits and a recovery of their significance and life-giving activities. In other words, there is more to someone's gaining a support from God, than "atheistic philosophers" have ever dreamed of.

#I4. The "feelings" from weather anomalies as "signs" that a given community has its "10 righteous", or e.g. that as a whole it practices totalizm:

Motto: "Local nature always tunes itself to the dominating philosophy of local people. In other words, if we clearly separate the characteristics of climate from the behaviour of nature and weather, then the behaviour of nature and weather in a given area always exactly reflects the philosophy practiced by the human population living in that area."

       According to my findings to-date, there are clear "signs" which relatively reliably indicate to us the state of morality and the philosophy of people who inhabit a given city or area. These "signs" quite clearly inform every interested person whether a given community as a whole: (a) practices totalizm, or (b) it practices parasitism but it has its "10 righteous", or (c) it practices parasitism and it does NOT have amongst themselves any "righteous". These "signs" take shape of kinds of "feelings" that protrude from the behaviours of weather and nature in a given area. Such "feelings" of the weather and nature can represent either: (a) "tenderness", or like (b) "kindness" or "official friendliness" (in the style of that ones which are shown e.g. by "stewardesses" in airplanes), or straight (c) "hostility". Means, the behaviours of local weather and nature always are like behaviours of woman in love whom with her actions lets the objects of her love know unambiguously what she thinks about his current conduct. Namely, if the so-called "weather anomalies" always show "tenderness" towards the local community, then this is a sign that this community as a whole practices totalizm. This "tender" treatment manifests itself in many ways. For example, even in the cold climate, such as that in Poland, the rain can be "warm" - so that e.g. children in there will like to play in the rain, because it is as plasant as a warm shower. Or it manifests itself by this, that when e.g. a given community is on the path of some destructive weather anomaly, such as large snow, hail, frost, wind, rain, heat, draught, etc., then the consequence of this anomaly is still a lack of destruction - no matter what force this anomaly has. In turn when the weather and nature display a "kind" or "friendly" although like an "official" treatment, which is typical when this community practices parasitism but still has its "10 righteous", then the consequence of a given weather anomaly is a minimum damage possible for a given force of it. In turn when the weather and nature on a given area displays a "hostility" towards the local population, what is always a sign that a given community practices the philosophy of parasitism and does NOT have its own "10 righteous", then practically every kind of weather, even this the best one, inflicts to the local population the maximum of damages and suffering that for the power of this weather it is able to cause. Also when rains in there, then the rain is always cold and unpleasant. Frequently instead of the rain, large and destructive hailstones are to fall in there. It is also worth to know, that in present times of internet weather forecasts, everyone can check remotely for himself or herself, what kind of a "sign" the weather and nature of that area sends into the world about people who live in there. (E.g. in times of writing this item in April 2010, the current weather of New Zealand one could learn from web pages and Only that to check this "sign" it is necessary to compare the weather with events that it causes - and this requires quite a long research (thus most easy is to check it by visiting a given area in time of the most bad weather). And it is really worth to check this sign - if e.g. we intend to settle in that area. After all, this sign defines exactly how local people are to treat us and thus how we are going to feel in there. This is because the philosophy of people most clearly and most drastically reveals itself in their attitudes towards weaker then they are, towards emigrants, and towards "strangers" who arrived from other areas.
       An example of extraordinarily "friendly" behaviour of weather and nature which I experienced in person, was my native village in Poland named Wszewilki, in times of my youth (i.e. 1946 to 1964). In these times the village of Wszewilki was definitely a "totaliztic" village which as a whole decisively practiced the philosophy of totalizm. Interestingly, when any destructive weather phenomenon appeared near Wszewilki, always by some strange "coincidence" it missed that village at a distance, not causing any damage. In turn when some unpleasant weather arrived, then it always happened somehow in such a way that this weather did NOT harm anyone and only introduced some additional excitement to lives of inhabitants of Wszewilki. Other quite unusual example was my stay in the New Zealand city named "Invercargill" in years 1983 to 1987. At that time the inhabitants of that city as a whole also practiced the philosophy of totalizm (although they did NOT know about this). So in spite that in New Zealand the city of "Invercargill" is famous as one with supposedly the worst weather amongst all cities of the country, in time when I lived in there this apparently "bad" weather was so "tender" towards people, that I was NOT perceiving at all that the weather in there is any worse than anywhere else. In fact I perceived the weather in there as quite pleasant.
       An example of "friendly" although almost "official" behaviour of weather and nature is the township of Petone described here (in the vicinity of which lives these at least "10 righteous"). As repetitively it is confirmed by local events, e.g. the television forecasts of especially bad weather almost never fulfil for Petone - although typically they fulfil for nearby towns. Furthermore, all weather anomalies always in Petone itself inflict a minimum of damages possible for given their power - although already in nearby towns they cause maximum damages. Come to this, that local meteorological services behave as if they feel embarrassed to announce a prognosis of bad weather for Petone, because their possible warnings about any weather anomalies endangering the township already in advance are destined to turn wrong.
       If a given community deserves this with a kind of philosophy which it practices, then instead of displaying a "friendliness", weather anomalies can also display an open "hostility". In years 1999 and 2000 I lived in a small town called Timaru. It was in there that I could clearly notice such a "hostility" of weather. In the result, even in maximally good weather conditions, such as sunny days and complete lack of wind, the nature still managed to maximise in there the troubling of local people - e.g. through increasing the dust level in the air and inducing allergic and asthmatic reactions (e.g. see the article "Timaru now smog capital" from pages 1 and 3 of local newspaper The Timaru Herald, issue dated on Sunday, 8 July 2000). Another place where the nature lets its "hostility" clearly know to people, is the so-called "Rimutaka Forest Park" about which I wrote more in item #K1.9 from the web page newzealand.htm. Near that particular park is located one amongst the largest prisons of New Zealand - in which their sentences are serving people with the extremely parasitic philosophy. In spite that this park is separated only by a narrow mountain range from Petone (thus it does NOT belong to the same "area of destruction" as Petone does), the nature treats people in there completely opposite to how it treats people in Petone - in fact it acts in there openly "hostile" towards people and perfectly well reflecting the philosophy of inmates locked in the Rimutaka Prison.

#I5. If inhabitants of some area deserve this with their moral behaviour and group practicing the philosophy of totalizm, then the nature work for their benefit even when it supposed to harm them (with immoral communities happens exactly opposite):

Motto: "Hostility of friendliness of local nature always is proportional to the level of group immorality or group morality of the people which inhabit a given location."

       How friendly can be the nature to most moral communities which as a group practice the intuitive form of the philosophy of totalizm, it is revealed by research reported in a humble article [1#I5] entitled "Islands in Pacific are growing, study says", from page A6 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald issue dated on Thursday, June 3, 2010. This article reports outcomes of empirical research on islands of two archipelagos of Pacific, namely Tuvalu and Kiribati. The problem which these islands have is such, that the warming of climate induced recently by people and by industry, leads to continuous rise of water levels in oceans. In turn, the raise in water levels in oceans, according to claims of the old "atheistic orthodox science", should lead to flooding of all low islands and low coasts - such as these two archipelagos of Tuvalu and Kiribati (e.g. see the article "Sea level to rise 13 cm in a century", from page 8 of the Malaysian newspaper New Straits Times issue dated on Friday, July 23, 2010). But, as it turns out, 7 islands from Tuvalu and 3 islands from Kiribati in fact grew larger during the last 60 years - i.e. in times when their aerial and satellite photographs were taken. This their growing happened in spite that the level of ocean increased in there by 12 cm - thus gradually flooding many other low-level coral islands from the Pacific. In other words, if inhabitants of given islands deserve it through practicing the moral principles ordered to us by God, and described more exactly, amongst others, by the philosophy of totalizm, then their islands instead of sinking because of the warming of climate and the increase in ocean levels, rather begin to emerge from the sea.
       The above phenomenon from islands of Tuvalu and Kiribati is just one small example from the vast body of evidence which confirms the discovery of the new "totaliztic science" published in item #I4 from the web page named day26.htm and stating that "behaviours of nature on a given area always are a reflection of the "group morality" of people inhabiting that area and thus affected by these behaviours". (What is that "group morality" it is explained more comprehensively in item #E2 from the web page named totalizm.htm.) Unfortunately, the old "atheistic orthodox science" (i.e. that official science which we still learn in schools and at universities, while which countless drawbacks are discussed wider in item #A2 from this web page) interprets completely wrong the phenomena that contain this body of evidence. Through artificial reinforcing the atheism in their explanations, this official science overlooks, or intentionally ignores and omits, the relationship between these phenomena and the level of "group morality" amongst people affected by them - the awareness of which relationship turns out to be the most vital requirement for the progress of people. After all, in order to interpret correctly these phenomena and revel their evidential value as consequences of work of moral mechanisms, this official science would need to firstly abandon its atheism. But the abandoning of atheism by the present official science is NOT possible anymore. This is because atheism is the philosophical foundation on which this science rides similarly like a train rides along its rails - which foundation more exactly is described by items #F1.1 and #F2 from the web page named god_exists.htm. In the result, if the humanity do NOT abandon the to-date "monopole for knowledge" of this old science, e.g. through an official establishing the competitive and new "totaliztic science" which is based on evidence and findings of the relatively new "theory of everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (the abandoning of which monopoly is strongly recommended in item #C1 of the web page named telekinetics.htm), then scientists will never undertake the objective research of the fact that nature demonstrates to inhabitants of a given area the hostility or friendliness which is proportional to the level of "group immorality" or "group morality" of the people inhabiting that area. After all, the "present science behaves like a speeding train which by itself is already unable to stop even if to everyone is clear, that rails on which it raids lead to a cliff and to a disaster". For this reason, without abolishing the present monopole of the "atheistic orthodox science", the evidence which documents findings of the new "totaliztic science" ' described here, never will be allowed to be officially presented on any scientific publication or officially discussed in the programme of any scientific conference. In turn, without scientific recognising of the fact that the behaviour of nature is ruled by the "group morality" of people living in a given area, it is impossible for the science to develop and implement effective methods of defence from natural cataclysms - such as methods of defence described on the web page quake.htm, while confirmed empirically, amongst others, with evidence from item #I3 herewith on this web page.
       Let us return to the body of evidence from abovementioned islands of Tuvalu and Kiribati. It documents, that on islands which practice a right kind of "group morality", the relative level of sea water (i.e. the level of water related to the land level) behaves opposite to the trend from the rest of world, means goes down (while in the rest of world the relative level of sea water is rising up). The execution of this phenomenon by moral mechanisms is additionally confirmed by a different kind of evidence, which documents also a completely opposite trend. Namely, there is also a body of evidence which documents, that in areas populated by immorally behaving people, the relative level of sea displays an opposite trend from that on the islands of Tuvalu and Kiribati - means the sea level rises in there many times faster than in the rest of world, and threatens with a not-too-distant flooding of the land. Unfortunately, this body of evidence probably will NOT be documented for areas in which the population already practices, since a long time, the highly immoral philosophy of parasitism. After all, scientists from countries paralysed by the philosophy of parasitism are incapable of carrying any complex and new experimental research because of the so-called "inventive impotency" which prevails amongst them, and which is described, amongst others, in items #H1 and #G1 from the web page named eco_cars.htm. (Scientists affected by such "inventive impotency" are, at the most, capable of producing "scientific spoilage" through cutting with scissors sections from old articles, and publishing them as new articles after gluing them together.) Thus, about the fact, that the "nature" really in such areas is hostile towards the local population, one can deduce only indirectly from reports on numerously raging in there killing earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, draughts, heat waves, fires, frosts, etc. (and also social unrests, wars, revolutions, acts of terror and terrorism, catastrophes, forms of exploitation, bankruptcies, economic depressions, acts of social injustice, crimes, etc.). It so happens, however, that in the world exist also areas, the population of which practices increasingly widely the "scientific morality" (i.e. practices this kind of deviated morality described in the introduction to this web page, which is forced to societies by ignorant claims of present atheistic scientists, while is reinforced later by laws introduced to everyday life by politicians which are deaf to voices of their conscience). In turn, how much this "scientific morality" differs from the "true morality" required from people by God, in a satirical way is illustrated in item #G3 on the web page named prophecies.htm. However, the present atheistic scientists already managed to convince a number of societies and nations, that this deviated "scientific morality" so ignorantly formed by them, is supposedly a "true morality". Unfortunately, empirics reveals, that by God this "scientific morality" is treated as a version of "immorality" - means it is severely punished. (Amongst others, when it is practiced by entire "group intellects" - it is punished by deadly cataclysms and by bankruptcies, while if it practiced by "individual intellects" - it is punished by premature deaths - such as these documented in items #G1 to #G7 from the web page will.htm.) The reason is that this "scientific morality" increasingly more departs from the "true morality" ordered to people by God - and defined in item #B5 from the web page named morals.htm. However, as so-far this "scientific morality" is NOT paralysing yet experimental research to the same extend as it is done by practicing the highly immoral philosophy of parasitism. Therefore scientists from such areas sometimes are still able to carry out selected highly conservative (and thus still fashionable) experimental research, including into this various complex research on relative increase in sea level. Outcomes of just such research are even gradually published. Thus totaliztically oriented investigators can analyse them and check for themselves whether really in areas which inhabitants practice such "scientific morality" the relative sea level does increase much faster than in the remaining areas of the world. An example of just such outcomes is reported, amongst others, in the article [2#I5] entitled "Sharp sea level rise in 'hot spot' threatens US cities" from page A11 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Wednesday, June 27, 2012. That article discusses results of alarming research on the increase of relative sea level on eastern coasts of the USA - which turn out to be already now 3 to 4 times larger than the medium increase of the relative level of sea water in the rest of world. This in turn means, that such cities of the USA, as New York, Boston, or Philadelphia, are endangered by not-too-distant sea floods or even by complete sinking in seas. What more interesting, according to this article, also California, which lies on the opposite (western) coast of the USA, also experiences recently non-typically large relative increase of sea level. Other example of similar outcomes is reported in the article [3#I5] entitled "Time and tide" from page A1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Friday, July 13, 2012. This article discusses two different reports which confirmed, that on coasts of the city of Wellington (i.e. the capitol of New Zealand) the relative sea level is fastest rising from all coasts of New Zealand. Isn't this a good reason for inhabitants of such areas to start asking themselves questions, as to where leads them the practicing of this "scientific morality", and whether the "mother nature" is NOT using by any chance this accelerated rise in sea level to communicate, that it does NOT approve the "group morality" of people inhabiting these areas, and that it is to show an increasing hostility towards behaviours of people which results from practicing that kind of "group morality".
       How such a global increase in level of seas may finish for inhabitants of areas which fail to practice the "group morality" ordered to people by God (i.e. which do NOT adopt on time a version of the philosophy of totalizm), it is excellently illustrated by cases described in history. For example, on coasts of the Baltic Sea, legends are told about the mythological city-island from the Baltic Sea, which in Polish is called "Wineta" (in German it is called Vineta while in Latin and English it is called "Veneta"), which is described, amongst others, in items #G2 and #H2 of the web page tapanui.htm. Inhabitants of that island practiced advanced form of the philosophy of parasitism, adhering to immorality, gluttony (including cannibalism), greed, sexual deviations, impiousness, cheating, etc. Thus, the community of that island was punished as a whole and this island sunk in waters of the Baltic Sea, while all its inhabitants died. The same happened also to equally immoral and highly decadent inhabitants of the ancient city of Salamis from the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea - which fate is reminded, amongst others, in items #G1 and #H3 from the web page tapanui.htm while more comprehensively is described in subsection V5.2 from volume 17 of my newest monograph [1/5] and in subsection #D3 from monograph [5/4]. Thus, it should be no surprise to anyone, when also various present most immoral communities are drowned or destroyed as well - similarly as this already happened to the inhabitants of the immoral island of Vineta near the Polish city of Świnoujście and to inhabitants of the morally deviated city of Salamis from Cyprus - if these present communities do NOT abandon their open practicing of the highly immoral philosophy of parasitism (as this practicing is well-rooted already in a significant number of countries which can easily be identified from those continually troubling them earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, heat waves, draughts, fires, wars, revolutions, terrors, terrorisms, etc.), or abandon their open practicing the "scientific morality" - which, however, already departed drastically from the true morality required from people by God. Actually beginnings of this drowning and destruction we already can notice at present. Thus, there is no need for a special imagination or knowledge, to deduce what is to happen if given communities do NOT adopt in time that required "group morality" described in item #E2 of the web page named totalizm.htm and recommended to all people for a pedantic practicing by the philosophy of totalizm (the formal definition of which "group morality" is provided in item #B5 of the web page morals.htm). After all, without practicing the correct morality, such cataclysms and catastrophes will intensify in there until they reach the level which is able to wipe out completely these communities, nations and countries that stubbornly stick to wrong moralities through practicing the kind of "group morality" recommended to them by the old "atheistic orthodox science" (instead of practicing the "group morality" ordered to all of us by God and recommended e.g. by our conscience or by principles of the philosophy of totalizm), and thus that are most stubborn in increasingly deep immoral behaviours and in promotion of immoral behaviours around the world.

Part #J: Curiosities of the Petone township in New Zealand:


#J1. Curiosities and uniqueness of Petone, which I have described on this web page:

       Practically, this entire web page is devoted to the description of the uniqueness and curiosities of the small township of Petone. A number of these have already been specified and described in item #B3 from the beginning of this web page - hence I will NOT repeat their specification again. Here I will mention only the most important and at the same time the most unusual among those presented in text other than that from item #B3, while in order to get to know their descriptions I am to send the reader to the relevant items from this web page. Here they are:
(1) The situation of the proverbial "trap" - i.e. from which there is NO escape in the case of any sudden cataclysm, e.g. tsunami. This situation is described more comprehensively in item #C4 of this web page, while numerous cataclysms that constantly threaten the township of Petone are listed in items #C2 and #C3.
(2) The omitting of Petone by disasters and by weather anomalies. Despite a significant number of potential threats to which the township of Petone is constantly exposed, all disasters and weather anomalies, that during the time of my residence in Petone sadly experienced or harmed towns neighbouring with this township, in Petonie itself have done no harm so far (for examples - see items #I3 and #I3.1 above, as well as (c) from item #J2 below).
(3) Fast recovery and wealth during periods of national economic depression. I described these in item #I3.2 from this web page.
(4) A series of unusual events, including the miracle described starting from item #J3 below until the captions under the "Videos #J3xyz", which seems to indicate that God has a special long-term plan for the future role of the township of Petone.
(5) Strange events that caused Petone to become the place where I lived for the longest time in my entire life, means by the time of writing this item, I lived in Petone for around 18 years (i.e. starting from the beginning of 2001, until today). Two other places where I lived for the longest time were Wszewilki and Wrocław in Poland - I lived in each of them for periods around 18 years. Intriguingly, in other 7 places, to which I have been moving as if permanently, i.e. in Christchurch, Invercargill, Dunedin, Famagusta, Kuala Lumpur, Kuching and Timaru, in total I also stayed for the period of around 18 years. Hence, my age 72 years from the time of writing this item, is composed of 4 such periods of 18 years of residences in given places - this is a very strange and shocking regularity (something like the germ of another "Cyclic Table" similar to the tables described in items #J1 to #J7 from my web page named propulsion.htm.) Note that after 2001 I planned several times to move to places other than Petone, but always some strange events have occured, which these my shiftings made impossible. It is also interesting that in any previous place where I lived, no events could invalidate my plans for shifting - i.e. if I had ever felt that the time had come to "move on" to other place, I always was able.
* * *
Notice that even just the fact that there exists the kind of evidence which I am indicating in this item #J1, should suffice to realize that the town of Petone enjoys some special treatment from God.

#J2. Curiosities and mysteries of Petone, which I have described on my other web pages:

       Examples of such mysteries and curiosities of the township of Petone, which I have already described on other (than this) web pages, include:
(a) My encounter with an "orb" (i.e. with a miniature UFO probe) in Petone. This in turn means, that under Petone there may be, for example, a hidden underground base of such UFO probes. This my encounter I have described, among others, in item #I3 from the web page named explain.htm.
(b) Sea wharf which provides a historical comparison for the durability of the "lunar wood" - which (wood) rots decades more slowly than an ordinary wood. I described this wharf in detail in the caption under "Fig. #D2abc" from my Polish web page named tapanui_pl.htm, while the "lunar wood" I described there in item #D2.1.
(c) Threats, damages, and destruction to the nearest towns and villages located around Petone, while simultaneously these problems avoided Petone itself lying on the same path as given calamities. Here is a list of the most important such cases:
(c1) Chronic avoidance of destruction by cataclysmic events which destroyed something close to Petone, but NOT in Petone itself. The list of such cases and their reasons is presented in item #I3 from the web page named day26.htm.
(c2) Damage and destruction of many buildings in the towns around Petone, when nothing was destroyed at the same time in Petone itself. This damage and destruction was caused by the earthquake which struck New Zealand near Kaikoura at midnight, 13 to 14 November 2016 - and which is described more thoroughly, among others, in item #R2 and on "Fig. #R2ab" from the Polish web page named quake_pl.htm. That earthquake collapsed, and also damaged, buildings distant by only a few kilometres from Petone in all four geographical directions (i.e. to the east, west, north and south) from this small township. Some of these damaged buildings were still demolished in 2018. However, in Petone (located in the middle of so devastated area) no building collapsed nor was subjected to a noticeable damage - which fact, even if someone does NOT believe in miracles, still should make him/her deeply wonder, especially considering the enormous power of that particular earthquake described in item #R2 from the above-mentioned Polish web page named quake_pl.htm, and also considering that many buildings from Petone are demonstrating similar or even weaker constructions and materials, like buildings damaged in other areas.
(c3) The exclusion of Petone (and also the exclusion of the city of Wellington lying on the same sea bay) from the threat of the approaching "tsunami" (which fortunately later turned out to be harmless) - which on Thursday 2021/3/5 was caused by three powerful earthquakes with magnitudes from 7.1 to 8.1 in ocean waters off the coast of New Zealand - search for details on Google using the keywords: tsunami 5 march 2021. This tsunami and the events accompanying it are described in item #R3 from the web page named quake.htm.
(d) Probable functioning of the artesian well in Petone, as an indicator of the level of poisoning of NZ groundwater. I described this functioning more widely, among others, in item #G2.3 and on "Fig. #G2abc" from my Polish web page named healing_pl.htm.

#J3, blog #296E. An intelligent "burning bush" of seaweed that emitted the "ignis fatuus", which on the beach full of people from Petone (New Zealand) revealed at around 4 pm on 25th April 2018, that it is able to carry out its "beguiling dance" NOT only during pitch-black nights, but also in a sunny day:

Motto: "Although the folkloristic knowledge and folk wisdom are treated by our official science like fairy tales far from the truth, in real life more often happens to us what the folklore states than what the official science tells us."

       During times of my youth I have heard a lot of folk stories about typically hostile towards people, deceitful, deceptive, intelligently behaving lights or flames, in English called, amongst others, by the Latin name "ignis fatuus" - although various other names, can be used for them, e.g. "will-o'-the-wisp", "ghost-light", etc. These lights and flames are also known in folklores of many other countries. For example, in New Zealand they are known (especially in Maori folklore) as "The Watchman" and under a number of descriptive names. In Poland they are called "błędne ogniki" (i.e. "wandering fires" - because they lead people astray), "strażnicy" (i.e. the "guards" - because they guard the rogue treasures), "ogni szatańskich" (i.e. "satanic fires" - because they typically do evil things to those who are deceived by them), "zwodniczych ogników" (i.e. "deceptive lights" - because they beguilingly lead to destruction those people who succumb to their spell), and a few other terms. In Malaysia they are known under the name "The Spirit of the Jungle" - because they mislead people into the jungle.
       I personally have been interested in the phenomenon of "ignis fatuus" for a long time. After all, I know a lot of people who saw them (some among these people have seen them many times). In turn, reports of several witnesses of these flames have been repeated in a number of my publications - for example in the introduction to chapter C and in subsections C1 and D1, from my treatise [4b] (available in Polish only) entitled "Tunele NOL spod Babiej Góry", (i.e. "UFO tunnels under the Witch Mountain"), and in item #E3 from my web page named newzealand.htm. From my theoretical analysis it appears that the atheistic ideology of today's official science, combined with the lack of scientific research on both, this phenomenon, and other luminous phenomena related to it, cause that to one bag of "ignis fatuus" typically is put a whole array of completely different phenomena which emit light or flame and which show both "supernatural" and "natural" origins. For example, the most frequently for the "ignis fatuus" are taken the miniature computer-controlled UFO probes, commonly known as "orbs" or "rods" - which in the faint light and at nights are glowing with a blue colour (for an example of photograph of one of such an "orb" see "Fig. #G2ab" on my web page named landslips.htm). A lot of items of evidence seem to suggests, that there is also a version of blue or silvery glowing spiritual "ignis fatuus", however, typically of irregular spherical shape, which appear in disaster locations with numerous victims, on crime scenes, and, for example, in cemeteries. In fact, flames of burning gases are also seen in wetlands, while typically before earthquakes and during electrical storms some people see fiery balls of electricity. In the woods a rotten fragment of a tree can also emit immobile light. Some "experts" even try a camouflaged accusation, that people reporting such "ignis fatuus" probably saw only insects glowing at nights. (Note how similar is this accusation to the claims of some scientists that people witnessing UFOs had to be drunk.) Out of the swarm of these phenomena, decisively are differing the most rarely reported, deceptively intelligent in behaviours, and thus probably the true "ignis fatuus" that do NOT have a spherical shape, but are a kind of intelligently "dancing" prolonged tongues of gold, orange, or red flame. These in my opinion, are the most mysterious - although so-far almost nobody researches them scientifically. Their mystery is magnified by the fact that their appearance and behavior resemble the flame emanated from the "burning bush" seen by Moses, i.e. the flame described in the Bible in verses 3:1-5 from the "Book of Exodus".
       Until the case described in this item, I have never seen such a prolonged flame of "ignis fatuus" or "burning bush", although I have already seen several orbs (i.e. miniature UFO probes). However, on an afternoon walk on a black pebble beach not far from my flat in Petone (New Zealand) on a warm, sunny Wednesday of 2018/4/25, I finally saw one amongst versions, or manifestations, of this extraordinary phenomenon, which in this description I am also going to call "ignis fatuus" - although from its features and from the evidence associated with it, it appears that it was the telepathically "arguing" with me "burning bush". To my amazement, the long tongue of this fire appeared on the beach packed with people during the full light of the sunny day, while it glowed with a very strong reddish light visible already from a distance of about 100 meters - although in literature-descriptions regarding such a flame typically is claimed that it appears only in depopulated areas and only in pitch-black nights, while its light is supposedly too weak to be visible in full daylight. For scientific exactitude below I am providing my detailed report from this fascinating sighting - in which the most vital in my opinion element was a confirmation that in fact this fiery "ignis fatuus" really demonstrated the possession of intelligence and the telepathic ability to "beguile".
       Around 4 pm, beautiful, sunny and windless Wednesday of 2018/4/25, I was walking along the black pebble beach of Petone. When, after turning back, I was already heading towards my flat, in the area of the beach opposite the Celtic stone memorial cross, locally named "Iona Cross of Petone" (see "Fig. #J3b" below) I noticed the dancing tongue of a strongly glowing red flame which was bursting from a bone-dry fragment of bush of some seaweed that was lying on this beach (in English this kind of sea bush is called the kelp seaweed). The dimensions of the tongue of this flame that was visible to me, when viewing it from a close range, I estimated at: about 2 cm wide and about 5 cm high. I have NOT seen this flame when I also passed by this area about half an hour earlier. The flame itself strangely fascinated me and attracted my attention. There was something intelligent, not accidental, and as if "human" in its behaviour. It looked as if it was "dancing" lively and happily, although there was no wind at the time - by which could be explained its rhythmical, intriguing, and as if intelligently executed dance moves. Its movements resembled for me the graceful and rhythmic dance movements of today's single women dancing. (Notice here, that only women who dance without being restricted by dance embraces of their partners, demonstrate these full of grace and rhythm tempting and seducing movements, that demonstrated also the flame.) I can quickly notice and recognize these tempting and seductive dancing movements of women, because I know them perfectly well from my "playlists" with favourite songs and dances that I have programmed myself for a frequent watching on LG's "smart" televisions, and on PC computers that work under the search engine "Google Chrome" - hence at which the reader can also have a look, for example through the address or the address In spite of its small size, this flame was glowing so strongly that it caught my eye when I was still a considerable distance away from it, which (the distance) I would estimate at about 100 meters from it. Its intensity, vividness and colour already from such a large distance reminded me of a night-time flame from an oil lamp viewed closely - which my grandmother living in Cielcza used to lit up at nights in her electricity deprived cottage. Only that being as broad as the low flame rising from the wick of an oil lamp, the visible fragment of the tongue of that flame from Petone beach was about three times higher than its width.
       I walked very slowly close to the edge of sea water, while at that time the low-tide significantly withdrawn water from the beach. Thus the tongue of the flame "danced" about 20 meters to the left of the extension of the trajectory of my walk. Because I noticed it from a considerable distance, thus by walking very slowly I watched it and analyzed for at least around 5 minutes. However, already after the first sight of it I was immediately overwhelmed with some unintelligible and strong doubts about this flame. When later in my flat I started to analyze these doubts, I came to the conclusion, that the flame seemed to telepathically try to "beguile" me and make me stop being interested in it, but just continue my walk in an undisturbed manner. However, it so happened that I already knew such telepathic coercion from my previous accidental encounters with UFO starships - which also typically spread around themselves a telepathic command stating something around the lines "what you see is nothing unusual, so stop taking an interest in it and continue doing whatever you are doing". (The reader can read about this telepathic command in subsection VB4.1.1 from volume 17 of my monograph [1/4]. It is just because of my detection of the existence of this strong telepathic coercion, that in my publications I have worked out and recommend to readers the following behaviour "first take pictures, and only then start to analyse" - unfortunately, the sticking to this behaviour I disgracefully neglected in the case of the "ignis fatuus" or "burning bush" described here.) The first among these strong doubts that has gripped me, was that this flame is nothing unusual. This is because in that day the beautiful weather made a lot of Petonians to gather on the beach. Several out of them were sitting at close distances on almost all sides of the flame. The closest ones, because only about 5 meters beyond this "dancing" tongue of flame, was sitting a group of about 5 young people on a low wall that separates the beach from the pavement - e.g. it is behind this pavement that stands the Celtic cross shown on "Fig. #J3b", (I did NOT bother at that time to count exactly how many of these young people were sitting in there, so being 5 of them is just my estimation.) These young people were turned towards the sea, and thus towards that "dancing" flame. Since the flame at a first glance reminded me also of the fire from a powerful cigarette lighter, the initial doubt that affected me, said that someone from this young group probably pressed a burning lighter into the sand, hiding it in a dry piece of seaweed bush lying on the beach, and now they all are entertaining themselves by watching how walkers and passers-by will react to it. (I have NO idea from where such doubt, that felt as if was telepathically imposed onto me from the outside, came to my head, because I have never seen anyone who did such a thing, nor did I hear about anyone who would do that.) So I decided that although I was going to continue to be attentive in watching this flame, I will walk uninterruptedly, pretending that I am NOT interested in this burning fire. However, when I was at the point of the walk that was positioned nearest to that flame, and only about 25 meters from the group of these young people, I noticed that they do NOT look at the place where the flame "danced", but watch the sea-horizon lying in the distance. In fact, they gave me the impression that they cannot see the flame - although it "danced" right under their noses. So I changed my initial intention and decided to come closer to check what is producing this fascinating flame. When I came to a distance of about 10 meters from it, the flame began to behave, as if it had the intelligence and senses of a wild animal, which noted that someone is approaching it. It stopped its fascinating "dance" and froze - as if listening or watching. As I continued my approach towards it, the flame began to slowly crouch or hide, still standing motionless and only slowly lowering its height (i.e. it behaved like a man who is hiding, and noticed that someone is approaching him). When I approached it at a distance of about 5 meters, the flame suddenly disappeared. So I went to the dried fragment of the seaweed bush from which the flame was coming out, to see if there was a lighter hidden in it - but nothing was in there. (How approximately this fragment of a bone-dried seaweed looked like, is showed on "Fig. #J3a" below.) Also, the fragment of the seaweed bush itself did not show any signs of burning, charring, smoke or soot - which is very strange considering that the flame burned for a rather long period of time, and hence a fragment of the dried seaweed bush from which it was emerging should partially burn, char, or burst. So in total, this bush of dried seaweed showed the same lack of burning as the "burning bush" described in verses 3:1-5 from the biblical "Book of Exodus" - from the body of which the flame also was coming out, however the "burning bush" itself did NOT burn from that fire. So I used my leg to move the seaweed bush to the side, to see the sand of the beach and investigate what is beneath it - but again no opening or soot, smoke, ash, charring, burning or anything different from normal sand, under this dry seaweed bush could be noted. Sand and seaweed looked as if the tongue of that mysterious flame was rising in the air instead of coming out of the earth or from anything else, and also as if the flame was NOT generating any heat, nor sparks, ashes, soot, smoke, etc. Because nearby sunbathers started to pay attention to what I was doing, I did NOT check sand or seaweed if they were temperature hot, but I retreated to a distance of about 10 meters from the place of fire and started to wait to see if the flame would appear again. However it has not reappeared. But both, this group of about 5 young people, as well as other sunbathers sitting nearby on the beach, all of them began to behave as if my strange activities stimulated their curiosity and initiated their whispered commenting. So I came to the conclusion that they probably did not see this flame. In order to unnecessarily NOT give them an opportunity to assign me a label of a person who behaves strangely on the beach, I have ceased further awaiting whether the flame will reappear, and I set out onto my way home. After all, from what about myself is written in the Polish Internet, I already know that for every so labelled inhabitant of Petone, obtaining such a label would later induce equally undesirable consequences, as for myself has the labelling of me by the Poles and by almost all of Poland with the label of the alleged "pseudo-scientist" and "conspiracy theorist" (while in fact, I am scientifically, and for free, just trying to research and to popularize everything that our costly official atheistic science refuses to research - in this case, to examine the phenomenon of "ignis fatuus" or "burning bush" of seaweed).
       It was only in my home that I recovered from this unexplained "beguile", which caused in me the sight and the closeness of that flame, which shone brightly, but it did NOT burn or smudge anything. I began to realize, that I was a witness to a highly rare, mysterious and rather unusual phenomenon, most often called the "ignis fatuus" - to which thousands of folk legends refer, although the official atheistic science ignores its existence. What is even stranger, this glow appeared on a beach full of people in the daylight and on a nice sunny day - while there is a widespread belief that such flames are seen almost exclusively in remote and unpopulated areas and only during unpleasant to people and pitch-black nights. The flame also displayed intelligent behaviour and telepathic abilities (e.g. as if telepathically "argued" with me). In addition, this flame appeared near the commemorative Celtic cross. This is because behind the wall, on which these around 5 young people were sitting, there is a Celtic stone cross, with a commemorative plaque embedded in it, the picture of which cross reader can see below on "Fig. #J3b", as well as in Google, while the inscription on a commemorative plaque of it one can read from the photograph of its close-up, in April 2018, shown at This plaque informs that on February 23, 1840, the first New Zealand public mass was conducted in that place, by just send from Scotland Reverend, who then founded the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. One can guess that during that mass, the makeshift altar was located just in the place in which this unusual flame appeared - after all, the flame reminded me, among others, the so-called "eternal lights", once burning also in churches, an unusual tradition of which lamps I describe more extensively in item #J2 from the web page named immortality.htm. From items #D2, #E2 and #E3 of the web page named malbork.htm, describing my research on the accumulation of so-called "moral energy" by objects and areas that are recipients of human prayers, it seems to stem, that because of the historical significance of this Celtic cross for the development of Christianity in New Zealand, and because effects of later prayers of New Zealand Christians, the entire area associated with the tradition of this cross, including probably a fragment of the township of Petone (possibly along with my flat located near the cross) accumulates a lot of moral energy - thus gradually acquiring supernatural attributes. So I would NOT be surprised at all if, in the future, this area (and the cross) would acquire the ability to make miracles, e.g. of the kind of phenomenon that I report here, or the future ability e.g. to heal people or to fulfil realistic dreams conceived at this place (i.e. like such a fulfilment of realistic dreams is already happening in my native Polish village of Stawczyk - as I described this more extensively in items #A1 and #F2 from my web page named wszewilki_uk.htm).
       The fact that this "ignis fatuus" appeared in the fragment of dried bush of seaweed and in the grindstone of historical and religious significance for the development of Christianity in New Zealand - commemorated with the Celtic cross erected in there, gives also to that my experience another, different meaning. After all, regardless of the example of "beguile", this experience may also represent "inspiration", "disclosure", and "reassurance" - in which this intentional "beguile" played on me, in combination with, for example, the lack of evidence (photograph) of this "ignis fatuus", may execute the principle of maintaining "free will" in sceptical people who profess different views. Such "revealing" and "reassuring" role of this event even seems to be confirmed by the analogy of its course to the "burning bush" observed by Moses and described in the above-mentioned verses 3:1-5 from the biblical "Book of Exodus" (which description, due to its importance, was later repeated, expanded and refined in verses 7:30-43 from the biblical book of "Acts"). After all, one of the verses from the biblical "Book of Exodus" (also repeated with emphasis in "Acts" of the Apostles), i.e. the verse 3:5, states, among others - quote: "... the place where you are standing is holy ground." New Zealand practically does NOT have yet a ground that would be considered by its inhabitants as Christian-holy - such as for example in Poland is the whole of "Jasna Góra" from the town of Częstochowa. There are many areas and objects in NZ, for example stones, hills, places of someone's landings, battlefields, cemeteries, lairs of "Taniwha", etc. - by the local Maori considered to be "holy", however, the character and origins of these objects exhibits features which are NOT Christian-holy, as defined by the Bible. (As an example, consider the stone "Te Kohatu-O-Hatupatu" shown in "Fig. #D1" and described in item #D1 from my web page named newzealand.htm.) However, since Christianity ultimately is to spread all over the world, such Christian-holy place will probably appear also in New Zealand. So if God would e.g. decide to establish such a Christian-holy place in NZ, then He probably would create and let somehow know to people a whole range of meaningful signs - but so designed and so discreetly manifested that they DO NOT break anyone's "free will" (meaning signs similar to events and manifestations described and illustrated in this item #J3). On the basis of a large number of such signs, which the author of this web page has already noted and described here during the period of only half a year since that extraordinary sighting of burning bush of seaweed took place, we are allowed to conclude with a high probability that the area surrounding the place on the beach in Petone where such an enormously eloquent religious sign has been manifested, probably is the "Christian holy ground" - i.e. the ground that is NOT Presbyterian holy, neither Protestant holy, neither Catholic holy, neither pagan holy, but is the general Christian-holy, that is, holy for the blessings and use by all people whose religion or believes are based on the content of Christian Bible. It also means that in this particular ground and in its vicinity (including also the whole NZ township of Petone) in the future much more "unexplained" events may happen - similar to those that so far I have managed to record and to document on this entire web page (the only question is, whether the today's people whose eyes are permanently glued to TVs and to handphones, are able to notice these signs).
       The course of the event described above was characterized by a series of features that could be named at least "mysterious", and that multiplied various questions in my mind - but they did NOT give any definitive answers. For example, how is it possible that this "ignis fatuus" or "burning bush" appeared in a public place, in daylight and in sunny weather - after all, I have never heard about its public and daylight appearances. How is it possible, that while recommending in my publications "first take pictures and only then deliberate", and also that I had a camera in my pocket, I have NOT photographed this flame - means I did the same as in the situation described in subsection Q1 from volume 14 of my monograph [1/4] acted my friend, A.J. Huddy, who loved the operation of television cameras, and his house was overloaded with ready-to-use TV cameras, but when at 2:56 on the morning of 23rd March 1989, a four-propulsor UFO appeared behind his window, he only watched it visually, instead of grabbing one of his cameras to permanently document that UFO. How it is also possible that I was probably the only person on this beach who saw and analyzed this flame, while it "danced" literally "under the nose" of many other sunbathers - the closest of whom sat only about 5 meters away from it and looked straight in the direction of it? Why did I NOT see the flame half an hour earlier, when I had passed this place in the opposite direction of my walk - whether the flame did not appear yet, or it was already "dancing", but I did NOT notice it? Why the flame did not burn, charred or covered with soot the bush of that dry seaweed, or the beach sand, from which, if it was a physical phenomenon, it should be emerging? Why this intelligent flame telepathically so strongly "beguiled" me, that it prevented me from photographing it (after all, its logical point of view should be, that in Google already are available numerous photos and videos of similar flames - so one or more of them would NOT make almost any difference)? What "power" was hiding behind the intelligence and deliberate actions of this flame? Is it possible that this "ignis fatuus" or "burning bush" tried to confirm, on my example, that in spite what the official atheistic science is saying, it actually can "beguile" and telepathically influence human behaviour in an intended and intelligent way - that is, it can anyone (including me) freely make "to wander"- just like on the subject of "beguiling" nature and attributes of these flames have long claimed the folk tales of virtually all nations of the world? After all, in its case I did the exact opposite to my scientific training, thinking, and previous experience. Is it possible that my "beguile" was only meant to NOT take away the "free will" from other people, while providing a new "disclosure", "information" and "ensuring"?
       From my other research on "unexplained phenomena" it is also clear that all events that are to leave people able to preserve their "free will" due being interpreted in any way one wishes, are purposely controlled so that they do NOT generate irrefutable evidence - for more details see item #C2 from my web page named tornado.htm. In other words, it always happens that to the essential truth people must be convinced by the conscious effort of the process of their own learning, NOT by being e.g. effortlessly forced by the significance of the evidence presented to them by someone. But in order that they can undertake such a process of self-learning, firstly someone (like me here) must help his "neighbours" (in the religious meaning of this word) by leading them towards the direction at which the truth is hidden, for example by providing them with the knowledge that has the potential to direct their thinking at the right track - while the process of persuading oneself to this truth these "neighbours" will then be able to carry on through their own efforts.

* * *
P.S. (2019/1/27): Instruction on how to get to probably the "holy place" in Petone. When you find yourself on the main street of Wellington (the capital of NZ), look for the bus-stop number 83 (ordinary = cheaper) or number 91 (fast = more expensive) and buy a ticket to Petone from the bus driver. After about half an hour's ride on this bus along the rocky edge of Wellington Harbour, you will reach the main stop of the township of Petone - located about the middle of length of the street named "Jackson Street". You should easily recognise this bus-stop because on the left (northern) side of the street that you arrived, you should see the red signage of the post office (on its right/south side there is a local police building - but not too prominent). Also, for the fast bus number 91, it is the only stop in Petone. Notice where you are, because your return to Wellington will also start from the stop on the opposite (right/south) side of that street, by bus with the same number. After leaving the bus, continue walking along the same "Jackson Street" in the direction toward where the bus you just arrived is to drive off (i.e. opposite to your arrival from Wellington). How far you should walk, you will notice immediately after seeing the intersection with the traffic lights (with the "Cuba Street") - which is visible from the bus stop. The best if you will be walking on the right/south side of this street. After about 300 meters (or about 10 minutes) of this walking you should reach the outlet of a small street located on your right/south side and marked "Tory Street". You should easily recognize it, as it will be the last small street without lights, located some 30 meters just before the intersection with traffic lights. Turn right (i.e. towards the south) into this "Tory Street" and follow it until you reach the end of its buildings (i.e. for another around 10 minutes). In front of you should be visible a gray "Celtic Cross" made of stones and cement, rising at the edge of the beach. About 5 meters behind the wall separating this cross from the beach, a "burning bush" manifested itself to me - which I described in item #J3 and in accompanying illustrations from this web page. By the cross there are two benches sheltered with a hedge. After sitting down on one of them, you will be on the Petone's "holy ground" and you can, in your private prayer, submit a plea to God in the matter for which you have made your journey to this "holy place".
       If someone would ask me what is different about the prayer-request addressed to God in a "holy place" and a similar request addressed in an "ordinary" place, e.g. in one's own home/apartment or in a church, I would reply that according to my experiences - the "priority". Explaining this jokingly, if in an "ordinary" place one is asking God for something on principles expressed in the old Polish proverb "when in fear then to God" (in the original Polish language stating "kiedy trwoga to do Boga" - which has a similar meaning as the English "there are no atheists in foxholes"), then one may need to keep asking until a time when is to end the divine tolerance to being constantly bombarded with one's prayers, hence to get a bit of peace and silence, for example, God may fulfil the request (unless one has the faith greater than the "mustard seed" described in the Bible - see verses 17:20 and 21: 21-22 in "Matthew", or one knows a highly effective way of praying - e.g. the one which is described in item #G7 from my web page named will.htm and in my post number #224E to blogs of totalizm). On the other hand, if one makes an effort of praying for something important for him/her in the place to which God has granted the status of a "holy place", then if there are NOT any significant reasons why God should NOT decide to fulfil a given request, it will suffice for the requester to present in there only one prayer for whatever he/she wants to ask God.

Fig. #J3a
Fig. #J3b
Fig. #J3c

Fig. #J3abc: Three photographs that may have a mysterious relationship with the above-mentioned "burning bush" or "ignis fatuus" - unfortunately, they were taken during different days than the day when this miraculous phenomenon manifested itself for me.
       Starting from the day of having the unusual sighting that I described in item #J3 above, practically almost every day (and always around the same time as the original event) I am trying to see again the place of this miracle - unless some circumstances, e.g. excessive cold, rain, storm, etc., makes my walk to the beach impossible. Although in the meantime I sighted, experienced in person, or it was revealed to me, an entire array of further events and phenomena that have a direct connection with this as I believe miraculous burning bush (the most objective among which events and phenomena I thoroughly documented in a number of illustrations and videos provided below), this extraordinary flame has not appeared to me anymore - which fact on one hand confirms again that it could NOT be caused by a volatile gas (after all, from places on Earth where such underground gases escape, we already learned empirically that their emission never is just a short-lived phenomenon, but always lasts for many years), on the other hand this also confirms that in order to NOT break anyone's "free will" this miraculous phenomenon cannot be documented in a way that it would take away all doubts from those people who are going to learn about it.

       Fig. #J3a (upper): A bone-dried fragment of a seaweed bush in English called the kelp seaweed. I photographed this fragment of kelp bush as it lied on the Petonian beach one day later after I watched the "ignis fatuus" discussed above. Unfortunately, the fragment from which the "ignis fatuus" was dashing, and thus which I moved with my foot to see if there is a hole, ash, smoke, or anything else that would explain the origin of this strange flame, a day later I could NOT find. So I photographed another piece of dried kelp seaweed, also lying on the Petone beach, to give the reader a rough idea as how a bone-dried piece of "kelp seaweed" bush looks like.
       Fig. #J3b (middle): Here is my photograph of a memorial Celtic Cross erected in stone by the beach in Petone. A series of supposed "coincidences" that I experienced in Petone seems to suggest that the strange phenomena which I listed and described in items #J1 to #J5 from this web page probably happen in connection with the significance of this cross. (In item #J5 below I explained in detail "why" in a world far-sightedly governed by Almighty God via the Omniplan, there is NO such a thing as "coincidences", but there are only comprehensively planned actions of God.) For example, that "burning bush" (which at the time of its sighting, I took for the "ignis fatuus"), appeared on the beach just near this cross - means in the area of the beach where the altar would be located during the Holy Mass commemorated with this cross. In turn, on the opposite side of the cross, i.e. on the narrow strip of dried grass existing between the two belts of the Petonian roadway called "The Esplanade", around February 2011 the smallest UFO type K3 has landed, burning out in there grass into the outline of "heart" commonly considered as a symbol of "love" - a photo of traces of this UFO landing site I showed in the lowest photo "#J3c". Moreover, since I saw that "burning bush" near the cross, I noticed several further intriguing events, some of which I have documented below with the help of "Fig. #J3def". Personally I also believe that other mysterious phenomena described on this web page, e.g. the fact that around Petone settled these 10 "righteous" people described in the Bible, and that the fate (Omniplan) made also me to live here, or the fact that all disasters which affect the surrounding cities leave Petone untouched, have also some connection with events and prayers commemorated with the Celtic Cross. After all, the provided above in descriptions from item #J3, quotation from verse 3:5 of the Biblical "Book of Exodus" seems to suggest that a supernatural fire which emerged from a fragment of the dried seaweed bush, but which caused NO burning or scalding of this bush, indicated the place in Petone that is the "Christian holy ground". This verse and that fire also seem to explain the origins of all these strange phenomena bordering on miracles, the occurences of which I have sighted and noted since a long time in Petone, and which I am reporting on this web page.
       In the world other places are also known that demonstrate similarly unusual attributes like Petone does. For example, places such as in Poland is "Jasna Góra" - widely known for its miraculous healings, or is the village called Wszewilki - considered to be "typical" although in there realistic dreams are being fulfilled and unusual phenomena are sighted (e.g. rains of living fish, inexplicably behaving celestial bodies, supernatural creatures, etc.). From these other places it is already known that if God had just established for example a "Christian-holy ground" in Petone, and He e.g. entrusted me with an honor of informing others about this establishment without breaking anyone's "free will", then in this ground NOT only will occur events difficult to rational explainations, but also start to fulfill, for example, prayers of people on this site asking God for: miraculous healings, fulfilling some wishes or needs that are vital for them, freeing them from specific problems, alleviating the deserved punishments, etc. Only that in NZ up till now almost no one knows about such a possibility, so probably no one prays to God in this "Petonian Christian-holy site" for something that is very important for him or her. So, if you, the reader, after learning of what I have described in this "Part #J", are to pray near that Petonian Celtic Cross for something realistic, that does not oppose to divine plans and commandments, and is very important to you (preferably formulating your prayers in a way that I described in item #G7 from the web page named will.htm), while the request from your prayer will be fulfilled over time, then do NOT forget to personally inform other people about this fact - so that for other people your testimony also opens access to the miraculous potential of this ground. After all, in today's times of mobile phones, text messages, the Internet, e-mails, etc., sharing with others such personal reassurances for most people is NOT a problem any more. At the same time due to the corruption of today's priests - which corruption I explained more comprehensively eg in (1) from item #T2 and in (1) from item #U1 of the web page woda_uk.htm, as well as in item #S4 from the web page 2030_uk.htm, while about which the Bible cautions, e.g. in verses 4:4-9 from the "Book of Hosea", and also because of the divisions and contradictions between individual Christian fractions, there is no longer a hope that any of the existing religious institutions will have the courage to officially preach such assurance.
       Fig. #J3c (lower): A UFO landing shaped into a "heart", which I accidentally noticed and then photographed by the Celtic cross from Petone in April 2011. That UFO landed on a narrow strip of lawn located between the two opposing lanes of the street named "The Esplanade" - which runs along the Petone beach, but on the opposite than the beach side of this Celtic cross. I took a photograph of this UFO landing site in April 2011, means just when I first saw it. However, the landing site itself already looked like it was scorched by a UFO around two months earlier, i.e. perhaps in February 2011. Because when I took this picture, the entire grass of this lawn was already dry, hence the normally well visible outlines of grass burned with magnetic field of UFO landing, in this picture are difficult to visually distinguish from the rest (also dried) grass. Fortunately, a careful look at this photo still allows one to notice slightly stronger burns of grass to the bare soil, forming a kind of "heart" shape. UFO landings in the shape of "hearts" are formed when UFOs land in a hanging position and are inclined at a significant angle - usually greater than 45 degrees. A more clearly visible shape of this kind of UFO landings, plus an illustration of the principle of scorching such heart-shaped UFO landings in the grass by spinning magnetic circuits of a UFO, are showed in the next illustration marked "Fig. #J4abc". Notice that a UFO type K3 is the smallest manned starship, eight side magnetic propulsors of which are located along the circumference of a circle with diameter d = 3.1 meters. However, because these UFOs actually hover in the air during their "landings", hence depending on the altitude on which they hover, their elliptical magnetic circuits scorch "landings" of a diameter that is smaller than "d". How looks like such a UFO starship type K3, the reader can learn from a 4-minute video on YouTube available at the address, or from the illustrations published on my web page named magnocraft.htm (viewing the illustrations shown in there is worth to start by reading the short item #K2 from that web page "magnocraft.htm").

Fig. #J3d
Fig. #J3e
Fig. #J3f

Fig. #J3def: Further three photographs which document that in spite of links to my constantly updated web pages being so well hidden by some dark forces that probably no-one in New Zealand (and also only very few in Poland) has any chance to find these pages and read them, still some anonymous and mighty power carefully analyzes what I am writing and discreetly lets me know about it. Thus, for example, after publishing on the Internet descriptions from item #J3 above about sighting a "burning bush" on the Petonian beach - suddenly, by the place where this burning bush appeared, events started to occur that looks as if addressed only to my attention, at which I have never come across although I live near this place and have been regularly walking through it since 2001. Below I am to illustrate with photographs examples of some of them, which seem to be slightly more suitable to be published than others. (Click on selected photos to see them enlarged.)
       Fig. #J3d (upper): Restoration of the inscription on the cross. I live in Petone since 2001. Since nothing important is missing from my attention in there, throughout the entire this period I have noticed the negligence of the inscription on the Celtic cross discussed here (that from "Fig. #J3b"). Thus, at the time when I was documenting my sighting of the "burning bush", this inscription was so neglected that it was difficult to read it. So instead of taking myself a picture of this inscription and showing it while writing the above item #J3, I decided that for those people who would like to read this inscription is better to indicate on the Internet where it is more readibly reproduced. But to my surprise, a few days after the publishing my descriptions of sighting the "burning bush" near this cross, when passing by the cross while driving a car, I noticed that the inscription has been renovated and now is clearly visible. Only that in order to legibly photograph it, I had to wait for the stopping of continuous rains that began to fall in Petone after publishing my descriptions of the burning bush. These rains stopped just for only one day on 2018/6/14 - thus in that day I could finally take the above photograph. Of course, this renovation of the inscription just at that time could be regarded as a "coincidence". Only that knowing what I just am explaining below in items #J4 and #J5, namely that everything that happens in our physical world must first be intentionally and permanently preprogrammed by God into the so-called "Omniplan", I also know beyond any doubt that in our physical world "coincidences" simply do NOT exist, but there are only the far-sightedly preplanned actions of God. In addition, this renovation of the inscription was just one of a whole series of unusual events that I began to notice as starting to happen near this cross while showing multilevel relationships with the "burning bush" that appeared to me in there. (Unfortunately, not all of these events were suitable for publishing. Also not every one of them could be photographed and shown here - for example, how to document that after building my setup for catching drinking rainwater (that described in items #J1 and #J2 from my web page named woda_uk.htm) in NZ rains almost stopped - so that I had to buy clean drinking water in supermarkets. However, since I sighted the "burning bush", in Petone rain falls with the accuracy of a Swiss watch every Sunday until Tuesday, and sometimes even longer, so that now I can catch regularly the amount of clean drinking water that I need.)
       Fig. #J3e (middle): Here is a photo of a spiral sign made of shells and still green and wet seaweeds (clearly taken from the sea only a moment earlier), which I found a few days after the publishing on the Internet the content of item #J3 above. (Notice the date of appearance and photograph of this spiral sign - "17" contains the digit 7, to which the Bible assigns the significance of th holy number, both digits 1+7 give us a lot to think about, while the sum "1+7=8" gives the number "8" - which by the Chinese is also regarded as holy.) This spiral sign appeared during a very cold day and in the place in which I had previously seen the burning bush of seaweed. On that particular day it was almost constantly raining, sometimes even as strongly as if "pouring from a bucket", and hence apart from me practically no-one was so determined to go for a walk on the beach - risking getting wet and catching a cold. Notice from this photo that the surface of the beach on which this spiral is visible is clearly wet, and that the spiral looks like someone made it laborously only a few seconds before I saw it - although due to cold and rainy weather, no-one else was at the beach at that time. Of course, every skeptic will probably claim that all this is just a series of "coincidences" - which will then bring the corresponding consequences also for him/her (as I explained this below in items #J4 and #J5). Wondering me in this spiral is also that its ending was like "closed" by someone - would it symbolically convey the message of "restraining" something, or confirmed the content of the wweb page 2030_uk.htm?
       At this point I have to remind you that the sign of a spiral is holy in virtually all cultures of the world and has very elevated meanings. For example, it means the power of the heavens, birth, life and life cycles, progress, growth, fortune, happiness, and a series of other "good omens". Hence, in some countries of the world, with the sign of a spiral are sanctified various most important places and objects. (However, I have never seen a spiral arranged on the beach - after all, its creating is difficult and laborious, especially in winter and on wet sand, while people go to the beach mainly for pleasure and rest.) Thus, for example, embedded spirals can decorate buildings - like this one in the center of the Malaysian town of Melaka. Spirals can also decorate mass-produced items that to someone are supposed to bring a fortune, happiness or health, e.g. a plastic cup for a Japanese "miso" soup. Spirals also adorned the Olympic torch cauldron during the 2008 Olympic Games in China.
       Fig. #J3f (lower): In the matter of the "burning bush" which appeared to me near the Celtic Cross from Petone, and which probably indicated the first place in New Zealand that is "Christian holy ground", I also began to wonder about strange (as the skeptics would call it) "coincidences" - although Omniplan's descriptions provided in item #J5 below reveal that these were certainly far-sighted actions of God. For example, when browsing the internet on 2018/6/29 I accidentally came across a blog from the address - from the content of which stems that the biblical "burning bush" has been chosen as the "logo" of the NZ Presbyterian Church. This my accidental encountering the information that the "burning bush" is the "logo" of the NZ Presbyterian Church, in combination with the spiral arranged, among others. from seaweeds, convinced me conclusively that the "burning bush" of seaweed that I saw on the beach in Petone, was combined into one cohesive whole with statistically too many other meaningful events, links and symbols to still ignore its significance as the marker that is NOT taking "free will" away from people, althugh it indicates the ground which is especially distinguished by God. In addition to this, the entire town of Petone, means the entire surrounding the Celtic Crass settlement of creators of this cross, literally sinks in the looking like "burning bush" bloom of trees called Pohutukawa - by the Maori people endowed with spiritual powers, while by the New Zealanders also called the "Christmas Tree" - see the photo above showing this celebrating of the birth of Jesuse tree of Pohutukawa growing near my flat.

Fig. #J3g

Fig. #J3g: The photograph which, while documenting strange changes to numbers of arms in the living starfishes found on Petone's beach, direct our thoughts toward asking the important question whether these changes represent: (1) the manifestation of momentum and broad possibilities of the God creation of "very good" living creatures, e.g. already during the first 7 days of creation described in the Bible, or (2) an outcome of progression in morbid "mutations" of these starfishes started recently and ongoing to this day while caused by the human discharges of chemicals and poisons to their natural environment? The documented by this photograph the unaccountable commonness of the six-armed variation of the most widely encountered in NZ "normally" five-armed species of starfishes called Patiriella Regularis, (which in the appearance reminds me religiously highly significant Stars of David) that coexists with variations of the same species with 4, 5, 6 and 7 arms, urged me to start decisive research, to determine which one out of the above two options/questions (1) or (2) expresses the truth. I presented the results of these research in item #B1.1 from another web page named woda_uk.htm and in post number #306 to blogs of totalizm. All the above variations on the shape of this starfish I found on 2019/1/18 entangled in about 10 meters long pile of rotten sawdust and seaweeds, thrown by waves to the beach in Petone. For the scientific reliability, and for several other reasons which I described more comprehensively in that item #B1.1 from the web page named woda_uk.htm, I started to dig from that pile the starfishes with different than 5 number of arms - as 5 arms are "normal" for NZ makeup of starfish "Patiriella Regularis". (I showed this "normal" 5-arm starfish in the very centre of the above photograph.) In this rotting pile of sawdust and seaweed, I saw dozens or maybe even over 100 of such 5-arm living starfishes. (It was almost impossible to accurately count them in that situation which prompted me to rush in the searches because I was watched with disapproval by a lot of nearby sunbathers). Thus, I only focused on quick checking almost every starfish how many arms it has. After washing the starfishes having other than 5 arms from the rotting sawdust and seaweed, I arranged them on a fragment of clean beach and photographed them - while their photo I am publishing above. After all, the first scientific thought that comes to mind when looking at them, is that if the diversity of the number of their arms in the future research actually turns out to be the morbid "mutation" caused by some kind of pollution, then perhaps it would also indicate to us the suitable for elimination reasons why sometimes people can be born, for example, without hands or without fingers, or with multiplied organs (e.g. six fingers). After all, for example, we already know from research on bees that whether sisterly bees are to sprout with differing body structures and functions of mother bees, workers, or drones depends solely on chemical additives that get into their bodies along with food.
       My search for such possibly morbidly "mutated" starfishes was initiated two days earlier (i.e. on Wednesday, 2016/1/16) by the atheistically or scientifically unexplainable events that I experienced right next to the place on the Petone beach, where almost a year earlier, because on Wednesday, 2018/4/25, the biblical "burning bush" manifested itself to me (see verse 3:5 from the biblical "Book of Exodus"), and hence on the basis of what I read from the Bible, which place from that time I personally believe to be the "Christianly-holy". Namely, that Wednesday, 2016/1/16, a pair of beautifully shaped six-armed starfish looking like miniature gray pillows decoratively sewn into the shape of a six-armed Israeli Star of David appeared on Petone beach by the possible "holy place". Since biological sciences are NOT the subject of my interests, seeing those 6-armed, living miniatures of the Star of David, I did NOT know at that time that in other parts of the world where water is less polluted, such starfish typically have only 5 arms. Thus, that sighting of beautifully formed, large copies of the Star of David I did NOT consider to be enough "extraordinary event" in order to take a photograph of these starfishes (which is a pity, as when about half an hour later I was returning home by that area, the starfishes were NOT in there). So I continued my walk along the beach undisturbed. However, remembering that their shape was identical to the outlines of the Star of David, after some time in my mind something began to induce an increasingly intriguing query, almost as if prompted by someone and saying: "since the six-armed Israeli Star of David and these six-armed starfishes are based on the same geometrical figure, did biblical David (the same who killed Goliath) take inspiration for accept the six-pointed star as his "coat of arms", e.g. because of the prior viewing of such marine starfish? In turn, that query prompted me to look closely at a few other starfishes, which on that Wednesday were also thrown onto the beach - only in a few other places. However, I discovered with a shock that these other starfishes "Patiriella Regularis" typically have 5 arms, NOT 6, and that they do NOT look like the Star of David. Thus, in order to determine "what is going on" I started to count the number of arms in each next starfish that I encounter. As a result, the first starfish "Patiriella Regularis" that I found in there with a different number of arms, had only 4 arms - I immediately photographed it after laying on a clean beach next to the "normal" five-pointed starfish (click on this green link to see it from the top view) or (click on this green link to view it in a reversed position showing its bottom surface). After some further walk I found a starfish "Patiriella Regularis" with 7 arms - (click on this green link to see it from the top view) or (click on this green link to view it in a reversed position showing its bottom surface). Finally, after a long search, I also found a "Patiriella Regularis" starfish with 6 arms, but this one looked NOT as symmetrical and beautiful as those seen by the area of the "burning bush" - (click on this green link to see it from the top view) or (click on this green link to view it in a reversed position showing its bottom surface).
       That sighting sisterly starfishes of the same species "Patiriella Regularis", born and living with so different numbers of arms, induced in me similar feelings and thoughts, as previous multiple sightings of people born either completely without hands or fingers, or, for example, born with double heads or six fingers. In addition, it also induced in me the vital question whether these inconstant numbers of arms in such starfish are manifestations of morbid "mutations" resulting e.g. from people's polluting their environment with various chemicals, poisons, pollutants and wastes. In turn, from my previous experiences gathered about the place where I sighted a "burning bush", I already noticed from a large number of strange events that I experienced in there, and for which today's "official atheistic science" has NO credible explanation, that these events always symbolically conveyed some important message. Hence, I began to suspect that also seeing these six-armed starfishes was to convey a similarly important message. So I decided that I would research this matter further with the help of what is disclosed in the widely available Internet publications on such subject - after all, I myself do NOT have the required expertise in biological sciences. The conclusions resulting from this research I described in more details in item #B1.1 from my other web page named woda_uk.htm. Unfortunately, when after returning home, I started reading on the Internet various publications of other authors about the starfishes "Patiriella Regularis", instead of finding answers to options/questions (1) or (2) from the first sentence of the capture under this "Fig. #J3g", these publications were having the effect of discouraging to look for any truth. They proved to be so "politically correct" and avoiding taking any risk of even the smallest mention of "why", "how much", "when" or "what does it imply" that actually nothing concrete could be learned from them. (If someone does NOT believe me here, then I propose that, based on the currently available publications about Patiriella Regularis and based the findings of my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - especially the resulting from this theory the formal scientific proof that God exists, he/she tried to determine, or at least pre-substantiate, the truth or untruth of any of the two possible options/questions (1) or (2) stated in the first sentence from the caption under this "Fig. #J3g", while remembering also that various pressures on today's representatives of biological sciences cause that no matter what are their actual beliefs, in their publications and official statements they always replace in option (1) the intelligently intended creative activities of God with blind results of "accidental evolution"). Meanwhile, the scientific publications that do NOT support or deny any of those two fundamental options (1) or (2) exhausting all of acres of possibilities existing in a given matter, do NOT introduce anything new to human knowledge. So the only purpose to which such research seem to serve is to increase the number of titles of researchers publishing them - which only they need to maintain the positions they occupy.
       The next day I went to the Petone beach again to try to make my own quantitative estimates. However, not one starfish was there. Similarly, two days later - also on almost the entire beach, the starfish was NOT present. However somehow, at the furthest area of my walk, I unexpectedly came across a 10-meter-long pile of rotting sawdust mixed with seaweed and live starfish, which only in there waves threw onto the beach (although in stormy weather, sometimes waves can pile up such rotting sawdust, but devoid of starfish, almost along the entire Petone beach). Unfortunately, the nearby presence of numerous sunbathers caused that I gave up doing quantitative research or longer lasting searching. But still in this pile of rotting sawdust I was able to find the above-mentioned "mutations". In addition, because I know with certainty that in our physical world nothing happens just by "accident" (for details see explanations from item #J5 below), I am currently wondering whether this single on the entire beach pile of rotten sawdust mixed up with seaweeds and starfishes, at which I came across on 2019/1/18, also does represent any intentional symbolic message that have been given to us? After all, the starfishes (and the rest of the animals) were created to live in clean waters and environments, just as the human organisms were also created to eat natural food, drink unpolluted water, and breathe uncontaminated air. Unfortunately, the greed of some people and other unchecked vices have turned people and other creatures into ailing and allergic degenerates living in today's garbage dumps. At the same time, politicians who have been endowed by their nations with the task of solving today's problems and correcting mistakes of the past, for years at banquets from the international conventions have been dressing in beautiful words the matters the implementation of which would improve the fate of humanity, but after returning to their own countries they still implement only harmful to people and to the nature the exact inverse of whatever on such conventions they declared so beautifully.

Video #J3v: If the reader is interested to learn how the supernatural flame of the "burning bush" looked like - the exceptional honour of witnessing which on the beach in Petone was granted to me, then I recommend him/her to review the above short (only 2:22 minutes long) English-language video, or even better - to review all the free videos from YouTube showing the so-called Eternal Flame Falls, means showing the "eternal flame" located in a tiny grotto under waterfalls (or more accurately, behind the water cascade from a single long waterfall with a complicated passage) from the hiking trail in the Chestnut Ridge Park in western New York, USA. These waterfalls and their miraculous "eternal flame" are briefly described on English-language websites and blogs that can be found on using the keywords: Eternal Flame Falls. Unfortunately, the filming process typically distorts quantitative, qualitative and emotional perception of visual impressions. Thus, it causes, among others, that this New York's supernatural flame on YouTube videos looks less red and less intensely luminous than the supernatural flame that I saw on the beach in Petone, New Zealand. (The intensity of the Petonian flame reminded me of the intensity of the dazzling light generated during electric welding - only that the light of an electric welding machine is usually blue, while the light of the flame from the beach in Petone was intensely red.) However, if this distortion is taken into account, then the "eternal flame" from New York manifests the same features, behaviours and effects of its work, as did the flame from the "burning bush" in Petone - which I described in item #J3 above. Both flames described here, i.e. both the one from the Petone beach and the one from New York, document the possession of attributes that prove they have a supernatural origin. (Click on the above starter for this video to view it.)
       I came across the information about the miraculous "eternal flame" from New York only "coincidentally" and in a way that perfectly illustrates the method of God's action described by the old Polish proverb stating that "when God closes the door He opens a window" - in the original Polish wording: "Kiedy Bóg zamyka drzwi, to uchyla okno". (The information about New York's flame is disseminated only by private enthusiasts, so about the existence of this miracle I have never heard before.) Of course, for reasons which I explained more comprehensively in item #J5 below, I know with certainty that in our physical world such things as "coincidences" do NOT exist at all - thus everything that is manifested in our world is a deliberate act of God. Nevertheless, I understand that this kind of "coincidental" finding of officially ignored information about this miraculous flame for centuries seen behind the cascading water from the New York's waterfall, is aimed at avoiding the breaking of anyone's "free will". So I understand also, that the programs of the God's "Omniplan" could NOT allow me to photographically document Petonian "burning bush" using the "door" from the above-mentioned old Polish proverb. After all, my taking of its photos could force someone to believe in what I described in item #J3 above - while everything that is connected with God and what people should believe, they are obliged to recognise voluntarily by themselves (means NOT by being forced to it by evidence or proofs presented to them). This is probably why God helped me to complete the documenting of Petonian flame only after opening for me a "window" from the above-mentioned old Polish proverb. It has happened when browsing the internet on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. I "accidentally" came across a first free YouTube video that illustrates the appearance of another flame that looks and behaves very much like the intelligent flame from the Petonian burning bush. This first video was about 20-minute long, rather sceptically commented, in English, and disseminated in with the title "This Mysterious Island Appears is Out of Nowhere & What Happens Next Is Surprising". It was available at the address On its length from 6:22 to 8:17 minutes, this video shows the Eternal Flame Falls from the national park "Chestnut Ridge Park" in western New York, USA. Already the first sight of this eternal flame touched me deeply due to its compatibility with what I saw on the beach at Petone. So I immediately searched the internet for further information. I discovered then that this miraculous waterfall, along with its "eternal flame", is shown on a much larger number of videos made by private persons. Only that most of them repeat the lies of the official atheistic science, which tell the viewer that this eternal flame supposedly has a simple explanation and does NOT represent a supernatural phenomenon. Fortunately, for me already are well-known lies, incompetence, carelessness, methodological gaps, lack of theoretical foundations, research laziness, etc., with which today's uninformed scientists with their "taken from the ceiling" and objectively unsupported by any factual research claims try to deny the existence of God and manifestations of the supernatural. So I easily found, and revealed in items that follow, various errors, inconsistencies and omissions contained in these "scientific speculations" about the miraculous eternal flame from western New York.
       In my disclosure of lies and erroneous speculations with which scientists try to convince interested people that the New York's flame does NOT have a supernatural origin, helped me the sighting of supernatural "burning bush" from the Petonian beach, and my noticing of attributes and consequences which characterized this Petonian supernatural flame and which I have already described above in item #J3 from this web page. So the only thing I needed to do, to disclose that, like that from Petone, also the New York's flame is of supernatural origin, was to view carefully videos and read thoroughly publications that show and discuss this New York's flame, then just point out and emphasize these features and consequences of the New York's flame, which I have sighted earlier due to the seeing the Petonian supernatural flame described in item #J3 above, which features and consequences would NOT occur in both of them, if both these flames had NO miraculous origin. So here are features and consequences detailed in subsequent items, that testify about the supernatural origin of the two flames discussed here (note that below I discuss only the features and consequences of the New York's flame, because for the flame from Petone, I have already described them in item #J3 above - only that I did it in a different than here order):
       (1) Intelligent behaviour, mesmerizing influence on viewers, telepathic influence on the arriving people. As befits a supernatural phenomenon, similarly like the Petonian one, also the New York's flame behaves intelligently. For example, it looks, burns and dances differently each time. Each time it also looks as if it is blasting from another spot of the floor in a miniature grotto in which it burns - although the gas emitted from under the ground could NOT change the cracks in the rock through which it escapes. Sometimes it can be seen as one flame, sometimes it appears as a few flames starting in different spots of their small grotto. Sometimes it shows itself as a solid, thin and long tongue, sometimes it is low and wide. Etc., etc. From the analysis of videos made by the onlookers, one can also notice that it has a mesmerizing influence on them, intrigues them and stimulates their excitement with its dance, as well as it telepathically influences them depending on their beliefs, history, morality, character and goals of the current activity.
       (2) Burning in a place with the characteristics of the "holy area". In several publications about the New York's eternal flame, it is carefully suggested that for centuries (or even for millennia) its place of origin was known to the local Indians and considered by Indians as a sacred area. In turn, about the holy areas and about the human settlements carrying holy names, my philosophy of totalizm determined that according to the principle described in the old French maxim "nobility obliges" ("noblesse oblige"), on the behaviours of people from these places God imposes particularly strict moral requirements - as I explained this more extensively, among others, in item #C4 from my web page named seismograph.htm. Therefore, nobody should be surprised that the holiness of New York's "eternal flame" is also emphasized by accidents and even death of people who do NOT show in there the required respect for the sanctity of this place. Also, it cannot be ruled out that it was the close proximity of this ancient holy place that was, among others, a cause of events described on my web page named wtc.htm, and a reason for the location of the UN in New York. Personally, I suspect, although so far I have NOT found any written documentation on this subject, that just as it already begins to confirm itself for the area surrounding the Petonian "Celtic Cross", also prayers for something at the location of New York's eternal flame, e.g. for healing a chronic illness, or for solving someone's problem, would eventuate in the fulfilment of this prayers for people who due to their moral behaviour deserved it.
       (3) Providing people with ambiguous evidence to deliberately avoid breaking the "free will" in those ones who do NOT want to believe the supernatural origin of the flame. In the vicinity of the miniature grotto in which the New York's eternal flame appears, one can register various ambiguous evidence, which, among other things, seemingly suggests a simple explanation for the mechanism that caused the appearance of this flame - in accordance with what I explained in item #C2 from my web page named tornado.htm about at least three different categories of evidence, which in order to avoid breaking anyone's "free will" God always includes in each manifestation revealed by Him, and also in accordance with my discovery described, among others, in item #A2.2 from my web page named totalizm.htm and in #A3 do #A3abc from the web page klasa_uk.htm that if someone very strongly believes in something, then even if it is contrary to the manifestations of reality accepted as the only truth in "materialistic reductionism" of our present official atheistic science, still for superior reasons (e.g.: to inspire the search for truth, open of path for unlimited development of material world, etc.) God fabricates for the use by this strong believer some evidence which confirms for this person that he/she is rightly sticking to his/her beliefs. For example, in the vicinity of the New York's flame, the stench of broken eggs is spreading, due to which sometimes its appearance (and place) is even called rudely "flaming fart of nature". The surrounding water reservoirs also document the existence of underground gas leaks. In spite of all this, until today scientists have not been able to establish what actually powers and sustains the centuries-long burning of this holy flame.
       (4) Appearing only to those people who deserved to see it. Although the majority of people who made the pilgrimage to the place where the New York's flame is located, already are finding that it burns, I also noted videos on which some people, especially those ones who on the way to flame do not show the required respect, find it extinguished and are unable to reignite it - even if they try very hard.
       (5) Burning without generating the accompanying heat, smoke and soot. Flames powered by underground gas typically generate a lot of heat, smoke and soot, the significant impact of which changes the characteristics of their surroundings. Thus, for example, on the video with the address - showing the flames from the Mount Chimaera in Turkey powered by underground gas, as well as on the video with the address - showing similar flames from the vicinity of Murchison in New Zealand, also powered by underground gas, these typical products and consequences of gas combustion are clearly documented. Meanwhile, in the New York's eternal flame, you cannot see: (a) neither vapour of water into which the splashes from the waterfall should be turned by such a heat-inducing gas flame, (b) nor the tiny rock grotto (in which the "gas" supposedly burns) being smoked, filled with fumes and warmed almost to redness by the long-lasting blazing fire, (c) neither does this flame go out - although the ordinary gas flame would quickly be extinguished due to water splashing all over it.
       (6) Containing hidden evidence for its supernatural origin. An example of such evidence is e.g. the shape (and colour) of the flame itself. Gas flames have the shape of a "jagged" leaf that chaotically twitches and curls up. Their colour is typically blue. On the other hand, the supernatural flame behaves dignified, dances fascinatingly, is uniform (not jagged) and has a uniquely intense red colour of the setting (or rising) Sun.
       (7) Inability of today's official atheistic science to establish the true mechanism of appearance of this flame. In several of the more bold publications about the New York's flame, there is a hint that official science is still NOT able to explain satisfactorily and verifiably, where this flame actually comes from - in spite that it is officially proclaimed that everything about it is simple and already well known. For example, scientists still have fundamental difficulties with measuring, empirical research, and scientific documenting of: (a) "what kind" of "gas" really is burning, (b) "from where" this "gas" is coming to the grotto, (c) "why" the products and the combustion process of this New York's "gas" differ so much from the products and the combustion process of natural gases in other places mentioned above (e.g. in Chimaera from Turkey, or in Murchison from New Zealand), etc. I should add here, that in items #J1 to #J3 and in the caption under #J1a from my web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm, and also in post #349 to blogs of totalizm, I presented evidence that light can be freely controlled and that God's ability to control light already since a many thousands of years ago has been described even in the Bible. In turn this skill allows God that the sightings of the flame described here can be simulated anywhere, at any time, and for displating any features and for demonstrations of any behaviour by this extraordinary flame! So for God nothing is impossible.
       Interestingly, on 2022/10/1 I came across yet another place in the world, which in addition to the Petone one described in #J3 above and to the New York "Chestnut Ridge Park" described in this caption for #J3v, is already the third known to me place in the world, where such dancing and scientifically unexplainable miraculous flames (in this third place there are as many as 9 flames) have been watched and worshiped for centuries. Descriptions and videos of this third place can be searched on the Internet using, for example, keywords Jwala Devi Temple in Kangra India Eternal Flame. From the videos that I watched about these flames, as well as from their objective descriptions that avoid "scientifically biased" speculations and remarks, it is quite clear that these flames are also characterized by all the above-mentioned 7 characteristics of the supernatural fires. This in turn means that most probably with the use of all three areas of supernatural flames described here, God determined and already points to those people who are open to the truth, at least three different "holy areas" in the world, to which, according to what I described in #A3 to #A3abc from the web page klasa_uk.htm and in post #352E to the blogs of totalizm, ordinary and even poor people can now make pilgrimages to pray to God for Grace in something very important for them.

Videos #J3xyz, blog #303E: Everything that God does and allows to be manifested through either nature or through words and actions of people, actually is an essential part of a gigantic divine plan oriented toward the well-being of many people. In other words, everything done by God is e.g. a part of gigantic God's plan for educating and progressing of the entire humanity - even if it looks only like something insignificant or temporary.

Motto of videos #J3xyz: "Even if you act alone and believe that you are the only person in the entire world who does a given something, in fact your actions are one of numerous components of a much larger plan implemented and coordinated by God, in the completion of which God engages many appropriately inspired people."

The method of God's acting that always makes each event or each move approved or implemented by Him to be a component of some larger divine plan, causes that also my witnessing of the burning bush of seaweed described in item #J3 above on this web page, may only seem to be unimportant and accidental, however it for sure is one among segments of a greater plan that God is just putting into practice. About just such a role of the "elementary component of a larger divine plan" fulfilled by each event and by every manifestation, I have known already for a long time from a whole range of theoretical premises. For example, one of these premises is the philosophical principle that every event or every manifestation is a result of some cause, which in turn is an outcome of yet another proceeding cause, while the primary cause of the entire such chain of causes-and-effects must be God Himself. Another kind of such premises provide results of my research on the God's methods of action, described on a whole series of web pages linked through keywords from my Polish web page named skorowidz.htm. Still another theoretical premise is the operation of the divine system of governing, educating and examining people, which I described in item #J5 below on this web page. But the most interesting is, that already have been given to me the chance to learn the first empirical confirmation, that the above my sighting of the burning bush from the beach in Petone, is just one among numerous fragments of a larger divine plan. This first empirical confirmation was revealed to me on the occasion of the announcement by the NZ Catholic Church that the Sunday, 7th October 2018, was the annual day of prayer for the Venerable Suzanne Aubert. The church has been carrying out the process of her canonization to the saint since a number of "human years", and now it appeals to believers for praying to God regarding revealing the miracles that are necessary to approve her for the sainthood. In turn the visible link and the reason due to which slowly is revealing itself the direct relationship that exist between my sighting of the burning bush in Petone, and that spiritually-important plan of canonization of Suzanne Aubert, is the announcement publicised in the already widely disseminated publications on this subject, that when this canonization is successful, then the church will create in NZ a trail of religious pilgrimage in the footsteps of Suzanne Aubert. The point is that a fragment of this trail will run near the place in Petone, where I saw that burning bush of seaweed described in item #J3 above on this web page. So if God's intention in showing to me this burning bush was the future official recognition of this area as a "Christianly Holy" place, then that larger divine plan, the small component of which was, among others, showing to me the burning bush, probably will include, among other things, a way of incorporating this holy place into the trail of a future religious pilgrimage in the footsteps of Suzanne Aubert. After all, in the love of God for all people, and also in the life philosophy of the Venerable Suzanne Aubert, is embedded the principle of equal treatment of all people and everything - regardless of the religion and race to which they are categorized. So if in the future the trail of permanent pilgrimage discussed here is actually created, then according to this principle, and also to logic, its component should also include the opportunity for pilgrims to visit the described here special place from Petone - where they will be able to pray to God for everything about which is already known to them, that in other holy places of the world it can get the blessing of fulfilment. Unfortunately, though this principle and logical conclusion are quite obvious, in present times, when there are over 1000 different branches of Christianity, while each of them focuses its attention on whatever separates it from others and each considers itself to be "that only correct one", the inclusion into the Catholic route of pilgrimage a holy place initiated due to prayers of the Presbyterians, will NOT be simple nor easy task at all. After all, only in a tiny Petone inhabited by less than 7000 people (as determined by census of 2013), I already know about the existence and work of at least 11 churches, each one of which gathers believers from a drastically different branch of Christianity (i.e. I already know about the following churches - although I suspect that Petone may have even more of them: Congregational Christian Church Of Samoa - 132 Cuba St, Greek Orthodox Community Church - 23 Bay St, HCUC - Wesley Multicultural Methodist Chruch - 42 Nelson St, Petone Baptist Church - 38 Buick St, Petone Spiritualist Church - 88 Richmond St, The Salvation Army Church - 72 Cuba St, Sacred Heart Catholic Church - 41 Britannia St, St Augustine's Anglican Church - 12 Britannia St, St David's Multicultural Church - 2 Britannia St, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - 2 Kensington Ave, The Olive Tree Church - 476-486 Jackson St). But Petone is NOT the town with the largest number of different churches - after all, the human settlements surrounding Petone, e.g. Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, and Wellington, have such churches (and hence also religious subdivisions) even much more. Also I never noted that any of these churches would have a will to maintain an official relationships or cooperation with any other - although we know, that such a cooperation was practiced on every day basis not only by Suzanne Aubert but also by other clergy of her time. So probably, in order to be able to officially include the Presbyterian place of "burning bush" from Petone into the path of Catholic pilgrimages, needed would be a lot of prayers, many further God's interventions, as well as significant effort and good will of many people who believe that the attention should be focused on what mutually connects us, instead on what divides us. Furthermore, in the current fragile situation of deepening atheism and the lack of responsibility, far-sightedness, vision and biblical knowledge among today's people, additionally still worsened due to uplifting of walls that divide individual branches of Christianity, also would be needed many intense prayers for help and inspiration from God to find such a solution that in the future would NOT place any church nor its faithful in a difficult or losing situation, no matter what in long-term God has pre-planned regarding the blessing of New Zealand and its people with making available to them the Christian holy place already potentially pre-announced by showing the "burning bush" from the beach in Petone. So hereby I present to interested people links to three in my opinion most important videos available to everyone free of charge in, which (videos) probably illustrate, among others, the discreetly inspired and given to us by God fragments of His larger plan in that matter. (Note, that almost all videos and publications about Suzanne Aubert, including the ones linked below, are in English.)

Links to video #J3x from the address: (1:20 min - to watch the video click on a link provided here): In New Zealand, means in the country most of inhabitants of which are either emigrants or descendants of emigrants, the process of canonization for the sainthood of a French immigrant, Venerable Suzanne Aubert (1935-1926) has been initiated - see web pages accessible through Google and dedicated to this extraordinary woman, who until today induces a wide admiration and the deepest respect. After all, the achievements and philosophy of life of that emigrant, when are compared to whatever was accomplished and in what believe even the most prominent people born locally, looks very pale and shallow. For example, she created an unique for NZ, new religious order of Catholicism, named the "Sisters of Compassion". She took care of sick, orphans, bastards, elderly, infirm, and those whom society rejected. She also opened the first in NZ kitchen serving free soup to starving people - which kitchen works to this day and modelled on which are increasingly more similar kitchens being created recently in NZ. She created also a free system of social assistance. She was a friend of Maoris - on the help and advice of who they relied on as on the proverbial Elijah. She wrote many impressive publications devoted to the treatment of various illnesses with New Zealand herbs. Her religious order also became the largest in her time NZ producer of herbal medicines that actually cured illnesses of that time (means medicines much better than those used today - after all present drugs usually only ease symptoms instead of curing the illness, thus typically they cause the greed-fuelling life-long dependency on taking them - for details see items #I1 to #I3 from my web page named healing.htm). She was a pioneer of the medicinal use of marijuana - thus, in contrast to today's politicians and some pseudo-moralists (who are only able to forbid for all people of whatever bad consequences a few individuals begin to abuse), she knew that everything that God created and made available to us can serve both, for good and for evil, so the actual progress and morality do NOT depend on forbidding, but on learning how to utilise the good that is caused by given something and avoid evil consequences of given something. Her motivation to act was that "all people are equal - no matter what religion they practice and from what country they come", and that help should be provided immediately and in the very place where a given evil came into being. So let us all pray that God quickly reveals the miracles associated with this extraordinary woman - which by the Catholic church are required for proclaiming her a saint. After all, in today's increasingly hypocritical and deviated world, she provides an increasingly more needed example of human moral values and an unsurpassed role model.

Links to video #J3y from the address: (0:30 min - click on link you selected to view the video): This video illustrates the planned route of religious pilgrimages around New Zealand in the footsteps of Suzanne Aubert - along which route the already published materials have been suggesting that the Catholic Church promises to open to interested faithful the trail of pilgrimages soon after Suzanne Aubert will be declared a saint. It is a very constructive, morally correct and religiously needed initiative. After all, the European experience regarding Catholic pilgrimage trails has already proven how excellent job is done in that area. For example, the church not only supervises and maintains these trails so well, that typically pilgrims have not only the safe and highly educational journeys, but also an access to free or cheap basic meals and to night accommodation. Thus, the implementation of the same principles in NZ would allow that pilgrims with even most modest financial resources are able to visit practically entire New Zealand quite cheaply, and to admire God's magnificence and wonders which God has given to this normally one of the most expensive in the world and at the same time one of the most magnificent tourist countries. After all, volunteers from the Catholic Church will take care of everything along the entire route of these pilgrimages. By a "chance" it also has happened, that in many sections of this pilgrimage route, the government of New Zealand has already built tourist cycling routes that allow for a cheap and very interesting travel by bicycle (or even on foot). At the same time, the route of these pilgrimages coincides with the most beautiful and touristy the most interesting locations worth visiting in New Zealand - which locations are NOT only destinations for visits of tourist groups and individuals organized by official agencies, but also hide numerous miracles and extraordinary features of NZ that officially are ignored, but described in many of my publications. Links to the most important among these officially ignored extraordinary features will be provided in the caption under next (lowest: #J3z) of three videos linked from here. Also notice that the planned trail of this pilgrimage runs through Wellington, which is very close to the beach and cross from Petone described in item #J3 above - about which location gradually revealed are various events and premises suggesting that with a great probability it is a "Christian holy place", and thus that under the weight of empirical sightings and human experiences over time it will be confirmed as such. This in turn means that even the poorest New Zealanders when they need to pray directly to God for something extremely important to them, but who previously would NOT be able to finance their journey to one of the holy places overseas known from fulfilling prayers to God, now would be able to pray in their own country, for example for healing or for fulfilling of a special wish - thus they would NOT have to travel a long time and far away in order to be able to pray for the same in a foreign holy place from a distant country.

Links to video #J3z from the address: (8:30 min): Here are links to the video presenting evidence regarding one of the officially unrecognized yet extraordinary ancient archaeological sites of New Zealand, namely probably a pyramid with a flat upper surface (i.e. of the type build in the Americas among others for religious rites), only that now it is almost entirely covered with a volcanic ash - this site (or pyramid) locally is known under the name Kaimanawa Wall. As it is with many other officially unrecognized although extraordinary sites of NZ, links to the most important among which I will provide here, also not far from this Kaimanawa stone structure runs the pre-planned by the Catholic Church trail of religious pilgrimage in the footsteps of Suzanne Aubert. Due to this, the participants of this pilgrimage will have the opportunity to get to know some of God's wonderful works that still hide in the interior of New Zealand, and the existence of which still is officially denied and purposely hidden. For example, the research by the new "totaliztic science" has revealed, that in order to give to the first people created by God everything that they need for living, and also to inspire their future generations to search for truth and to carry out creative activities, for the use of these first people God created from stones entire ancient cities, pyramids, walls, temples, vessels, ornaments, everyday objects, etc. - the existence of which on Earth, to divert attention from God and from His creational power, the enemies of God firstly ascribed to the organization abilities and ambitions of the ancient rulers of Egypt, the Incas, China, etc., in turn now, when it turned out that these ancient rulers did NOT have access to the technology capable of erecting such excellent stone monuments - the enemies began to attribute all these to aliens arriving from stars. One among numerous such divine products created in ancient times from stone, probably is the abovementioned NZ pyramid now covered with volcanic ash - for more details about God's creation of first stone pyramids, walls, cities, temples, etc., see, among others, 4 from item #B2 on my page named humanity.htm, or find their links on the Polish web page named skorowidz.htm). Other unusual features created by God in NZ and worth sighting, but NOT included into the official tourist routes (while located on, or along, the route of the religious pilgrimage discussed here) are, among others: the well-known among Maoris, but still undiscovered for Europeans "Sleeping Giant" described in item #J3.3 from my web page named god_proof.htm; an unusual "walking" stone from Atiamuri NZ called "Te Kohatu-O-Hatupatu", which after the shifting is said to return to its previous place - described and shown in the photograph from item #D1 of my pages named newzealand.htm; the Celtic Cross and the nearby beach in Petone where I saw that telepathically "arguing with me" the burning bush of seaweeds described in item #J3 above; stone "tiles of Jesus" which in good faith were installed in 1999 in the central "Cathedral Square" from Christchurch, then fiercely fought by quite a few individuals - described in item #G2 and illustrated in "Fig. #G1ab" from the web page prophecies.htm; the small geological museum at the Otago University from Dunedin, in which once were two nuggets made of a mysterious precious metal indistinguishable from gold, which, however, were magnetized - one of these nuggets I illustrated on the photograph "Fig. #8ab", while together with another (also supposedly magnetized nugget named "Honorable Roddy" and donated to the Queen of England) I described in item #E3, from the web page named tapanui.htm - unfortunately, when I published descriptions of these nuggets, all of them have mysteriously disappeared, similarly like also disappeared all the skeletons of giants discovered in NZ, one of which I described in item #I2 from my web page named newzealand.htm; an unusual hill called the "Saddle Hill" located near the city of Dunedin, about which people abducted to UFOs (whom I once researched in times of my lecturing at the Otago University) reported to me that they underwent medical examination after being teleported to a deck of UFO starship that hovered inside of a hidden cave that supposedly exists inside this hill (Maori legends claim that in this cave has a den the "crying" giant "Taniwha") - as I described this in item #F2 from my web page named newzealand.htm; the place of UFO explosion from "Pukeruau" near the township of Tapanui, described and illustrated on the web page named tapanui.htm; underground tunnels evaporated by UFOs (e.g. the so-called "Cathedral Caves" and a tunnel under the "Grey River") described, among others, in item #C9.1 from my web page named ufo_proof.htm; and a whole range of other extraordinary NZ features - internet links to which I provided on my Polish web page named skorowidz.htm.

#J4, blog #296E. Vital is not only the shape of "hearts" burned by UFOs in the grass of two places in the world thousands of kilometers apart, but also messages expressed with these symbols of love (i.e. hearts):

Motto: "In the world ruled by the omniscient and omnipotent God, each event occurs for many important reasons at once - also in each such event God inscribes multilevel messages the understanding of which raises level of our knowledge and awareness."

       In old times (which, however, I still remember), every story had a so-called "moral". Furthermore, if an event occurred, people sought in it the knowledge from two different areas, namely: (1) physical (e.g. how and why this event occurred), and ( 2) supernatural (e.g. what knowledge, and what message from God to people, this event is bringing). For example, at the end of caption under "Fig. #C2a" from my web page named wszewilki_uk.htm I described a case which according to family tradition happened on an old cemetery from the village of Wszewilki. Namely, a local bully and casanova, supposedly so strong that he claimed he was not afraid of anything (even the devil himself), bet with his friends that at midnight he would go to the cemetery in Wszewilki and push a stick in the grave of one of the suiciders. When in the morning his mates found him dead on the grave, they sought answers not only to the question "how" and "why" physically he died, but also "what rules and knowledge his fate is telling us" (i.e. the knowledge that "there are no courageous nor strong when it comes to the laws of the other world").
       The tragedy of humanity of present times is that the official atheistic science has destroyed this old tradition, which stated that independently of the physical "how" and "why", in every event we should also look for the supernatural transmission of rules and knowledge. The destruction of this tradition results from the success with which the official atheistic science has convinced the majority of people that God does NOT exist, hence there is nothing supernatural, while in every event one should look only at its physical causes and mechanisms - what today's official atheistic science sometimes does (although NOT always - e.g. it does NOT look for causes of the supposed "big bang"). In the next item #J5 of this web page I will try to explain "what", "how" and "why" official science makes such a cardinal mistake in this matter, while through this error and lies that result from it, pushes all humanity today toward a decline and to necessity of purification.
       It is widely known that the official atheistic science does NOT only convince people that God does NOT exist, but also insists on many other matters that increasingly separate it from the truth. For example, until today he stubbornly does NOT recognize the existence of UFOs - implicating that all people reporting UFOs, or researching evidence that is formed on Earth by UFOs, are either liars or something is wrong with them. Thus, for example, I would NOT be surprised that if a "heart" burned out in the grass appears in some public place, then someone among scientists with the grass expertise would issue a statement that this "heart" has about 50% of "scientific chance" that it was formed as a result of the accidental action of a mindless pack of dogs in love that ran around a heart-shaped trajectory and pee on the grass to immortalize in this way their feelings. (Actually once, when the so-called "skeptic society" was still active in NZ, while I researched UFO landing sites and disseminated my findings regarding these UFO landings, in fact I came across, among others, a very similar explanation stating that UFO landing sites in the grass are formed due to "pissing".)
       In the years 1996 to 1998, during my professorship on the tropical island of Borneo, I lived by the lawn on which the symbol of "heart" appeared. I show and explain pictures of that "heart" below on "Fig. #J4abc". Unfortunately, at the time of its appearance, I was so busy researching, analyzing and developing the physical and technical side of the principles of operation of my Magnocrafts - means magnetic starships which I invented, then later about which I discovered that they use the same type of magnetic propulsion system that is also used by UFO starships, while simultaneously I was so worried about incessant problems, damages and destructions that actions of UFOnauts (in conjunction with human persecution of myself for researching them) evoked into my life, that I did NOT even consider other than physical and technical meaning of whatever the already existing UFO starships did at that time. Therefore, I did NOT associate the symbol of love, which after all was the "heart" scorched near my dwelling, with for example the fact that in that dwelling in my free time I worked out a relationship between the accumulation of moral energy and carrying out good deeds. I also did not link the appearance of this "heart" near my apartment, e.g. with the fact that it was during my time of living in that dwelling when I experienced the many-month long phenomenon of the totaliztic nirvana. These facts I began to link only in 2007, when I developed the first in the world formal scientific proof for the existence of God, carried out with the methods of mathematical logic, which I published later, among others, in item #G2 of the web page god_proof.htm. (Note that before 2007 I also formally proved the existence of God with several different methods, only that I previously used empirical methods of proving, which are different from the theoretical "method of mathematical logic" that is the most widely accepted in today's world. Descriptions of my earlier used methods of proving God's existence, I specified and linked, among others, in item #G3 from the abovementioned web page named god_proof.htm.) The formulation of that formal proof for the existence of God slowly made me realize that "UFOnauts and UFOnauts are only temporary 'simulations' sent by God to Earth for implementing important divine goals" (which goals NOT always have to be pleasing to the people experienced by them - e.g. consider performing the role of "angels of death" which I described in 3 from item #A2 of the web page named 2030.htm). The full confirmation of my belief that the appearance of a "heart" scorched in the grass by UFOs, regardless of their physical and technical significance as a manifestation of a specific use of practical principles of the operation of starships with magnetic propulsion (i.e. operation that I invented for applications in my Magnocraft), it also expresses supernatural messages from God (e.g. messages of love), occurred only after my deep reflection on the reasons "why" at the Celtic cross described previously in item #J3 of this web page I was allowed to see that "burning bush" according to the Bible meaning the "Christian holy ground".
       In item #J3 and on "Fig. #J3c" of this web page I described and showed the burnout of grass in the shape of a "heart" (i.e. the symbol of love) that I photographed near the Celtic cross from the New Zealand township of Petone. In this item I am to show and describe the same "heart-shaped" scorching of grass that I photographed at my apartment in the city of Kuching on the tropical island of Borneo - thousands of kilometers away from Petone. After all, the appearance of similarly scorched physically "hearts" (symbols of love) in as many as two places in the world, thousands of kilometers away from each other, reveals several important messages to us. So it is worth considering on the basis of the findings of my Theory of Everything zwanej Concept of Dipolar Gravity "what" are these messages (i.e. what these "hearts" symbolize) and "why" they appeared in these two distant places of the world. Then it will also be worth learning from the items: present and #J7 of this web page, how the theory of a interstellar spaceship of my invention called the Magnokraft explains the technical principles of scorching such heart-shaped landings, and how difficult is to physically scorch such "heart" shapes in the grass - even if one has at his/her disposal a starship with the characteristics of my Magnocraft. As it turned out in practice, when together with the graphically talented Dominik Myrcik, we tried to generate in computer just an illustration showing how magnetic circuits of the Magnocraft scorch outlines of such a "heart" in the grass, difficulties in e-mail communication to explain complex details of work of the Magnocraft's propulsion system proved to be so high that until the time of writing this paragraph, it took us almost two months of continuous consultation and cooperation, while the drawings that explain exhaustively and illustrate the principle of scorching such a "heart" are still NOT completely ready. Translating this, for example, at the current state of technology and the capabilities of today's people in the driving such complex starships as Magnocrafts are, I suspect that even if humanity already had flying Magnocrafts today, so far their pilots would NOT be able to scorch outlines of "hearts" in the intended manner". On the other hand, for example, the flattening crops with the Magnocraft into outlines of one of the commonly occurring on Earth so-called "pictograms" - for example, that one which I showed and described in item #A6.1 from my Polish web page named portfolio_pl.htm, in my opinion even for whole huge institutions such as NASA, at their current level of technical development, when scientists in there have basic difficulties with understanding the work of Magnocrafts, probably would NOT be possible yet for people. The fact, therefore, that such "hearts" and "pictograms" appear on Earth, reveals how superior to humans is the intelligence and skills of creatures controlling UFO starships, and how important it is for them to convey information expressed to humanity with these "hearts" and "pictograms".
       The symbol of "heart" in virtually all cultures of the world means love, God's love, conscience, goodness, gratitude, appreciation, respect, mercy, understanding, subconscious knowledge (as the opposite to rational knowledge - consider a fragment of the poem "Romantyczność" by the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz: "have a heart and look into the heart"), and a few other supernatural and positive meanings. This symbol also acquires a special meaning if it is created in a supernatural manner, for example in the form of a UFO landing site or an outline of tree rings growth. In my publications I document with photos that UFO landing sites of various shapes appeared practically under the windows of every apartment that I occupied in my life - e.g. see "Fig. #A2" from volume 1 of my monograph [1/4]. In addition, in my scientific UFO research I analyzed hundreds of further UFO landing sites, which I deliberately searched at the time in meadows, fields and crops. Among the hundreds of landing sites that I have researched, only two - which photographs are shown in this "part #J" of that web page, had precisely such clearly visible shape of a "heart". In total, in my research hundreds of UFO landing sistes, I remember that I encountered only three landings with the "heart" shape - bigger, the third one of them (left by a UFO type K5), unfortunately scorched incompletely and thus able to arouse various doubts in the viewer (click on this link to see it), I encountered and photographed on 2008/9/11 in the Malaysian town of Melaka in the area in there where the Portuguese spreading Christianity built the first European fortress soon after their conquest of Melaka in 1511 - now this fortress no longer exists. This rareness of these "hearts" for me is the information that the messages of "love" represented by the two "heart-shaped" UFO landing sites described here, are unique and extremely important. In turn, as far as the content of the message expressed by "pictograms" appearing in crops (which are more complex than "hearts") are concerned, in my opinion they are manifestations of disapproval and ridicule of human myopia, presumptuous stubbornness and lack of logic, because their content could be interpreted, e.g. with the words "people, stop lying to each other and start to finally recognize the truth that has been revealed for a long time by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and the Theory of the Magnocraft.
       Ever since I saw the burning bush described here, whenever the weather permits me, I am now going for a walk on the beach near the Celtic cross, to see if there will again be a flame described in item #J3, and to check what new is happening in there. Also everything that I have noticed in there, and that was suitable for publication, I described in this "part #J" of the web page. Analyzing these events, to me personally hit eyes several important regularities, or final conclusions. The first of them is that these numerous phenomena and events which I describe in this "part #J", only seemingly are unrelated to each other. But in fact, they show hidden mutual connections and links with both, other out of these phenomena and events, as well as with the burning bush and the Petone Celtic cross. In turn, these hidden connections are so numerous that they practically eliminate the probability that everything I described here is just a series of "coincidences" or "random events" (that they are NOT just "coincidences" or "random events" I also demonstrated scientifically in item #J5 of this web page). The second among these regularities and conclusions, is that there must be an important reason why I was privileged to see the burning bush on the beach in Petone. At the moment I myself answer this difficult question "why me", that probably I was the most appropriate person to inform other people about the miracle of appearing a burning bush in Petone in a way that does NOT break anypne's "free will". From my research, it appears that everything that God does is always done in such a way, that people voluntarily and willingly convince themselves to the truth, and they are NOT convinced to this truth just because they are forced. This is probably to NOT force with the proofs NOT the breaking someone's "free will", that God did NOT let me take a picture of that burning bush. This is probably also why all the matters about this special Celtic cross God has surrounded with various controversies. For example, this Celtic cross lies at the outlet to the beach of a short Petonian street named "Tory Street". In the opposite outlet of this street, where it hits into the street named "Jackson Street", there is a pizzeria called "Hell". Also interestingly, the Celtic cross on the Internet is itself, among others, propagated as a symbol of nationalism and white supremacy - for example, the Nazis often used it in their flags and signs, and now it is used by various neo-Nazi groups. It is also worth noting that this symbol of love, meaning the "heart" scorched not far from the Petonian Celtic cross, was scorched by UFO starships - the actual existence of which starships, both the official atheistic science, as well as a large proportion of people, still vigorously contradict. All together, in order for someone to acknowledge that in fact God has established a "Christian-holy place" in Petone, he/she must for this purpose analyze the hidden relations that exist between all the evidence that I present here, as well as he/she must make it voluntarily based on his/her openness to get to recognise the truth, and NOT due to, for example, being forced to such a recognition, e.g. by seeing something that would look like irrefutable evidence!

Fig. #J4a
Fig. #J4b
Fig. #J4c

Fig. #J4abc: Three illustrations showing the appearance and principle of the formation of a heart-shaped UFO landing. (Click on one of the above illustrations to see it enlarged.)
       Fig. #J4a (upper): Myself (i.e. Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk) photograph by the landing of a UFO type K3, scorched into the shape of a "heart" on the lawn near the flat that I occupied during my professorship on the tropical island of Borneo. It was taken in September 1998. Notice that the shape and size of this UFO landing site coincides with the shape and size of other UFO landing site, also type K3, which about 13 years later I photographed in Petone and showed on the previous "Fig. #J3c".
       Fig. #J4b (middle): Illustration "Fig. F35" from volume 3 of my monograph [1/4]. It explains how the spinning magnetic circuits (blackened) of a UFO starship that hovers near the ground in a hanging position, form a scorched landing in the grass. In the lower part (c) of this "Fig. #F35" is shown the appearance of such a scorched landing in the shape of a ring, which is formed if a UFO starship hovers in a position at which its floor is exactly parallel to the surface of the grass, while its spinning magnetic circuits are just touching the ground. Examples of UFO landing sites with this shape of a ring are showed on "Fig. V1" from volume 17 of my monograph [1/5]. In turn for the stationary magnetic circuits, scorched is the shape shown in part (b) of the above drawing - i.e. the shape consisting of concentrically converging lines. An example of just such a UFO landing site is showed on "Fig. M4 (Upper)" from mine monograph [1e]. Although I have NOT prepared yet a drawing which would illustrate how this situation could change if a UFO was hovering at a large angle, the reader can work out by himself, that the magnetic circuits of a tilted starship, spinning along a "skin from donut" trajectory, would cause a scorched UFO landing that would assume the shape of the "heart" - because then a part of these trajectories of spinning "skin from donut" that scorches the grass would curve back in the air, instead of curving after penetration under the surface of the grass. How exactly this "skin from donut" scorches the grass into the shape of "heart", together with Dominik Myrcik we try to explain this with computer-generated illustrations from item #J7 of this web page.
       Fig. #J4c (lower): The same UFO landing side shaped into a "heart" as in part "#J4a", only that photographed about half a month later. However, because I photographed it without showing my person on the photo - this picture reveals that the landing site really has a "heart" shape, almost identical to the shape of the UFO landing site from "Fig. #J3c" above. Notice here that the identical shape of the "heart" of both UFO landings shown in illustrations "Fig. #J4ac" and the previous photograph "Fig. #J3c", while taken in two islands of the world, thousands of kilometres away from each other, documents for us the evidence for a whole range of truths at once, which official science does NOT want to research, and about which ordinary people do NOT want to know - although these truths significantly affect the life of every inhabitant of the Earth. (For example, read and view the scar on the leg shown in "Fig. #B4" from my web page named ufo.htm - and after careful examining your own leg and legs of your loved ones, you will find out visually that you have it too, and that all your relatives have it also.)

#J5, blog #299E. Could my description of principles of operation of the created by God while discovered and described due to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity system of governing, educating and examining of people, accidentally revealed what and why the biblical Elijah made accessible to humanity under the name of the Kabbalah and its tree of life - and how this system used by God indicates the simple ways of transforming into the generation of growth those people and institutions who so far have caused a decline:

Motto: "The created by God system of governing over the fate of people and institutions, which we learned from the discoveries and evidence earned due to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, forms an effectively working mechanism of management, education and judgement, which with its structure and work resembles a tree of life from a tool called Kabbalah shared with people by the biblical Elijah probably in order to develop with it inducing growth improvements in human management systems that previously were known for causing downfalls. "

       If the reader looks closely at my scientific achievements (from the area of knowledge usually referred to as my research "hobby"), then he will discover that most of this output is trying to scientifically identify, define, work out, and describe for the use of other people all God's tools that have the decisive impact on the course, quality and results of our lives. The process of collecting my scientific achievements, in a conscious manner I have been carrying out continuously since 1985. This is because in 1985 I formulated three most important components of my "hobby" scientific output, i.e. my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, and the resulting from this concept descriptions of the philosophy of growth named totalizm, as well as descriptions of the philosophy of decline named parasitism. In turn unconsciously I have been accumulating this scientific output since the beginning of my life. Thus, until the time when on 17th June 2018 I started to work on item #J5 of this web page, my publications have identified and revealed to interested readers the names, definitions and descriptions of a huge number of such tools used by God. Hence efforts that I assumed then to define of what I am explaining in numerous my web pages, namely that in our physical world absolutely nothing happens, for example, by a "coincidence", made me realize that it is time to join together all these tools into one effective system, and to graphically illustrate the final system that affects the course, quality and results of life of each person and each institution. For this reason I undertook the formulation of descriptions from this item #J5, as well as the formulation of illustrations which I am showing in subsequent parts of "Fig. #J5" below.
       In my efforts to describe and illustrate the impact of particular God's tools on the life of each considered person or institution, I try to show the results of comparisons of the process of managing people and institutions in two opposite philosophical approaches, which in my publications are repeating the literature names: (1) "a priori", and (2) "a posteriori" - for explanations of these names, see links to these terms given on my web page named skorowidz.htm. In the area of scientific research which I am carrying out, "a priori" approach (i.e. from cause to effect, that is from God to the reality that surrounds us) is represented by my Concept of Dipolar Gravity and by the philosophy of growth named totalizm - both of which together created a new kind of science, in my publications called the "totaliztic science". In turn, "a posteriori" approach to research (i.e. from effects to causes) is used by the old, oriented towards the decline, "official atheistic science" - which, due to its transition to practicing the philosophy of decline (in my publications called the philosophy of parasitism) is responsible for the swamp into which its activities and its methods of governing of people and institutions have pushed the today's humanity. The major tools and systems used by both these mutually opposite sciences (i.e. by oriented toward growth the "totaliztic science", and by oriented toward decline the "official atheistic science") to manage the lives of people and institutions subjected to their influence, I will try to name, describe and link in this item, then present them graphically below on "Fig. #J5".
       My philosophy of totalizm informs that in order to change the current decline of humanity into the growth of it, it is necessary to use in the management of human lives the same (or very similar) tools and systems that God uses. Only the copying of far-sighted and timeless methods, tools and principles of God's actions guarantees that in practice they will prove to be building progress and growth. My analysis of God's tools, which I identified that during "a priori" approach they shape the course, quality and results of life of people and institutions, showed that God's tools can be subdivided into three different categories. The first and the most important their category can be called "enforcers" (or "executors") - because they implement everything that determines the course, quality and results of the life in question. In all parts of "Fig. #J5" I illustrated these "enforcers" with numbered rectangles. The second category of God's tools can be called "managing mechanisms" - because they govern the action of all other God's tools. In parts "a", "b" and "c" from "Fig. #J5" I showed these divine management mechanisms as numbered symbols of "heart" - because the main reason for which God created them and constantly maintains their action, is the love for God's creations and the resulting from this love the care for best possible future of these creations. In turn in parts "d" to "g" from "Fig. #J5", the same management mechanisms, but used by people in the human management systems oriented towards a decline, I showed as symbols of "shield" - because the main reason for which the declining human institutions develop and maintain these, is to shield and defend their interests, income, fame and power against the rest of the world that may attempt to rationalize their influence and methods of governance, and to eliminate the monopolies of these declining people and institutions. Notice, however, that all these "management mechanisms" are always established and controlled by the "enforcer number 1", which is a kind of creator or sender of everything that defines the life results of "enforcer number 10" who is the recipient of management practices and products of that sender. The third and last category of tools discussed here and used for management can be called "products of the recipient's actions" - because they are generated in the result of actions and life of the enforcer number 10. (Enforcer number 10 is the person or institution which is the "recipient" of the management practices of the "sender (1)", thus the life of which is considered by given analyzes.) Throughout the entire "Fig. #J5", these products of the recipient's actions are illustrated with numbered circles. There are also two types of connections between the different tools in all three above categories. The first type of these connections are "transmission channels". On "Fig. #J5" these are shown as segments of straight lines. In each diagram they link every two tools that send each other some kind of products of their operation. An example of these is the transmission channel connecting God's tools number 3 and 6. The second type of these connections are "channels of supervision and communication". However, they occur only in the growth diagrams - below shown in parts "a", "b" and "c" from "Fig. #J5". They link and form "feedback" between the "enforcer number 1" and every other element or tool. On "Fig. #J5" they are shown as curved fragments of red arcs or ellipses. An example of these can be the connection between the sender 1 (i.e. God) and the recipient 10 (i.e. the enforcer number 10) - which the direct connection with God in real life works in us as the so-called "conscience". In the diagrams of decline, the channels of "supervision and communication" are lacking. Their absence is also one of the main reasons for the decline of institutions that manage without their use. We can see this best in the examples of today's governments - the less consultation and feedback between the government and the nation, the faster is the decline, while the life is in there fuller of oppression and fear. It is regrettable to think about what is awaiting the humanity, since in today's even most democratic countries, the consultations, communication with the nation, and feedbacks are disappearing at the moment when politicians are elected to govern. After all, regardless of what "gold-coloured" claims are advertised in the so-called "election promises", after the election each of the politicians either implements their own "ideas", or pays back his/her debts owed to rich people for financing to be elected. As a result, the wishes of the nation are taken into account only if they coincide with the intentions of the ruling politicians - just as documents this situation the fate of the referendum on "anti-smacking law", described in item #B5.1 from my web page named will.htm.
       In the example of "a priori" approach to life and research, illustrated in "Fig. #J5a" and "Fig. #J5b", and in real life practically applied by my Concept of Dipolar Gravity and by the philosophy of totalizm (and hence also by the new "totaliztic science" that I am just creating through my research), the most important "enforcers", means the most important creations, persons, tools, or mechanisms, is God and the person or institution which life is just analyzed. God is the "executer of number 1" (meaning "the sender"), while the person or institution, the life of which we are just analyzing (e.g. the reader, some particular person, official science, government, religion, etc.) is the enforcer number 10 (i.e. the recipient). In turn, the driving enforcer, whose operation is a kind of "engine" for the whole given management system for e.g. a given institution, state, planet, or our entire physical world, is "enforcer number 6".
       There are many reasons why today's people, including myself, have such difficulties when attempting to understand and to accept the truth which I try to describe and illustrate here, i.e. the truth that due to God's creation of the enforcer number 6 (i.e. Omniplan), every event from our physical world, even the most trivial one, is first carefully pre-planned by God, then exhaustively tested in action whether in fact it is the most optimal amongst all possible courses of this event (i.e. using God's phrase from the Bible, whether it is the most "very good"), and only at the very end it is pedantically enforced. Such laborious planning, testing and enforcement of each event by God (i.e. by the "executer number 1" from "Fig. #J5abc" - that manages the entire humanity and everything that happens in the physical world), is possible because a long "human time" before this event occurs, God has already pre-programmed it into His Omniplan (i.e. into the enforcer number 6). In turn as such, regardless of the physical intention of a given event, God has time, opportunity and reasons to additionally include into it various multilevel messages of knowledge, feelings, patterns, moral principles, examples, etc., intended as a way to increase our knowledge, morality, maturity, level of awareness, etc. - as I tried to explain this in items #J3 and #J4 from this web page.
       The most important reason for our difficulties in understanding and accepting the truth described here (i.e. the truth that in our physical world there is NO such a thing as a "coincidence") is the corruption of all today's key institutions, including today's religious institutions, today's official atheistic science, politics, banking, mass media, publishers, etc. As a result of this corruption, for most of our lives we are bombarded with false statements of priests, deceptive assurances of the official science, politicians, bankers, television, press, etc., which notoriously contradict what the Bible says and the truth of what independently from the Bible confirmed scientific methods and the findings of my Concept of Dipolar Gravity and my philosophy of totalizm. After all, both today's official statements of priests of almost all religions of the world, as well as official scientific theories and declarations of politicians, tell us a false picture of our physical world, in which either God is completely missing, or God exists - but supposedly nowadays He does NOT enforce His ability to manage with "iron-handed" over everything that happens in our physical world. However, the Bible and my Concept of Dipolar Gravity as well as the philosophy of totalizm reveal to us the opposite situation - namely that there is NOT only omnipotent and omniscient God, but also nothing in our physical world does occur without prior pre-programming of it by God into the Omniplan in an almost perfect, versatile and far-sighted manner. So let us bring back the truth to our understanding of the world that surrounds us and let us know how God's situation and behaviour really look like in the light of the findings of my Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
       According to my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, our entire physical world has the form of a precisely functioning software-hardware mechanism - on "Fig. #J5" shown in the place of "enforcer number 6". In this mechanism, the hardware component is the material structure intentionally created by God from the programmable counter-matter, whose correct operation is controlled by the software component being the programs prepared by God and residing in this counter-matter. This "enforcer number 6" resides in the four-dimensional world called the "counter-world" that exists separately from our three-dimensional "physical world". In my publications, the entire mechanism of this enforcer number 6 most often is called the "Omniplan". That "Omniplan", means also our entire physical world which it forms and acting of which it controls, consists of a huge number of separate, extremely thin layers, overlapping each other along the endlessly long dimension of "inward (G)" axis of the counter-world (i.e. along the fourth linear dimension of the counter-world). With its physical structure, Omniplan resembles a wrinkled stack of thin "pancakes" overlapping along the "inward (G)" axis of the counter-world. (More information about the fourth "inward (G)" linear dimension of the counter-world is provided in item #D3 from my Polish web page named god_proof_pl.htm.) In each of these layers (or pancakes) God pre-programmed "frozen" in immobility one of the almost infinite situations of our entire three-dimensional physical world - including all objects existing in our entire physical world at a given moment represented by each single layer or pancake. In turn each one of us, that is, each one of the people, institutions and living creations, i.e. each one out of the enforcers number 10 whom are the recipients of God's actions, with the frequency executed by the control mechanisms contained in his/her/its genes, leaps with his/her/its consciousness from one such layer (or pancake) into next. Measurements of one of the people (DM) cooperating with me, determined that the frequency of these leaps between layers of Omniplan is equal to one of the harmonics from 11 Hz - for details see item #D2 from the web page named immortality.htm. Each one of us (i.e. each of the enforcers number 10, means each recipient of governing decisions and actions of God), perceives this jumping just as the passage of our "human time" - i.e. the artificial time programmed for us by God, in which we humans (and all other living creatures) get older, and which in my publications is called "reversible software time". As a result of this jumping, whatever God has programmed as motionless and similar to the situation from a single film frame, these fast jumps of our consciousness from a layer to a layer, Omniplan makes moving, alive and having a course and features changing over time in a discrete manner - just like a picture in a cinema changing in fast leaps, becomes alive and moves as a result of fast jumps of individual frames of the film with frozen situations captured on them. The above explanation of the structure and operation of Omniplan is also the essence and summary of the findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity about the work of "human time" and about the construction and operation of our physical world - which findings, apart from items #J5 and #J6 of this web page, I also explained even more extensively on a whole range of other my web pages (reading of which I would highly recommend to those people interested in the content of items #J5 and #J6 here) - for example I explained in items #J2, #C3 to #C4.1, as well as #D1 and #D2 from my web page named immortality.htm, in item #D3 from my Polish web page named god_proof_pl.htm, and also, amongst others, in the introduction, item #G4, and partly in item #D4 from my web page named dipolar_gravity.htm. From these findings arises a very important for us conclusion, namely that everything that happens in our physical world has previously been carefully and far-sightedly pre-programmed by God into the time layers of his Omniplan - so nothing ever happens, for example, by a "coincidence", and everything contains inscribed into it multi-level goals and information that God intends to achieve and communicate to us.
       Because of my Concept of Dipolar Gravity, until now I have managed to collect and describe in my publications a huge body of evidence which confirms that in fact the Omniplan described above was created by God in the way that I described it and it works exactly as I described it. I presented this material relatively well in other my publications, while links to it can be found in the web page named skorowidz.htm. Also there are increasingly more free videos on YouTube on this subject - only that you need to know my Concept of Dipolar Gravity in order to be able to correctly understand and interpret these videos. In order to NOT extend this item unnecessarily, I will NOT repeat here the descriptions of this body of evidence. I will only mention here that they include empirical evidence: that our "human time" really elapses in jumps, that our time is reversible - because many people, beings, or objects are shifted back in time or accidentally "falling out" through temporary "portals" to times other than their own, that shifting back of "human time" often change around us the previously remembered reality, that there is a "deja vu", etc., etc.
       Due to the above described structure and operation of our entire physical world, all events occurring in it take place only because previously God has pre-programmed them into Omniplan - means to the "enforcer number 6" from "Fig. #J5abc". In other words, in spite of whatever scientists, priests, politicians, sceptics, lazy people, etc., falsely are telling us, in our physical world absolutely everything happens only with the participation and agreement of God. After all, people and all living creations and inanimate objects, in the physical world can implement only those actions that God has already pre-programmed into His Omniplan - and only when in their jumping through subsequent layers (pancakes) of the "human time" they reach the time-layer (pancake), in which the completion of these activities is designed and already pre-programmed (although due to the 365 thousand times slower passage of our "human time" than "God's time", God always has enough time to pre-program to Omniplan the majority of details of events that are less important, only after we make a mental and motivational decision to implement these events). The consequences of the human paths through Omniplan are also only such as God has pre-programmed. In turn the reason for which it seems to us that events happen mainly because of human (our) efforts, is because in order to NOT take away our "free will" in His pre-programming of actions and events into Omniplan, God abides by certain rules. For example, the rule that none event introduced into Omniplan can break the "free will" of people who implement this event, and thus that details of the course of a given event and the outcomes resulting from it, typically are pre-programmed into Omniplan only if the implementing person or institution actually wishes to carry it out from its own "free will" (i.e. with his/her/its own will and with own motivations already possessed) and is taking active efforts/steps to implement this event. In addition, the rule that a given action and event resulting from it, are prevented by God by NOT pre-programming them into Omniplan only if there is a person or institution deliberately and actively trying to prevent them, or if God has already pre-programmed into Omniplan a sequence of events or phenomena which clearly illustrate that this action and event are impossible to implement. As a result, in our world the "free will" of people does NOT depend on doing what people want to do (after all, they can do only what God has already pre-programmed into Omniplan), but it only boils down to the freedom of generating of what can be named the "products of the recipient's actions", and what on "Fig. #J5abc" I showed with circles numbered 2, 4 and 7 (that is, people can only generate "morality (2)" in the totaliztic understanding of it as "voluntary obedience with which we fulfil commandments and requirements of God described in the content of the Bible" - see the totaliztic definition of morality provided in item #B5 from the web page named morals.htm, as well as they can accumulate the "knowledge (4)" and manifest "physical achievements (7)" - which actually implements God, but in most normal events He does it according to our efforts and intentions). Notice here that each of these "products of the recipient's actions" has numerous components - for example, the components of "morality (2)" are our: memory, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, mental stands, intentions, statements, some character traits, etc., which in the "recipient (10)" are induced by every event that the recipient will be aware of. In other words, according to the findings of my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, absolutely all "events" that affect individual people are directly managed by the "fate" and "destiny" of these people previously written by God into the Omniplan's time layers, while the direct "free will" of people is limited only to the freedom of thoughts, feelings, attitudes, etc., which these affecting them events are to induce in them. Fortunately for people, with the help of link 1 with 10 (this red one) from "Fig. #J5abc", God carefully monitors and analyzes every thought and every feeling that in subsequent people induce the occurring events. After all, the fragment of God's program is written in the 12th level of memory of every corpuscle of counter-matter, from which the matter of our world was formed - for details see items #D3 and #A0 from my web page named god_proof.htm. Hence, God follows "from the inside" absolutely everything that happens in every molecule of the body and mind of each one of us. On the basis of this knowledge of human senses, sensations, feelings and thoughts, God appropriately reprograms Omniplan. So if with moral thoughts and feelings these people deserve appropriately beneficial consequences for them, God pre-programs in Omniplan future events so that these events reward previous thoughts and feelings of these people. In this way, although the human "free will" does NOT give to people a direct influence on events that will affect them in the future, the factual feedback of their "free will" (i.e. their thoughts, feelings, attitudes, prayers, etc.) combined with reprogramming introduced by God into Omniplan, causes that indirectly this human "free will", still influences what everybody encounters, only that this influence acts as a kind of "cause-and-effect" chain going from human thoughts, feelings, etc. - induced by given events, through analyzes and decisions of God leading to reprogramming of the Omniplan, and finally to the events that God pre-programmed into the future (or into the past) of these people after learning their thoughts, feelings, attitudes, intentions, etc.
       Explaining our path through the "human time" modelled in Omniplan, I have an obligation to further explain here that according to the Bible, each person God shifts back in time several times. However, in order to NOT provide ready-made solutions for lazy persons and idiots, and to NOT break anyone's "free will", the fact of this multiple shifting back in time of each one of us, just like every other important fact that determines our consciousness and our civilizational advancement, the Bible reveals to us only in the encoded way in verses 33:25-30 of the "Book of Job". Thus for understanding these verses, one must either first intellectually discover (as I done myself), or accept my discovery, that we all are repeatedly shifted back in time. A well-encrypted information contained in these verses I have more thoroughly and widely interpreted in item #B4.1 from my web page named immortality.htm. This is because the knowledge about the fact of us being repetitively shifted back in time by God, is extremely important to us for reasons of the to-date misunderstanding of the concepts of "future" and "past" by people. After all, what God decides as a result of the analysis of someone's mature or final life, can for that person be then pre-programmed into the Omniplan, for example into "human times" of his/her childhood or learning years - and then enforced after the shifting of this person back to those years. This multiple shifting people back in time by God, causes that the concepts of "future" and "past" only exist when measuring the passage of time in accordance with the so-called "irreversible absolute time of the universe" - which the absolute "time of God, atoms and minerals" always flows forward only. Our "human time", on the other hand, can either pass forward or be shifted back. So for us, "the future" - in understanding of this absolute time, can also be our "past". For example, into the Omniplan of people who are deaf to the voice of their conscience and hence about whom in their adult life God looses the hope for their proper upbringing, their deaths can be programmed into their childhood and implemented after shifting them to their childhood years - as I described it, for example, in item #D3 from the web page named god_exists.htm.
       Of course, the common in today's people believing in the supposed existence of "past" and "future" in relation to our "human time" (according to the above description requiring to be changed), is just one of the huge number of issues that need to be researched, redefined and understood after working out my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - which was the first and still the only scientific theory today available to people, which revealed to us, among others, the truth about the construction and operation of the entire physical world and time. An example of another similarly complex matter is identifying and describing the mechanism that God uses to always develop, test and implement for the use by people the most optimal (i.e. using the expression from the Bible - the most "very good") and at the same time also agreeable with God's plans, solution to every problem that arose in our physical world. (Which the most optimal and therefore "very good" solutions accomplished by God, people then with maniacal stubbornness spoof with their short-sighted "improvements", as they already spoiled, for example, originally very good: food, water and their bodies - which fact I explained in more detail, among others, in items #A1 to #A5 from my web page named cooking.htm, on the entire web page (in Polish) named woda.htm and in item #I3 from the web page named healing.htm.) About this "testing" mechanism and about its operation so far I have NOT found even a single mention in the Bible, nor a single hint in the reality that surrounds us. However, my life experience, scientific training, and empirical knowledge that I gained during wandering around the world "for bread" while needing to lecture at the professorial level all these different disciplines that my employers ordered me to lecture (e.g. lecturing mechanical engineering, machine tools, numerical control, propulsion systems, machining, metrology, computerization, classical mechanics, programming, computer languages, electronics, physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, logic, technical drawing, CAD, software engineering, and several dozen more), tell me unequivocally that such mechanism of working out, testing and implementing, God must possess and use. However, since I have no external hints as to how this mechanism could be created by God, or "how" and "where" it works, in the matter of its identification and description, I will also use the same method of solving mysteries of the surrounding reality, which I typically use "hobbystically" while doing almost all of my scientific discoveries. Namely, firstly I will consider how I would solve this problem myself, if I was in a situation where it needs to be solved, then I will integrate this solution into the structure of models illustrated in "Fig. #J5", and finally I will look for evidence that will allow me to confirm the correctness of my models and allow to correct or refine the details which yet are NOT compatible with the empirical evidence I come across. Using this method of solving the puzzles of nature, my knowledge and experience tell me already that the only way to create such an effective divine mechanism for developing, testing and implementing optimal solutions to problems of our physical world requires that the main component of this mechanism is a software model of the whole our physical world, means a "testing copy of Omniplan". This model on "Fig. #J5" is shown in the position "enforcer number 11" - the existence of which is carefully hidden from people, and the action of which develops, tests and supports the action of the most important for us "enforcer number 6" (that is, supports the operation of the actual Omniplan). At the same time, my Concept of Dipolar Gravity implies that the only place where this "testing copy of Omniplan" can physically be located, is the second direction of the "in-depthly (G)" axis of the fourth dimension of the counter-world - i.e. the direction opposite to the "upward" direction in which God programs the subsequent time layers (pancakes) of Omniplan and entire our physical world. After all, this "in-depthly (G)" axis of the counter-world stretches infinitely in both directions. Meanwhile, when during the biblical Great Deluge God transformed the bodies of people from life in the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" into life in the "reversible software time", these time layers in Omniplan are programmed and imposed only in the "upward" direction of our physical world. Hence the direction "downward" starting from the zero moment during time of the Great Deluge, is NOT used for direct management of the physical world in which we actually live. So God had the possibility of placing in this other direction "downward" of this "test" copy, or version, of the entire Omniplan for our physical world - containing copies of everything that exists in our physical world, including copies of all Omniplan's time layers (pancakes), and copies of each one of us. Only that all these copies from the "test version of Omniplan" do NOT live like us, but are only used for testing and for developing the most optimal solutions to world's problems. Of course, naming here the "test version of Omniplan" with the term "a copy" of entire our physical world (i.e. a copy of Omniplan), which for the explanation with the human language I am forced to use here to describe this "testing world", is a significant imperfection. After all, that additional copy of Omniplan with a copy of our entire physical world must have completely different software from our software. In addition, to the software of: physical laws, all objects and creatures, and the psychology, history and characteristics of each one of us, which will be almost identical like in our physical world, there must be added the software, which, for example, after each test run, with which God works out some of the most optimal (i.e. the most "very good") solution for a particular problem appearing in our physical world, the software of that "testing world" must be able to automatically restore itself to the state of our physical world. Also, in order to be able to quickly develop the best solutions to the problems of our world, that copy of Omniplan and the physical world must work thousands of times faster than an original of the actual Omniplan and our real physical world. From my old UFO research (i.e. from research of divine "angels of death" - for details see item #G1, 1 from item #B2, and 3 from item #A2 of my Polish web page named 2030.htm and see item #M1 from the web page named antichrist.htm) results that the entire process of finding and testing a "very good" solution for some problem of our physical world, typically lasted about two "human weeks" - while in our Omniplan, the work of our world until the "end of the world" that supposed to occur only in, or after, the year 2656, it still required then at least 650 "human years" to pass. It is worth to add here that this "testing copy of Omniplan (11)" God developed only after, or during, the biblical Great Deluge. Some premises suggest that before the biblical deluge its role was probably fulfilled by the neighbouring planet Mars. (Notice that in order to NOT increase the already large volume of descriptions from this item, if in the future I come across any evidence that in this description I am on the right track to identify and describe the truth about the "testing copy of Omniplan" used by God as a mechanism to develop, test and implement the optimal, i.e. very good and timeless, solutions to problems of the physical world, then I present this evidence in some other place of my publications, while below I only indicate a link that will tell readers where this evidence can be found.)
       Independently from the "enforcers" described above, the divine management system discussed here also contains "the reality that surrounds us (9)", which exerts various kinds of pressures on yet another enforcer, namely at the "recipient (10)", that is at each one of us.
       Another category of three essential God's tools that make up the systems described here are "management mechanisms" - shown in Fig. #J5 as numbered outlines of "hearts" for the "diagrams of growth", or "shields" for the "diagrams of decline". In His system of management from "Fig. #J5ab", God established three such mechanisms, namely "God's methods of administering justice (3)", "Goals, plans and intentions of God (5)", and "God's commandments and requirements (8)" - explained to us in more detail in the content of the Bible.
       Taken together and combined into a consistently functioning system, all the above-described components work in a manner that gradually increases knowledge of people and God, as well as causes the awareness and civilization growth of people and institutions that obey God's commandments and requirements described in the Bible. As such, "a priori" system shown in "Fig. #J5ab" can be called the "diagram of growth".
       In order to understand the work of this God's system for governing people and institutions illustrated with "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab", it is enough that from my descriptions of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and the philosophy of totalizm one learn about the work and mutual interaction of each component used in it. For example, if in the surrounding reality (9) occurs an event that introduces something new (i.e. a change) to the morality (2) of the recipient under consideration (10) - i.e. to the morality of a person or institution from operator number 10, then this change will be immediately noted by God through channels of constant tracking of thoughts, attitudes, feelings, etc., of this recipient (i.e. channels connecting 1 with 2 to 10 - shown in red), as a result causing God (1) and God's methods of administering justice (3) to work out and test in the copy of Omniplan (11) the most optimal changes in future events, and then to pre-program these changes into Omniplan (6), while Omniplan changes will cause the change of the surrounding reality (9), and thus also change in the fate and situation of the recipient (10) (i.e. in the fate and situation of the person or institution under consideration). Similarly, changes in the recipient's fate and situation will also cause changes in his/her knowledge (4) or/and his/her actions (7).
       Surprising and puzzling in my "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab" is that in spite that I developed this diagram due to my discoveries resulting from the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, means independently of similar diagrams discussed in literature, its structure and work show intriguing similarity to the so-called "trees of life" from the system called "Kabbalah". I was very surprised and provoked to search after discovering this intriguing similarity. So I started to look for reasons why it could become so. As a result of this search, I came to the conclusion that the reason is probably the origin of Kabbalah. According to literature, the Kabbalah was revealed to the ancient Israelites by Elijah - i.e. by the same previously twice tried and tested in action on Earth "soldier of God", about which I explained in "part #H" from my Polish web page named 2030.htm, that both the biblical verse 9:12 from the "Gospel of St. Mark", as well as the prophecies by the Hopi Indians, quite agreeably inform us that he will be sent back to Earth before the incoming cleansing of Earth in 2030s, to repair everything that so-far people have spoiled. (Interestingly enough, in the past, including times of Elijah, the tree of life from Kabbalah did NOT contain the "enforcer number 11" - until today not included in a proportion of trees of life displayed on the Internet. This, along with the lack of description of Kabbalah in the Bible, seems to suggest that the "testing copy of Omniplan" has been introduced to use by God relatively recently.) For the first few hundreds of years after the disclosure of Kabbalah by Elijah, the knowledge of it was transmitted only verbally, without the preparation of any written document that would consolidate its purpose and work. In the course of its oral repetitions, many elements of the Kabbalah probably were distorted and changed. Thus, even if Elijah was originally revealing to people (with the help of Kabbalah) the described here and shown in "Fig. #J5" God's important mechanism for managing events of our physical world and life, still these later distortions and changes in the understanding of it, introduced orally into it by downstream users, would turn it into what today's literature sources and mystics describe.
       Unfortunately, the false statements of today's official atheistic science explain the operation of the "world without God" postulated by this science (i.e. our physical world) completely differently (and erroneously) than the above-explained action of "the world with God" discovered and described only due to my Concept of Dipolar Gravity. After all, according to these erroneous (and thus impossible to prove as correct) claims of today's official atheistic science, all events occurring in the entire "scientific universe" are caused NOT by the action of God's Omniplan, but by the action of "coincidences" (i.e. accidental occurrences) which the official science typically explains with the invented by itself "scientifically sounding" phenomena of probability, random events, placebo effect, etc. (which phenomena, however, are only "effects" which science is unable to ignore, but for which after denying the existence of God the official atheistic science does NOT know the mechanisms of "causes" enabling the manifestations of these "effects"). The most widely known examples of such "accidental occurrences" (that in spite of being just "effects" do NOT have their "causes") which the official science is still using to "explain everything", is: accidental "big bang", accidental work of the laws of nature, accidental evolutions of living creatures, accidental evolutions of people or other human-like intelligent beings, e.g. UFOnauts (about the existence of which, however, the official atheistic science is still uncertain), etc. These "coincidences" in the claims of official atheistic science fulfil the role of the "enforcer (6)", which according to this science is the "driving force" for all events in the whole "universe". In such a ruled by coincidences "world without God", described with theories and statements of today's official atheistic science, supposedly nothing is accomplished with the hands of God. God, therefore, is NOT needed in it. Along with the lack of need for God, in this invented by science, unrealistic, and NOT having the driving nor implementing mechanisms of the "world without God", neither are needed laws nor standards of morality, nor observance of God's commandments and requirements, nor extending knowledge, nor care for the nature, nor, of course, are needed either love and caring for other fellow human beings, etc. In turn, in order to force into humans the faith in the correctness of such a scientific "world without God", in spite that manifestations of the surrounding reality indicate otherwise, the official atheistic science resorted to a "lie" performing for it the role "executor (11)"- which executor in the God's management mechanism is used to test the correctness of each solution. (Examples of the "lie" that have already been exposed by my Concept of Dipolar Gravity, may be: (1) that God is NOT existing, despite the fact that many not undermined formal scientific proofs for the existence of God have already been published - see #G2 and #G3 from the web page named god_proof.htm; (2) that the universe has finite dimensions and time of existence, and that it is just expanding, although the invariability of physical laws and attributes of matter testifies otherwise - see #D4 of the web page dipolar_gravity.htm; (3) that "perpetual motion" machines supposedly are NOT buildable, despite the fact that since 1150 the perfectly working in that function Bhaskara Wheel has been known on Earth - see items #J1 to #J3 from my Polish web page free_energy_pl.htm; (4) that supposedly telepathy does NOT exist and telepathic waves are gravitational waves, despite what I document in, among others, #E1.1 and #F1 from my web page named telepathy.htm; (5) that the atoms and inanimate matter are aging in accordance with the elapse of the same kind of time as age men and other living creatures, despite what I am explaining in this item, as well as in #C3 to #C4.1 from the web page immortality.htm; in addition, also a whole range of other lies of the official atheistic science, descriptions of which I linked from my Polish web page named skorowidz.htm.) After all, in contrast to God, the official atheistic science does NOT have any model or mechanism that would check in action its "improvements" of our physical world that harm humanity, as to how these "improvements" would work in the long-term passage of time - the absence of which model or mechanism is best illustrated for example by the unintentional introduction by the science for the wide implementation such unfortunate "improvements" as antibiotics, plastics, pesticides, chemicals, theory of relativity, and other harmful for people and nature products of science - the deplorable effects of which we can see today. In the absence of such a checking mechanism, in its role science uses lies - with which it hides its mistakes and harmfulness. (In a similar way, due to the lack of any checks, many other today's key institutions also use lies - that's why in my election campaigns in Poland I postulated assigning a special function to the President's office, so that all decisions and actions of the government were checked by this office whether they are consistent with the content the Bible or are copies of God's solutions for given kind of problems, and are NOT contradictory to God's methods of action - after all, the Bible and the copying of God's methods of acting and solving problems are still the most perfect models and requirements for the far-sightedly correct acting.) So in eyes of today's scientists, our physical world is like a "wilderness", where everyone eats everyone, where counts only wealth, fame and power, and where can survive only the strongest ones - who can bite their fellowmen in the most painful way and lie to them in the most convincing manner, while where the key governing institutions that rule over this world use the oriented toward decline tools illustrated in "Fig. #J5de". As such, the operation of this declining world that is invented and disseminated by the official atheistic science, while currently implemented by almost all other key institutions of the humanity, can NOT be depicted by the "diagram of growth" shown in "Fig. #J5ab", but it must be depicted by a different "diagram of decline" - shown in "Fig. #J5de" while briefly described and explained in captions under these drawings. The understanding of its operation is also easy, if one understands the operation of the previously discussed "diagram of growth", and if one learns from my descriptions of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and the philosophy of parasitism the operation of all its constituent components.
       It is a pity that today only very few uncorrupted ordinary people (but NOT already corrupt priests, scientists, politicians in power, etc.) are interested in the explanation described here as to "how" and with "help of what" God rules over our physical world. After all, knowledge on this subject allows us to get to know and understand what is the most important in our lives and in the world, hence at the fulfilment of what we should pay the biggest attention. In addition, this knowledge allows, for example, to compare the operation of the "diagrams of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab", with the "diagram of decline" from "Fig. #J5de". After all, nowadays, regardless of the official atheistic science, after only slight changes, this "diagram of decline" is also used by practically all other key institutions of humanity - e.g. by governments, state administrations, religions, financial systems, banks, health care, taxes, industry, international organizations, etc., causing them to fall, and thus pushing the humanity toward cleansing. Thus, a comparison of the "diagrams of decline" of these institutions, with the work of the "diagram of growth" shown in "Fig. #J5ab" would make aware of the reasons and mechanisms of their declining behaviour, and thus allow to stop further damage to the humanity by these key institutions, as well as gradually redirect them toward the trend of growth. This in turn would probably prevent the cleansing of humanity in 2030 - described in more detail on my Polish web page named 2030.htm and shown on our Polish video entitled Zagłada ludzkości 2030.
       A shocking conclusion can be drawn from the described in this item findings of my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity on the subject of used by God system for managing people and institutions. This is because the findings reveal that the reality in which we live works completely opposite to what seems be suggested to us by everyday experience and what believes and publicizes the entire institution of current official atheistic science based on the highly misleading "a posteriori" approach to research. Namely, this shocking conclusion states that absolutely no event from our physical world takes place just by "accident", by the action of the forces of nature, or because we humans (or other creatures) implement it, but everything that happens occurs, receives the course that is revealed to us, and generates the results that we get to know, only because God pre-programmed it into Omniplan in such a far-sighted, superhumanly intelligent, and exhaustively checked on the testing copy of Omniplan, that it always leads to the growth and progress of individual people, humanity as a whole, and the entire physical world. The only reasons for which we people get the impression that it is NOT God, but all these other causes that accomplish every event, is a set of supremely intelligent principles and methods that God carefully keeps in carrying out each event, so that due to their observing a breaking anyone's "free will" is avoided.

Fig. #J5a-g: Shown below are diagrams illustrating the basic similarities and differences in the structure and operation of the system of mechanisms that govern over the course and effects of life of individual people or institutions in two examples of fundamental philosophical approaches to research, namely: (1) in "a priori" approach used by my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and by the resulting from this theory new "totaliztic science", and also (2) in "a posteriori" approach used by the old, monopolistic, official atheistic science.
       Each one out of the both examples of systems shown below works on the same principle of using three different types of numbered elements or tools, namely: (a) "enforcers" shown below as rectangles, (b) "management mechanisms" - shown below as "hearts" or "shields", and (c) "products of recipient's activities" - means products of life of the managed by this system people and institutions, shown below as circles. Individual of these components are connected with each other by "transmission channels" in the form of straight line sections, while in the diagrams of growth the "enforcer number 1" is additionally connected directly to every other element by means of a red, elliptical "supervision and communication channel".
       At this point, I feel obliged to mention that when I identified, studied and described both illustrated below systems, I was intrigued by their resemblance to the so-called tree of life drawn and described by Kabbalah practitioners. After all, the "tree of life" has all elements of my "diagram of growth", only that slightly differently configured, named, and connected with each other - for example, it even has these red "channels of supervision and communication", which on the last Figure ("Rys. 8 – Drzewo Życia") from the Polish web page are shown with blue vectors (with arrows). In turn about the "Kabbalah" is known that among the ancient Israelites it was popularized by the same "God's soldier" who in the Bible is called Elijah, while about whom in "part #H" of my web page named 2030.htm is explained that both, the biblical verse 9:12 from the "Saint Mark's Gospel", as well as the prophecies of the Hopi Indians, quite agreeably inform us that he will be sent back to Earth before the incoming great cleansing to repair everything that people have spoiled. Unfortunately, the Elijah's knowledge on Kabbalah for the first few hundred of years was disseminated only verbally. On the other hand, according to my research e.g. of those religions that originally had NO written form, but were repeated from mouth to mouth in a verbal manner (e.g. the pre-Christian religion of NZ Maoris, or original religions of Greece and Rome), such verbal repetition of knowledge typically significantly distorts many important details and replace them with ideas of those who repeats them. So my personal hypothesis on the subject of similarity of my diagrams explained here and the Kabbalah, is that in fact Elijah's Kabbalah originally tried to reveal to people (for later copying in order to optimally solve future human problems) a rational description of the-same proven as very reliable God's system of managing of fates of people and institutions that currently I try to show and describe in above item #J5. Only that later distortions and human ideas that were introduced to Kabbalah transformed it into a tool of magic and mysticism that Kabbalah is now considered to be.
       I would like to thank here Mr Dominik Myrcik for generating with his computer the diagrams shown below. My manual drawing of them is NOT suitable for online showing - which fact I try to illustrate and emphasize in drawn by myself "Fig. #J5f" below.
       (Click on any of the diagrams shown below to see it enlarged.)

Fig. #J5a
Fig. #J5a: A generic diagram of growth. It illustrates the general design and operation of the God-created system of inducing growth through management of life of individual people and institutions. This system was discovered, identified and described by my Concept of Dipolar Gravity. This diagram for some intriguing reasons, is surprisingly similar to the "tree of life" from "Kabbalah" revealed to people by biblical Elijah.

Fig. #J5b
Fig. #J5b: An example of a descriptive version of the "diagram of growth", which due to my "a priori" approach to research, was discovered, identified and described by the findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity as a system that God uses to manage the lives of individual people and institutions. This descriptive diagram of growth was created by supplementing with the blue descriptive names the numbered operators (i.e. circles, rectangles and hearts) from the diagram of the same system of growth illustrated in a general manner on "Fig. #J5a". Descriptive names assigned to individual operators result from the action of the divine tools which I described in item #J5 above, and these named state the following: 1 = God (sender), 11 = Testing copy of Omniplan, 2 = Morality of the recipient, 3 = God's methods of administering justice, 4 = Knowledge of recipient, 5 = Goals, plans and intentions of God, 6 = Omniplan, 7 = Recipient's actions, 8 = God's commandments and requirements, 9 = The surrounding reality, 10 = Person or institution managed toward growth (recipient).
       It is worth knowing that the above "diagram of growth", is recommended by God for the wide implementation in lives of people - after its "executors" and operators are replaced by such organizations, institutions, mechanisms of work, etc., that would be the most suitable for a given human application. This is why this diagram of growth was intentionally made available to people through the divine envoy to Earth, i.e. through the tested in action "soldier of God" in the Bible called "Elijah", while by the Hopi Indians - "Pahana" meaning the "White Brother." (More information about Elijah and Pahana I have included in "part #H" from the web page named 2030_uk.htm.) So if a nation (for example citizens of Poland) decided to make a revolutionary move of adopting this "diagram of growth" for the reformed structure of work of its government, then the correct implementation of this diagram in management of the country would reverse the long-term trend of deterioration of the life standards of its inhabitants, and gradual slipping down of the entire country into increasing corruption, exploitation, injustice, chaos, lies, snobbery, social dissatisfaction, etc. Moreover, it could save the whole country and almost all of its inhabitants from the fast approaching destruction of the 2030s - that the most briefly is described in item #E4 and on "Fig. #E4" from the page named prophecies.htm, while graphically is illustrated in a free YouTube film (in Polish) entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (which title can be translated to English as "The Great Purification of 2030s"). Unfortunately, the transforming any current system of governance into such a God-recommended system represented by the above "diagram of growth" would require far-reaching political changes bordering almost on a "bloodless revolution" and the restoration of actual democracy, justice, equality of citizens, morality, respect for nature and for fellow humans, etc. etc. For example, it would require the creation of a "verification office", described in more detail, among others, in the introduction (blog #276) and in items #A2, #A3 (whole), #A4, #F1, and #J3 from the Polish web page named pajak_dla_prezydentury_2020.htm. This office would be the "enforcer" number (11) from the above diagram of growth - while the rest of the government and other governmental offices of the country would then be the "enforcer" number (1). In this way, the "verification office" would in practice act as a human equivalent of the group organ of "conscience" for the entire country, while its correct operation would make it impossible for immoral individuals (who in every times, e.g. through a means of cunning, bribery, cronyism, etc., always find a way to "slip" themselves into the government) to carry out their destructive pushing of the whole country down from the road of fulfilling God's commandments and requirements and gathering only desirable karma - as this is explained more comprehensively in item #E4 from my web page named prophecies.htm, and complemented with further details in other descriptions referred to in that item #E4.

Fig. #J5c
Fig. #J5c: The descriptive version of "tree of life" for growth. It is drawn to the same configuration of its constituent elements as those typically used by today's Kabbalah practitioners when they draw their trees of life. This tree of life, however, has been deliberately described so as to illustrate the system of God's management of the life of individual people and institutions explained here. This "tree of life" aimed at growth is shown here to illustrate that the descriptive version of the "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5b" displays the existence of exactly the same elements having exactly the same connections (interactions) as have "trees of life" from the Kabbalah (revealed to the humanity by biblical Elijah) - which fact supports my hypothesis that Kabbalah originally represented a report on the system of tools used by God for managing humanity. Note here, however, that the described configuration of above "tree of life" drawn by Kabbalah practitioners, has several imperfections compared to my "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab". For example, improperly located operators with numbers (11), (6) and (9) make it impossible to divide this tree with the boundaries marked (G) and (Z) on "Fig. #J5ab" into three segments with differing attributes, i.e. into: (upper - positioned above the border G) with enforcers previously unknowable for people, (middle - between borders G and Z) intellectually knowable, because remotely managing people, and (lower - below Z) physically knowable for people (including the knowable, although incorrectly, even for today's official atheistic science). Moreover, the use of "transmission channels" which in the Kabbalah are connecting (6) with (7) and (8), incorrectly represents the presence of God's programs in the highest, 12th level of memory of every corpuscle of counter-matter that forms all physical matter, and thus in the God-administered system of these functions. "transmission channels" are provided by red "supervision and communication channels", more correctly shown on my "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab" above.

Fig. #J5d
Fig. #J5d: A generic version of "diagram of decline" for "a posteriori" approach to management. It illustrates how the lives of individual people and institutions are erroneously, irresponsibly and deceptively governed by any person or institution on earth practicing the philosophy of parasitism (e.g. by today's: official atheistic science, government, religion, factory, family, etc.). It differs from the "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab", because all the tools of growth have been replaced in it by their declining reversals, the symbol of love and religious caring for the neighbour (i.e. the heart) has been replaced in it by the symbol of protecting themselves and defence (i.e. by the shield), and moreover it does NOT have "channels of supervision and communication" because today's human rulers typically avoid consultations, checks, and feedbacks of the people they rule - which channels on the diagrams from part "a" and "b" above are illustrated by red curved connections between (1) and the other components of these diagrams.

Fig. #J5e
Fig. #J5e: A descriptive version of diagram of decline, developed for the example of management system utilised by today's institution of official atheistic science, practicing the philosophy of parasitism and "a posteriori" approach to research. It was created by supplementing numbered operators (i.e. circles, rectangles and disks) from "Fig. #J5d" with blue descriptive names of represented by them enforcers, management mechanisms and products of recipients actions - which I described above in item #J5 for a non-existent "world without God" deceitfully instigated by official atheistic science - i.e. by supplementing: 1 = Official atheistic science (sender), 11 = Lie, 2 = Power, 3 = Corruption and intimidation, 4 = Fame, 5 = Favouritism, 6 = Coincidence, 7 = Wealth, 8 = Monopoly, 9 = Public opinion, 10 = Person or institution managed toward decline (recipient).

Fig. #J5f
Fig. #J5f: A generic version of "tree of life" bringing decline - which typically is used by human management systems. It was drawn for the same configuration of its constituent elements that typically is used by today's Kabbalah practitioners when they draw their trees of life. (The same tree bringing decline, already described by Dominik Myrcik with computer graphic tools, shows "Fig. #J5g" below.) The goal of this illustration is to show that although for the increase of informativity, I designed my diagrams differently than people who cultivate Kabbalah configure their trees of life, still the operators in my diagrams have the same connections and goals as operators in the trees of life from Kabbalah (except for connections from "coincidence (6)" to "wealth (7)" and "monopoly (8)" - which in the diagrams of decline caused by today's official atheistic science, do NOT influence the pursuit of wealth and monopoly by the majority of people and institutions). In addition, showing here the illustration that I personally drew by hand, I also show how much more pleasant it is to see illustrations generated by tools of computer graphics - which masterly uses Dominik Myrcik (and for the purchase and mastering of which I do NOT intend to commit myself financially or timewise), than to see illustrations which I am able to prepare with only the old hand-drawing technique.

Fig. #J5g
Fig. #J5g: The descriptive version of "tree of life" bringing decline. It depicts the management system which caused the fall of today's official atheistic science adhering to its unfortunate traditions, practices, actions and mistakes. The professional-look of this illustration was accomplished due to being computer-generated by Dominik Myrcik.

#J6. The characteristics, advantages and capabilities of our physical world, the work of which is based on the mechanism of Omniplan and on the "diagram of growth", as well as the most important attributes of our life in such a physical world:

Motto: "If you are reliving your life after being shifted back in time - as the Bible describes it, then the majority of people to whom you talk and live with have died already if considered in the 'irreversible absolute time of the universe', and have been dead for many thousands of years, while neither you, nor they, realize this."

(Notice, that the remaining part of text from this item #J6 still awaits to be translated from Polish into English. Therefore, to read this item, please repeat your visit after giving me some time do finish the translation.)

       Jest oczywistym, że Bóg NIE tylko stworzył i posiada mechanizmy zarządzania naszym światem fizycznym, jakie w poprzednim punkcie #J5 tej strony opisałem, wyjaśniłem i zobrazowałem boskim "schematem wzrostu", ale także nieustająco używa owe mechanizmy. To zaś oznacza, że wybrane osoby, jakie swą moralnością, dyscypliną i zachowaniem rokują nadzieję, iż uda się ich wychować na "żołnierzy Boga" o wymaganych cechach, Bóg powtarzalnie cofa do tyłu w ich "nawracalnym czasie softwarowym" (tj. w ich "ludzkim czasie") w celu udoskonalenia tych fragmentów ich osobowości, oraz wyników tych ich działań, które w uprzednich ich przejściach przez czas nadal NIE osiągnęły wymaganego poziomu doskonałości, a także w celu naprawienia ewentualnych pomyłek w ich wychowaniu i w następstwach ich życia. W rezultacie, opisana w punkcie #J5 budowa i działanie naszego świata fizycznego pozwala Bogu na nieustające podnoszenie jakości zarówno wychowywanych przez Boga ludzi i ludzkości, jak i na podnoszenie doskonałości działania całego naszego świata fizycznego. Wszakże z jednej strony, poprzez wielokrotne cofanie "ludzkiego czasu" osób podatnych na boskie zabiegi wychowawcze, poczym stopniowe poddawanie tych osób coraz bardziej trafnym zabiegom wychowawczym, użyciem takiej metody "iteracji" Bóg coraz lepiej wychowuje sobie owych ludzi na potrzebnych mu "żołnierzy Boga". Z drugiej zaś strony, stosując w podobny sposób powtarzalne cofanie do tyłu czasu kluczowych ludzi i naprawiając zaszłe w przeszłości ich niewłaściwe działania, także tym samym procesem "iteracji" Bóg stopniowo udoskonala całą ludzkość.
       Z powodu nieustającego używania przez Boga opisywanego w powyższym paragrafie "iteracyjnego" udoskonalania ludzkości i całego świata fizycznego, wyniszczające ludzkość zdarzenia, które faktycznie zaistniały w poprzednich przejściach ludzkości przez jej nawracalny "czas ludzki", w rodzaju trzeciej wojny światowej, czy własnie nadchodzacej zagłady lat 2030-tyh, są przez Boga stopniowo eliminowane z Omniplanu poprzez wprowadzanie takich zmian do przeszłości, jakie stopniowo powodują niezaistnienie tychże zdarzeń w sytuacjach i w ludzkich zachowaniach, które uprzednio je wywoływały. (Jako przykład takiego wyeliminowania z Omniplanu zajścia trzeciej wojny światowej, rozważ opisany w podrozdziale C5 traktatu [4b], czy w punkcie #J5 strony o nazwie bitwa_o_milicz.htm, przypadek prawdopodobnego wyrycia roku 1962 na kamieniu koło Mokrego Stawu z Babiej Góry, jako roku rozpoczęcia się trzeciej wojny światowej w jednym z uprzednich przebiegów "ludzkiego czasu" - które to rozpoczęcie owej wojny zostało jednak potem wyeliminowane przeprogramowaniem w Omniplanie kluczowych zdarzeń zainicjowanych przez usiłujących wywołać tę wojne ludzi.) Z kolei stopniowe eliminowanie z naszej przeszłości takich niefortunnych zdarzeń powoduje, że zarówno przeszłość, jak i przyszłość każdego z ludzi, oraz całej ludzkości, nieustannie się zmienia. W rezultacie np. przepowiednie wywodzące się od ludzi niemal nigdy się NIE spełniają, ponieważ w swoich przeprogramowaniach Omniplanu Bóg stara się utrzymać ważność jedynie kluczowych przepowiedni jakie zapisane są w Biblii. Dla mnie osobiście interesujące jest obserwowanie jak zaledwie od czasu opublikowania strony 2030.htm (opisującej zagładę ludzkości w latach 2030-tych) szybko zmieniają się sytuacje, które uprzednio stanowiły powody działania mechanizmów wywołujących ową zagładę. Stąd bardzo ciekawe jest dla mnie, czy poprzez cofanie w czasie i poddawanie coraz bardziej edukującym doświadczeniom lub eliminacjom ludzi na kluczowych stanowiskach, którzy postwarzali przyczyny pojawienia się owej zagłady lat 2030-tych, Bóg zdoła zagładzie tej zapobiec jeszcze w naszym obecnym przechodzeniu przez "czas ludzki", czy też (niestety) ci z ludzi, którzy zostali cofnięci w czasie do obecnej chwili, zagładę ową będą jednak musieli ponownie doświadczyć?
       Ja jestem świadomy, że to co już wyjaśniam w niniejszym punkcie aż do tego miejsca, może być szokiem dla czytającego. Dlatego spróbujmy klarownie tu podsumować, jak naprawdę działa nasz świat fizyczny zarządzany Omniplanem i innymi mechanizmami opisanymi w uprzednim punkcie #J5. Podsumowanie to dokonam tu w punktach, w każdym z których wyjaśnię jakąś cechę naszego świata tak rządzonego, poczym wyjaśnię następstwa owej cechy.
       (1) Wszystko w naszym świecie fizycznym jest statyczne (tj. unieruchomione w poszczególnych warstewkach-naleśniczkach Omniplanu i faktycznie martwe). Wrażenie zaś ruchu i życia my uzyskujemy ponieważ wbudowany w nasze geny mechanizm zarządzania przechodzeniem przez nawracalny "czas ludzki" szybko przerzuca naszą świadomość z jednej takiej warstewki-naleśniczka Omniplanu do następnej, w sposób podobny jak filmowy projektor w kinach przerzuca klatki przeglądanego filmu. W każdej następnej z tych warstewek-naleśniczków Omniplanu jest pokazana kolejna z sytuacji naszej drogi przez życie.
       (2) Żyjemy w świecie fizycznym, w którym całość jego istnienia zawarta w Omniplanie już się wypełniła co najmniej jeden raz. Znaczy, wszyscy ludzie i stworzenia oraz wszelkie zdarzenia z całego naszego świata fizycznego co najmniej jeden już raz przeszli swoim życiem przez cały dany im "czas ludzki", poczym poumierali. Ponieważ jednak na ich życie składały się przeliczne statyczne sytuacje zamrożone w poszczególnych warstewkach-naleśniczkach Omniplanu, ludzie ci, stworzenia, oraz obiekty, nadal istnieją oraz jakby ożywają, kiedy ktokolwiek zostanie cofnięty w czasie do tyłu i ponownie przeżywa czas jaki przeżywał wraz z nimi.
       (3) Zgodnie z Biblią (patrz wersety 33:25-30 z "Księgi Hioba"), każdy z ludzi jest cofany w czasie aż kilkukrotnie, aż Bóg uzna iż wyczerpał możliwości wychowania go na maksymalnie Bogu przydatną osobę. Owe cofanie w czasie każdej osoby wyjaśniłem już w całym szeregu swych opracowań (wszakże Biblia pisze o nim w sposób dobrze zaszyfrowany), proponuję więc sobie je przypomnieć np, z punktu #J5 powyżej, a jeszcze lepiej z punktu #B4.1 mojej strony o nazwie immortality.htm.
       (4) Kiedy Bóg cofa nas w nawracalnym "ludzkim czasie" do tyłu, większość ludzi z którymi przychodzi nam obcować, współpracować i współżyć w naszej ponownej drodze przez "ludzki czas", w zrozumieniu upływu "nienawracalnego czasu absolutnego wszechświata" faktycznie będzie już martwa i to przez bardzo długi czas. Jeśli więc wiemy to co na temat działania "ludzkiego czasu" piszę w swoich opracowaniach, wówczas łatwo odkryjemy, że ludzie ci nadal istnieją (zostają ożywieni) tylko ponieważ to my przechodzimy przez ten sam czas w jakim oni kiedyś żyli, jednak ich poglądy, myślenie, świadomość i działania są jakby zamrożone w przeszłości i NIE ulegają już zmianom ani wzbogacaniu wraz z upływem czasu, tak jak nasze poglądy i świadomość zmieniają się w miarę jak kontynuujemy swą drogę przez czas.
       (5) W trakcie ponownego życia już po zostaniu cofniętym w czasie, wszystko zaczyna dziać się i działać w szokujący nas sposób. Wszakże w opisywanym tu rozwiązaniu budowy i działania naszego świata fizycznego świat ten ponownie staje się ruchomy i żywy, nawet jeśli ktoś zostaje cofnięty do tyłu w swym "ludzkim czasie" z czasów jakie dla Boga leżą już daleko w przyszłości w zrozumieniu upływu absolutnego "czasu Boga" według upływu którego ten ktoś wyląduje w swej przeszłości, a stąd kiedy wszyscy owi ponownie żywi i poruszający się inni ludzie żyjący dawniej w owym cofniętym u niego czasie faktycznie już dawno poumierali. Takie więc ponowne przeskakiwanie tej cofniętej w czasie indywidualnej osoby z jednej warstewki (naleśniczka) Omniplanu do następnej tylko sprawia wrażenie w jej umyśle, że owe zamrożone w czasie sytuacje z jej przeszłości ponownie ożyły i są ruchome. Faktycznie zaś owe sytuacje są statyczne i nieruchome, a jedynie wędrówka przez warstewki Omniplanu powoduje pozorne ich uruchamianie i ożywanie.
* * *
       Warto tu odnotować, że opisane powyżej cechy charakterystyczne, zalety i możliwości naszego świata fizycznego o działaniu opartym na mechaniźmie Omniplanu i na schemacie wzrostu, wyjaśniają aż cały szereg zjawisk od dawna dobrze znanych ludziom, które to zjawiska stanowią jednocześnie materiał dowodowy potwierdzający, że nasz świat fizyczny faktycznie działa tak jak to powyżej opisałem. Wymieńmy więc w punktach najszerzej znane przykłady owych zjawisk.
       (A) Deja vu. Praktycznie niemal każdy z ludzi na jakimś tam etapie życia doświadczył zjawiska najczęściej zwanego "deja vu" (od francuskiego "już widziane"). NIE powinno ono nas dziwić, skoro w naszym życiu aż kilkakrotnie jesteśmy cofani do tego samego przebiegu naszego czasu. Wszakże nawet jeśli nasza świadoma pamięć tego co przeżyliśmy już uprzednio została wymazana, ciągle niektóre istotniejsze szczegóły przypomina nam nasza podświadoma pamięć.
       (B) Reinkarnacja. Wytłumaczmy komuś to co tu opisane na temat powtarzalnego przeżywania swego życia aby udoskonalać jakość swego charakteru, a po kilku pokoleniach ustnego przekazywania tego z generacji na generację, stopniowo poprzekręcanego złą pamięcią tych co to przekazują, otrzymamy opisy tego co dzisiaj jest nam wmawiane pod pojęciem "reinkarnacja".
       (C) Konsystencja wyników sprawdzeń stanu moralnego osób jakie umarły w młodym wieku, jakie to sprawdzenia ujawniają, iż osoby te NIE są posłuszne głosowi swego sumienia. To zaś oznacza, że NIE było już nadziei na ich wychowanie na moralnych, zdyscyplinowanych "żołnierzy Boga", a stąd jedyna ich użyteczność dla innych ludzi polegała na poddaniu ich edukującej innych śmierci - po więcej szczegółów patrz opisy z punktu #D3 mojej strony god_istnieje.htm.
       (D) Podróże w czasie. W literaturze, zaś obecnie nawet w, zgromadzony został już ogromny materiał dowodowy, jaki potwierdza istnienie podróży w czasie i osób podróżujących w czasie (po angielsku zwanych "time travelers"). Sporą ilość przykładów i odmiennych kategorii tego materiału dowodowego udokumentowałem w punkcie #J2 swej strony internetowej o nazwie immortality_pl.htm.
       (E) Fizykalne zjawiska potwierdzające iż żyjemy w dyskretnie (skokowo) upływającym "czasie ludzkim" sztucznie dla nas zaprogramowanym przez Boga (jaki to "czas ludzki" upływa około 365 tysięcy razy wolniej od "czasu Boga, izotopów i nieożywionej materii" w jakim oficjalna nauka ateistyczna datuje wiek wszechświata, Ziemi, warstw geologicznych, węgla, skamienielin, itp.). Najpowszechniej znanym z tych zjawisk, jest pozorne zawracanie kierunku obracania się rozpędzanych wirujących obiektów, jakiego pojawianie się w świetle dziennym oficjalna nauka ateistyczna NIE jest w stanie zadowalająco wytłumaczyć, jednak jakie doskonale tłumaczy przeskakiwanie naszej świadomości z jednej warstweki-naleśniczka Omniplanu do następnej. Po opisy tego zjawiska i jego następstw patrz punkty #D1 i #D2 z mojej strony immortality_pl.htm.
       (F) Stwierdzenie UFOnauty, że "czas faktycznie nie płynie a to my poruszamy się przez niego" - patrz paragraf numer N-126 z raportu "Miss Nosbocaj" z jej uprowadzenia do UFO, opublikowanego w podrozdziale UB1 z tomu 16 mojej monografii [1/5]. Stwierdzenie to potwierdza kluczową cechę mechanizmu działania "ludzkiego czasu" jaki opisałem w punkcie #J5, a jaki stwierdza, że faktycznie to czas wcale NIE płynie wokoło nas podczas gdy my stalibyśmy w jednym miejscu (tak jak implikuje to zrozumienie czasu przez dzisiejszą oficjalną naukę ateistyczną), a w rzeczywistości to czas stoi w miejscu i jest jak krajobraz przez który to my podróżujemy swoim życiem. Odnotuj, że paragraf numer N-130 tego samego raportu implikuje także, że swoje życie przeżywamy więcej niż jeden raz, tak że raz zaszłe spotkanie z kimś, może być potem powtarzane w naszych ponownych przejściach przez te same punkty czasowe.
* * *
       Czytelnikom, których zainteresowały wyjaśnienia z punktów niniejszego i #J5, o działaniu i cechach nawracalnego "czasu ludzkiego", a także o istnieniu dwóch odmiennych czasów (tj. "czasu ludzkiego" oraz "czasu Boga, atomów i izotopów"), rekomendowałbym poznanie dalszych szczegółów wyjaśnień na temat działania czasu wynikających z mojego Konceptu Dipolarnej Grawitacji. Oprócz punktów #J5 i #J6 z tej strony, owe szczegóły są wyjaśnione, między innymi, w punkcie #D3 strony god_proof_pl.htm, oraz punkcie #J2 mojej strony immortality_pl.htm. Z kolei ogólne opisy obu czasów działających równocześnie na Ziemi i we wszechświecie podane są skrótowo we wstępie i punkcie #G4 strony dipolar_gravity_pl.htm, zaś wyjaśnione szczegółowo w punktach #C3 do #C4.1 z mojej innej strony o nazwie immortality_pl.htm.

#J7. What realises to us the computer generation of the most so far labor-intensive illustration of the principle of scorching in grass of the outline of "heart" during landings of starships with the propulsion system used by the Magnocrafts of my invention:

Motto: "While being the inventor of the Magnocraft, the describing in details complicated principles of operation of this starship, so that my descriptions could facilitate the completion works by its future builders, comes to me much harder and more laboriously than would be my personal building it - pity that today's residents of Earth have despised the opportunity to quickly complete with my help these 'doors of humanity to stars'."

(Notice, that the remaining part of text from this item #J7 still awaits to be translated from Polish into English. Therefore, to read this item, please repeat your visit after giving me some time do finish the translation.)

       W poprzednich punktach #J3 i #J4 tej strony wyjaśniłem i zilustrowałem, że lądowania wehikułów UFO używających magnetycznego napędu jaki na Ziemi ja wynalazłem i opisałem dla gwiazdolotu zwanego Magnokraftem, umożliwia fizykalne formowanie w trawie wypalonych zarysów "serca" - oczywiście jeśli dysponenci owych gwiazdolotów zechcą komuś przekazać wiadomość symbolizowaną owym sercem. W niniejszym więc punkcie, z pomocą ilustracji jakie dzięki emailowej współpracy na odległość z moim przyjacielem Dominikiem Myrcik pracowicie staramy się wygenerować komputerowymi narzędziami, spróbuję objaśnić jak takie zarysy "serca" fizykalnie są wypalane w trawie przez wirujące obwody magnetyczne gwiazdolotu typu K3 zawisającego w pozycji wiszącej tuż nad ziemią. Ponadto zwrócę tu także uwagę czytelnika na najważniejsze następstwa faktu, że wyjaśnienie w zrozumiały sposób bardzo złożonych zasad działania Magnokraftu jest ogromnie trudne - stąd z powodu pogarszania się poziomu wiedzy w obecnych społeczeństwach coraz mniej dzisiejszych ludzi posiada wystarczającą wiedzę, wyobraźnię, oraz dojrzałość intelektualną do zrozumienia działania tego gwiazdolotu.

Rys. #J7abc: Rysunki jakie dzięki współpracy z Dominikiem Myrcik zdołaliśmy wygenerować komputerowo aby oglądającemu postarać się wyjaśnić zasadę formowania "serco-kształtnego" wypalenia w trawie przez wirujące obwody magnetyczne gwiazdolotu o napędzie opisywanym moją Teorią Dyskoidalnego Magnokraftu. Przygotowanie około 20 coraz doskonalszych komputerowo generowanych rysunków starających się klarownie wyjaśnić ową zasadę, tylko najinformatywniejsze z których to rysunków pokazane są poniżej, okazało się być projektem w jaki ja i Dominik Myrcik włożyliśmy dotychczas najwięcej pracy, uzgodnień, prób, eksperymentowania, czasu, itp., zaś jaki podjęliśmy wspólnie aby klarownie zilustrować zaledwie pojedynczy i małoznaczący aspekt działania Magnokraftu. (Zrealizowanie projektu zilustrowania tej zaledwie jednej z wielu milionów możliwych sytuacji pojawiających się w lądowaniach Magnokraftu, już zajęło nam obu ponad dwa miesiące czasu! Szczerze mówiąc, to ilustrowanie to ujawnia, że mając ku temu warunki łatwiej przyszłoby nam zbudowanie działającego Magnokraftu, niż klarowne i przekonywujące wyjaśnienie laikom, jak ten gwiazdolot działa!) Tak ogromna pracochłonność tego zdawałoby się relatywnie prostego projektu wyjaśnia więc także aż cały szereg innych "zagadek" jakie dotychczas wiązały się z Magnokraftem. Przykładowo, wyjaśnia (1) dlaczego tak mało ludzi, w tym także tak mało naukowców, jest w stanie ze zrozumieniem przeczytać moje opracowania opisujące kompleksowe zasady działania Magnokraftu. Wyjaśnia (2) dlaczego osoby o pasożytniczej filozofii życiowej po odkryciu iż ich intelekty NIE dorosły jeszcze do zrozumienia działania Magnokraftu ani innych moich wynalazków, zamiast uzupełnić swoją wiedzę i poszerzyć swe horyzonty myślowe, raczej wolą szydzić, opluwać i wyżywać się na Magnokrafcie, na innych moich wynalazkach, oraz na mojej osobie. Wyjaśnia też (3) dlaczego NIE tylko NASA (która była jedną z pierwszych instytucji jakim zaproponowałem, iż zbuduję im Magnokrafty), ale wręcz każda dzisiejsza instytucja naukowa w obecnie szybko zdążającym do upadku świecie boi się podjęcia projektu badań i rozwoju Magnokraftu - wszakże tylko zrozumienie działania tego gwiazdolotu przekracza możliwości intelektualne większości zatrudnianych przez te instytucje naukowców. Wyjaśnia (4) dlaczego musi minąć aż ponad 200 lat od daty zbudowania silnika magnetycznego, zanim ludzie dorosną intelektualnie do podjęcia budowy pierwszego pędnika magnetycznego (po szczegóły patrz dane z "Tablicy Cykliczności" pokazanej jako "Tab. #J4" na mojej stronie o nazwie propulsion_pl.htm). Wyjaśnia też (5) dlaczego, gdyby to mi (tj. wynalazcy tego gwiazdolotu) stworzone zostały warunki do podjęcia budowy Magnokraftu i gdybym otrzymał też wymaganą do tego pomoc wykonawczą, wówczas zapewne zbudowałbym ów gwiazdolot w przeciągu zaledwie około 10 lat (tak jak wyjaśniam to w punktach #J1 i #J3 ze swej strony o nazwie magnocraft_pl.htm), podczas gdy po moim "odejściu" to samo zbudowanie zapewne zajmie tysiącom badaczy i budowniczych co najmniej kilkanaście lat. Dowodzi też (6) ogromnej dedykacji i cierpliwości Dominika Myrcik, że pomimo tak dużej pracochłonności oraz tak znacznej trudności wykonania tych obiektywnie małoznaczącej ilustracji, ciągle wytrwale i z oddaniem stara się współpracować abyśmy mogli dokończyć ów projekt (ilu zaś dzisiejszych ludzi altruistycznie poświęcałoby swój czas i wysiłek dla dobra i dla duchowego wzrostu nieznanych im osób jakie będą żyły dopiero w przyszłości - wielu z których to osób zapewne potem odpłaci się za to obelgami). Ponadto (7) uświadamia też laikom, że pomimo iż dotychczas tego NIE ujawnialiśmy, w każdy z projektów jaki wykonujemy wspólnie z Dominikiem Myrcik, oboje wkładamy ogromną ilość pracy, wysiłku, prywatnego czasu, motywacji, itp. - poświęcenie których dla dobra i postępu ludzkości, jak wierzę, bardzo nieliczni z dzisiaj żyjących na świecie ludzi zdołaliby się zdobyć (szczególnie zaś pracochłonne wykonawczo są edukacyjne widea celowo nagrywane zgodnie z uprzednio opracowanym scenariuszem - jakich zestawienie pokazałem na stronie o nazwie djp.htm). Itd., itp. (Klikaj na wybraną z poniższych ilustracji, aby oglądać ją w powiększeniu.)

Rys. #J7a
Rys. #J7a: Końcowy komputerowo-generowany rysunek jaki stara się pokazać zasadę formowania "serco-kształtnego" zarysu wypalenia w trawie przez wirujące obwody magnetyczne gwiazdolotu o napędzie mojego Magnokraftu. Odnotuj, że wypalające "serce" obwody magnetyczne gwiazdolotu pokazane są powyżej jako ciemne wstęgi o przebiegach (kształtach) nieco podobnych do elips tzw. "krzywych łańcuchowych" - najniższe z jakich, na swej drodze od pędników bocznych do pędnika głównego Magnokraftu przenikają pod ziemię, po drodze wypalacąc trawę w miejscach swego wniknięcia pod, oraz wynikania z, ziemi. Z kolei na powyższym rysunku drogi wirowania owych obwodów są pokazane jako zaciemniona powierzchnia o kształcie "skórki z donut" otaczajacej obustronnie zamkniętą przestrzeń po powierzcniach której krążą obwody magnetyczne tego gwiazdolotu. Aby NIE zaciemniać obrazu, na ilustracji tej NIE zostały pokazane przebiegi obwodów magnetycznych statku zawracających pod ziemią i wynurzajacych się spod ziemi po przeciwstawnej stronie wypalanego przez nie obrysu serca. Ponadto NIE zostały też ukazane obwody magnetyczne wytwarzane przez pędniki z górnej części Magnokraftu, które z powodu zawracania w tej samej odległości od pędników Magnokraftu co obwody wnikające pod ziemię, w swej drodze wirowej wogóle NIE dosięgają do ziemi. Odnotuj też, że aby pokazać pędniki tego gwiazdolotu, nieprzenikalna dla pola magnetycznego powłoka z prawej jego połowy została wysunkowo wyrwana ukazując jego wnętrze (oczywiście, działające Matgnokrafty NIE będą miały tego wyrwania powłoki).

Rys. #J7b
Rys. #J7b: Jeden z szeregu przejściowych rysunków, celem sprządzenia jakich było wypracowanie i pokazanie unieruchomionych przebiegów obwodów magnetycznych Magnokraftu typu K3 zdolnych do wypalenia "serca" w trawie. Ponieważ w owym wypalaniu w trawie kształtu "serca" biorą udział jedynie tzw. "międzypędnikowe" obwody magnetyczne tego gwiazdolotu - pokazne jako "M" na "Rys. G24" i "Rys. G27" z tomu 3 mojej monografii [1/5], a przebiegające od wylotów pędników bocznych do wylotu pędnika głównego, dlatego pokazanie tu pozostałych obwodów, też istniejących w Magnokraftach (tj. pokazanie obwodów "centralnych (M)" oraz "bocznych (S)"), zostało celowo pominięte na niniejszych ilustracjach. Wszakże pokazanie tych dodatkowych obwodów jedynie by zaciemniło i tak trudne dla oglądającego zrozumienie zasady wypalania "serca" w trawie - jaką to zasadę razem z Dominikiem Myrcik staraliśmy się tu pokazać i wyjaśnić. Odnotuj z powyższego rysunku, że zarys obwodu "serca" jest wypalany w trawie tylko przez te międzypędnikowe obwody magnetyczne z dolnej połowy gwiazdolotu, które z powodu nachylenia Magnokraftu przenikają na swojej drodze pod ziemię i zawracają pod ziemią. Natomiast obwody międzypędnikowe z górnej połowy Magnokraftu, całość przebiegu których następuje w powietrzu, NIE biorą udziału w wypalaniu w trawie zarysu "serca". Odnotuj także, że obwody magnetyczne z powyższej ilustracji pokazane są jako statyczne (tj. nieruchome), podczas, gdy "serca" wypalają w trawie obwody jakie wirują, a ponadto, że dla pokazania lokalizacji kulistych pędników Magnokraftu (na powyższej ilustracji wyróżnionych czerwonym kolorem) w prawej górnej ćwiartce tego gwiazolotu chroniąca jego załogę nieprzenikalna dla pola powłoka została wyrwana - podczas gdy w rzeczywistych Magnokraftach pokrywa ona cały statek.

Rys. #J7c
Rys. #J7c: Jeden z pierwszych komputerowo wygenerowanych rysunków, jaki odwzorowuje przebiegi wirujących obwodów magnetycznych (tu pokazanych jako jakby powierzchnia "skórki" z zaciemnionego powietrza otaczającej ukształtowaną jak "donut" wolną od pola przestrzeń zawartą we wnętrzu tej "skórki", w którym to wnętrzu pole statku NIE wypala trawy). Rysunek tej ilustruje więc co się staje z obwodami pokazanymi uprzednio na "Fig. #J4b", kiedy zaczną one wirować, a stąd nadadzą owej "skórce" zdolności do wypalania trawy w miejscach przez jakie skórka ta przenika pod powierzchnię ziemi. Rysunek ten reprezentował kilka pierwszych ilustracji, wizualnie sprawdzających środki graficzne jakie można użyć dla zaprezentowania pokazywanej tu zasady wypalania zarysu "serca". Jednak do końcowej prezentacji "serca" ten rysunek się NIE nadaje z powodu zbytniego skrócenia długości obwodów magnetycznych generowanych przez gwiazdolot w jakim siłę nośną generują silne pola pędników bocznych (zaś w jakim słabe pole pędnika głównego jedynie stabilizuje cały gwiazdolot), tj. ich skrócenia w stosunku do długości tych obwodów rzeczywiście mającej miejsce podczas lotów Magnokraftów. (Odnotuj tu, że komputery pokładowe tych gwiazdolotów regulują długość obwodów magnetycznych ilością mocy magnetycznej jaka jest wkładana we formowanie owych obwodów.) Wszakże takie skrócone obwody magnetyczne byłyby niezdolne do objęcia swym wirowaniem całego zarysu "serca" na penetrowanej przez tej obwody powierzchni porośniętej trawą gleby. Odnotuj też, że powyższy gwiazdolot został pokazany z ilustracyjnym wyrwaniem w swym kołnierzu bocznym, ukazującym jego pędniki bioczne, oraz że ustawiony został w zawisie bez nachylenie, podczas gdy wypalenie w trawie zarysu serca wymaga aby był on nachylony i oddalony od ziemi na taką odległość jaka pozwala iż tylko niektóre (dolne) z jego licznych obwodów magnetycznych w swym ruchu wirowym wnikają pod ziemię i zawracają pod ziemią.

Part #K: Petonian unearthly being and the evil deeds from doing of which she is known (i.e. around 80 cm tall female UFOnaut, from the "race" of tiny "devils" in old Polish folklore called nightmare (in Polish: "zmora"), hen-foot devil, female dwarf, king's dwarf, etc.):


#K1, blog #347E. A three-toed female UFOnaut, about 80 cm tall, who in a cold autumn night in the hard asphalt of the pavement from NZ Petone melted her footprints arranged like a proof of taking-off for a flight in the air:

Summary: This item #K1 documents, describes and illustrates with photos the footprints melted during a cold autumn night into the hard asphalt of NZ pavement, about which the engineering "how" (i.e. the "how" explained in #G3 to #G5 from the web page named wroclaw_uk.htm and in post #341E to blogs of totalizm) reveals the taking-off to flight of an otherworldly being about 80 cm tall and having only three clawed toes - the largest of which toes is the middle one (in humans the largest is always the toe on the inner rim of footsteps). It also reports the appearances, features and actions of these otherworldly nocturnal beings that hide from people, but the existence of whose and their physical harming of humanity are confirmed by research of numerous UFOlogists, by the Bible, and by the wisdom of old folklore, although are stubbornly denied by numerous "experts" - especially those ones who themselves also typically show extraterrestrial anatomical features and details of appearance.

Motto: "There is already a vast body of evidence of unquestionable quality, which in many earthly courts would sometimes allow the condemnation of the accused even to the death penalty, and which for thousands of years proves that humanity is secretly occupied, exploited and tormented by otherworldly beings of evil morality, currently called "UFOnauts" while by religions called "devils", which have indescribably superior than human technology, knowledge, organization and discipline, and also which use their advanced devices, mastery of telepathy and technical issuance of post-hypnotic orders (which later are meticulously followed by people) in order to be able to constantly stimulate people to neighbourly discord, wars, crimes, immorality, greed, economy of robbery, destroying nature, turning away from God, etc., and also to employing of representatives of these otherworldly beings (who show close relationship and similarity to people) to key positions in decision makings, counselling and expertise, which in turn allows them to, for example, persuade people to avoid researching UFOs and avoid building technical devices that defend humanity from UFOs - although the design and operation of these devices was given to humanity by the totaliztic civilization from stars devoted to helping us, means to avoid the building of defence devices of the type: "devices for detecting these otherworldly beings that impersonate people", or "telepathic pyramid" that allows instant communication with the totaliztic civilization from the stars that tries to helps us, or "Zhang Heng Seismograph" that allows remote detection of incoming earthquakes - many of which earthquakes are also secretly caused by UFOnauts". (The bitter truth about the power of infiltration, ruling over mankind and the influence onto our actions of extraterrestrial beings of human appearance but satanic morals, who secretly pretend to be human beings, but who occupy, exploit, torment, keep in primitivism, deceive, incite wars and already repetitively destroyed our civilization with plagues and cataclysms during last several thousands of years.)

       It was the fall Tuesday of May 24, 2022. The weather in Petone NZ was rainless but cool (during the day it was only around 13 degrees Celsius, while the previous night it was around 7 degrees Celsius). So around 4:30 pm I went for a walk on the Petone beach. Passing by the corner of our female neighbour's fence, on the footpath by the intersection of our street with the street perpendicular to it, I noticed four three-toed footprints melted into the sidewalk's asphalt, which previously were NOT there - see Fig. #K1abc below. I checked with my hand whether their asphalt was still soft and sticky, but it was already hard as stone. So most probably these footprints were melted during the previous night - i.e. at the time when due to the prevailing darkness, otherworldly beings are prowling the town. So I returned home for the measure-ruler to show the size of the footprints and photographed with it the clearest one among them. I show his photo in Fig. #K1a below. I have a thermometer in my garden, so I also checked the air temperature that day - it was 13 degrees Celsius. In the evening my thoughts returned to those footprints. The memory of the growing power of melting of subsequent ones suggested that this UFOnaut known to fly in the air melted them with propulsors from under her feet, when she was just taking-off to flight in the air. So I decided that the next day I should photograph all four footprint melts, although the remaining ones were NOT so well visible - in order that with their engineering interpretation of "how" I could later document this being's take-off to flight in the air.
       How looked like the three-toes being, which melted these footprints in hard asphalt of footpath, is best described by the ballad entitled "Pani Twardowska" (meaning "Mrs Twardowska") by the Polish-Lithuanian poet named Adam Mickiewicz. Here is a quote from his description: "... The little devil was in the vodka at the bottom: A real German, in mini version; He bowed to the guests politely, took off his hat and jumped down from glass to a floor, falls, grows to two cubits, Nose like a hook, chicken leg, And hawk's claws it has ..." (in the Polish original: "... Diablik to był w wódce na dnie: Istny Niemiec, sztuczka kusa; Skłonił się gościom układnie, Zdjął kapelusz i dał susa Z kielicha aż na podłogę Pada, rośnie na dwa łokcie, Nos jak haczyk, kurzą nogę, I krogulcze ma paznokcie ..." In this ballad are used old Polish expressions and facts that require explanations. For example, it is worth knowing that the old Polish "cubit" (in Polish named "łokieć") was 57.6 cm long. Hence "two cubits" nowadays mean about 115 cm or 1.15 metre - which informs about the approximate height of Mickiewicz's "little devil". The fact of its small size is also confirmed by the use of the expression "in mini version" (in Polish: "sztuczka kusa") that originate from the old Polish word "kusy" meaning "mini, short, not long" - for example consider the old Polish name "kusyk" or "kucyk" for a small horse - in English called pony. Hence, the Polish expression "sztuczka kusa" today can be understood, for example, as "in the mini version". No wonder that by having such miniature height, these tiny female devils (in Polish folklore formerly called "zmora" meaning "nightmare") help big UFOnauts in hypnotizing people at night and in abducting them to UFOs - including even very young persons, sometimes even being only around 9 years old, as I described it e.g. in item #H3 and in the caption under Fig. #F3ab from my web page named wszewilki_uk.htm. Perhaps the female UFOnaut who melted the footsteps described here was just looking for someone to abduct to a UFO. The expression "nose like a hook" means the nose as shown in Fig. #E2b from my web page named ufo.htm that is typical for this miniature race of UFOnauts (i.e. including also Polish "zmora" means "nightmares", "Baba Yaga" and some smaller in height, English "witches"). But I should add here, that some UFOnauts have similarly long and "carrot-like" noses, but straightened, means without a hook-like bend, but with the same thin end having a groove on the upper lip part of its tip - see Fig. #G1c from my web page named evil.htm. In turn the old expression "hawk's claws" means just three-toed feet and hands with spiky fingernails, similar to hawk's, chicken, or tiger feet - means exactly the same as those that melted the asphalt shown below in Fig. #K1a (top) and also about which tell us the old Polish and Slavic legends about Baba Yaga (i.e. "Baba Jaga"). In turn in subsection V9.1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/4] I presented my formal scientific proof which shows that evil beings which poet Mickiewicz and also old-time people called "devils", presently for confusing humans are called "UFOnauts" (i.e. the proof that old "devils" and present "UFOnauts" are two names of the same physical and combatable beings with technology, knowledge and medicine enormously superior to that of humans).
       We already know a lot about UFOnauts (formerly called "devils"). Only that the decision makers of our civilization, infiltrated and hypnotically pre-programmed by these UFOnauts, succumb to intrigues, advanced technology and medicine of these beings, allowing that while using human hands UFOnauts are able to destroy the entire human civilization, through wars and plagues, and that they repetitively keep sending us back to caves and onto trees. Thus the humanity is still awaiting for someone with a true leadership talent and courage, who, as befits a true leader, will lead humanity to liberate itself from thousands of years of occupation, exploitation, and destruction by UFOnauts. After all, UFOnauts who pretend to be people and program our decision-makers, can be initially recognized, because they usually have quite unusual details of their appearance - which I described e.g. in #C9a from the web page nirvana.htm or e.g. in item #I5 from the web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and in the based on that item #I5 post number #346E to blogs of totalizm. But because similar details of their appearance probably have also some of people, thus these UFOnauts who impersonate people ultimately will allow us to identify only advanced "revealing instruments". The design and operation of these instruments as part of the "supply of defence devices" was already received by the humanity from the totaliztic civilization living at distant stars that tries to help us. These supplied to us "defence devices" are described e.g. in the Polish treatise [7b] which discusses the construction of a "device that reveal UFOs and UFOnauts who hide from people in a state of telekinetic flickering". Unfortunately, the humanity confused by telepathically and post-hypnotically pre-programmed decision makers who do NOT show leadership skills nor courage required for their role, still focuses its energy and attention on the fight with symptoms of being occupied by UFOnauts, i.e. humanity still focuses on wars, economic crisis, use of money, hunger, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, plagues, climate change, etc. - induced by intrigues and advanced medicine and technology of UFOnauts, instead of concentrating their efforts on fighting the very source of all evil, i.e. on defeating and eliminating from Earth the UFOnauts who destroy us, and eliminating the tools of their power over us such as money, greed, lying, temptations of breaking God's commandments, rewards for destruction of nature, etc.
       A more detailed appearance of the female version of these beings is shown below on the photo of her street sculpture from Suwon, Korea, illustrated here as Fig. #K1c (dół). In turn their favourite way of wearing colourful clothes is illustrated in Fig. #F2b from the web page named aliens.htm. But in flight (i.e. just after flying through wall of the castle in Malbork due to the switching-on the state of telekinetic flickering described in #C1 from the web page named dipolar_gravity.htm) such a flying UFOnaut of "two-cubit" height is documented in Fig. #G1a from the web page named malbork_uk.htm.
       It is worth adding here, that the use of "magnetic personal propulsion" by UFOnauts causes that only during flights along force lines of the Earth's magnetic field (i.e. only when flying in the directions north or south and vertically up or down) they do NOT produce the glow caused by the magnetic vortex of their propulsion ionising the air. In turn, if the horizontal component of their flight direction intersects the magnetic field force lines, then in flight their propulsion produces a strong glow which at night could alert people, and the existence of which is illustrated e.g. by the 1:05 minute video "Was This an Alien Abduction or Illusion?"
       A large body of evidence confirms that UFOnauts who infiltrate humanity and impersonate people, imitate all human races that inhabit the area of Earth controlled by these UFOnauts. But at the same time some minor details of the appearance of their ears, eyes, the vertical groove between their eyebrows, hair, nose and chin, as discussed in my publications, remain identical to those seen on UFO decks. And so, depending on what race of people inhabits a given area, UFOnauts operating in there and abducting people may not only look like Europeans, but also like people with black skin (i.e. blacks), Asians, or representatives of all other human races. This representation by UFOnauts of all races of people inhabiting Earth is confirmed by a whole range of categories of evidence, for example: (a) seeing UFOnauts on Earth with attributes of all human races - which e.g. for blacks is documented in paragraph {3820} from our Polish treatise [3b] entitled "Kosmiczna układanka" (meaning: "A space puzzle") disseminated via the web page tekst_3b.htm; (b) the appearance in all races of people some individuals who both commit inhuman wickedness and simultaneously display the details of appearance typically possessed by UFOnauts, as mentioned e.g. in the above-mentioned #C9a from the web page nirvana.htm, while illustrated e.g. in Fig. #G2f from the web page named evil.htm; (c) the existence of details in the mythology of some nations which describe the creation of man, and which, after re-interpreting to present knowledge about UFOs, allow to establish that the Earth was populated as a result of people being brought into it in UFOs type K7 flying through the cosmos deprived of gravity - an example of just such results of scientific interpretations of descriptions of "Paradise" from the old Hebrew mythology I published e.g. in subsection P6.1 from volume 14 of my monograph [1/5].
       UFOnauts display also all known behaviours of oppressors and occupants who exploit humanity and who are aware that they operate among the hostile local population - which behaviours to Polish people were best demonstrated by Nazis. For example: (a) they establish their bases for UFO starships in places well-protected and difficult or impossible to reach by humans - e.g. in underground caves, in Antarctica, on the Moon or other planets, and perhaps even on the Earth's orbit - which would explain why the space shuttle "Columbia" was destroyed by a UFO (e.g. if its crew documented something forbidden) - as this destruction by UFOs implies the evidence from the web page shuttle.htm; (b) they always move to actions in groups and even in seemingly routine actions such as hypnotizing to abduct to UFOs for the purpose of taking from people raw materials for acquiring of which is this secret occupation and exploitation of humanity - for their own safety they do it only when apart from a UFOnaut hypnotizing and abducting to UFOs, for his/her protection and for possible rescue - if the situation requires it, there are nearby his/her comrades; (c) when entering human homes or among human gatherings, for their safety they always take weapons with them (e.g. devices for instant hypnotization and paralyzing people) and switch on the "state of telekinetic flickering" which makes their bodies physically indestructible; (d) acting on Earth, they keep secret from people (as well as from own comrades) everything that they do or plan to do; (e) they systematically destroy or otherwise invalidate any material evidence which confirms to people their existence or reveals their features, technical devices used, and methods of their operation.
       The marks melted or burned by propelling devices of UFOnauts illustrated here are NOT the only ones which I encountered in my many years of research of our hidden occupants, exploiters, and tormentors from space. Another example of footprints made by such an UFOnaut are described and illustrated e.g. in Fig. #D18 from the web page named wroclaw_uk.htm, and in subsection R3 and in Fig. R6 from volume 15 of my monograph [1/5]. Only that these footprints were scorched with propulsors from under the feet of a UFOnaut who used a differently working and more advanced "personal telekinetic propulsion system" (instead of the "personal magnetic propulsion" described here). This is because propulsors of telekinetic propulsion do NOT melt, but telekinetise, give a white colour, make substances more permanent, improve and ozone the chemical structure of whatever they act upon. My publications also show physical traces burned on the ground by the propulsion of whole UFO starships. Examples of such burned traces from e.g. landings of entire UFO starships I described and illustrated in many my publications, e.g. in Fig. #D7c from the web page named explain.htm, or in subsection V5.1 and in Fig. V1 from volume 17 of my monograph [1/5].
       It is already known that these 3-toes beings are NOT of good intentions toward people. They occupy, exploit, and torment people. How they deal with us after our abduction to a UFO is perfectly illustrated by the film "Fire in the Sky" based on a real abduction to UFO, discussed more extensively in #A2 to #A2cd and in #B4 from my web page named ufo_pl.htm - especially watch in there the short film "Alien Experiments" from Movies #A2ab. Unfortunately, the indescribably naive, passive and easily submitting to exploitation people - even in the matter of this well-documented UFO abduction, prefer to believe rather these confusing humanity decision-makers pre-programmed and controlled by UFOnauts, instead of believing the UFO abductee himself and his workmates - who with their own eyes saw his abduction by a UFO. By the way dear reader, please DO NOT get misled about the documentation of the physical existence and painfully experienced tormenting and exploitation of each one of us by these monstrous occupants, because also in the matter of this documentation, UFOnauts are to immediately implement their hidden but effective methods of eliminating the evidence and spreading "propaganda" focused on deceiving people and continuing their occupation, exploitation and destruction of our primitive, incredibly naive and passive civilization - as this systematic elimination of evidence of the operation of UFOs on Earth, for my previous efforts to awaken humanity from an allurement, is described e.g. in #A5 of the web page named totalizm.htm, while illustrated e.g. on Fig. #G1c from the web page named sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm. Furthermore, here I would like to guarantee to young readers, that extraordinary and mysterious events, the "how" of which even Shakespeare's philosophers have NOT dreamed of, also happen near (and in) your place of residence, NOT only in distant and exotic countries. Only that in order to start noticing, documenting and understanding their existence and meaning, you first need to stop limiting your view of world and the surrounding reality to only carefully selected and prepared official TV news or SMS messages from your cell phone, but you need to go out to people and nature and about everything that you can see, hear and feel, learn to ask the right questions, such as "where" it came from, "how" and "why" it was created and works, etc.

Fig. #K1abc: Here are photos of the footprints of a 3-toed, 80 cm tall being (i.e. a female UFOnaut of the appearance shown in the lowest photograph #K1c) melted into the asphalt of the pavement, who just launched propulsors from under the foot of her "personal magnetic propulsion" that she used for flying in the air, as described more comprehensively in "chapter E" from volume 2 of my monograph [1/5]. I discovered these footprints melted in asphalt on Tuesday 2022/5/24 at 4:30 pm by the crossroads near my neighbour's house in Petone. On the day when I noticed that these melted footprints of this otherworldly being just appeared on that pavement, the air temperature was only 13 degrees Celsius. After all, the month of May in NZ has weather that is equivalent to the November weather in Poland and in northern Europe. All photos of these melted footprints shown here are taken in the same geographic orientation. Their direction from the bottom to the top of the photo indicates the magnetic east to west direction, while the direction of the march of being’s feet (i.e. from the left to right side of photos) indicates the magnetic south to north direction. It is the initiation of the taking-off operation of these propulsors for flight in the so-called "throbbing mode" from south toward north (which flight mode in this direction does NOT induce a strong glow that could alert people at night) caused the melting of only four successive footprints of this being on the asphalt pavement. The fact that this being left only four melted imprints of its feet on the hard asphalt of the NZ pavement - which asphalt does NOT melt even on the hottest days of NZ summer, combined with the fact that the direction of this being's taking-off clearly coincides with the continuation of this asphalt pavement leading exactly towards magnetic north, in the engineering "how" makes us understand that this being previously walked along this pavement, but decided to take-off into the air by switching-on the propulsors of her personal propulsion system. The fact of this switching-on of propulsors is also confirmed by the increasing power of melting of the asphalt in each of her four subsequent steps. This is because the first two imprints, i.e. the leftmost two first marks from "Fig. #K1b (centre)", which I photographed and showed also separately on, show only slight melting of asphalt under both feet of this being. In turn the third footprint from the left, visible around the centre of the photograph "Fig. #K1b (centre)", shows a slightly greater melting under the left foot of this being. Finally the fourth and last footprint visible just above day 25 from the date when the middle photograph was taken, while shown close-up in "Fig. #K1a (top)", shows the strongest melting of asphalt under the right foot of this three-toed being. The magnetic personal propulsion system, which have melted the above marks in the asphalt, is shown and discussed in a number of my publications, e.g. as Fig. #H3 from the web page named wszewilki_uk.htm.

       Fig. #K1a (top) Here is a photo of the melted asphalt of the pavement which clearly shows the melted on the pavement from the street crossing by my neighbour's house the right footprint of a 3-toed unearthly being (female UFOnaut), whom after switching-on the propulsors of her magnetic propulsion system, was taking-off to flying in the air. The imprint of this foot is 12 centimetres long and 5.6 cm wide at its widest point (i.e. at the base of toes). This means, that if the ratio of her height to the length of her foot was the same as in my case (for me it is 167/25), then the being that melted this footprint in asphalt would be only 80 cm tall. In turn her height amounting to only around 80 cm - instead of Mickiewicz's "two cubits", means that she was a female UFOnaut, because female UFOnauts (like human women) typically are noticeably shorter than male UFOnauts. This inhuman footprint melted into footpath clearly documents the unearthly origin of the being - after all: (a) its greatest toe is the middle one - while in humans the largest toe is always by the inner rim of the foot, (b) the footprint shows only three toes spaced widely, means differently than in foots of people, but exactly as this is illustrated by the sculpture from "Fig. #K1c", (c) mounted under the feet of this being are propulsors of the "personal magnetic propulsion" because only the power of such propulsors could melt hard asphalt from the NZ pavement in the cold autumn night, as this asphalt cannot be melted by even the power of NZ sun in hot summer, and (d) all four footprints on the pavement illustrate the taking-off to flight of their miniature owner - although it is known that people have NOT mastered this ability yet, and even if they had it, they would NOT allow 80cm tiny children to fly at night. It is puzzling that it can be roughly estimated that at least around 100 people pass by the above footprints every day. But apart from myself, as if NO one else was interested in these footprints. Indeed, today's people "look but do NOT see" (Bible, Matthew 13:14), or more strictly "look but do NOT want to see". So first I tried to convince my wife, then a long-time friend of ours who was visiting us, that I would show them these footprints - but each of them refused to walk with me several dozen meters to see them. The area of these footprints is also within the range of view of what to me looks as a TV camera of some official services. In turn, if it is a working camera, then for those who monitor its image the sight of a being looking like a little girl walking without parents in the middle of the night and suddenly flying into the air does NOT seem to be anything worth paying attention to and examining. The most popular official name for this tiny race of UFOnauts in Polish is succubus (night demons) (in Polish reading: sukkuby - demony nocne), while old Polish folklore calls them "nightmares" (in Polish: "zmora") - see descriptions of me being "squeezed" by a female nightmare (zmora) at my age of around 9 years old, provided in item #H3, in 3 from item #F3, and in the caption under Fig. #F3ab from my web page named wszewilki_uk.htm. However, other nations call them differently. For example in English-speaking countries call them e.g. Gremlin, while in e.g. Malaysia - Toyol or Pontianak. But in fact all beings described with these names and displaying attributes assigned to them by folklore, are seen on decks of UFOs. Thus, all of them actually represent UFOnauts secretly occupying us. It is also worth to know that folklore of many nations describes habits of UFOnauts as almost of sexual maniacs. For example, male versions of these beings which by folklore are called incubi in many countries are accused by folklore of being fond of raping human women hypnotized by them at night in own homes and beds of these women. After such rapes on hands, hips, or legs of women raped by these UFOnauts, they often leave clearly visible bruises - only that they are painless because they are healed by the medical technology of UFOnauts (based on the telekinetic field) from the soreness typical for human bruises. By the Chinese these painless bruises are called ghost pinch . As soon as they form, these painless bruises have a bluish colour. However, they usually turn reddish the next day and soon disappear completely. In males they are visible either on arms usually in the form of three imprints of ends of thick fingers, sometimes each with a clearly visible pressure from a claw that the three-fingered UFOnauts from the nightmare race shown below in Fig. #K1c have in places of their fingernails. Males, including even young people, sometimes find on their penises much smaller such bruises from clawed fingers of female versions of these UFOnauts, called succubi. In what situations these bruises on the penises arise one can only imagine. Descriptions of these bruising evidence of UFO abductions and rapes of people on decks of UFOs are also provided in #4 from subsection U3.3 in volume 15 of my monograph [1/4]. What is even more shocking, such painless black bruises appear quite regularly and repetitively in a large proportion of people - including both women and men. There are also stories about cases of pregnancy in women who have NOT had intercourse with a human man.
       It is also worth to add here, that the footprints of this "UFOnaut-nightmare" illustrated above, embedded into the asphalt of the NZ pavement, turn out to be extremely durable. For example, the clearest out of these prints I photographed again on 2023/5/24 - means after exactly one year - see Fig. #K1a_2023, and earlier also on 2022/12/24 - means after exactly 7 months - see Fig. #K1a7m (click on this link to see the photograph). It turned out then that it looks almost the same as at the moment when I saw it for the first time. Only that on photographs it may look slightly different because the weather and the conditions of its illumination with the sun slightly changed then (e.g. in December is the middle of NZ summer), and also because this time I photographed it with a mobile phone - after all, on Saturday 2022/6/11 UFOnauts burnt my electronic camera (as this burnout is described in Fig. #K2b and in item #K3 below on this web page - in that #K3 see also Fig. #K3h with yet the same mark and see over there photos of prints of an invisible around 3-meter tall giant UFOnaut). In these later photos it is even better than in the photo from Fig. #K1a a circular melting of asphalt with a diameter of around 10 mm is visible, located exactly under the propulsor from the heel of this UFOnaut's shoe. This round melting probably is an equivalent of round marks in PVC tiles from the Polish town of Wrocław, shown and described on this web page in Fig. #K3b . It is also telling a lot that in the meantime, as I estimate, even for the December photograph, at least 1000 passers-by walked along the above footprint, and nowhere there was any mention that someone noticed it on this public sidewalk and took an interest in it. Simultaneously the township of Petone has its own museum which desperately needs exhibits. Practically it is one of the most poor in exhibits museums that I visited in my life. No wonder that for the lack of exhibits almost no-one visits it. Even more intriguing is that in this museum in Petone there is a beautiful Maori sculpture made of red wood, showing just such a 3-fingered and 3-toed UFOnaut from the same race of "nightmare" which melted the footprint discussed here in the asphalt of the pavement in Petone. A photo of this sculpture shows the Fig. #K1f (click on this green link to to see this photo) (i.e. a sculpture similar to these shown also on photograph #G2a and on photograph #G2c from my web page named sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm). Therefore, on two occasions of visiting this Petone museum, I suggested to employees in there that they could officially cut out this Petone footprint of a UFOnaut from the asphalt of the pavement and show it as an exhibit accompanying the Maori sculpture that they have. After all, such showing it on the one hand would reveal the empirical evidence confirming the presence of the proverbial "grain of truth" in Maori legends about these three-fingered and three-toed creatures, and on the other hand would enrich the knowledge of visitors to this museum about truths which are still hidden from them and which I try to reveal on my web pages. After all, it was Maori legends that led me to the discovery of the powerful UFO explosion described on the web page tapanui.htm which changed the fate of our entire civilisation. Unfortunately, both of my proposals of including the melting of a UFOnaut's footprint discussed here into the exhibits of the Petonian museum did NOT cause any reaction, except for a very strange expression on faces of listeners. From this facial expression I guess that with today's strenuous implementation of the so-called political correctness the display of the material evidence of footprints of the being shown in this museum in the form of a Maori sculpture, but by the "official atheistic science" considered to be a folk myth, would break the unwritten "taboo" and thus cannot take place in Petone. In turn, it is this stubborn refusal by present "modern" people of breaking this type of "toboos", leads to the present situation on Earth, when the most vital for the independence of humanity truths about UFOs are kept secret, blocked and suffocated to death with the use of a "cocoon" which I described and documented in detail in post #360E to blogs of totalizm and in descriptions from #D1 to #D1c of my web page named military_magnocraft.htm.
       Fig. #K1b (centre) Here is a photo showing all four footprints melted in the hard asphalt of NZ pavement that does NOT melt even on the hottest days of summer, photographed next to my neighbour's house under a cloudy sky (what they look like when illuminated by the sun is shown in the photo - click on its link to view it). They are melted distant from each other by 64 centimetres. The clearest melting shown on the top photo Fig. # K1a, on this photograph is visible just over day 25 from the date of this photograph. These footprints melted include: two from the right leg and two (one in the centre of the photo) from the left leg. If one connects both footprints of the right leg with a straight line, then the imprint of the left leg from the centre of the photo is distant from this line by 13 centimetres - which means that the activated propulsors in the soles of this being were already magnetically pushing both legs away from each other. Similarly distant are the first two melts documented on the not shown above photograph - but visible after clicking on its link. Interestingly, the sidewalk and this flying being were directed exactly from south to north, which means that this being flew in the so-called "throbbing" mode of operation of her magnetic personal propulsion system - i.e. in the mode which at nights does NOT induce a bright glow which would draw people's attention to her. But the first two NOT so clear melted footprints reveal that before her ascent documented here, this female being wandered on foot (i.e. with the propulsors turned-off) along the footpath leading from the east to the west, to turn right at the street crossing photographed here and to fly north. Intriguingly, two crossroads previously in the direction she walked from, probably underground is the cavern used by these beings for the base where they hide themselves and their starships. After all, it was there that in 2006 I observed an orb (i.e. a miniature UFO probe) that emerged from under the ground, and which I described in #I3 from my web page named explain.htm as well as in post #97 to blogs of totalizm (with addresses provided in item #Z3 below) - this post #97 is also published in PDF in a book [13] disseminated via the Polish web page named tekst_13.htm. Thus, the evidence collected until today induces the question: whether such underground UFO bases exist under every town in which live people who have an influence onto decisions and actions of a larger number of other people? After all, just such a possibility seems to confirm the present influence of UFOnauts on people, which is omnipresent in all decisions and actions of humanity, and also seems to confirm the age-old custom of UFOnauts that from the most ancient times their representatives were silent advisers and personalities influencing the decisions of all kings - as examples consider Stańczyk, dwarf of king Sigismund the Old, who co-organized the "Prussian Homage" in Poland, or consider the devil named Procopius who helped Emperor Justinian to build the basilica "Aya Sophia" in Istanbul - as described in item #K2 from my web page named god_exists.htm, or consider the underground UFO base under the Teutonic Knights castle in Malbork, Poland, which I described in item #G1 from my web page named malbork_uk.htm, and the UFO base inside the "Saddle Hill" that dominates the NZ city of Dunedin, which I showed in Fig. #B3a while briefly discussed in item #F2 from the web page named newzealand.htm and also under Fig. #E1 from my web page telekinetics.htm. (Notice that both the wealth of circulating among local people cases of UFO sightings that confirm the existence of UFO bases in there, and also a strange silence in this matter by UFOnauts themselves - who always raise a big "scream" in order to contradict every truth which denying will NOT persuade people to research this truth in a rational way, only confirm the actual existence of these underground UFO bases.)
       Fig. #K1c (down) A sculpture showing a 3-toe and 4-finger female version of a devil-UFOnaut, photographed in a side view. The folklore of almost all nations claims that in the eyes of those people to whom these female UFOnauts voluntarily allow themselves to be seen, they look captivatingly beautiful and alluring - although it is NOT known whether their appearance is real, or triggered by a kind of hypnotic command. However, when people meet with them, people end up bitten, scratched and with many painless black bruises as if they were pinched. In turn because their weapons, propelling and supporting devices give them enormous strength and ability to instantly hypnotize remotely, thus in spite of their charm and miniature size, they are able to overpower and subjugate even the strongest warriors. It was the feet like the "three-toes" of this female "devil" that melted the asphalt of the sidewalk next to my neighbour's house - as shown in both previous photos. Her carving is particularly good at revealing the position and lateral appearance of the clawed fingers on her hands (see her "clawed fingernails" at the top of the cloak from her personal propulsion suit) and toes on her legs. In order to see her clawed toes, it is worth taking a good look at her left leg. In addition, this photo also shows well the appearance of her 3+1 finger hands. (Her real hands are raised up to spread the cloak attached to them, which facilitates manoeuvring during flights in the air.) This photograph of the female "devil-UFOnaut" in both of her views I originally published and explained in more detail in Fig. #G1 from my different web page named sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm, and also from the side and front view in Fig. #H2 from my other web page named korea.htm.
       Fig. #K1d: NOT included into the display above, a close-up photo of the first two poorly visible melted footprints of this being's feet - which can be viewed, for example, by clicking on the link: These are the least clearly visible melted footprints that appeared in the first moment after this beings turned-on her personal propulsion system. Their engineering analysis "how" reveals that the propulsion system lifted her a bit above the pavement’s asphalt, so that the melts are indistinct, while her movements lengthen them a bit. For example, the right one of them (the lower one - still facing west, visible just over 2022 from the date and showing the outline of three claws from the toes) is 16 cm long, while the upper one from left leg, formed after a partial facing toward north, is 19 cm long. In turn the mutual distance between the tips of the fingers of these two melts is 18.5 cm. However, the mutual distance between the ends of their heels - 39 cm. Such their arrangement confirms that they were melted immediately after the personal propulsion system was switched-on, as a result of a slight lifting of this female being and stopping its previous movement towards the west (right foot) and the rotation of the left foot in a way not used by people, while initiating with its slip a new direction of movement towards the magnetic north. It is worth adding that the positioning of the legs of the being captured in this photograph quite well document the movements of its legs almost impossible to be carried out by human legs. In turn just such inhuman night movements of miniature beings are recorded in the world e.g. by CCTV - for an example of them look at a 2-minute long video from the US, entitled "Weird Alien in Surveillance" which documented them, available at the address , while for other videos of the same being search using the command
       Fig. #K1e: here are photographs of the plaster cast of the "Lizard Man" footprint in - click on this green link to search for them". Similarly to the human-shaped race of UFOnauts seen on decks of UFOs keep arriving to Earth in many kinds that differ in height (starting from "dwarfs" about the height of a lemonade bottle - see Fig. #H4ab from my web page named explain.htm, and ending with giants over 3 meters high empirically documented with photograpgs in #K3 to #K3h below on this web page), also UFOnauts described here, from the "nightmare" race with spotted skin like lizards, appear on Earth in several diferent heights. A huge version of these UFOnauts from the "nightmare" race with spotted green skin that looks like a lizard's skin is often seen in the vicinity of the town of Bishopville from South Carolina, USA. In fact, these creatures became a source of tourists, income, and livelihood for a significant proportion of inhabitants of this town - see how at the entrance to this town it advertises itself. In YouTube already there are dozens of videos documenting this "Lizard Man" - . In 1988 even a plaster cast of a trace-imprint of a huge three-toed foot with large claws was made in there, when one of these monsters with eyes emitting glow of red light (because of the field of its "magnetic personal propulsion"), at night attacked the car of a local student. This cast of footprint is kept until today in the "South Carolina Cotton Museum" from the town of Bishopville, South Carolina, USA, while this square white plaster cast is shown on photos searched on at the beginning of this description. When analyzing this cast, it can be seen that the three-toed foot of that giant creature, with clearly imprinted huge claws at the end of each of its three toes, is almost identical to the foot of the 80-cm UFOnaut-nightmare from Petone, New Zealand, only that it was significantly larger. This is because the foot decumented with the cast had dimensions: length 14 inches (i.e. almost 36 cm) and width 7 inches (i.e. almost 18 cm) - after all, one inch/inch = 2.54 cm. The monstrous giant-UFOnaut with such a large foot was locally called the "Lizard Man". Independently from the spotted skin similar to the skin of the "UFOnaut-nightmare" from Fig. #K1c" and the red glow of his eyes which proves that this "Lizard Man" also used some form of "magnetic personal propulsion" which caused his eyes to radiate, the shape of his three-toed foot and its appearance are almost identical to the foot of the female UFOnaut-nightmare shown above in Fig. #K1a - but around 3 times bigger. While knowing that the foot from Fig. #K1a above had a length of around 12 cm and a width of 5.6 cm, and utilising the empirical knowledge of all trackers who found that sizes of feet of every kind of creatures reflect their heights, it can be roughly estimated that this UFOnaut called "Lizard Man" was around 2.5 meters high. The documentation of this case from Bishopville, including the plaster cast of the footprint and also the history of aggression of this monster UFOnaut, were presented on one of the episodes of the TV series "Mysteries at the Museum", in December 2022 broadcast daily on New Zealand TV on channels 8 and 18 ("eden)", always from hours 17 to 18 (on channel 8) and from hours 18 to 19 (on 18 "eden" channel). The episode with this "Lizard Man" was broadcast in there on Friday, 30 December 2022, while the discussion of the case of this three-fingered, giant UFOnaut-monster took place from 17:11 to 17:21 (channel 8), and from 18:11 to 18 :21 (channel 18). In the descriptions of this episode, the following information was given: "Don Wildman examines a failed invention, a maritime mystery and a swamp creature". So if any of my readers interested in the truth about the exploitation of humanity by parasitic UFOnauts (which truth is confirmed by the Bible in {11} from item #H2 of the web page bible.htm) finds themselves in the town of Bishopville from South Carolina in the USA, then I recommend them to look into of the above museum to examine this cast of a clawed foot, and then to get to know more thoroughly about this extraordinary case of attack of an aggressive monster-UFOnaut called "Lizard Man" on a local student. From what we already know about these 3-toed monsters, their nature is similar to the nature of the "praying-mantis" insect. For example, tiny females of this "nightmare" race, in folklore of the West known as succubus, enjoy hypnotizing with their remote-weapons and then raping little boys required for their size, usually around 9 years old. In turn men of the "UFOnaut-nightmare" race, by folklore called also incubus, enjoy raping human women at night after the prior hypnotizing them with the technically highly advanced weapon for remote hypnotization - after which rapes, on bodies of women (and occasionally also men) sometimes 3 or 3+1 blue bruises are left in the shape of fingerprints resulting from the iron grip of their 3+1 fingered hands. (Chinese call these bruises, hypnotically made painless, "ghost pinch".) Probably it is worth to start asking ourselves the question whether e.g. this "epidemic" of disappearing without a trace of people wandering alone in national parks does mean that these monsters also have a taste for human flesh?

#K2, blog #348E. An engineering analysis "how" of a creature wrongly called "Orang Pendek" (i.e. "Little Man") documented on video in Aceh, Indonesia, but in fact representing a race of UFOnauts in the Polish folklore called "zmora" (meaning "nightmare") while in the ballad "Pani Twardowska" by the Polish-Lithuanian poet named Adam Mickiewicz is described as "Devil in a mini version" (i.e. in Polish as a "sztuczka kusa"):

Summary: This item #K2 uses the engineering procedure "how" to analyze the video filmed in Aceh from Indonesia showing a UFOnaut about a meter tall from a miniature race by Polish folklore called "zmora" (meaning "nightmare") - see Fig. #K2a below. The analysis focuses mainly on investigating the meaning of these details of the video that are documented but overlooked by other researchers and that are proving the use by the filmed UFOnaut of a highly advanced "magnetic personal propulsion system", which is only in disposal of UFOnauts that secretly occupy Earth, while the work and way of use of which details confirm that this miniature creature belongs to the same race of the brutal towards people UFOnauts with three-clawed fingers and toes, which Polish folklore calls "zmora" (meaning "nightmare") while the most important features of behaviour and appearance of which I already discussed in item #K1 of this web page named "petone.htm" and in post #347E to blogs of totalizm (which post #347E is an adaptation of the above mentioned item #K1 from web page "petone.htm") and also are disclosed in the descriptions of the abduction by UFOnauts to the distant planet Nea of the late Andrzej Domała - published in the Polish treatise [3b] entitled "Kosmiczna układanka" (meaning "Cosmic Puzzle").

Motto: "My philosophy of totalizm teaches that the difference whether someone intentionally lied to us because he/she practices the evil philosophy of parasitism, or just unintentionally states untruth because he/she is only an imperfect human who makes mistakes and does NOT know everything although in his/her life tries to practice some form of morally correct (because anchored on the Bible) philosophy of totalizm (i.e. that "totalizm" spelled through letter "z"), results only from his/her motivation, in turn learning by us his/her motivation usually is allowed by his/her reaction to our proving that he/she was lying and by the reaction to our attempt of correcting the lie: namely, a person deliberately lying to us will then react with anger, attempts at revenge and insisting on continuing the lying, while a person practicing some form of morally correct totalizm then either openly or at least in spirit, will admit that we are right and will try NOT to commit the same lying or mistake again." (Hint described in item #A2.13 from the Polish web page totalizm_pl.htm, indicating the totaliztic method of distinguishing individuals irreparably evil to bones who are already lying on purpose and spread evil - hence, for our own good whom we should avoid and keep as far apart from us as possible, from those ones who try to live morally as befits totalizts, but because of their human imperfections or lack of knowledge, sometimes they commit common mistakes or errors causing that some of their statements are also not true.)

       It is enough to look at today's TV news to notice that our entire civilization is already drowning in the depths of deliberate lying. At the same time, it is known that everything has a cause and is only the effect of something else that causes it. This in turn means that there is also a real physical cause and source of such deliberate lying. For thousands of years this cause and source of lying have been indicated in the Bible, while in recent times these indications from the Bible are increasingly reliably confirmed by factual research on UFOs. As it turns out from them, the most primal source and cause of flooding the humanity with the current stream of deliberate or official lies, is the hidden occupation, exploitation, destruction and tormenting of humanity by otherworldly and morally irreparably corrupted creatures, which the Bible, religions and folklore call "devils", while about which in present times efforts are implemented to rename them into the "more modern" term "UFOnauts" which describes creatures behaving in exactly the same ways as "devils" (see subsection V9.1 from volume 16 of free monograph [1/4] disseminated via my web page named text_1_4.htm) - or rename them into even some more deceptively made up names. These creatures are physical and material the same as people, only that, being incomparably higher than people technically, scientifically and medically advanced, for people they can almost appear to be "supernatural" creatures. From what we already know about them, e.g. from the report on the UFO abductions to planet Nea of a Polish citizen, the late Andrzej Domała, also briefly discussed on the approximately 26-minute long video (in Polish) entitled "Andrzej Domała - Uprowadzony na planetę Nea" (meaning: "Andrzej Domała - Abducted to the Planet Nea") available at the address , those "aliens" arriving to Earth in highly advanced UFO starships are like a kind of "cosmic plague", which first shifts its living tentacles onto new planets, and then turns these planets into poisoned garbage dumps, where further life is impossible, and thus finally it must shift onto another planets. (By the way, for disseminating the truths and intelligence that the late Andrzej Domała gathered during his UFO abductions to the planet Nea, I believe that later UFOnauts secretly used on him the famous "cancer causing machine", links to the descriptions of which provide the Polish key words maszyna do indukowania raka from the Polish web page named skorowidz.htm - by showing of which machine on UFOs, the UFOnauts threaten UFO abductees that they get rid with it of those people who are inconvenient or disobedient to them.) So in order to populate more new planets and at the same time to lead a lazy, comfortable and pleasure-oriented lives, these devilishly parasitic UFOnauts also have planets of their slaves - as about the situation of Earth I explained it on the web page "evil.htm". Then inhabitants of these planets of their slaves UFOnauts continually exploit from all raw materials that are necessary for them to continue this role of the "cosmic plague", e.g. mainly from the reproductive materials (i.e. from human sperm and ovum cells) to make more slaves and planets of slaves, from the so-called "moral energy", from the correct achievements of slaves' knowledge and technology, etc. In turn, in order to keep their slaves (including our humanity) in such a role of their slaves and suppliers of required raw materials, they continually lie, as well as propagate and unselectively reward with "money" all forms of lying among populations of slaves, up to the situation which, for example, we see on Earth today - when typically the higher someone is in power or wealth, the more he/she must lie to the fellow humans in order to maintain his/her profitable position. Moreover, they repetitively depopulate the Earth with wars, plagues and cataclysms. (Examples of these depopulation can be the deliberate exploding of a pile of UFO vehicles near the present town of Tapanui in New Zealand - described on the web page tapanui.htm, and also deliberately inducing the murderous tsunami described on the web page day26.htm caused by the deliberate explosion of a UFO vehicle near the shores of the Bandar Aceh province in Indonesia - in which the UFOnaut-nightmare discussed in this item #K2 was filmed.) In turn this chronic lying and depopulation quickly brings closer to Earth the situation from our Polish film "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (the title of which means: "The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s").
       Notice that the free Polish video entitled "Andrzej Domała - Uprowadzony na planetę Nea" (which title means: "Andrzej Domała - Abducted to the Planet Nea") indicated and linked above, on its length from 12:20 to 12:45 minutes, replays the interview which discusses the importance of the skill of "winding of light" that acquired our parasitic relatives living on planets of Orion, who thousands of years ago used their descendants to populate the planet Earth in order to be able to continually occupy, exploit and mortify us secretly until today in thousands of various ways. It is a portion of occupying forces that secretly reside on Earth and are at the command of these our parasitic relatives from Orion, whom we know under the folk name UFOnauts-nightmares, that filming of one of which I am describing in this item #K2. The late Andrzej Domała discussed this "winding of light" in his interview, because mastering this extraordinary skill lifts the intergalactic civilization that uses it to the next (highest) level of science and technology, in a way similar to how humanity will be raised to higher levels of science and technology when it builds and starts to use the invented by me Oscillatory Chambers, Magnocrafts and telekinetic batteries - which raising of humanity level I try to explain in items #J1 to J4 from my web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm. In turn the rareness of the fact that "winding of light" is an indicator of the technical and scientific level in the development of a given intergalactic civilization, is that for over 2000 years in this role it is confirmed by "[Ω] God's seal" encoded in the Bible, among others, in verse 3:33 from the "Book of Baruch" - as it is documented and explained in more detail in descriptions from item #J1 of the abovementioned web page 1985_theory_of_everything.htm.
       Because this "part #K" of the web page is devoted to the discussion of the most obvious and indisputable material evidence for the physical existence of UFOnauts who occupy our Earth, in this item #K2 I will try to prove that even in such a seemingly unambiguous matter as the interpretation of videos documenting inhuman looking and behaving UFOnauts, still someone officially and covertly smuggles lies which are to divert people's attention from the material nature and from existence of UFOnauts, and from their purposeful hiding from people with the help of the capabilities and power of their enormously advanced technology. I will prove this on numerous copies of the video available on the Internet, which show an approximately one-meter tall UFOnaut-nightmare with otherworldly capabilities, which was filmed in Aceh from Indonesia, while the best commented version of which video is available at - see Fig. #K2a below. As the reader can check this for himself, about this mini-UFOnaut various lies are already disseminated, e.g. that he is a human of normal height, while his small height is an optical illusion that results e.g. from the action of so-called "photographic perspective", that he is NOT an "alien" (means NOT an UFOnaut-nightmare) hiding from people, but just a wild man called "Orang Pendek" that still remains unknown to humanity and that avoids civilization, etc., etc. Although I myself am also only a fallible man who does NOT know everything, therefore sometimes in my engineering analyzes "how" I may also be wrong, nevertheless in my numerous arguments presented below for sure I can rectify some lies that there are about this UFOnaut-nightmare already disseminated.
       Discussed in this item #K2 is a video of male UFOnaut filmed in Indonesia, currently numerous copies of which, provided with comments by their authors, the reader can search for free on YouTube, e.g. with the command . In my personal opinion, the best presented copy of this video is available at . This is the second very good documenting on a video of the fact of the existence of material like people UFOnauts around one meter tall, who are called "nightmares" by folklore, while which a Polish-Lithuanian poet named Adam Mickiewicz describes under the name "small devil" (in Polish "Diablik") in the ballad "Pani Twardowska" (meaning: "Lady Twardowska") discussed in more detail in item #K1 above, where another example of which is also documented in the video linked at the end of the captions under the photos #K1abc and can be searched with the command . Furthermore, the melted into the hard asphalt of the NZ pavement of a clawed three-toed foot of such a female version of these UFOnauts-nightmares is shown in Fig. #K1a above in item #K1 from this web page and in post #347E to blogs of totalizm. Unfortunately, videos of this tiny UFOnaut filmed in Indonesia are either analyzed by those who intentionally try to mislead people, or by people who have almost no experience in the constructive researching of UFOs nor in the developing engineering procedures "how" - the huge knowledge-creative significance of which procedures are emphasized in items #G3 to #G5 from the web page named wroclaw_uk.htm. Therefore the conclusions to which lead such analyzes typically contain a lot of omissions and mistakes. Fortunately, on Wednesday, 2022/6/1 in blogs of totalizm (i.e. on blogs with addresses from item #Z3 of this web page) I published my post #347E containing the "report from my research on the footprints of a female UFOnaut-nightmare melted into the asphalt from NZ pavement", i.e. means I published information described above in item #K1 from this web page "petone.htm". I was in such a hurry with this report that it could be published on blogs of totalizm already a week after the discovery of the footprints of a nightmare-UFOnaut discussed in it (means to appear already on Wednesday, 2022/6/1) - so that before this evidence taking the form of photos of footprints of this mini-UFOnaut is published, these footprints had NO time to disappear from the sidewalk into which they were melted. Thus, due to the completion of that project of my supposedly "hobby" research (after all, deprived of official support and financing), I gained some time and processing capacity to add the engineering "how" to the dictionary "what" hidden in the video about a mini-UFOnaut filmed in Aceh from Indonesia. My findings on this matter are already available both, in this item #K2 from my web page named "petone.htm" since 2022/6/1, as well as post #348E to blogs of totalizm since 2022/6/20. I invite you to read them.
       The video discussed here reports the filming of a mini-UFOnaut in the Aceh province of Indonesia - i.e. in the same area, which in 2004 was devastated by a murderous sea "tsunami" also caused on purpose by UFOnauts and described extensively on my web page day26.htm (perhaps this miniature UFOnaut-nightmare was in there to investigate the consequences of the tsunami that they caused). Since copies of this video may show only some excerpt from it, I will first summarize the situation the video documents. And so, a group of field motorcyclists from Indonesia, who practice sport riding in the natural area of their island, while driving in a sparsely wooded, deserted area with almost no bushes and grass, were suddenly surprised by a mini-creature (i.e. by a UFOnaut-nightmare) that ran onto the road, they were just riding. It is interesting that seeing these motorcyclists, this UFOnaut did NOT hide from them, although he could, because rally motorbikes make a lot of noise, hence he heard their approaching from a distance - but being sure of his safety, he just went onto the road on which they were approaching him. The first two motorcyclists got so scared of him, that one of them fell down and both of them stopped their motorbikes - which suggests that with his telepathic devices of personal weapon the UFOnaut gave them an order to be afraid of him (what typically UFOnauts do in such situations). But because then he started running away from them along the extension of the road they were riding, the motorcyclists chased him. But the running of this UFOnaut turned out to be so fast, that no matter how motorcyclists tried, he kept his distance from them all the time and without any visible effort. When he reached the area covered with grass, about which the video reveals that it was about one meter tall, the UFOnaut without haste entered the path leading through the grass and disappeared from the further view of motorcyclists.
       On the subject of these mini-UFOnauts and the operation of their technology, I already published a lot of information at the addresses provided above in item #K1. The information provided in this item #K2 reports the results of my engineering analysis "how" of facts and truths contained in the highly educational video described here, searched e.g. with the command:, while (in my opinion) best illustrated on a 9:40 minute-long video entitled "Orang Pendek, Entity, Alien ?? - Breakdown" distributed for free from the address . The most important findings of my "how" analysis include the following facts, which are illustratively documented by events recorded and shown on this film:
{1} Telepathic emanation of a feeling of paralyzing terror. The video analyzed here begins by showing the confusion of the first two motorcyclists taking part in a ride through the wilderness of Indonesia. It shows that both motorcyclists were scared by something, and the motorcycle of one of them is even lying on the ground. The source of their fear turns out to be a tiny, approximately 1-meter tall, male (i.e. UFOnaut-nightmare). The comparison of his picture with experiences of other people who suddenly encountered such tiny UFOnauts, and whose experiences I previously researched, explains what really happened then. Namely, these one meter-tall UFOnauts have non-lethal weapons in operation somewhat similar to the one used by today's police of almost all countries of the world and called "stun gun" (in English called taser). Only that in UFOnauts their weapons work on an incomparably higher technical level. For example, weapons of UFOnauts have the form of a small implant permanently embedded in their bodies, thus they always carry it with them. This implant automatically carries out the commands that UFOnauts execute with their mind. It also has two modes of operation, namely (a) "the mode of telepathically sending the feeling of terror and the command that deters all living creatures from a given UFOnaut", and (b) "the mode of immediate hypnotic paralysis of a potential aggressor". I suspect that on these two motorcyclists only the mode (a) "deterrence" was used. This is because the mode (b) of paralyzing is mainly used when these little UFOnauts enter someone's flat, e.g. to rape or to abduct a person in there. In folk wisdom, the use of this paralyzing mode (b) is most often described under the name of "nightmare attack" (see examples of this attack, reported in the comments of readers under the 7:06-minute Polish-language video entitled "Paraliż senny, czyli nocne zmory" - meaning "sleep paralysis, that is nightmares"), or also known as the "night mare" attacks. Unfortunately, the official medicine of humanity pre-programmed to "contradict the truth" calls the use of this weapon of UFOnauts with the "scientific" and the highly misleading expression "sleep paralysis". As usual, medical scientists intentionally ignore the truth - in this case they do NOT accept the truth of reports of people paralyzed by the action of this weapon of UFOnauts and stating that almost always when this paralysis immobilizes someone, in the room of his human victim there is already some otherworldly little creature (i.e. "nightmare"), which additionally, after paralysis, usually physically rapes such an overpowered person - about which rape many people who are victims of a "nightmare attack" are fully aware and moreover, they have evidence of it on their own body in the form of painless so-called "ghost pinches" described in #K1 above - which are black bruises left on their hands, hips and legs but technologically healed for painlessness. I am perfectly aware of the operation of this weapon of UFOnauts, because I experienced it at least twice in my life. The first time, as a 9-year-old boy, I was overwhelmed by it, and at the same time I saw a female UFOnaut-nightmare who used it to overpower me visibly with the intention of raping me. The second time I was shocked by a sense of great dread during my professorship in Korea, when I watched the so-called MIB (tj. "men in black"), who inspected with the intention to remove the sculpture of a female UFOnaut-nightmare shown in "Fig. #K1c" from this web page and also in post #347E to blogs of totalizm, while discussed in more detail in the caption under Fig. #G1c from my other web page named sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm. Other people who were confronted with these tiny UFOnauts-nightmares, also experienced the action of their weapon on themselves. One of the examples of its use, which I learned in my research, had a course very similar to that recorded on the video discussed here. My friend, Wojciech Godziszewski, who at that time lived in Dobra Szczecińska from Poland, experienced it. His experience took place just after 9 p.m. on March 18, 1978. I described them thoroughly in subsection R2 from volume 15 of my monograph [1/5] (and also in subsection R2 from volume 7 of my older Polish monograph [1/3]). With the use by "nightmare-UFOnauts" of the weapon discussed here, which by means of technically induced deep hypnosis completely paralyzes the vital functions of the victim's body, a very serious problem of humanity is connected. This problem, instead of the to-date ignoring and hiding beyond the misleading terminology of "sleep paralysis" which intentionally avoids emphasizing its life-threatening nature, should rather be properly named (e.g. "shooting with technical hypnosis") and carefully researched. The root of this problem is derived from the well-known feature of any form of hypnosis that in order for the hypnotized body to return to normal function, it must first be de-hypnotized. But no-one wonders what will happen to the body paralyzed with such a weapon of technically induced paralyzing-deep hypnosis, if for some reasons after shooting someone with this weapon, the UFOnaut-nightmare does NOT de-hypnotize later his victim (e.g. because he has to flee the scene, or he has a short memory or he is a very malicious creature). Thus, it is extremely important to ask questions such as: whether the "nightmare attacks" are somehow responsible for such large number of people who wake up from the alleged medically confirmed state of death just a short while before they are to be buried, and whether these "nightmares attacks" are really responsible for the situations that the people who exhume the corpses sometimes report finding unnaturally twisted bodies in the graves, which at the time of their burial were arranged in a straighten and as if asleep pose?
{2} The technically highly advanced "personal magnetic propulsion system" used by an UFOnaut-nightmare from this video, which allows the UFOnaut to stay at a constant and safe distance of around 50 meters from the chasing motorcyclists. The fact of using this propulsion is confirmed by many situations illustrated in this video. For example, it can be seen from the situation that despite the efforts of motorcyclists to catch up with the "escaping" mini-UFOnaut, this creature easily kept them behind him at a safe distance of around 50 meters, and even showed no fear that they would be able to catch up with him (e.g. he stopped to look at their reaction). In turn, who of those ones who run only on their own feet is capable avoid to be caught by motorbikes controlled with experienced hands of terrain riders? To run as fast as an off-road motorcycle, one either needs to move own legs extremely quickly or to lengthen one's strides. From the video it appears that the UFOnaut "escaping" from motorbikes was moving his legs almost as fast as a running man - who, despite having legs longer than this UFOnaut, still would NOT have a chance to keep the required advance of 50 meters in front of these motorbikes. This in turn means, that this UFOnaut extended the range of each of his steps, which is confirmed on the video by the force with which his feet were throwing up the earth, while in the principle of operation of UFOnauts' personal propulsion system it also illustrates that the operation of this propulsion system is computer-linked with his intentions and with thought signals which control the work of muscles of this UFOnaut's body. Unfortunately, on the Internet there is NO data on footprints of this UFOnaut, especially how long were the individual steps in his run. Fortunately, the length of these steps can be roughly assessed by analyzing the shifting of this UFOnaut during his single running jump from one leg to the other leg. For example, in the last shots of this video (unfortunately, when the UFOnaut has already slowed down his run), with three steps he crosses at an outstretched angle (aslant) the road along which he runs, from the right side to the left side. From the wheel marks on this road, it can be concluded that heavy trucks with trailers (probably transporting cut trees from the forest) were driving on it, hence its width probably exceeds three meters, which means that a UFOnaut about one meter tall even in his slow-running he put steps longer than his height - which in itself is a proof that he used "magnetic personal propulsion system" to aid the speed of his run. After all, it is biologically impossible, that a small creature is able to take steps that are longer than its height. Of course, the lengths of his steps in this video could be more accurately estimated through the analysis of e.g. frames shifted backwards - but in order to do this precisely one would need the required equipment, which, of course, while carrying out my research as a hobbyist, I do NOT have at my disposal. A proof for the use of personal propulsion system, propulsors of which give to a UFOnaut strength unheard of in humans, is also the thickness and size of the "stick" that this UFOnaut-nightmare carried in one hand during his "escape", keeping it away from his body in a position requiring tremendous strength. After all, the thickness of this "stick" was difficult for even a motorcyclist of a human size to hold it with his hands thus he needed to lift it with both his hands, while a mini-UFOnaut was able to hold it in only one hand, running with it as fast as an off-road motorcycle and swinging it in the air as if it were a very light piece of cane.
{3} Being dressed in a brown, tight-fitting and partially transparent UFOnaut suit, including, among other things, a protective hood over the head. In other words, the clothing of this UFOnaut-nightmare was a thermo-regulating version designed for the climate of the tropics, of a similar suit which for a cooler climate protected the UFOnaut-nightmare filmed in the LaJunta town from the state of Colorado, US in 2019 - the video of which is linked at the end of the captions under Fig. #K1abc above in item #K1 on this web page with the command . Especially similar to each other in the suits of both these UFOnauts are headgears. After all, according to the folklore of many countries, including Poland, these miniature creatures have huge "dog ears" which protrude high above their heads. Thus, when someone amongst people sees them, then immediately from these ears he/she knows that they are NOT people. Therefore, in order to hide these ears, on Earth they use these large head hoods. One of the confirmations that motorcyclists have NOT filmed someone with bare skin, but just someone dressed in such a tight-fitting thermo-regulating suit seen in the UFOnaut-nightmare described here from the Aceh province in Indonesia, is e.g. wearing out, attrition and whitening of this suit on the butt part of this mini-UFOnaut - probably caused by long sitting in tight seats of crew from a small-type UFO starship (e.g. from type K3).
{4} The height of this UFOnaut, amounting to only around one meter - which confirms that he belonged to the male version of the same race of UFOnauts-nightmares, the female version of which melted in the hard asphalt of NZ pavement, the footprints discussed in #K1 of this web page and shown there in Fig. #K1a. This 1-meter of his height is evidenced by the comparison of him and the grass in which without haste or fear this mini-UFOnaut disappears at the end of his "escape". In turn comparing the height of this grass to the height of motorcycles and motorcyclists, it can be established that the upper edge of this grass was just slightly over one meter high, while this UFOnaut was slightly lower than the edge of this grass.
{5} The presence of "claws" on fingers and toes of this UFOnaut-nightmare and his superhuman strength. I am wondering if the reader noticed and paid attention to the difficulty and the way of holding this large and thick stick, looking almost like a "beam", which at the end of the video one of the motorcyclists grabbed with both hands and with a clear effort raised above his head, while which during his run the "UFOnaut-nightmare" seemed to toss around as if it was a very light "reed", "cane", or thin "stick"? Or whether the reader noticed that while running, the video sometimes reveals that the heel of this UFOnaut sticks out significantly from the rest of the foot as the (fourth - rear) claw protrudes from the foot of the statue of this female UFOnaut-nightmare shown in Fig. #K1c above on this web page? So let us think what obvious and unequivocal conclusions can be drawn from these facts?
{6} The possibility that this entire event was staged by UFOnauts. UFOnauts are able to occupy, subjugate, ransom, exploit, torment and hide from people for thousands of years only because they have highly intelligently designed and implemented methods of diverting human attention from their existence and activities on Earth. One of such extremely wise methods can be expressed with the Polish saying "if you want to hide a tree, plant a whole forest around it", while a perfect example of how it is implemented in practice is discussed in #A5 to #A5bc from my web page named totalizm_pl.htm. In turn an example of an event staged by UFOnauts that served them to distract people from UFO activities on Earth, is the abduction to the planet Nea of a Polish citizen, Andrzej Domała, reported in our Polish treatise [3b]. There is a whole range of premises which suggest that the entire event illustrated in the video discussed here was just staged as another such "planting a forest around a tree that is to be hidden". In my opinion, the most important of these premises are Indonesian legends claiming that in the area where this event took place, a certain unknown to science tribe of miniature versions of people supposedly lives in secret, by locals called "Orang Pendek". Thus, the encountering of a mini-UFOnaut can be "scientifically explained" as a meeting with such a miniature human - thus casting "official" doubts on all other claims about sightings of UFOnauts. Another is the selection of a whole group of motorcyclists as witnesses to filming this event - which allows for hiding a large amount of information that could otherwise be documented. For example, a group of motorcycles thoroughly destroyed footprints of this creature, making it impossible to measure and to document them. The clothing of motorcyclists and the speed of their driving and the entire event make it also impossible to recognize whether they are all people, or whether some of them, for example their leader, are impersonated by a UFOnaut who for those doing research on UFOnauts shows obvious details of appearance typical for UFOnauts. Also the fact that a mini-UFOnaut waited right by the road through which motorcyclists are going to go, and then instead of crouching to hide and let them pass, he shocked them with his telepathic weapon causing fear and paralysis, and then he started to "run away" along the path they were just going to follow. In addition, a few other indications of a similarly subtle nature. After all, our problem with the possible discovery that this event was staged on purpose, is the same as the problem with the entire occupation of Earth by UFO civilizations and with our defence against being exploited by these UFOnauts. This problem is due to the fact, that in comparison to humans they are so advanced technically, scientifically, medically, and with their intelligence, that for most of us they simply look like "supernatural beings". For example, their technology and science allows them to instantly arrive to Earth from other galaxies using a telekinetic propulsion (as evidenced by my findings explained in [A5b] from #I3 of the web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm telekinetic starships can fly with infinite speed). They can also become invisible to humans. In addition, they can penetrate through walls without harming their bodies nor the walls. They have weapons which with technical hypnosis instantly paralyze us and we cannot even move (shooting us with this weapon by the wisdom of folklore is called a "nightmare attack" - unfortunately our doctors, blinded by UFOnauts, tell us that it is only "sleep paralysis"). Furthermore, they are able to telepathically and post-hypnotically program anyone as they wish, e.g. to hypnotically command humans to absolutely do NOT believe in the existence of UFOs (this is why the leaders and the most influential "experts" of humanity so pre-programmed until today tell everyone that UFOs are just e.g. "delusions" and they do NOT exist at all) - in spite that every person on his or her own leg carries a mark that UFOnauts for sure do exist physically. After all, similarly as every Polish citizen is having assigned to himself the so-called PESEL number, while every US citizen - social security number, also UFOnauts assigned "numbers" and "identification codes" to every person on Earth by introducing a special "identification implant" into the tibia of his/her leg. After drilling this implant, on the side of the leg of every person on Earth remains a small scar, as shown in Fig. #B4 from my web page named ufo_pl.htm, and discussed in there in items #B4 and #A2 to #A2cd. However, in some people the wound after drilling to insert this implant can heal better than in others, hence then the scar becomes almost invisible. Each person is also abducted to a UFO at least once a month, because UFOnauts "milk" from every human reproductive material and so-called "moral energy" - which I described a bit more comprehensively in items #D3 and #D2 from my web page named nirvana.htm, and which, due to UFOnauts anti-divine and parasitic philosophy, UFOnauts themselves are unable to generate - while the moral energy is so necessary for the health of the "soul" as oxygen is essential to the health and life of the "body" (i.e. the lack of this energy can kill while at present the deficiencies of it are the reason of e.g. mental depressions and mass hysterias). Some people, including me, UFOnauts abduct regularly every week, among others to additionally program in them with post-hypnotic commands, and also to learn from them under hypnosis new knowledge that these people acquired in the meantime, and to find out what they are currently working on and what they intend to do. Taking into account all the above, it is very scary to know that we would need a huge miracle to free humanity from these secretive occupiers and exploiters. After all, so far there is NO chance that the increasingly godless and pre-programmed to be selfish people themselves will be able to even at least try to do anything in the direction of trying to break free from these parasitic UFOnauts.
       As we can see from the above, the based on the knowledge about the results of UFO research the carrying out of an engineering analysis "how" even for such a short video as discussed here, can already bring to light many facts previously hidden and blocked from reaching the public because of the incompetence and post-hypnotic orders issued to luminaries of official atheistic science and to decision-makers that control the humanity. And it must be remembered that this analysis is only rough, because in order to be more precise, access to precise research equipment (which I do NOT have) would be needed, and also resources would be needed to conduct systematic searches, research and interviews requiring travel to the places of events and personal meeting of witnesses. For example, in the case of the Indonesian incident discussed here, it would be highly helpful for establishing the truth to measure distances and dimensions at the scene of the incident, to obtain answers to the right questions asked to people who managed to make this groundbreaking film, as well as to precisely photograph or film and measure footprints of a running creature. In the old days, when I was still researching UFOs, I on my own expense and in my own private time, carried out just such trips, interviews, measurements, photographic documentation and research. They allowed me to gather the knowledge presented in my publications. Now, unfortunately, living only on my retirement pension, I cannot afford such activities anymore. In turn, it should NOT be counted, that our decision-makers pre-programmed or impersonated by UFOnauts and rewarded for hiding the existence of UFOs, will ever get to officially finance any reliable and truth-oriented research on the situation with the occupation of Earth by parasitic UFOnauts.
       There is also NO need to hide that even just watching the official "propaganda" from e.g. news on TVs already begins to confirm that the direction of the situation of humanity occupied by parasitic UFOnauts, is heading exactly towards what coincides with the intelligence gathered by the late Andrzej Domała at the cost of his own life. So let us cite below examples of Mr. Domała's own statements he included in "chapter B" of his reports on UFO activities and published in the treatise [3b] entitled (in Polish): "Kosmiczna Układanka" (meaning the "Cosmic Puzzle"). Notice from the citations provided below, that even before the publication of the treatise [3b] in 1998,
Mr. Domała already knew that telekinetic starships of UFOnauts travel through the counter-world with infinite speed, while the truth about the actual existence of infinite speed in the counter-world I managed to scientifically prove only at the end of February 2022 - as I described it in [A5b] from item #I3 of my web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and in entries #345 and #346 to blogs of totalizm. (Note that the original wording of cited statements of the late Andrzej Domała are provided in the Polish version of this item #K2 available in item #K2 from the Polish web page named petone_pl.htm.) Here are my translations of these citations of his words taken from:
[3b] Subsection B5.2: This inexplicable inner force ordered me to go to the same place again. / Suddenly, less than 200 meters from the target, the car suddenly stopped working. / The engine stalled by itself, as if it ran out of fuel. / Holding his right hand on my left shoulder, there was a man in a suit and a round transparent helmet on his head. / He turned and walked slowly forward, with slightly funny steps, as if jumping up and down as if he were in no hurry. / The hand hit an obstacle invisible to the naked eye. / my eyes saw a clearly visible, huge disk-shaped spaceship - saucer, / Kari continued his monologue that with this vehicle THEY can now travel through time and space to any place in zero time (as we understand it). / Kari with a little boy about a meter tall / there were no nails on his fingers / Orionians are a race similar to us and the Neatans, but are technologically far ahead of Neatans. What we do with flour dough, Neatans do with time, while Orionians do with light. / Further said that there are civilizations which are technologically far ahead of us, but at the same time are very afraid of us. Therefore, they do everything that can bring to us the destruction and doom as soon as possible, properly manipulating our minds and indirectly leading to various cataclysms that degrade us and our natural environment. They are most afraid that our Earth has the most favourable conditions for human development. Under these conditions, man develops with a uniformly accelerated rhythm. This situation is unknown to ALIENS, and they already fear us so much that they would like to stop us from developing. And since it is impossible for them, it is best to destroy us. However, since, for reasons unknown to me, they cannot do it themselves directly, they decided to destroy us slowly, constantly, but in an indirect way. So it is they, but with our hands, who are destroying the Earth for which there is no salvation. / He promised me that we would meet him twice more before we live together on another planet with more favourable conditions than prevailed on Nea or on Earth. To there they will evacuate 3 bedrygas of people, while one bedryga is 6 communities, while one community is 666 people. / Radio stopped playing in the same place, and at a distance of 1 meter it creaked terribly. / I couldn't make the slightest move. / I stood dumb, all tense and paralyzed, unable to even return the hug. / they ask me for help, to provide them with energy, because they used up all the supply / powerful obstacles, barriers intentionally placed on their way by the intruders occupying the Earth, so that no one else could reach us./
[3b] Subsection B5.3: I am now going to start describing some of the extraordinary obstacles that suddenly started to collapse on me when I started working on the preparation of the content of this subsection. / I write on a damaged machine because without any physical and technical reasons, it suddenly broke down / stress caused by mysterious road almost accidents / Jacuś often "sees something". Both at home and outside. This is something he is afraid of./
[3b] Subsection B6: Official Polish TV: The plan would be that in the initial part of the program I would talk about my experiences with UFOs, while in the next part - I would cancel it all to ridicule this topic. / official mass-media are sworn to some kind of conspiracy of silence./
       It is worth to emphasize in the relation to the above intelligence gathering, that for the heroic contribution of Mr. Domała to our knowledge about the threat to the independence situation of Polish nation and the entire mankind made by our parasitic occupiers from space, he deserves some posthumous (post mortem) decoration for bravery and his attempts to save lives and properties, and it is our civic duty to organize an official application for such a decoration to the Polish government - as I explained and justified it in Uwaga #1 and in Część #J (meaning: "Note #1" and "Part #J") from the Polish web page named tekst_3b.htm, as well as also in caption under Fig. #J1a from the web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and in the post #349E to blogs of totalizm. So in order to realize here, what a significant contribution to the possible liberation of humanity from being occupied by the confederation of our cosmic tormentors, introduced this intelligence gathered and reported at the cost of the life by the late Andrzej Domała, I will disclose here that according to my rough estimations, if the growth of new knowledge of humanity, which knowledge is to meet the totaliztic definition of "real progress" published in item #G4 from the web page named eco_cars.htm, will maintain the pace that gives to it the speed of new scientific discoveries and technical inventions carried out by today's monopolistic "official atheistic science", then the knowledge about the "winding of light" just by itself the humanity would reach after several next thousands of years. On the other hand, due to the contribution, courage and heroism of Mr. Domała, and due to the futuristic knowledge wisely encoded into verses of the Bible - which confirmed the truth of the information he gathered and stamped it with the "[Ω] God Stamp", this incredibly advanced knowledge about the technology of the future, the researchers open to the truth can learn today from the Polish treatise [3b] co-authorized by the late Andrzej Domała and offered on the Internet to everyone for free reading. Moreover, if the knowledge acquired by the late Andrzej Domała and made available to mankind at the cost of his life will be officially recognized and treated with the factual approach that it actually deserves, then it has the power to save a huge amount of human property and human life from being wasted (note that the justification for the reason and the way of working of the power of that knowledge for saving property and life, I explained in more detail in items #J1 to #J4, especially in the caption under Fig. #J1a, from my web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and from the post #349E to blogs of totalizm). This is why I have already made efforts to organize an official application to the Polish government for the above-mentioned posthumous decoration for the late Andrzej Domała, progress in organizing of which application is systematically reported in the abovementioned Note #1 and in Part #J from the Polish web page named tekst_3b.htm.

Fig. #K2a: Here, in my opinion, is the best of the presently available Internet presentations of an Indonesian video that documented a male UFOnaut-nightmare of around a meter tall from a race by Polish folklore called "zmora" (meaning "nightmare"). The use of the "magnetic personal propulsion system" by this UFOnaut allowed him to easily increase the speed of his run to the level that modern human motorcycles were unable to catch up with him.

Fig. #K2b

Fig. #K2b: Here is the proof of the huge success of UFOnauts in the absolute suppression of the truth about their hidden occupation, exploitation, and destruction of humanity, documented with numerous advertisements in Google. (Unfortunately, the truth about the existence of this hidden occupation, NOT only that - apart from me, no one else is spreading out, but even is officially and intentionally hiden and blocked.) When in Petone, NZ, everyone could see the material, real and truefootprints of a female UFOnaut-nightmare that are described and illustrated in #K1 to #K1abc above on this web page (and due to the links from item #K2 of this web page - to see also real films showing approximately one meter tall UFOnauts from the "nightmare" race that torment and rape people) only around 3 kilometres from these footprints of female UFOnaut, the opposed to their truthfulness was the contradictive art exhibition of a fictional nature about UFOs entitled "The truth is out there" - widely (and probably costly) promoted on television, radio, the Internet, and even in Google. No wonder that the truth and the actual footprints of UFOnauts are of no interest to anyone, but to the attention of everyone is recommended a fiction about UFOs. As one can see, UFOnauts managed to persuade my fellow humans from NZ that it is better to promote such exhibitions (which show fiction about UFOs that well serve UFOnauts because the fiction diverts attention from establishing the truth about UFOs), instead of e.g. promoting reliable research on our cosmic occupants from UFOs. And this in spite that NZ is full of material evidence on the occupational activities of UFOnauts, e.g. of the type: (a) the UFO explosion site near township of Tapanui and the illness that prevails in there until today with symptoms similar to the consequences of radiation sickness - but deceptively called the Tapanui flu (Myalgic Encephalopathy), (b) a carefully staged case of a UFO abduction of a certain Miss Nosbocaj described in more details in subsection UB1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/5], (c) numerous UFO landing sites magnetically burnt on NZ pastures - and discussed e.g. in item #K1 above and then repeated as the post #347 to blogs of totalizm, (d) various substances that fall off or are excreted from UFOs - an example of one type of which (i.e. the "onion charcoal") is described in item #B3.1 while I am showing it e.g. on Fig. #B3.1 from my web page named evidence.htm, while the example of "faeces" of some UFOnauts is discussed e.g. in (g) from item #H3 from my web page 2020life.htm, (e) traces of injuries experienced by people during abductions to UFOs, while described in #A2 to #A2cd and in #B4 from the web page named ufo_pl.htm, and also shown there scars from UFO implants that can be found on the body of almost every person, etc., etc. Unfortunately, for reliable research on these and other truths about UFO somehow never were (and probably never will have time to be) any funds nor good will. Means, if God does NOT perform a miracle, there will be NO salvation for humanity and the fate of our civilization will follow this ominous path about which for years we have been warned by the information obtained at the cost of life of the late Andrzej Domała and briefly summarized above at the end of #K2, while in full sizes described e.g. in chapters B5.2, B5.3, and in chapter B of his report contained in the treatise [3b] entitled Kosmiczna układanka (meaning the "Cosmic Puzzle").
       This exhibition The truth is out there was advertised even by NZ television in its evening news on 2022/6/10 - means on the same day in the evening when I published the English-language post #347E to blogs of totalizm, which was an adaptation of the content of item #K1 from this web page. Of course, I immediately decided that the next day, i.e. on Saturday 2022/6/11, I would go to see the UFO exhibits displayed almost next to us. But I did NOT foresee that UFOnauts may NOT approve of my visit to this exhibition, while having time vehicles and time couriers at their disposal, they can create numerous obstacles that effectively "discourage" me from seeing it - the appearance of which unusual obstacles in all situations when UFOnauts do NOT like what one of the people is doing, the most well described the late Andrzej Domała in the sentences partially cited at the end of item #K2, from subsection B5.3 of the abovementioned treatise [3b]. It is probably to such obstacles that I owe, that firstly my wife planned to go somewhere in our car and was NOT ready to "drop" me off to this exhibition, and then for a long time no bus was going in there, while the weather was very cold and the sky looked like it might soon come down in a cold autumn rain. But I had no desire to walk about 3 kilometres to this exhibition, so I waited. When the bus finally took me to the vicinity of this exhibition, walking towards it along the sidewalk, suddenly some force turned my body by around 90 degrees, as a result of which forced turn I was unable to keep my balance and I fell down. In order to prevent my head from hitting the hard concrete of the pavement, I cushioned my fall with both hands - thus in my fall I scraped the skin on both hands against the rough concrete of the pavement. The blood was shed, but I decided that since they do NOT want me to see this exhibition so much, it is better if I see in it "whatever" I supposed NOT to see. Hence, not having with me a dressing for bleeding wounds nor even a handkerchief, I simply licked the wounds with my tongue to clean them of blood and dirt, and then continued my way to the exhibition. After arriving, it turned out that at the entrance to its location there is NO advertisement about it, and that it was placed without marking in some back room that is difficult to find, and that you need to ask about the way to it. This perhaps explained why, in spite of the announcement in the TV news and the proximity of noon on Saturday - when many people were passing right next to the location of this exhibition, almost none of the people was in the room of this exhibition. At the exhibition - which me gave an impression that someone hurriedly put it together in order to get rid of the old stuff that was no longer needed for him/her, I did NOT find anything interesting. There were mainly a few excerpts from old newspapers, and several old citations which did NOT encourage to the subject of UFOs, and also some "modern" paintings that fictitiously represent the subject of UFOs (which, however, I would be ashamed to show to anyone). If I were the organizer of it, then I would cut out from the pavement in Petone at least this melted footprints of a female UFOnaut-nightmare in the hard asphalt shown in Fig. #K1a above and I would show them as one of its exhibits - and I am sure that with a truthful description it would become the most interesting component of the exhibition. On the wall hung a small mannequin with a mask as described in item #G5, while shown in Fig. #2, from its web page named antichrist_pl.htm. I decided to photograph this mannequin and its mask. But when I started my digital camera, it turned out that instead of an image it shows a "waterfall" of coloured lines, while its electronics went crazy. This made me realize that in the same room there is probably an invisible UFO starship in the state of "telekinetic flickering" - after all around 3000 Hz pulsation of its powerful magnetic field (see #14 from item #B4 of the web page wtc.htm) is known to burn and destroy human electronics. Hence, without being able to take a single photo, I left the exhibition and started my way home. It was then that the autumn rain, waiting for the right moment, started to be served - by the time I reached the bus stop it was raining like hell. At home, I disinfected and started healing the wounds of the skin torn from both hands, as well as my bruises. Before going to bed in order to return to health after this dangerous expedition to the "exhibition", I checked my camera again - still its electronics went crazy and instead of the picture it showed only a waterfall of lines of various colours. I am quite disappointed that knowing UFOnauts well, I still did NOT foresee that this exhibition could be a kind of "trap" organized by hostile UFOnauts in order to additionally discourage everyone who is too curious to be interested in them. When I updated this web page on 2022/7/12 I checked again whether the electronics of my camera is burned out irreparably. Unfortunately, as it turns out, its permanent destruction adds further costs of the loss of a good electronic camera which served me well since 2004, to this my ill-considered curiosity "why someone organized an exhibition about UFOs" only around 3 kilometres from my apartment and from the footprint of a female UFOnaut-nightmare 80cm tall - melted into the pavement made of hard NZ asphalt.
       I should also explain here, that with the publication of this "report on my engineering research 'how' revealing the understatements in the interpretation of the video of the UFOnauts-nightmare from Aceh, Indonesia", i.e. with the publication of this #K2 to #K2b, I was in a hurry to make it possible to show on blogs of totalizm as soon as possible after publishing the footprints of an 80cm female UFOnaut-nightmare discussed in previous item #K1 of this web page (i.e. in the form of this items #K2 to #K2a it already appeared on 2022/6/1, while in the form of post #348E to blogs of totalizm, it appeared already on Monday 2022/6/20). The point was that the evidence in the form of these footprints of an UFOnaut melted into the hard asphalt of NZ pavement should still be available to interested researchers or to be placed in a museum when this post is published. After all, on the same subject of mini-UFOnauts, their brutality towards people and the operation of their technology, since 2022/6/1 both in posts #347E and #348E to blogs of totalizm and in items #K1 and #K2 from my web pages in the Internet (i.e. from this English web page "petone.htm" and from Polish "petone_pl.htm"), there are already published photos and information about these footprints, while from my earlier research on UFOs it appears that whenever any evidence is published that UFOs exist materially and objectively and they occupy and torment humanity, while from a given publication the exact location of this evidence can be determined, then this evidence disappears very quickly and mysteriously or its evidential value is sabotaged. In fact, there are premises, which I described in item #J2 from the web page 1985_theory_of_everything.htm, and which had the form of a blue UFO spiral caused by the operation of a "time vehicle" filmed above our heads (for its appearance see the video at: ) and probably responsible for the destruction or accidental explosion of a steel water pipe on our street, not far from these footprints of a UFOnaut-nightmare, all of which evidence suggests that UFOnauts have already made an attempt to covertly destroy these footprints of a female UFOnaut. Fortunately, on that first attempt to destroy them, UFOnauts for some reasons were unable to succeed - I am curious whether UFOs will try to destroy them again, because on 2022/7/12 these footprints melted into hard NZ asphalt were still clearly visible to those interested in seeing or examining them.

#K3, blog #355E. The whitish trail of footsteps of over 3 meters tall UFOnaut who manages the Earth and who walked in the "state of telekinetic flickering" in the direction from west (W) to east (E) along the dark asphalted footpath in New Zealand township of Petone:

Summary: How would you feel, if you knew that some your distant relative having weapons more effective than yours and known for sinister habits is secretly watching you with malicious intent in your own bedroom sometimes even in the most intimate moments? After all, in this item #K3 I present photographed body of evidence, which in connection with other research results proves that each person NOT less frequently than once a month is secretly watched, and then robbed at least of his most valuable resources, i.e. robbed from the "moral energy" and from sperm or ovule - which robbery is explained in more details in {11} from item #H2 from my other web page named bible.htm. Therefore this item #K3 documents: (1) the empirical (photographic) evidence, that along the pavement of the New Zealand township of Petone in which I live since 2001, not far from my flat, a giant UFOnaut of over three meters tall was boldly walking, footprints trail of whom has revealed that he was playing a "peeping Tom" on people. This UFOnaut used technology that make him invisible to people as he belonged to the technologically extremely advanced human-like race of "Orionians" (i.e. the race of UFOnauts which are the closest relatives of people and thus look like people from Earth, only that they permanently live on planets from the Orion constellation). About this race we already know that it controls the entire confederation of atheistic UFOnauts that practice the brutal and merciless philosophy of evil parasitism, which allows them to secretly occupy and exploit the Earth and humanity since thousands of years - in spite that Earth people are their closest relatives. About the existence of this human-like race of UFOnauts one rarely hears even from UFO literature, although the Bible writes about them in verses concerning "fallen angels" - sexual relationships of which with human women caused the birth of giants on Earth. (I.e., among others, they caused the birth of human giants of the "Te Kahui Tipua" tribe, which lived in New Zealand until around 18th century, while the research on mysteriously disappearing skeletons of which - i.e. skeletons which were also secretly stolen from us by UFOnauts who occupy humanity, is described, amongst others, in items #D1 and #I2 from the web page named newzealand.htm.) Cases of meetings with people and descriptions of this gigantic race of UFOnauts are so rare, because their representatives have mainly ruling and managing positions in their confederation. Thus, apart from some special occasions, they do NOT lower themselves to the level of performing any activities that would force them to appear to their human slaves. Thus, whenever these huge UFOnauts arrive to Earth, they do it either out of curiosity - means as if for "tourism" purposes, or for inspection of their "possessions" which is the entire Earth and the entire humanity, or for some research, training, or testing a new methods or theories of managing humanity - e.g. see a YouTube film entitled "Beware of Angels" in which such a giant UFOnaut claiming to be an "angel" orders one family to murder its neighbours causing an extraordinary case described in literature as the so-called Halstead murder case, while summarized briefly in (6) from item #A2 of my web page named ufo_pl.htm. Independently from this (1) evidence (i.e. photos) with which I documented the inspection of Petone by this invisible giant-UFOnaut, in this item #K3 I also try to reveal: (2) the existing difficulties with identifying, interpreting, documenting, researching, and disseminating this evidence confirming truths which still remain blocked from becoming known to our civilisation; (3) problems that hinder the collection of evidence of the type described here, and the skills required to overcome these problems; and (4) an example of the kind of dangers connected with researching truths in the present situation of humanity, when the majority of people do NOT want to learn new truths and are hostile towards people who try to research and disseminate still unknown truths, as well as (5) the level of courage and caution required for researching such previously unknown and secretly punishable truths. I especially recommend this item #K3 to these fellow humans, who on the side of their leg, in the inter-muscular groove halfway between the ankle and the knee, will find a clearly visible scar (in men on the right side of the right leg, in women on the left side of the left leg), discussed and illustrated in Fig. #B4 of my web page named ufo.htm. This is because such a scar is a proof that systematically at least once every month, without knowing about it, after being technologically hypnotized, they are secretly exploited by UFOnauts, who from so enslaved people obtain under hypnosis the "moral energy" earned each month, as well as sperm or ovule needed by UFOnauts for populating next planets with human slaves which later are subjected to brutal exploitation similar to that which currently humans from Earth are enduring.

Motto: "Human nature was intentionally created in such a way that only a lie or commonly known information of the dictionary type 'what' could be gifted to someone or forced into someone with compulsory education, while in order to learn the truth, or to acquire the wisdom of finding correct solutions 'how' to problems faced, everyone must personally earn with own effort and initiative". (The conclusion which emerges from my research summarized in #G3 to #G5 from the web page named wroclaw_uk.htm and in #H1 to #H2a from the web page named bible.htm.)

       It was Thursday, 2022/12/1. Around two in the afternoon I managed to publish another post number #354 to blogs of totalizm - which presented what I am describing in #H1 to #H2a from the web page bible.htm. Because my mind felt exhausted after many hours of effort to finish that publication, I decided to go for a walk to relax it. Unfortunately, although it was the first day of the New Zealand summer, an icy wind was blowing from Antarctica, which caused that my typical walk along the beach in Petone was threatening to catch a cold. So I decided to go for a walk along the nearest to my flat footpath from the township of "Petone", the course of which in the direction of W-E and its buildings shield me from the gusts of this cold southerly wind. Along this pavement I repetitively walked on cold days. It is this one that leads to the place where in 2006 I sighted a miniature UFO probe called "orb" emerging from the underground (this "orb" is described in English in item #I3 from the web page explain.htm and also in Polish in post #97 to blogs of totalizm), and thus where I suspect is an underground base of human-like UFOnauts from the "Orion" constellation - similar in function to the base of UFOnauts from the "nightmare" race that exists under the castle of Teutonic Knights in Malbork that I described in item #G1 and Fig. #G1ab from my web page named malbork_uk.htm. Therefore, while walking along this pavement, I was looking at its asphalt, whether by any chance I could discover on it another melting of asphalt with feet of some UFOnaut - e.g. melting similar to the one described in items #K1 to #K2 from this web page named petone.htm.
       I walked only around 100 meters from my flat, when on a short stretch of pavement relatively freshly poured with dark asphalt some four months earlier, I was surprised to see a serpent-like winding of long trail formed of whitish patches permanently embedded in the dark asphalt of this footpath. Similar trails of UFOnauts' footsteps I have seen many times before. But they were always scorched in the grass, which from the action of the field from propulsors in soles of UFOnauts' shoes took a unique red colour - which is documented e.g. on the photograph of newly-formed landing of a UFO-vehicle from Fig. #B1a of my web page named evidence.htm. Unfortunately, the wind always quickly ruffled the grass forming the outlines of these tracks. So although in the grass they could be noticed with the "naked eye", unfortunately their ruffled paths did NOT allow for their legible photographing. Fortunately, this time the trail of footprints formed in the relatively new asphalt was clear and photographable. Its course documented that the footsteps were made by a UFOnaut walking very slowly along this pavement. This is because these white spots formed the trail of someone curiously looking around and thus writhing like a snake and passing from one side of a wide sidewalk to the other side, and as if searching for another bedroom that would still be worth looking into - see Fig. #K3a and Fig. #K3d below. Only that in spite that clearly this UFOnaut was walking slowly and lazily like a relaxing tourist, his steps were around twice as long as mine which I take when to relax my mind I also walk slowly and recreationally. Such long strides, a man could take only if he ran and practiced a sport that made him accustomed to running with long strides. In turn if it was e.g. a UFOnaut, then it would have to be of gigantic height. This is because I know that UFOnauts never run. After all, they have their "personal propulsion system" which I described more comprehensively in chapter E and subsection R3 from volumes 2 and 15 of my monograph [1/5], and which allows them, whenever they wish, to fly even faster than human airplanes. And the fact that for sure it was a UFOnaut evidenced these white spots, which documented that they were caused by the strong telekinetisation of asphalt by propulsors in soles of shoes of the "telekinetic personal propulsion system" of a UFOnaut. This is because the strongly telekinetised matter changes all its attributes - including the colour to chalky white, as I described it in more detail, e.g. in subsections H8 to H8.2 from volume 4, and in the entire chapter KB from volume 9 of my monograph [1/5].
       I know that there is a race of giant UFOnauts. Although people see it extremely rarely, because this race represents the very leaders of the confederation of UFOnauts who manage the secretive occupation and exploitation of Earth and humanity. I briefly described representatives of this race in subsection V5.3.3 about the "ruler of the world" from volume 17 of my monograph [1/5]. These Ufonauts are described as having significantly higher height than people, with simultaneous indescribable beauty of their bodies and faces with human proportions and appearance like these in people. Every person who saw them, is unable to hide his impression and admiration with the beauty of their bodies and faces, and with the grace and dignity of their movements - reactions of people after seeing these UFOnauts perfectly imitate the content of descriptions of "Lucifer" from verse 28:12-15 in the "Book of Ezekiel" from the Bible - to which descriptions I refer in {11} from item #H2 from my web page named bible.htm, where I prove that the "[Ω] God Stamp" from the Bible with its far-sighted descriptions of devils and Lucifer wisely and predictively warns us that the Earth is occupied by material and biological creatures (today called "UFOnauts") whose bodily nature differs from the spiritual nature of true angels of God. Unfortunately for us, UFOnauts have a technology which in human eyes looks like giving them "supernatural" capabilities. In my research I even had the opportunity to meet someone who saw a pair of these gigantic UFOnauts of both sexes, male and female. This someone even later expressed his admiration for the appearance of these UFOnauts in the TV program "Holmes" dated 3 May 1989, which in TV NZ reported about my research on the UFO explosion site near Tapanui. (It was this program on TV and the reactions that it caused at the university in which I lectured, that later became the direct reason for expelling me from Otago University.) Also a Polish citizen, the late Andrzej Domała, probably later murdered by UFOnauts with their famous "machine for inducing cancer" for revealing the truth about UFOnauts that occupy us (see from #J1 to Rys. #J1b from the Polish web page named tekst_3b.htm or see post #350E to blogs of totalizm), also heard about these "rulers of the world" from other UFOnauts whom these "Orionians" impress immensely. In his reports he called them "Orianie" (Orionians) because they inhabit planets in the "Orion" constellation. For example, he reported about them that they are the only civilization in the confederation of UFOnauts who occupy us, who can even "wrap light" (in Polish "zawijać światło") - as I explained in more details in items #J1 to #J3 from the web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and in post #349E to blogs of totalizm, and also in #A1 to #A1c from the web page tapanui.htm as well as in post #350E to blogs of totalizm. These "rulers of the world", means UFOnauts of gigantic height, are always described as highly respected by all other races of UFOnauts, having an extremely beautiful appearance, and never doing any work because everything that is to be done for them, they order either to other UFOnauts, or telepathically or hypnotically extort from us people. This is because between subsequent races of this confederation the same relations prevail as UFOnauts managed to implement on Earth. In the most diplomatic manner these relations can be described with an old Polish proverb "everyone has to peel own turnip" (in Polish words: "każdy sobie rzepkę skrobie") - means no-one helps anyone over there, but only orders and demands. Each race is left to itself. Most illustratively such their principles of conduct are disclosed in the English-language one-hour long video of 2017 entitled "Beware of Angels" disseminated for free on YouTube at the address . It is a great luck for us people that even in their bodies and souls every "God Drobina" in its memory and brain contains the superior program of God - so that similarly as they control and dispose of people, God is able to control and dispose of their behaviour, while when they become useless to God - God even may end their present "non-existent existence" described in #H5 from my web page immortality.htm.
       Having all this knowledge - links to which I provided above, and seeing these white footprints of like human walking, I understood that my duty of scientific honesty towards my fellow humans still dishonestly lied to about UFOnauts, is to objectively research, scientifically interpret, and document as well as publish the truth about what these white trails of footprints reveal to us. After all, I am aware that other people, even if they are scientists, will walk on them, and in spite that they have eyes and ears, they do NOT see or hear (or maybe they do NOT want to see or hear) - as I justify this in the caption under Fig. #H2a from my other web page named bible.htm and from post #354E to blogs of totalizm. Only that realizing how difficult as a pensioner I am going to have to carry out these researches while confronting the present attitude of people to truth, and how many dangers, obstacles, and shortcomings I am going to have to face in carrying them out, I understood that their completion would take me a lot of time which always I have in deficit. Thus I decided that I would start this research the next day from measuring and photographing these trails of footprints then systematically writing down here my findings and their results, as well as writing interesting facts about the process of carrying them out. This is because from previous experiences I know that whenever my research is carried out in some public place, for some strange reasons (probably because these UFOnauts have vehicles that transport them through time, thus they can read from my publications in the future about places, times, and details of what I research at present) my research always is a source of many adventures and dangers easily induced by someone who has the technology for making himself invisible and is able to telepathically and hypnotically pre-program people needed later to implement whatever this pre-programming is supposed to serve.
       The first problem I had to deal with before I started documenting on photographs these trails of white footsteps, was to prepare a camera. After all, my previous electronic camera, which served me well for years, was burnt out on Saturday 2022/6/11 by UFOnauts at the UFO exhibition - as I described it in Fig. #K2b from this web page. In turn I do NOT want to spend my pension funds on a new one. So I decided that I would use a worse quality camera built into one of the mobile phones that we were given. Various our friends, seeing that we do NOT use mobile phones, from time to time give us their old phone when they buy a new one. Thus, having several of them, I first had to choose which one to use. This is because I know that cameras from the majority of hand-phones do NOT allow to automatically write the date and time of taking photos. Meanwhile, for the scientific reliability of the documenting photographs, the date and time of their taking are vital. So I started from finding on the Internet which phone has the option of entering the date and time - it turned out to be the "android" of Chinese production that we have. After I pre-programmed onto it to write the date and time of taking by it every photograph, I was ready to start documenting this trail of footprints already the next day.
       The next day, i.e. on Friday 2022/12/2, turned out to have sunny weather. So when the sun was already high I went to photograph and to measure these trails of white footprints. However, I was unable to measure the entire length of the photographed section of the asphalt pavement, on which as many as 22 of these white marks were clearly visible with naked eye, because I had NO one who would hold one end of the measuring tape when I stretched it, while on the hard pavement there was NO way to fasten or fix the end of this tape without attracting attention and reaction of nearby people by performing some unusual actions. However, "by eye" I estimate that in fact it had the length indicated by 22 of these stepping marks distant from each other by around 94 cm. After returning home, however, I was disappointed to discover that these white marks are almost NOT visible on photographs, and that almost all my photographs are spoiled by shadows from a power pole and power lines that ran above the pavement. So I decided that I must go again at a slightly later time the next day in order to photograph when these shadows change their positions. However, when on Saturday 2022/12/3 I reached these footprints, I noticed that using a Saturday free from work, a resident of the house near this white trail was washing and cleaning his car. Thus, when I started my photographing, he walked several times to the middle of the pavement to deduce my intentions of staying in there for so long - but from his behaviour I noticed that he did NOT pay attention to the existence of the trail of footprints. This made me wonder what his reaction would be if I explained to him e.g. that: "I am photographing footprints of a giant UFOnaut, who inspected our township by looking into human bedrooms". So I cut short my photo-session and returned home. Then it turned out that on the photographs the contrast between the blackness of the asphalt pavement and the whiteness of these chalk marks is too small that after publishing these photographs the reader could see them clearly. So I decided to do the next few sessions while the shadows are coming over the tracks, but the reflected sunlight is still good. Unfortunately, due to the low quality of the camera in my phone, even these came out poorly. The only thing left for me, is to choose the best photographs out of those already taken, and to publish them on this web page.
       My web development experience also revealed to me another serious problem with photos taken with the phone's camera. Namely, they take up too much memory. For example, in present times, in order a web page would NOT load for too long - especially during intercontinental browsing, the experience dictates that photographs illustrating it should occupy the memory of at most around 200 KB. Meanwhile, the phone that I used was taking photos with around 30 times greater demand for memory. So in order to be able to publish them on my web page, I was forced to reprogram these photographs in order to reduce their demand for memory - which additionally decreased their already low quality (contrast). Of course, I kept these NOT "slimmed down" originals of photos in case that in the future there will be some good use for them.
       When I measured the span of individual steps of this trail, it turned out that each of them was separated from the other by the same distance of about 94 cm. So assuming that the span of steps of a relaxed walk of human-shaped creatures is proportional to their height, and knowing that with the same kind of lazy walk of as if a relaxing "tourist", my own steps are spaced around every 50 cm with my height of 167 cm, it can be calculated that the height of this UFOnaut was over 3 meters tall. This means, that if due to the use of telekinetic propulsion system - which allows him to penetrate through walls and fences directly into human apartments and spy on people in there while remaining invisible to human eyes, this UFOnaut would succumb to his habit of being a "peeping Tom" (in Polish named "podglądaczem" - meaning a "voyeur"), but would sneak into one of the New Zealand one-storey houses, then in order to fit in this house under the ceiling and be able to look around, he would have to crouch down - but this would degrade his "dignity" of the ruler and owner of humanity. In turn, in order to look around while proudly standing, he would first have to enter at least two-storey building and, standing on the ground floor, look around the bedrooms from the next floor. Because I know that on the same street and not far from the place where I saw these footprints, there is a two-storey building relatively rare in the single-storey buildings of the township of Petone, I went to check whether the examined trail of footprints - which led from the direction of that building, do NOT come out from it by any chance. To my surprise, although the asphalt of the sidewalk by this two-storey building was already a bit older, and thus faded so much that the footprints of this UFOnaut were more difficult to distinguish from the whitish patches of the asphalt itself, still there were footprints of this UFOnaut in the place where he left of that building and penetrated onto the sidewalk through the walled fence surrounding the building. These footprints are described below in the caption under, and illustrated in, Fig. #K3f, while their highly meaningful course I additionally marked with plastic numbers of a bright yellow colour in Fig. #K3f22. Most clearly earlier this UFOnaut decided to entertain himself as a "peeping Tom" (means a pervert in Polish called "podglądacz" or "voyeur") and looked in this building to rooms located on the second floor (in NZ bedrooms of owners of two-storey buildings usually are located on the second floor). Is it NOT intriguing that with the use of e.g. English keywords: true peeping tom stories or e.g. Polish keywords: podglądacz prawdziwe historie, in the Internet one can find reports of numerous people who panic and become hysterical at the sole thought that someone may be watching them in private moments. Simultaneously, the same people for years have been ignoring the results of my research and even the empirical evidence, such as the one presented here and additionally supported by the "[Ω] God Stamp" documented in {11} from item #H2 from my web page named bible.htm, although these evidence conclusively prove to those who want to know the truth that practically every person at least once a month is NOT only secretly spied on without his/her knowledge in even the most intimate situations, but also without their consent brutally robbed of everything that people have most precious, means from "moral energy" and from ovule or sperm, and sometimes on the occasion of this robbing is even raped under hypnosis.
       The fact that this trail of footprints appeared only around 100 meters from my flat and on the sidewalk on which I sometimes walk, means that planning of our actions in advance by God through configuring the "Omniplan" - as it is described in item #J5 above on this web page, was done already a long time ago. Namely, God pre-planned that I should see, research, and publish these trails of footprints. This in turn empirically confirms that in "God Drobinas" (i.e. those God Drobinas described most comprehensively in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page god_exists.htm and in posts #325E and #326E to blogs of totalizm) the 12th highest memory and brain, in fact are used by God. In turn by having superiority over the rest of memories and brains of God Drobinas, they can force even Lucifer and his "devils" (means UFOnauts practicing atheism) to make a decision to walk along this particular sidewalk - which decision God pre-planned in advance to enable me to find and research this trail of footprints.
       In turn the fact that around 4 months earlier just this section of pavement was covered with new asphalt so that the white footsteps of a UFOnaut could be clearly visible against dark background of asphalt, indicate how carefully and precisely God plans every event that happens to us. After all, in order for this pavement to be covered with asphalt, the decision needed to be taken by properly selected people in the authorities of the township of Petone, who for some reasons wanted to select this particular pavement for renovation. (And NOT to choose some other old pavement - on which I never walk, and thus trail of UFOnaut footprint would NOT be discovered by anyone on them.) In turn, that just these particular people should be elected to the management of Petone township (as others would choose a different old pavement that also requires renovation), earlier it was necessary to prepare the campaign and voters so that they would properly vote for the required candidates, etc., etc. So this confirms how long-term, carefully, precisely and teachingly God pre-plans the fate of everything that happens in our "world of matter" and in the lives of each one of us people - as this is explained in item #J5 of this web page.
       In my life I noticed many times that every single event is so precisely and at long-term prepared by God. As another example of this preparation, I suggest the reader to consider how much time and work it took to make a video about the plaster casting of a giant three-toed footprint of a UFOnaut-monster named "Lizard Man" with red glowing eyes, discussed more comprehensively on this web page in the caption under Fig. #K1e above, and under Fig. #K3h below. The plaster cast of the imprint of three-toed foot of this giant, which looks identical to the three-toed foot of a female UFOnaut-nightmare shown below in Fig. #K3h, is one of the main tourist attractions in the "South Carolina Cotton Museum" from the town of Bishopville, South Carolina, USA, and also the attraction of the entire that town. Thus, in order for me to consider this imprint also the same significant because it reveals a previously unknown truth, it was firstly necessary that I managed to see it on the video shown in NZ television from channel 8 named "eden" only on 2022/12/30 at 17:14 to 17: 21. Means the work on video showing this footprint must have been undertaken many months (or maybe even years) earlier, and then the presentation of their results in television of NZ must be precisely synchronized with my research. After all, as I believe, the purpose of broadcasting in NZ this video about the "Lizard Man" was to confirm and empirically expand the documenting of the truth that also miniature UFOnauts from the three-toed "nightmare" race (succubus and incubus), similarly like every other race of UFOnauts, also have their gigantic counterparts like the one described in this item #K3. But in order for me to firstly notice and then convincingly document this truth, I first needed to gather the empirical evidence which I am presenting in this item #K3 and the existence of which I discovered only on 2022/12/1. Means the date of broadcasting in TV of NZ the video from Fig. #K1e of this web page about the around 2.5-metre-high giant "Lizard Man", and the content of that video, must have been precisely designed - which fact strikes me repetitively in everything that the manifestation of it God commands in our "world of matter". Although dozens of videos documenting this "Lizard Man" are already available in YouTube - see , if with the help of God we do NOT learn "where" and "how" to look for information about it, we have NO chance to learn the truth about it. So it is a pity that so few other people notice this repetitive help from God, while in rare cases of noticing it - typically atheistically thinks that it is just an extraordinary so-called "accident" or "coincidence". After all, if they started to notice this and take to heart for what these events actually are, means for the intentional precision of God's actions, then our descendants and future generations of people would NOT have to live in this "vestibule of hell" that people unaware of this truth, and thus NOT afraid of the consequences of sinning, prepare for the future inhabitants of the Earth with their decisions following the line of the greatest error.
       As a retired researcher, I realize that the research documented here leaves much to be desired. For example, the photos are of low quality and the measurements are only rough. Thus, they fulfil the so-called "canon of ambiguity" described in more detail on the web page bible.htm - e.g. see over there the caption under Fig. #H2a . Probably the "Omniplan" intended to document them in this way on purpose - after all, it is the ambiguity of this canon that inspires people to search for truth. However, in the situation in which I find myself and with the capabilities that I have at this stage of my life, only such photos and measurements are all that I am able to do alone, without any helper or required equipment, and remembering from my previous life experiences about the common disapproval of the truth which these research reveals and about the long tradition of other human fellows that all attempts to reveal this truth and efforts to find ways to improve the tragic situation in which humanity finds itself, should be treated as a crime requiring severe punishment. It is also a pity that the passivity and apathy of today's people will cause that these professional researchers, who have many helpers and have the required equipment, will allow that with this trail of footprints is to happen the same fate as it was experienced by the footprint from Fig. #K1a and Fig. #K3h of this web page - i.e. that their existence was completely ignored by everyone, and that this already chronic ignoring of threats from UFOnauts could additionally increase the audacity, insolence, and arrogance of UFOnauts who monthly spy on and exploit each person, including also these well provided researchers and those whom these researchers love the most.
       Also, I do NOT see the possibility of carrying out all research that for this footprint trail of a UFOnaut-giant should be carried out. For example, the strongly telekinetised dark asphalt that changed its colour into a chalk-white one, is a unique substance. After all, such chalky-white, telekinetised substances and powders, are claimed to have miraculous properties - e.g. they show the loss of a large proportion of their mass and supposedly have extraordinary healing abilities. So one could carefully scrape off a part of this substance from the microscopically thin white layer that formed on the surface of asphalt and pebbles mixed with asphalt. Then a sample of this substance obtained in this way could be subjected to further research. But since only the photographing of the trail of the footprints already evoked unfavorable reactions, it is easy to deduce how could end the sight of someone precisely scraping this white substance from the pavement, and then sucking it from the pavement in a required complicated manner in order to collect it. After all, after scraping it, the substance would NOT be easy to collect from unevenness and crevices of the asphalt full of pebbles (e.g. see Fig. #K3c). In turn the white colour of it could induce various suspicions. Furthermore, from where in the present situation of economic collapse and high prices, such a pensioner like myself could then take funds for a thorough research of the physical and biological attributes of this substance? After all, present laboratories operate only for a high fee, and long gone are the times when research could be carried out by someone on principles of a friendly favour.
       Personally, I am most puzzled by the effectiveness with which even the most obvious evidence for the existence of UFOs, some group of omnipotent "deniers" (most probably being human-like experts from the group of UFOnauts themselves sent to Earth on purpose in order to impersonate human decision makers and to dissuade humanity from reliable research on UFOs) can invalidate and disgust this evidence in eyes of ordinary people who themselves are victims of exploitation carried out by these UFOnauts. After all, although I gave up my UFO research a long time ago, still only in 2022 my principles of scientific honesty directly forced me to inform my fellow humans about as many as three types of evidence of this well-hidden occupation and exploitation of humanity by UFOnauts, which evidence against my intentions imposed itself onto me by being disclosed NOT more than about 100 meters from my flat. Two out of these three cases of evidence had the form of footsteps of UFOnauts embedded in the asphalt of NZ footpaths described in this item #K3 and in the above item #K1. The third one was a UFOnaut flying in the air, also not further than around 100 meters from my flat. I saw this UFOnaut flying in the air on Sunday, 2022/12/18. That Sunday I got up earlier than usual because I was planning to make a very important for me foreign phone call. As I talked through telephone, I looked out the north-facing window of my flat. Despite the slightly cloudy sky, it was already a bright NZ summer day well lit by the morning sun. When the other side of the conversation was explaining something to me, I suddenly saw a humanoid figure flying in the air from the west to the east (i.e. in the direction of the footprints of an over 3-meter UFOnaut described here) - across the area of visibility from this window. The angular height of this human-looking figure, turned to me obliquely from the right side and front, corresponded to what one sees when looking at adult people who are in the distance of around 100 meters from us. In this figure, however, I was struck by its slimness which is rarely seen in New Zealand, and in comparison to typically rounded local people almost even its thinness - as if this someone was malnourished. This humanoid figure flew NOT waving its arms nor moving its legs, as if it was standing in the midair, while something quickly carried it to the east - although at that time the wind was blowing from north to south. Although I know that it could turn on the "state of telekinetic flickering" which would make it completely invisible to human eyes, it remained clearly visible. This in turn means that the creature either knew perfectly well habits of people and knew that on Sunday morning almost everyone in the township will still sleep - while if someone still accidentally sees the flying figure then probably thinks that this is a continuation of his/her night sleep, and then will be afraid to mention it even to own family, or this humanoid already got used to such a bold behaviour and arrogant disregard for knowledge and perceptiveness in people, that it was sure what the Bible claims about us, namely that even though they have eyes and look, they still do not see. The humanoid was dressed in a dark grey jumpsuit tightly fitting its body, but it also had some lighter clothing items, including boots, a belt, and a headdress. It was clearly NOT carrying or wearing anything that looked like a backpack or wings. Since a long time I repetitively come across on YouTube a large number of videos documenting just such human-like figures flying in the air, which can be searched e.g. with the command - as examples of these documentaries, see the less than one and a half minute long videos from the addresses: , , , or . So I was not surprised at all when I saw one of them in person. However, because of the distraction of my attention by this event during an important telephone conversation, I was unable to refrain from surprising the person with whom I was talking by immediately sharing the information about details of the just sighted human-like creature flying in the air - please imagine the kind of impression that this information aroused.
       I know that the majority of people, even if they learn about results of my research, in advance categorize them as a "fantasy" or even "ridiculousness". Few of them ever wonder: what if the multitude of evidence confirming these results means that they reveal the truth - NOT some unproven fantasy or absurdity, and what impact such truth has on their own fate, course of life, and thoughts in final moments each of the people, including everyone who avoids learning the truth. After all, until today on NO topic that UFOnauts allow to be researched by employees of the monopolistic "official atheistic science", the humanity has accumulated so huge amount of scientifically indisputable evidence as it have done on UFOs and UFOnauts. Also the evil nature of the same material and biological UFOnauts is disclosed and confirmed by "[Ω] God Stamp" reported in {11} from item #H2 of my web page named bible.htm. So if not for the fact that these secretly sent to Earth human-looking UFOnauts rule over us and make all vital decisions for people, it would NOT be possible that the matter of secret exploitation and occupation of humanity by UFOnauts would be ignored for so long, nor would it be possible that these decision makers with their either intentionally avoiding action, or taking action opposite to what is required, secretly push humanity towards the self-destruction of the 2030s.

Fig. #K3abc: Here are photos, documentation, and my interpretation of the trail of white footprints of a giant-UFOnaut, telekinetised in the still dark, because recently poured, asphalt of the New Zealand pavement from the township of Petone. From the calculations presented above in item #K3, it appears that this UFOnaut was over 3 meters tall, thus most probably he originated from the human-like race "Orionians" which governs the entire occupation of Earth and other planets by the confederation of evil UFOnauts, and thus from the race very rarely reported even in UFO literature. This gigantic UFOnaut probably inspected the township of Petone only around 100 meters from my flat, walking along the pavement in the "state of telekinetic flickering" that is invisible to human eyes, which I described more comprehensively in item #C1 from my other web page named dipolar_gravity.htm - which state also allows UFOnauts to penetrate through solid walls and fences. The complete documentation of the white marks which the propulsors from the shoes of his telekinetic personal propulsion of the second generation telekinetised into the almost new dark asphalt of the New Zealand pavement poured only around four months earlier, is presented here on a series of photographs, three of which (i.e. #K3a, #K3b and #K3c) I am displaying permanently above, while the remaining ones can be displayed by the reader by clicking on their green links which I am placing in their descriptions below.

       Fig. #K3a (top). A photograph of the final section of the trail of this giant UFOnaut on the new asphalt pavement. If the reader has difficulties with noticing the location of individual imprints of his footprint trail, then on a different photograph Fig. #K3a22 (click on this green link to see it) the location of individual footprints of the trail I deliberately marked with coloured plastic numbers, while the last, 22nd patch of them I marked with the letter X. Notice over there that on a part of this trail, the UFOnaut comes so close to the fence, that his body must have penetrated the matter of the fence, but it did NOT change the rhythm or mutual distances of his footprints. This reveals how perfect is the "state of telekinetic flickering" (in Polish reading: stan telekinetycznego migotania ), to the descriptions of which I am linking with its Polish name in the index of researched terms from my Polish web page named skorowidz.htm. In this state, objects made of solid matter penetrated by a UFOnaut using telekinetic propulsion, do NOT pose any resistance or physical force to the UFOnaut that passes through them. After this last whitish patch of his trail, there are NO further marks - although this new dark pavement was poured over a considerable further length of the street. In turn, their disappearance documents that the UFOnaut took off to fly in the air using his "personal propulsion system" and either carried out further inspection of Petone from a "bird's eye view", or returned to the deck of his "presidential" UFO spaceship of the "ruler of the world" - in which he flew over "properties" that he owns and inspected on Earth and on other planets. I took this photograph in the direction east (E) towards west (W). It most clearly illustrates the last step of a UFOnaut (as if it resulted from a stronger field of his propulsion system than in previous steps) visible just before the bulge of spilled black tar that ends this fragment of the renovated pavement. In addition, it also illustrates the section of the track leading to the last step and going along the fence. The clearest visibility of the whitish spots of this trail is when viewing them in a slightly darkened room and on a clean computer screen, and even better when viewing them, e.g. after a significant enlargement of the photograph. (How to enlarge the photograph in the easiest way is explained at the end of the introductory part of this web page.)
       Fig. #K3b (middle). Here is a photograph showing one of the walking footprints of a UFOnaut that used a different "magnetic personal propulsion system". (Such a "magnetic personal propulsion system" is described and illustrated e.g. on Fig. #H3 from my web page named wszewilki_uk.htm.) This footprint was left on the floor made of PVC tiles in the apartment of Mr Jerzy Wasilewski from Wrocław, Poland, on 4 September 1979. The UFOnaut, whose inspection of that flat produced long trail of such footprints, belonged to the "nightmare" (succubus) race, women of which are around 80 cm tall, while men can grow even up to 120 cm tall. These tracks from Wrocław on average had around 13 millimetres in diameter and displayed a black wavy pattern on their surface - which suggests that they were formed by the propulsor of the magnetic propulsion system. Originally the above footprint is shown and discussed in Fig. R6 from volume 14 of my monograph [1/4].
       Fig. #K3c (lowest). Here is a close-up photograph of a single mark telekinetised into the asphalt of NZ pavement by the propulsor from the sole of the shoe of the "telekinetic personal propulsion" of the UFOnaut discussed here - over 3 meters tall. All marks left by this UFOnaut, independently from the left or right leg, show almost identical pattern, which reveals the principle of operation used in the entire symmetrical personal propulsion system of this UFOnaut. These marks have the shape of a white patch telekinetised (or as if embedded) onto the surface of darker asphalt, in the shape of which can be seen the rounded outline of an octagon - means the outline of the outlet of the telekinetic propulsor that uses the octagonal Oscillatory Chamber shown in Rys. F8 from volume 2 of my monograph [1/5]. Outside of the sole of this UFOnaut's shoe, sometimes less clear spots were telekinetised, one of which on photo #K3c touches the lower-left corner of the ruler with the number 30 mm. The diameter of the white patch of each trace was about 7 cm. So if we take a very rough assumption that the diameter of the outlet from the propulsor in shoes must be proportional to the height (and thus weight) of the race of humanoids that this propulsor is going to lift, and remembering that the Wrocław’s mark of around 13 mm in diameter shown and discussed in Fig. #K3b was scorched by the lifting propulsor of about 80 cm tall UFOnaut from the race of "nightmare" described also in items #K1 and #K2 of this web page, then it could be calculated that the footprints discussed here were telekinetised into the asphalt of the NZ pavement by propulsors in shoes built for UFOnauts of around 4 meters height. But because the design of telekinetic propulsors is much more complicated, and thus also more extensive in size, than in magnetic propulsors shown here and discussed in Fig. #K3b, the exact height for which they are built probably will be slightly lower than the one calculated above on the basis of the trace from the purely magnetic propulsor.
       Fig. #K3d (click on this green link to view it). Here is a view of the entire track of UFOnaut's footprints along the same section of pavement as shown in Fig. #K3a above, only that this time photographed in the direction from west (W) to east (E), means in the direction of the "walk" of this "inspecting" UFOnaut. Because there is a rather faint contrast between these tracks and the dark asphalt of the pavement, it is best to notice these tracks after enlarging the above photograph. (How to enlarge photographs is explained at the end of the INTRODUCTION to this web page.) For example, it is easiest to notice a mark located close to the centre of the lower edge of this photograph, lying to the left of the year 2022 of its date in the direction that hourly hands of clocks show at 10 o'clock. The next is visible at the direction of the footpath. The third one can be seen to the left of the square white water valve by the fence. Further snake-like trails similar to the previous ones, firstly turn towards the electricity pole and the roadway, and then turn towards the fence. In turn, if the reader has difficulties with noticing the location of individual marks of this track, then on a different photograph Fig. #K3d22 (click on this link to see it) I marked on purpose the location of individual marks with colored plastic numbers, while the first mark from this section of pavement I marked with a letter X.
       Fig. #K3e (click on this green link to view it). A photograph similar to Fig. #K3d, but taken on a different day and with a different position of the sun. I took it with the hope that it would show footsteps, which in a not very clear contrast were visible in photographs Fig. #K3a and Fig. #K3d. This is because both on a sunny day and on a cloudy day, on the photograph taken with the mobile phone that I had and which printed the date and time of taking the photograph, it is very difficult to distinguish these marks from the surface of the asphalt, although while viewed "with the naked eye" on this recently poured asphalt pavement, they are "eye-catching". In my opinion, these marks are best seen on a sunny day, but when they are also in the shade - as in Fig. #K3a and Fig. #K3d. But even then in order to see them you need to have a very clean computer screen and it is best to enlarge them.
       Fig. #K3f (click on this green link to view it). Here is a mark faintly visible against the background of slightly faded asphalt pavement, a whitish footprint of the huge UFOnaut discussed here. This mark is located right next to the walled foundations of the fence, while the next footstep similar to it already in the depth of the pavement indicates that it was created when the UFOnaut penetrated through this fence when he left the one-storey house which is enclosed by this fence. This in turn is a proof that that UFOnaut-voyeur who penetrated in this place through a under-walled fence separating a one-storey house from the street, came out through the wall and fence from this house. Means he probably watched what was going on in bedrooms on the first floor of this building, where because of his over 3-meter height he could look around without the need to crouch - which for the "ruler of humanity" would be too degrading to his "ego". In order for the reader to notice this first footprint of this UFOnaut emerging from the walled foundations of the fence, I placed a piece of my transparent ruler under it. After enlarging this photograph, this footprint is relatively well visible. The next step of this UFOnaut, which also fits on the photograph Fig. #K3f, is slightly below and to the left of the mark indicated with a ruler, at around 2/3 of the distance of the ruler from the inscription year 2022. Further ones of these marks lead to the left edge of the photograph, means towards this newly-asphalted section of pavement, where they hit my eyes and where easier than above I could document them on photographs from Fig. #K3a do Fig. #K3e. If on the above photo the reader will have difficulties with noticing the location of subsequent marks of this trail, then on a different photograph Fig. #K3f22 (click on this link to see it) I marked on purpose the location of individual marks with plastic numbers of yellow colour, while the first of these marks that was left right by the wall of foundation of the fence (means the mark which, together with the next mark, documents the actual penetration of this UFOnaut through the wall onto the asphalt of the pavement) I indicated with a yellow letter X.
       Fig. #K3h (click on this green link to view it). On the way back from my expedition of photographing these trails of UFOnaut footprints, I also photographed how the three-toed footprint of a UFOnaut from the "nightmare" race looks like after almost 7 months since it was discovered by me - which footprint I described in detail in the caption under Fig. #K1a of this web page (about which I still have NOT heard that it could be noticed also by anyone other than me - although in the meantime thousands of people walked over it, no wonder that the Bible states that they have eyes and look but do NOT see). Notice that above on this web page in the caption under Fig. #K1e I also discuss a case of documenting a giant-sized kind of the three-toed foot of UFOnaut from the aggressive "nightmare" race, the footprint of miniature female version of which is shown on the above photograph. That huge and also three-toed footprint in 1988 was imprinted in the mud by a UFOnaut-monster around 2.5 meters tall with green mottled skin and red glowing eyes, near the town of Bishopville in South Corolina, USA. This monster attacked a local student in the swamps at night - fortunately, the student managed to escape in the car. The next day, a local policeman found the footprints of that clawed monster and made a cast of his footprint. This cast, together with descriptions of sightings of this monster locally called "Lizard Man", until today constitutes a highly attractive exhibit in the "South Carolina Cotton Museum" located in Bishopville, USA - see Fig. #K1e .
       Fig. #K3i (click on this green link to view it). Here is a photograph of a large flower which I saw on the fence in the vicinity of the footprints of the UFOnaut-giant discussed here, when I was scanning the nearby streets in my checks whether the flying UFOnaut did NOT land again somewhere nearby to continue his "inspection" of the township of Petone - but the next portion of his footprints I haven't found yet. My engineering habits and knowledge aroused my admiration for the complexity of the structure and the variety of elements contained inside of this flower. How with the existence of such flowers, still supporters of the so-called "evolution" allow themselves to be programmed telepathically or hypnotically with the conviction forced into humanity by atheistic UFOnauts that such a complex and beautiful flower was created only as a result of a series of "coincidences" of supposedly natural evolution. And this flower is NOT as beautiful nor as complex as human bodies, or bodies of many other creatures. By the way, the owner of the garden on the fence of which this blooming plant was climbing, informed me that its original name (from India) is "Krishna Kamal, Passion Flower". For Indians it has religious connotations, although its fruits are also edible. For example, on the top this flower has three sternal stamens, which symbolize the superior Trinity of God. In turn around it has exactly 100 thin blue petals, and 10 large white fingers - as if this flower was placed on two human hands which all 10 fingers mutually intertwined with love or friendship.

#K4. Here are photographs of a series of 4 footprints which the third UFOnaut landing across the NZ pavement, embedded into the asphalt at the distance of a stone's throw from my flat:

Motto: "Since on the length of only around 100 meters of one NZ street, my repetitive walks over there resulted in the detection and documenting of as many as three different series of footprints of UFOnauts embedded in the pavement's asphalt but chronically overlooked by other passers-by, one can imagine how many of these footprints are continually overlooked by inhabitants of the entire world - only because I do NOT walk on sidewalks of their cities, hence since they are preoccupied with current threats to their existence such as lack of "money" and food, wars, lies of politicians, exploitation by elites, depletion of natural resources, climate change, chemicals, plastic, new diseases, deteriorating health of the entire humanity, and other problems intentionally created for humanity by secretly occupying it human-like relatives from UFOs in order to divert people's attention from the fact of being exploited by these UFOnauts, these inhabitants overlook the lack of their independence and the tragedy of being secretly exploited by our cosmic relatives, who in spite that they already reached such a high level of technical advancement which for our primitive perception makes them remaining invisible to us and have almost supernatural capabilities, but morally still remain completely fallen." (Above is the essence of reasoning which documents the enormous strength and resources that our relatives from Orion planets engaged for milking from us the "moral energy", and also documents the importance of this "moral energy" for extending the lazy lives of these UFOnauts at the expense of shortening the length of lives of people from whom they suck this energy with their "chambers of coldness". Furthermore, this inference illustrates how omnipotent is our God, who in order to support the documenting of the secretive occupation of the Earth described here, was able to cause that UFOnauts left the above footprints in places where I often walk, and thus I was able to notice, measure, photograph, and interpret these footprints.)

       Around mid-January 2023, another storm and cold winds from Antarctica forced me to walk along the same street on which a month and a half earlier I noticed and documented footprints of a UFOnaut described in #K3 to #K3h above on this web page. I walked only a stone's throw from my flat, when I noticed four footprints of a UFOnaut melted into the asphalt across the pavement, which only a few days earlier were NOT there. I showed photographs of these footprints in Fig. #K4abc below. The analysis of these footprints showed that an UFOnaut around 3 meters tall, arriving to this place in the air from the south, landed there on the pavement, forming these footprint, and then entered through the fence to a private property, in which I was unable to analyze his behaviour in order NOT to be accused about the so-called "transpassing" - i.e. about "intrusion" (a legal term). On this property there was a single-storey residential house, but under a gable roof, which had a high attic capable of accommodating a UFOnaut over 3 meters high. Because in that attic someone could be staying or sleeping at that time, so we can guess that this UFOnaut invisible to human eyes could land in that place in order to e.g. have a look in there. Alternatively, this UFOnaut could have a habit of lying comfortably on the floor of this attic, waiting for a convenient moment for his intentions, and then after penetrating with his head the ceiling of the bedroom from the ground floor possible for him due to the state of telekinetic flickering into which his personal propulsion system introduced him, he could observe from above what takes place in that bedroom, and could also easily hypnotize inhabitants sleeping in there.
       Notice that during the documentation of these footprints, the effectiveness of my activities was limited by all the same shortcomings, difficulties and dangers that I described in #K3 that they hindered my previous research and documentation. Therefore, around 10 days passed before the weather and the required light conditions arrived, and also was the lack of outsiders around who could react inappropriately to my research efforts, that finally I managed to take the first publishable photos of these footprints, which I am publishing below.

Fig. #K4abc: Here are the photos, descriptive documentation, and my interpretation of the trail of 4 footprints of a UFOnaut, embedded into the asphalt across the footpath in the distance of a stone's throw from my flat. In order to make it easier to distinguish between subsequent footprints, before photographing them I placed yellow plastic markings next to them. And so the footprint left by the right shoe in the place of landing with both feet on the pavement just behind the curb of the road, I marked with the yellow letter "X", while the mark of the left shoe located next to it - with the yellow number "0". The next one, located around the middle of the width of the pavement (see Fig. #K1b), marking the first step with the right foot of this UFOnaut - I indicated with the yellow number "1", while the last (fourth - see Fig. #K4c) footprint of the step with the left foot placed next to the wall of the fence and the entrance to a private property I marked with a yellow number "2". Click on the selected photograph to be able to enlarge it - as I explained this at the end of the INTRODUCTORY part of this web page.
       Fig. #K4a. Taken on 2023/1/25, a photograph of all four footprints formed across the pavement by a UFOnaut over 3 meters tall that landed there, which used exactly the same personal propulsion system as the UFOnaut forming tracks documented in #K3 to #K3h above on this web page. Only that the UFOnaut that formed the above tracks arrived from the south in the so-called "beating mode" of his personal propulsion system. Thus the propulsors in his shoes melted the asphalt of the pavement but did NOT telekinetise it to white colour. This is because in order to telekinetise this asphalt, the "magnetic whirl mode" would need to be used, which such personal propulsion produces only during flights (or walking protected by a whirl) in latitudinal directions - for details see descriptions of both these modes of magnetic propulsion work provided in subsections G6.2 to G6.3.3 and G10.1 to G10.2 from volume 3 of my free monograph [1/5]. Notice that in order for the reader to more easily notice the location of subsequent footprints of this UFOnaut, I placed next to them yellow plastic numbers from 0 to 2, while next to the footprints where the landing UFOnaut touched the pavement with both his shoes I also placed a yellow plastic letter X.
       Fig. #K4b. A photograph of the middle one out of four footprints, marked with the number "1" and located around 100 cm from the end of the right "X" from the pair of footprints in the area of the first contact of both shoes of this UFOnaut with the asphalt of the pavement. All footprints indicate the origin from an octagonal Oscillatory Chamber with an outlet diameter of around 7 cm and almost the same pattern of melting the asphalt as the pattern documented in Fig. #K3c above. Only that either the inertia of the slowing down of this UFOnaut's fast flight, or the magnetic connection of the pulsating field from propulsors in shoes with the Earth's magnetic field, caused a slip and a slight elongation of both footprints "X" and "1" from his right shoe. In turn, both marks "0" and "2" from the left shoe (especially "2" located just in front of the wall of the estate's fence - see Fig. #K4c below) have an approximately rounded outline, like the mark from Fig. #K3c above. Notice that the fragment of the ruler located under the above footprint "1" is set with its length from the south, means from the direction from which the UFOnaut flew in the air, towards the north, i.e. towards the location of a private building outside the fence visible in Fig. #K4a above, in order to look into the interior of which this UFOnaut apparently flew and landed in the manner documented with these photographs.
       Fig. #K4c. A photograph of the closest to fencing wall, the fourth out of four footprints, marked with the number "2" and distant by around 76 cm from the end of footprint "1" shown above on Fig. #K4b. Notice that the outline of this trace is almost circular and is very similar to the outline of the footprint from Fig. #K3c of this web page. This outline reflects the course of circuits of the pulsating magnetic field which connect the outlet of the propulsor in shoes of this UFOnaut with the outlets of propulsors in his belt or epaulettes - as this is explained in illustrations from Fig. E1 to Fig. E3 in volume 2 of my free monograph [1/5].

#K5, blog #364E. Photos of footprints telekinetized into the old asphalt of the driveway to my apartment by propulsors of third generation from the heels of shoes of a gigantic UFOnaut from the planet of Orion, capable of changing the passage of time, a hidden invasion of him and his slaves I have been noticing in my apartment and in the township of Petone since 31st of May 2023:

Summary: Dear reader. In order to learn and understand the truths that I briefly summarized below from #K5 to #K5e, it took me as many as 77 years of "hard although productive life". Hence, in spite of the fact that one of these truths states that almost no one accepts the truth that was gently revealed to him/her by another equally fallible and imperfect neighbour (e.g. me), but this truth must be "hammered into his/her head" through experiencing real events of hard education served to us by the all-knowing God himself, still I will summarize below the essence of results of 77 years of my learning these truths. So take these few minutes to learn what I have written here, so that when God starts serving you educational experiences of "hammering into your head" the same truths through personal experiences, it will be much easier for you to understand them. After all, today we live in a kind of "cocoon of lies" - as I have already explained it in more detail in the post #360E to blogs of totalizm indicated below - the content of which you can also learn, e.g. from "volume O" of my publication [13]. However, you cannot count that these truths will be revealed to you by those who take "money" for it, as "money" is saturated with the evil of thousands of years of using it as tools for exploiting and harming others - which causes that "money" is now always spiritually associated with, among others, bonds and culture and spiritual impurity of the requirement to lie - e.g. see verse 6:10 from "1 Timothy" in the Bible. My explanation I will start here by guessing that perhaps, like I once did, probably you also are NOT very eager to read the Bible - which, in fact, is the only source of absolutely reliable truth available on Earth, although this truth is wisely and far-sightedly encoded in order to protect the Bible from getting censored by practitioners of evil. Unfortunately, we are discouraged from reading the Bible by all the overt and hidden reprogramming of people's views. Therefore, you have probably NOT discovered yet that one of the most important verses of the Bible is 11:23 from "St. Luke" - in which God warns us through Jesus: "Whoever is not with me is against me; and whoever does not gather with me, scatters". The best way to understand this is probably that: if you do NOT prove with your actions that "you are with God" and "you gather with Him" (thus demonstrating the opposite of being "against Him" and "scattering") by voluntarily fulfilling out of pure love for God, neighbours and nature of all His "10 Commandments", then you are in danger of being "deprived of privileges" by God that are important for the outcomes of your life - as I explained it in post #362E to the blogs of totalizm. As a result, for most of your life you will NOT be defended or directed by God. In other words, you will then be exposed to being manipulated by anti-human "powers of evil" - which include all evil people (i.e. all people who are also "against Him") and include creatures who secretly manipulate these "against Him" people. Below, in #K5 to #K5e, I will briefly explain how to prove in the simplest way that "you are with God", and then I will briefly illustrate to you another portion of facts expanding the evidence that I have previously published and to which I refer here and in item #K6 of this web page, and which reveal further methods of operation and further technical devices that are used in their secret invasion onto humanity by these creatures who secretly manipulate people and are thoroughly soaked in evil, which creatures are actually our cosmic relatives from the planets of Orion.

Motto: "For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (The truth of Bible verses: 10:45 Mark, 20:28 Matthew, 22:27 Luke, 1:25 Romans. This truth emphasizes the main difference between positive essence of practicing the philosophy of Christianity and philosophy of totalizm - both philosophies admonishing that God gave us life in the "world of matter" so that we can learn voluntarily to give and to serve, and the negativity of practicing the philosophy of parasitism postulating forcing others by power or by con to give to us and to serve us.)

       I assume dear reader your awareness , that humanity as a whole, as well as each individual person, consciously or unconsciously, from the very beginning of their existence, has been actively involved in deadly struggle between good and evil. If you still have NOT noticed this struggle - then listen more carefully to any news report from the world, e.g. listen any TV daily. In these struggles, those who fight against evil on the side of good are mainly people who recognize and sincerely believe that God is an omnipotent living, thinking, observing and creative Being that is lives in a world separate from our world of matter - which is called "heaven" by religions. This is why each person is created in the image of God. Hence, this thinking, observing and creative God designs every His action and intervention so carefully that it serves for the good of all present and future people, as well as other inhabitants of our "world of matter". In turn, on the side of evil, we are fought mainly by our atheistic relatives from the planets of Orion (by religions called devils, fallen angels of Lucifer, demons, etc., while by people currently most often called UFOnauts) and by their human helpers whom our material relatives from Orion managed to reprogram into their atheism either with hypnotic or telepathic commands, with secret so-called "possessions" (see blog #363E), or with other methods of extortion, fraud, con, or bribery - which by these our relatives from Orion are served to people with the help of their advanced technology or pagan deceptive religions that they created on Earth, as I explained it in more detail, e.g. posts from #363E to #359E to blogs of totalizm and in the publications from which these posts were adapted. All those who fight on the side of evil, are atheists at heart, even if they themselves believe that they practice some religion, i.e. they profess the belief currently forced upon people by the official atheistic science, that everything in the universe is governed only by coincidences or some blind laws of nature similar to those manifested e.g. between positive and negative charges, while everything that happens (e.g. life, evolution) is only the result of coincidences or complex actions of these blind laws. In turn the fact that this type of atheistic faith was forced upon people by our relatives from planets of Orion is confirmed, among others, by: the way in which one such UFOnaut in his statement labelled N-116 in subsection UB1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/5] tries to explain by the operation of the law of positive and negative the superiorly wise operation of the moral Boomerang Principle (also called the Law of Karma) to the New Zealand UFO abductee with a pseudonym Miss Nosbocaj. Meanwhile, in fact everything that happens in our "world of matter" is creatively, wisely and far-sightedly designed by God so that it directly or indirectly serves towards the future good. At the same time, the Bible inspired by our God contains guidelines on how to act in order NOT to help the powers of evil, and warns what will happen if someone does NOT follow these guidelines, but e.g. for profit, power, fame, etc. (e.g. see the Bible: Book of Exodus - verse 21:29, Book of Psalms - verse 109:13-19, Wisdom of Syria - verse 23:18-27, and a number of others with similar warnings) he/she does any evil to someone through his/her product or activity, even if personally he/she will NOT do this evil with his/her own hands. According to the Bible, this person will then be severely punished together with several generations of his/her descendants. Notice, however, that in order for this type of evil NOT done with one's own hands the punishment to be administered justly, it is first necessary to determine whether in the future a given his/her product or activity will actually cause harm to someone - which only thinking and creative God can determine, while some blind laws of positives and negatives are unable to find out. This requirement of prior learning of future means that the fate of people is for sure ruled (among other) by Boomerang Principle and wisely executed by a living, thinking, creative God who continually observes what is happening - as I explained it in blog #299E and in item #J5 from this web page petone.htm. In turn, the evidence that this is how justice is administered NOT only for harm caused in person - e.g. through breaking the 10 commandments of God, but also for products or activities the effects of which will then cause harm to someone with the hands of someone else, is also visible in real life - and in almost every case when someone does harm NOT personally, but with the hands of other people, e.g. when he/she aggressively starts a war, sends his/her agents to beat or murder someone, builds some new type of aggressive weapon, starts producing some substances that poison people or their livelihood, invents some harmful for people program (e.g. similar to the so-called computer cookies or viruses), etc., etc. As one of the most educational historical examples of just such a situation, consider the fate of Sarah and William Winchester for the evil caused by their "Winchester" rifle - searched on the Internet with e.g. keywords: Sarah Winchester mystery house 1922 . In other words, regardless of whether someone is an alien from Orion planets, or a human, or whether he/she commits evil with his/her own hands or with the hands of someone else, according to the Bible, he/she will NOT miss just punishment. That's probably why the ancestors of our relatives from the Orion planets from time to time blew up entire own planets together with their inhabitants - as it was reported to us by the late Adrzej Domała in the Polish-language treatise [3b] entitled "Kosmiczna układanka" and meaning "Cosmic Puzzle" (in B3 of which treatise see paragraph {5500} about the blew up of planet Nerra and paragraph {5450} about the planet Whistheen). Therefore, it is worth being aware of this when learning about these multitude of footprints of the current invasion of UFOnauts on Earth and their anti-human activities, descriptions of which I am to summarize below, although the dissemination of knowledge about the existence of which is stubbornly silenced by human decision-makers who are controlled by these UFOnauts, hence who help UFOnauts in causing enormous harm to all humanity - including to these decision-makers themselves and to their families.
       I am to start the presentation of giant UFOnauts’ footprints by reminding that in post #360E to the blogs of totalizm, and also in #D1 to #D1cd of my web page named military_magnocraft.htm, I discuss God's promise given to us in verse 8:32 from the "St. John's Gospel" of the Bible - I quote from the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible": "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." This verse contains a very wisely encoded "key to the truth", which in the case of "the truth that is to set us free" is the use of the plural "you" in the text of this verse (unfortunately the English word "you" is NOT good in conveying this). The point is that an individual person, or any single rational being, is unable to discover the truth about himself/herself. Therefore, in order to find this truth, we need the plural. This is best expressed by the Chinese proverb with which I explain item #B2 on my web page named antichrist.htm, as well as I explain the content of post #211E to blogs of totalizm. This proverb states: "bad husbands always have good wives, and good husbands always have bad wives." As it is explained in item #A4 on my web page named god_proof.htm, so happens because a bad husband constantly "improves" his wife through the hard "upbringing" that he serves to her. In turn, a good wife can in turn "improve" back her bad husband, e.g. by giving him her own example of what "goodness" is all about and why goodness in life is incomparably better than continuing to be "bad". On the other hand, a good husband cannot "improve" his woman's imperfections just by serving his kindness to her. Hence, if her imperfections do not lead to divorce or widowing which in turn may force her to change motivations and treatment of men, typically the wife of a good husband persists in her innate imperfections resulting from the "subtractive" (i.e. negative, focused on "taking" instead of "giving") nature of femininity, best explained on the example of the formation of atmospheric highs (requiring "adding" behaviours of air) and lows (i.e. requiring "subtracting" behaviours of air) by male and female "God Drobinas" discussed in posts #325E and #326E to the blogs of totalizm and in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named god_exists.htm, while in the most drastic form reported e.g. in #V2 from my web page humanity.htm. But even then unintentionally she serves toward good, by illustrating to other willing to learn women the model of "taking" behaviours which they should avoid at all cost because in the final effect these always cause destruction of personal happiness and wasting of own life.
       Similarly to the situation with husband and wife, there is also the situation with our morally fallen relatives from the Orion planets and with humanity - as I describe it in my numerous posts to blogs of totalizm and web pages from which these posts are adapted, including the post #360E already mentioned above, as well as posts from #363E to #359E, and post #354E adapted from {11} in item #H2 of my web page named bible.htm. Namely, being morally bankrupt, in spite of the fact that they are also our cosmic relatives, but much more technically advanced than us, these inhabitants of the Orion planets give us an incredible "persecution" by secretly exploiting and destroying us in every possible way. (The list of the most important methods and ways in which these our morally fallen relatives secretly "suppress" us, along with short descriptions of the consequences of each of these methods, I have provided in items #L1 to #L2 and #M2 to #M3 from my other web page about these UFOnauts named evil.htm or from posts #363E and #361E to blogs of totalizm.) And by serving to us this "oppression", in a way that is difficult for us to forget and forgive, because it is unspeakably painful, they unintentionally "improve" our own morality, illustrating to us visually and in an unforgettable way what evil is all about. After all, an old Polish proverb states that "there is NO such evil that does not come to good". In turn we, means humanity, by sticking with greater or lesser success to the principles of life from the philosophy of Christianity indicated to us by God in the verses of the Bible, on our own example (i.e. like these wives of bad husbands) we illustrate to our morally fallen relatives from the planets of Orion of what good is all about and what it leads to. And since the Christian good that we practice requires us to selflessly recognize these relatives as our neighbours, who unfortunately have done "wandering astray" in their moral development, perhaps by showing them our own example of persevering in fulfilling the 10 commandments of God, over time because of our example they also will "improve" their own morality for the better. After all, everyday life constantly confirms that those ones who, out of love for God, neighbours and nature, voluntarily fulfil the 10 commandments, in fact already in this life experience a foretaste of what verse 2:9 from "1 Corinthians" in the Bible promises (i.e. "what no eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, nor entered into the heart of man, what great things God has prepared for those who love Him). At the same time, all the above, which God has prepared for those who love Him, unfortunately will probably bypass some other people and these our relatives from Orion planets, because God did NOT choose what they represent for reasons explained in verses 1:27-28 from "1 Corinthians" in the Bible (for online text of the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible" which I always try to quote, use e.g. command .)
       As I have found out many times in my rather "hard although productive" life, there is only one way to defend ourselves against being completely destroyed by the effects of being "oppressed" by these our morally bankrupt relatives from the Orion planets. (Do you know that the great pyramids of Egypt and the settlements of some American Indians copy the arrangement of the stars of Orion and do you understand what this means?) This reliable defending ourselves, however, requires earning the defence, protection and guidance of God. However, in order to obtain all this, one must voluntarily and only out of love for God, neighbours and nature and with one's own "free will" fulfil all 10 commandments of God, wisely encoded into the Bible in verses 20:3-17 from the "Book of Exodus" - just as it reminds us M4 from blog #363E and from #M1 to #M5 of the web page evil.htm. The key for properly fulfilling the 10 commandments is that all 10 of them have the same level of importance. This means that we cannot focus on completing only a few or even just one of them (e.g. "Do NOT kill"), and e.g. on ignoring others or even just one of them (e.g. "Do NOT lie"). After all, e.g. in verse 20:16 from this "Book of Exodus" the commandment "Do NOT lie" is wisely encoded, while in other verses of the Bible that I point out and interpret, e.g. in #D1 to #D1cd from my web page military_magnocraft.htm and in the post #360E to blogs of totalizm, we are clearly warned that lying is punishable by exactly the same penalty of "deletion of the soul" (i.e. the "second death") as e.g. for killing (e.g. see there verses 21:8 and 22:15 from the "Apocalypse of St. John" and 6:16-19 from the "Book of Proverbs"). So although it is rather easy for us to give someone compliments, e.g. "madam how beautiful you look today", it is worth being aware that in the light of this verse 21:8 and others expressing the same idea but with different words, even chronic lying in the form of compliments may be equivalent in the caused punishment as is able to also cause e.g. the shooting of this lady. And we must remember that although compliments teach us the habit of lying, still telling them is NOT as destructive for humanity as e.g.: an evil of scientifically forcing one's readers to believe (or as repeating to others) that life was created as a result of evolution or a big bang while it is governed by e.g. theory of relativity, or like the misuse of own position to teach other people that happiness is to "take" - thus diverting attention from the Biblical truth that happiness is only accomplished through "voluntarily giving", or like for example squeezing a little more "penny" out of one's customers by telling them how much effort and costs one went through to be able to sell them given goods. In other words, such a habit of supposedly "innocent" but chronic lying makes us all highly imperfect and sinful. So, while we believe that we belong to people who practice faith in God, we still should ask ourselves whether we have already started reading the Bible to find out what God really requires from us (after all, the priests who "reject" knowledge will NOT reveal this to us: see 4:4-9 from the "Book of Hosea"), or whether at least once in our lives we went, for example, on our private pilgrimage to any holy area that God created within the reach of every inhabitant of Earth (e.g. see the descriptions of the holy place in NZ near the Celtic cross that I provided in the INTRODUCTION and in #J3 to #J3v of this web page) to establish a closer relationship with God by sharing our thoughts with Him and to pray in there for forgiveness for our shortcomings and mistakes that most of us are NOT even aware of, but also never ask God for their forgiveness? So let us NOT be surprised when, for example, we learn from television that this time God did NOT protect someone among such people who never prayed for forgiveness, from e.g. the invasion and aggression of the "powers of evil" - nowadays usually taking the cunningly hidden forms of technically caused by UFO starships: frosts, snowstorms, hurricanes, floods, landslides, accidents, tornados, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, heat, droughts, fires, crop failures, famines, wars, etc.
       In this item #K5 I will explain how, using a series of events, each of which looked like a "coincidence" and therefore did NOT break anyone's "free will", starting from the moment of publishing on 2023/5/21 my English-language post #359E to the blogs of totalizm, adapted from #J3 to #J3a of my web page faq.htm, God with His superior method of management (described in item #J5 of this web page), managed to synchronize the actions of our cosmic relatives from Orion and my own, that the promise was fulfilled from the above-quoted verse 8:32 from "St. John" in the Bible about learning another truth that will help to set us free.
       When on Wednesday, 2023/5/31, I went for a walk during a break in long-lasting rain, on the old asphalt of the driveway leading from the street to my apartment, I noticed white imprints of two footprints newly telekinetized in there by the outlets of the propulsors from the shoes of a gigantic creature having a third-generation personal propulsion system enabling it the manipulation of the passage of time. I illustrate these two footprints in this item #K5 and in the attached to it photos from Fig. #K5ab and I explain truths that they reveal to us. I should also add here that some time later the number of these footprints increased, which means that the gigantic but invisible creature that formed them began the habit of secretly peeping into my apartment.
       About two weeks after finding these footprints on the driveway to my own apartment, i.e. on 2023/6/16, in front of the entrance to another house from a distant part of the NZ town of Petone, I discovered another group of footprints of a gigantic UFOnaut, made visible with black asphalt vapours on surfaces of whitish-grey pebbles with which recently was covered the intersection of two streets in this township. I show and describe this another group of footprints below in Fig. #K5cd . The shockingly large number of these types of footprints that after that discovery I began to notice on streets of Petone reveals a real invasion of giant UFOnauts at Petone, and confirms that at night on the streets of even such a small township as Petone there is a fierce battle between good and evil, in which battle the evil is in a large scale offensive. So if such great number of footprints resulting from this battle can be detected in the globally insignificant township of Petone, one can imagine what is happening on the streets of the extremely important metropolises of humanity. It is therefore a great pity that humanity is so focused on the deliberately planted all over the Earth by these UFOnauts the symbolic "forest which inside is to hide a single important tree of the truth unmasked here" (i.e. a "forest" such as the increasingly deeper economic crisis of the current year 2023, food shortages and constantly rising prices of all goods, the war in Ukraine and the threat of nuclear war, etc.) that humanity simultaneously does NOT notice the battle of good and evil that takes place at night on the streets of their own cities and in their private apartments covered in darkness. Meanwhile, it is this evil, NOT the forces of nature or people, that is the cause of today's increasingly dark events. After all, as evil has always done, in this battle between good and evil, evil also impersonates and pretends to be good. At the same time, evil uses very deceptive methods of operation - examples of which and defence against which I described in #L1 to #L3a and #M1 to #M4 from my web page named evil.htm and from posts #361E and #363E to blogs of totalizm. Unfortunately, without trying to learn the truth "how" about the exact origin of this evil, nor the methods by which this evil harms us, people cannot decisively defend themselves against this evil. The lack of defence, combined with the reasons explained in post #341E to the blogs of totalizm and in items #G3 to #G5 of the web page named wroclaw_uk.htm - which do NOT allow people to distinguish what is good and what is evil, taken together cause that more and more people burdens God for the rapidly increasing evil. This in turn leads humans to pay less and less attention to fulfilling the 10 commandments of God, which are extremely important for the results of the battle between good and evil, and thus this accelerates the deepening domination of evil over the entire humanity.
       Because today's people somehow do NOT want to believe that our planet is constantly occupied and exploited by our morally bankrupt relatives from the Orion planets who maintain their invisibility with their advanced technology, I also attach to these descriptions photos from Fig. #K5e , which provide us with verifiable photographic proof that the Earth bears numerous traces and material evidence of the continuous activity of UFOnauts of gigantic sizes described in the Bible that are persecuting humanity - who, to our horror, turn out to be descendants of cosmic ancestors and the closest relatives of us people.
       I should also add here that my receiving of the photos shown in Fig. #K5e and evidence verifiable by almost everyone that the Earth and humanity are secretly occupied, exploited and ruled by our cosmic relatives from Orion planets with the height and body structure of actual giants, is in the supernatural way related to the miraculous repair by God of my favourite electronic clock - the mechanism of which was broken around 2023/5/31 probably with the propulsors of the personal propulsion of this gigantic UFOnaut whose secret "haunting" of my apartment I began to observe from then on, while the footprints from the propulsors of whom I showed below in Fig. #K5ab . (I remember that I described the breaking down of this favourite clock by UFOnauts in one of my publications - I believe that in item #L2 from my web page evil.htm and from post #361E to blogs of totalizm. However, when on 2023/9/14 I was writing this paragraph I already could NOT find this description - apparently using the so-called "sabotage loop" described in blog #359E, UFOnauts deleted these descriptions of mine because they knew that they would be useful in documenting this paragraph. After all, their time vehicles transport to the future and again to our times members of their police and special services such as MIB and "time couriers" (in Polish named by key words: "kurierzy czasowi" ), who inform them what discoveries UFOnauts are supposed to fight because these are to work to the detriment of their parasitic interests on Earth. Together with the deletion of this description about the breaking down of my clock, I also discovered the simultaneous secret deletion by UFOnauts from my computer also of the folder containing all photos of Wrocław city in Poland with which I documented the truth of blogs #340E and #350E and descriptions from the web pages wroclaw_uk.htm and tapanui.htm.) So I am to summarize briefly here once again the incident with the breaking down of my favourite clock by UFOnauts - the appearance of which the reader can see, e.g. by clicking on link to the address of its photographs from Figures #K5z11, or #K5z12, or #K5z13 - all of which photographs are in a folder linked to by, e.g., . I really liked this clock because regardless of the time, it also shows the relative humidity and air temperature. That's why I placed it above the main entrance door to the apartment. Unfortunately, starting around 2023/5/31, instead of secretly entering my apartment through the garden door as before, UFOnauts started to secretly enter through this main entrance door. As a result, their propulsors either burned out the electronics of my favourite clock, or telekinetized its mechanisms to the point that they stopped working. I first tried to see if the broken clock could be started by installing new batteries, but it did NOT help. So I left it still hanging above the door with a new battery, because knowing that now UFOnauts fly through this door every day, I did NOT want to risk another clock there so that they would NOT break it for me as well. Moreover, as a forward-looking scientist, I documented the time that this clock shows from the moment it broke down.
       Exactly the same time from the moment of breakdown, the clock showed until approximately 2023/9/9 (i.e. for almost 4 months). On that day I received an e-mail with photos of the handprint of a giant UFOnaut which I show in Fig. #K5e below. Unfortunately, similarly to today's e-mails of all people, also my e-mails are carefully monitored by UFOnauts, who, regardless of having the so-called "sabotage loop" which I described in more detail in blog #359E, they also have on Earth, described in blogs #363E to #359E, their human-like agents and human helpers in all key institutions on Earth, including those related to: emails, dissemination truths to people, science , military, economics, religion, etc. For example, from research of the type that I report e.g. in items #A5, #A5.1 and #I4 of my web page totalizm_pl.htm and in the above blogs of totalizm, and which reveal what currently is secretly happening in Internet, it is almost certain that human-like UFOnauts who track and sometimes even sabotage human emails and other electronic sources of truth and data, work e.g. in: (a) "Google", (b) in an intelligence installation belonging to the so-called five eyes , (c) at Internet providers (including my internet provider - as e.g. indicates the persistent message I am repetitively receiving and which usually is one of signs that all internet communications directed to a given/my computer is also intercepted and monitored by someone unauthorised - this message states: "Another computer on this network has the same IP address as this computer. Contact your network administrator for help resolving this issue. More details are available in the Windows System event log."), and (d) after hiding in the "state of telekinetic flickering" also in selected human apartments (including mine) where they immediately sabotage every truth harmful to their parasitic interests and activities, e.g. with the use of so-called the "sabotage loop" from blog #359E, or with the use of telepathic or hypnotic commands, or even with possessions. As a result, immediately after receiving the photos described here from Fig. #K5e, e.g. a gigantic local "Sir Governor" (I call him that way because he rules over his slave-UFOnauts that almost permanently reside in my apartment) began regularly arrive at my apartment again at night, leaving huge footprints of propulsor outlets shown in Fig. #K5ab . From the footprints that he left on my access road to the apartment (where he takes off to his "executive UFO") show that they are formed by the smaller inner oscillatory chamber from the twin-chamber capsule of the 16-sided third generation propulsors - which means that Sir Governor can reverse, accelerate, stop and change the time and time lapse. The another series of arrivals of this giant UFOnaut was announced to me by my favourite clock, which had previously been damaged by his propulsors. Namely, starting from 2023/9/9, this clock began to show a different time after each night, although it still did NOT run. Initially, I started to suspect that Sir Governor was proverbially "teasing me" with his sense of humour (e.g. that he was deliberately changing the time and clock indications to provoke me to explain why the broken clock shows a different time after every night - and then use my explanation for some of his own purposes). After all, I remember how a gigantic UFOnaut tried to either make a joke or "trick me" with the help of a cunningly composed footprint - which I show in Fig. #L2f from my web page evil.htm and from post #361E to blogs of totalizm. However, just in case, starting from 2023/9/11, every morning I started taking photos with my phone of the indications of this broken clock - but I did NOT change anything in the clock nor even touch it. Because the next day, on Tuesday 2023/9/12, after taking another photo of #K5z12, I went to the sacred area in Petone that I discovered in NZ, marked with the Celtic cross described in detail in the INTRODUCTION, in #J3 and in #J3b of this web page, to (as usual) share my thoughts with God, I also mentioned to God the promise of the Bible from verse 4:22 from "Mark" and 10:26 from "Matthew" stating "For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed", and I explained to God "why" I will try to find out the reason for these nightly changes in the indications of a long-broken clock. But when I returned home from this sharing my thoughts with God - including about my favourite clock broken by UFOnauts, I was shocked to discover that in the meantime, around 2 pm, God miraculously started (repaired) my broken clock and from that moment on Tuesday, 2023/9/12 the clock had been running all day and showed the passage of time correctly. Unfortunately, the next night the clock stopped again - as I calculated at 11:40 pm - hence in the morning on Wednesday, 2023/9/13, I again photographed its stopped readings which I showed in photo #K5z13 above. That Wednesday it started up again only around 2 pm when I was working in the garden after finishing my daily research. Thanks to this, I already had three photos, in each of which I had recorded both the time of taking the photo and the time indicated on the clock. This allowed me to calculate when exactly the movement of its hands began and ended - and therefore to calculate when this gigantic UFOnaut flies into my apartment and when it flies away from it. Thanks to the photo from 2023/9/12, it also allowed me to calculate how much time the indications of a running clock are shifted compared to the actual NZ time. These data showed that to my apartment this giant-UFOnaut arrives on average around 11:30 pm at night (NZ winter time) - when we are already asleep, and leaves this apartment on average around 2 pm - i.e. probably to observe me after the research is completed - e.g. when to relax I go for a walk on the beach or to do something in the garden. I remember that about 15 years earlier, when I was still able to carry out my research until late at night and NZ was still safe at that time and one could walk on the empty beach and streets at night without risking troubles, that after completing the research in the summer and in good weather, to relax my mind, I was going for lonely walks at night on the Petone beach, the edge of which, like the streets, was lit by street lamps - and I was very surprised then that wherever I was walking at night, I saw how the street lamps illuminating the streets and the beach turned off one by one when I passed near them and turned on again when I moved away from them (today I believe that they were probably extinguished by the propulsors of an invisible UFOnaut or a UFO who accompanied me on this walk, observing what I was doing and slowly flying in the air near these lanterns). This means that although this giant UFOnaut flying into my apartment is our ruler and we are his slaves, in practice he "works" much longer than we humans (although in my youth I worked on my research even longer)! When the clock started on Wednesday just before midnight, the next day after taking this third photo, i.e. on Thursday, 2023/9/14, it did NOT stop and continued to work. So I was able to document with this paragraph the amazing miracle of its repair by God - how good it is that so close to my apartment there is this sacred area marked with a commemorative Celtic cross - where I can repetitively share my thoughts with God.
       Of course, the above is just an example of a small skirmish with the "powers of evil" that dominate us. This in turn means that although in this fight my clock was temporarily restored to work, in long-term struggles it will probably be destroyed by UFOnauts (similarly like in past UFOnauts destroyed a lot of my other important devices). Its meaning in my situation is mainly symbolic - i.e. the same meaning as grain had for the starving world in 2023. However, the most important thing in this symbolism of my favourite clock is to understand its example as a source of timeless truths, knowledge of which will set us free. For example, one of these truths states that in our struggles with the powers of evil, the greatest importance is the voluntary and precise fulfilment of all 10 commandments of God, because only by doing this we will deserve God's defence, help and inspiration in our struggles. Another states that our most important defensive action is the dissemination of previously unknown truths which have the potential to set us free, but which are strenuously hidden from people by agents of UFOnauts, by their human helpers, and by institutions and states secretly managed by UFOnauts and their human helpers, and also defence by recognizing and strictly following the implementations of these truths. Dissemination of truths is more important than fighting our opponents. After all, if these opponents learn and acknowledge the truth, then they will understand that they themselves are only slaves controlled by the powers of evil, and therefore they will willingly come onto our side. In other words, instead of dying while fighting the powers of evil that are more powerful than us and while fighting people who help these powers of evil, it is better to "turn the other cheek" to them and pray for them - as the Bible advises and commands us to do, e.g. in verses 5:39 and 23:3 and 5:44 from "Matthew", and we are also advised by items #N1 to #N3 from the web page cielcza_uk.htm and from post #357E to blogs of totalizm. These opponents are usually mixed with "ours", e.g. they are members of our family, our colleagues or neighbours, our leaders, etc. So, it is better, instead of fighting them, to treat them as a source of knowledge and truth, observing what they do, and thanks to examples of evil they generate learn to distinguish evil from good and to learn what truths can free us from this evil, while acquiring the habit of recognizing, disseminating and implementing these truths in our own lives.
       On Wednesday, 2023/9/13 at 20:30 to 21:25 on Channel 6 "Duke" of New Zealand television, another episode of an interesting program titled "New: Unexplained with William Shatner" was broadcast. This program presented the opinions of today's scientists on "what exactly is the so-called human genius". I watched this episode with great interest because in this program I am fascinated by this chronic approach to problems of the today's "official atheistic science" manifested by its considering everything from the point of view of the dictionary "what" about which my philosophy of totalizm has already established that describing anything with only the dictionary "what" it never leads to establishing the truth nor to the ability to classify it or distinguish it from good or evil. After all, as I explain it in #G3 to #G5 of my web page named wroclaw_uk.htm and in post #341E to the blogs of totalizm, only considering everything from the engineering point of view of "how", is the approach that always indicates the shortest path to learning the truth and to distinguishing good from evil. In turn, this knowledge of the truth will one day result in - according to verse 8:32 in the biblical "St. John", I quote: "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". (Unfortunately, UFOnauts who occupy, exploit and manage humanity know perfectly well about the importance of truth for freeing enslaved people from the chains. This is why UFOnauts so fiercely do everything within their capabilities so that people do NOT have access to truths.) So although in the summary of this episode TV provided a dictionary "what" understanding of genius, stating: "Genius is widely considered to be the ability to change the world in an incredible way: inventing new technology, deciphering the mysteries of the universe, or creating transcendent art" unfortunately as a result of focusing on the "what", after 55 minutes of scientific deliberation and showing examples, in this program it has still only been established that what genius really is, it still remains scientifically (and thus also atheistically) "unexplained". People somehow cannot understand that the habit of omitting the engineering "how" in explaining or thinking, is accepting the culture of parasitic way of thinking systematically forced into people by UFOnauts that "something can be made from nothing or can be obtained for nothing" - leading to such absurdities as the scientific implication that "big bang formed the whole universe from nothing" or to the proverbial expectation that "one can live and take entire life without doing any work or giving anything". Meanwhile, even just considering from the engineering point of view "how" the events concerning learning the reasons behind the miraculous self-repair of my favourite clock which I described in the three previous paragraphs of this item #K5, already provides the totaliztic definition of genius which states: "genius is a precious gift awarded by God individually to a person who deserved it by fulfilling the 10 commandments of God and at the same time who hard-worked investigating and disseminating the truth, which gift is manifested by the miraculous engineering ability to reveal from the point of view of the 'how' one of the truths previously unknown and important for the liberation of humanity from the consequences of sinfully committed evil". In other words, according to the "how" of my philosophy of totalizm from 1985 each person can be a genius, but NOT by atheistic exercise of his brain or by stuffing his/her memory with atheistic knowledge, but by thoughtfully fulfilling the 10 commandments of God and devoting his/her life to exploring one of the truths which in the future will contribute to liberating people from the shackles of evil.

Fig. #K5ab: Here are photos of two telekinetic footprints left by the propulsors of the personal propulsion system of a more than 5-meter-high UFOnaut on the access road from the sidewalk to my apartment in NZ township of Petone paved with very old and significantly faded asphalt poured on it in the 1950s. To reveal the size of these footprints, I used an engineering measuring tape which has three types of length measures marked on it, namely: "meters", "inches" and "feet" (1 foot = 30.48 cm). I placed this measuring tape on the asphalt from the west (its beginning) to the east (its spool). Because these footprints show that the UFOnaut hiding from people's eyes in the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering" (described in more detail in item #C1 of the web page dipolar_gravity.htm, while detectable with the "revealing device" given to us by a totaliztic civilization from stars and described in the Polish treatise [7b]) has just left my apartment, and these two footprints were left by his propulsors when he took off in order to move into the interior of an elite UFO starship waiting for him in sky somewhere near our building, one can guess that this UFOnaut was some kind of local governor checking and supervising the work of his subordinate UFOnauts currently almost continuously invisibly stationed in my apartment, hidden in a "state of telekinetic flickering" and operating the so-called "sabotage loop" existing in microprocessor of every computer (including mine) and discussed in post #359E from blog of totalizm, to secretly spoil everything I'm working on. After all, in the philosophy of evil parasitism, which these UFOnauts practice in their parasitic lives, the taller and more powerful someone is, and therefore the stronger he is hence his neighbours and countrymen fear of him the more, the higher office and power he holds. The over 5-meter height of this UFOnaut and his secret arrival to my apartment (in order to supervise his slave-UFOnauts carrying out his orders in my apartment) make him similar to the over 5-meter-high king of ancient Sumeria located in the area of present-day Iraq, known to us from the Bible, legends and archaeological excavations as Gilgamesh (Nephilim King). (Notice that since the height "h" of each human-like creature is on average equal to "h = 6.666*l of the length "l" of the feet of this person", the feet of this Gilgamesh were about 77 cm long - means they were similarly huge as the footprints that together with evidence of present UFOnauts-giants from planets of Orion (whom hide from us), are shown on the YouTube video entitled "Unbelievable Videos Of Giants You Won't Be Able To Explain". Hence, in a UFOnaut over 5 meters tall, the footprints of which I illustrate above, each of his shoes was probably over 75 cm long.) There are many English-language videos on YouTube about this King Gilgamesh, which can be searched in there, e.g. with the command . The content of these videos, e.g. the one with the title "Gilgamesh Nephilim King FOUND INTACT in TOMB - Fallen Angels Retrieved for DNA GENOMES" and the address , raise intriguing questions, e.g. whether we really know the actual reason for the latest war with Iraq. After all, knowing that according to the Bible (see posts #354E and #360E to blogs of totalizm) the "rulers of this world" are our morally fallen relatives from Orion, who among others: tirelessly lie to us and destroy all evidence on Earth confirming the existence of UFOs and biblical giants, we should NOT exclude that it is true that they hypnotically and telepathically forced humanity to initiate this war precisely in order to block and hide from the access and knowledge of today's people that over 5-meter-high body of King Gilgamesh confirming the truth of the wisely encoded statements in the Bible verses that the ancient giants existed materially and originated from the stars in the sky.
       Fig. #K5a. A close-up photo of the footprint telekinetized into the asphalt on the access road from the sidewalk to my apartment. It has an elliptical shape with the smallest diameter of this ellipse being about 12 cm. This footprint from the propulsor of the right leg of the UFOnaut is the one on which the weight of this UFOnaut rested when he switched the operation of both his propulsors to take off from the walkway in order to fly up to the elite UFO starship transporting him. In the next photograph #K5b, the whitish area of this elliptical footprint is visible just above the red inscription "3 ft" (i.e. "3 feet") on the measuring tape photographed under the footprints. This footprint from the right leg is the equivalent of a footprint of a circular melting with a diameter of about 10 mm (i.e. 1 cm) left by the outlet of the propulsor placed in the heel of the shoe of a female UFOnaut-zmora with a height of only about 80 cm, which I showed above on this web page in the photos from Fig. #K1a . Comparison of the size of the above footprint with a footprint with a diameter of about 7 cm left by a UFOnaut from Orion with a height of over 3 meters and previously shown in Fig. #K3c allows me to calculate that the UFOnaut who secretly entered my apartment had a height much higher than 5 meters. Both footprints shown here indicate the origin from an inner 16-sided Oscillatory Chamber with an outlet diameter of approximately 12 cm and a more evenly rounded asphalt telekinetization pattern than the eight-sided pattern previously documented in Fig. #K3c. (The lack of a non-telekinetized area in the centre of this footprint #K5a proves that its chamber was the smaller internal chamber of the "two-chamber capsule" from the propulsor in shoe of this UFOnaut - as I described it in Fig. #L2bc from blog #361E and from #L2 to #L3a on the web page evil.htm.) This in turn means that the shoe and foot of this particular UFOnaut must have been gigantic to accommodate the entire "two-chamber capsule" much larger than the inner chamber forming the footprints discussed here, and also means that the propulsors of this UFOnaut inspecting my apartment were already of the third generation, allowing him to manipulate the speed and the direction of time. Also a more detailed analysis of the circumference of the ellipse of this footprint shows the existence of 16 areas of stronger telekinetization separated from each other by areas of weaker telekinetization - which additionally confirms that the propulsors that caused these footprints contained 16-sided Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation. So I can only bow with respect to this UFOnaut and our relative from the planet Orion, admiring such a huge level of advancement of their technology that they have - about the existence of this technology, almost none of the Earth's scientists have the slightest idea and so far do NOT even want to know. I am also perfectly aware that this UFOnaut, means our relative from Orion, also symbolically bowed to me, because being over 5 meters tall, he was NOT able to check the work of his subordinates who are currently almost constantly staying secretly in my apartment, nor was he able to take a closer look at my humble person, without entering my apartment (the roof of which rises only about 3 meters above the ground) and either without kneeling or at least without the symbolic gesture of bowing one's head - which in human culture is considered to be saluting or showing respect. Let us hope that, remembering that by professing drastically opposing philosophies of life we still do NOT intend to cease to keep being cosmic relatives, so that one day these symbolic mutual bowings will transform into mutual understanding, respect and acceptance of the philosophical and religious differences existing between our nations, and into cooperation for the good of all and for the benefit of complete elimination of evil from our entire world of matter.
       Fig. #K5b. A photo taken on 2023/6/3 of both footprints telekinetically formed in the old asphalt of the driveway from the sidewalk to my apartment, telekinetised by a UFOnaut from the planet Orion with a height of over 5 meters, who used a third-generation personal propulsion system capable of manipulating speed and direction of time passage. A crescent-like white area of the footprint from the propulsor mounted in the heel of his left shoe (just being lifted up) can be seen just above the beginning of the ruler located under both of these footprints. However, a slightly elliptical whitish area of the footprint from his right shoe (on which the entire weight of this huge UFOnaut rested), in close-up also shown above in photograph #K5a, is visible just above the red marking "3 ft" (i.e. "3 feet") on the measuring tape (enlarge the above photo to see the measuring markings). This means that the UFOnaut took off into flight, slowly leaving my apartment towards the east and flying from west to east - which direction of his flight required the use of a magnetic whirl. The confirmation of this direction of flight is that in order to telekinetize this asphalt (i.e. to cause the tar contained between the asphalt stones to acquire the colour of white icing or powder), the "magnetic whirl mode" had to be used, which such a personal propulsion system produces only during flights (or walking protected by such a magnetic whirl) along latitudinal lines - for details see the descriptions of both these operating modes of the magnetic propulsion system provided in subsections G6.2 to G6.3.3 and G10.1 to G10.2 from volume 3 of my free monograph [1/5].

Fig. #K5cd: Here are two photos of three footprints of a giant UFOnaut using a second generation personal propulsion system which has two-chamber capsules installed in its propulsors, each with two octagonal oscillatory chambers of the second generation operating in the "external flux dominance" mode. The upper photo (#K5c) shows the clearest mark of the two landing footprints of this UFOnaut, which landing footprints in the lower photo (#K5d) are connected to each other with a tape measure. In the lower photo, I marked the clearest footprint with a yellow plastic number 1 and the letter X. In turn the lower photo (#K5d) shows the section of the street crossings on which these footprints were formed, together with the threshold to gate of the home to which this UFOnauts most probably secretly entered. I found all these footprints at the intersection of the streets of the township of Petone, New Zealand (NZ) described on this web page, significantly away from my apartment. This intersection was newly covered with stones well pressed into the asphalt, the upper surfaces of which have NOT been sprayed with asphalt yet. The footprints shown in the above photo have the outlines of an octagon, slightly rounded at their edges by the rotation of the magnetic field produced by the external oscillatory chamber of the propulsor from the heel of the UFOnaut's shoe. The outer diameter of this octagon in all three footprints from this street was approximately 28 cm (i.e. 11 inches). At a distance of approximately 170 cm (i.e. 67 inches) to the direction of south-east of this clearest mark 1, there was a second, almost identical footprint, in the lower photo (#K5d) connected to it with a tape measure and marked with a yellow plastic number 2. Both of these footprints were situated in such a way that they indicated that a given UFOnaut formed them during landing, flying from the north-west and intending to enter the gate of the building located exactly at this intersection - only that in flight he was carried slightly to the south from a direct hit at the entrance of this gate. At a distance of about 190 cm (i.e. almost 75 inches) and to the north of this second footprint on the street, a third footprint was also formed, lying exactly at the outlet of the gate of the house at this intersection of streets, thus suggesting that it was evaporated when the same UFOnaut-giant flew into the air after leaving that house. In the lower photo (#K5d) I marked this third footprint with the orange number 2. You can guess that also this third footprint was accompanied by one more footprint, corresponding to the crescent-shaped footprint from Fig. #K5b above. But being away from it by the length of a step of this giant UFOnaut (i.e. by this 170 cm, i.e. by 67 inches), its location was already on the pavement in front of the exit from the gate of the house into which this UFOnaut penetrated. I marked the place at the curb of the sidewalk from which this trace could be searched in the lower photo (#K5d) with an orange plastic number 1. Unfortunately, the sidewalk in there was very old and probably its asphalt was NOT so easily evaporated by the magnetic field of the personal propulsion system of this giant UFOnaut. However, in the lower photo (#K5d) it is clearly visible that in this area the pavement was as if telekinetically whitened in the shape of the wide foot of a giant over 3 meters tall. (Note from the above-discussed formula h=6.666*l that an UFOnaut with a height of over h=3 meters would wear shoes with a length of over l=45 cm.) The footprints shown above were created by covering with asphalt-fumes the road pebbles not yet covered with asphalt, recently dumped on the road on this intersection of streets. The evaporation of this asphalt was caused by a powerful magnetic field escaping from the outlets of the two-chamber capsules in the propulsors from the heels of this UFOnaut's shoes. How these octagonal two-chamber capsules of the 2nd generation are constructed is illustrated in part "2s" from Fig. C8 in volume 2 of monograph [1/4] distributed free of charge via my web page called text_1_4.htm, and in parts "2i" and " 2o" I showed in there what the outlets from such capsules working in the "mode of domination of internal flux" and in the "mode of domination of external flux" look like - if you look at them in daylight (note that due to the black colour of the asphalt and the whitish colour of the pebbles at this intersection, the appearance produced by asphalt fumes will be opposite to the appearance in those drawings, i.e. in the "2o" mode black will be what is shown as white in the illustration "Fig. C8"). In turn, the Telekinetic Effect is reported by e.g. H6.1.3 from volume 4 of monograph [1/4]. (Click on the selected photo to enlarge it)
       Fig. #K5c. A photo of the clearest landing footprint of this giant UFOnaut over 3 meters tall. It was made so that its upper edge faces north and the left edge faces west. Notice that in the centre of this footprint there is also visible an approximately octagonal inner area which the asphalt fumes did NOT cover, and therefore the pebbles of which were NOT coloured black. The diameter of this inner area with pebbles not covered with asphalt fumes is about 9 cm (i.e. 3.5 inches), which is only slightly larger than the footprints with a diameter of about 7 cm formed during the operation of the propulsors in the "mode of domination of internal flux" and shown in illustrations #K3c and #K4bc above.
       Intriguing about the above footprint is that, together with two other footprints almost identical to it, it indicates that this huge UFOnaut was heading for a telekinetic hidden entry into the building which is located at this intersection of streets. This building has a large attic. This would suggest that UFOnauts of such enormous height deliberately choose buildings with large attics, so that, lying in the attic and thanks to the ability of their "state of telekinetic flickering", being able to stick their heads through the ceiling into rooms below the attic, they are able to observe (and also telepathically or hypnotically reprogram) what is happening in these lower rooms. It is also intriguing that he landed in there, deliberately aiming his arrival at entering through the gate to that particular house. This means that he was NOT coming to this house for the first time, but that he had already been there at least several times before.
       Fig. #K5d. A photo of the entire area of the intersection of Petone streets where I detected the footprints shown above in #K5cd. I photographed them on Saturday, 2023/6/17. It is oriented so that its upper edge points east and the left edge points north. Notice that both groups of footprints shown are marked with plastic numbers 1 and 2, which are yellow for the arrival footprints, and orange for the departure footprints. Moreover, I connected both arrival footprints with a measuring tape. I also photographed both arrival footprints separately. I have shown footprint 1 (also marked with X) above in Fig. #K5c . And I photographed footprint 2 (the one next to the spool of the measuring tape) on Sunday, 2023/6/18 (i.e. after it was sabotaged) and showed it on the web page evil.htm as Fig. #L2e from item #L2 of that other web page about the most effective methods and devices for defence against the aggression and invasion of our morally bankrupt relatives from planets of Orion. This Fig. #L2 is oriented so that its upper edge points north and the left one - west. Notice on it the central octagon NOT covered with asphalt vapours (also with a diameter of about 9 cm - i.e. about 3.5 inches), which is an important "detail" meaning that the two-chamber capsule from the propulsor in the heel of this UFOnaut worked in the "mode of domination of outer chamber".
       In the footprints shown above, several things begin to become highly intriguing. For example, taken together, these footprints quite clearly imply that this huge UFOnaut had some telekinetic (concealed) work to do in the building that is located at this intersection of streets. The architecture of this building shows that it has a large attic. This would suggest that UFOnauts of such enormous height in buildings intentionally hide in a large attic or on a higher floor, so that while lying there and being able to expose their heads, devices, or weapons that incapacitate or hypnotize people through the ceiling into the rooms below, they are able to telekinetically, telepathically, or hypnotically carry out actions that sabotage selected efforts of people indicated to them by their kurierów czasowych (i.e. "couriers through time"). Another intriguing feature is the fact that both above photos taken together perfectly document the speed and fact of sabotaging the material evidence that prove the existence and activities of UFOnauts on Earth. This is because the top photo was taken at almost 2 p.m. on a Friday, winter day in NZ, June 16, 2023. Since I did NOT have a measuring tape with me at that time, and in June night darkness in NZ begins around 4 p.m., I decided to return there the next day with a measuring tape to measure the footprints and, after marking them, photograph them all again. In the meantime, I initially described them on this web page and immediately published them on the Internet together with the photo I already had. (I have a habit of immediately publishing everything I do, because if I postpone it for later, I know from practice that it will always be sabotaged in the meantime.) Unfortunately, at night right after this publication, my methods of detecting the fact that my apartment was raided by UFOs, which I described in detail in #L2 to #L2a, from the evil.htm web page, showed the raid of UFOnauts on my apartment and my abduction to a UFO under deep hypnosis. During this abduction, under hypnosis I probably told them about my latest detection of their footprints, because in the morning I discovered that someone had turned on my computer at night, and the photo #K5c from the previous day had been deleted (fortunately, I had prepared another copy of this photo the previous day). When the next day I went to measure and photograph these marks, it turned out that they had been deliberately sabotaged the previous night, so that they looked only like random marks on the street. The reader will notice this sabotage in the lower photo (#K5d) because, for example, the footprint marked with a yellow X already is NOT a rounded octagon that I documented on the upper photograph (#K5c), but someone at night as if evaporated on top of it another footprint. Moreover, the asphalt stones, which only the day before were all whitish and evenly pressed, were smeared with tar and damaged the next day. These are NOT the only items of evidence of UFOnauts' activities on Earth that I discovered and which were mysteriously destroyed almost immediately after their publication, so that their evidential value disappeared - but even just listing and linking all of them would take too much space here.

Fig. #K5e1 (hand): Because some readers may have doubts whether the telekinetized footprints shown on this web page from the outlets of propulsors in UFOnauts' shoes are actually formed by human-like UFOnauts with the dimensions of giants, I am providing here evidence confirming that among those our relatives from the planets of Orion who secretly occupy and exploit humanity until today, there are indeed races of UFOnauts of gigantic sizes. This evidence is the "devil's paw" (in Polish named "czarcia łapa") shown above - i.e. the blackened imprint of a three-fingered hand of an UFOnaut of a gigantic height reaching at least 12 meters high, embedded into a stone. As many as six such imprints in stone of gigantic three-fingered "devil's paws" exist in Poland on the north-eastern side and within walking distance of the castle named Bąkowiec from township of Zawiercie Skarżyce from the Zawiercie commune in the Kraków-Częstochowa Jura (Upland). UFOnauts of this race are also relatives of us - humans, only that their bodies are genetically modified to adapt them to the conditions of the planets on which they live. Hence their hands and feet have the shape of a "chicken foot" perfectly reproduced on the sculpture from Suwon in South Korea, which I showed above in Fig. #K1c from this web page. Similarly to the fingers and toes from this sculpture from Suwon, in this gigantic race of UFOnauts from the Orion planets, the thickest and longest finger and toe is the middle one of the three - best visible on the foot of a UFOnaut of a miniature version of their race, by Polish folklore called "zmora" (which word "zmora" means "nightmare"), shown at Fig. #K1a above, and not like in humans where the inner-lateral finger is the thickest. Information about these six "devil's paws" can be found on the length from 19:20 to 19:30 minutes of a 24-minute free Polish-language video about the Bąkowiec castle distributed at:" . (Click on the link of the selected photo above to view it.)
       It so happened that someone I know took a photo for me of the most easily accessible of these 6 "devil's paws". This photo is shown above in Fig. #K5e1 (hand). In turn, a photograph of a huge boulder on the right side of the surface of which (about 1/4 from its top) a blackened imprint of this "devil's paw" is visible, I showed above as Fig. #K5e2 (stone) - however, you need to click on its link provided above to view it. Although the person who emailed me these photos did NOT measure the exact length of this three-fingered hand - after all, the boulder with this paw is very high and has steep walls, so it would require either a long ladder or the skills of a "mountaineer" to climb to the paw. However, in engineering terms, this person estimates this paw to be about 120 to 160 [cm] long. (If the reader is a "mountaineer", or has e.g. the required ladder, and takes measurements and close-up photos of any of these "devil's paws", then I would be grateful if he/she would like to share these data so that I could post more detailed data and calculations about them here.) Such huge dimensions of this three-fingered paw confirm that the giant UFOnaut who melted it on that stone belonged to a race genetically modified from an equally huge five-fingered race - the correct size of the hand of which is illustrated in Fig. #D1b from my web page named newzealand.htm. Since in human-like creatures, to which all UFOnauts belong (after all, they are genetic relatives of humans), the average height is 10 times the length of their hand, the above estimate informs that the UFOnauts who made this and the remaining six at least 120 cm long paws' imprints, they were at least 12 meters tall (meaning that we humans do not even reach their knees). No wonder the Bible states that when looking at these giants, the Israeli spies felt as if compared to them they were the size of locusts or grasshoppers (see the Bible, verse 13:33 from the "Book of Numbers"). What the approximate proportions of the size of these gigantic UFOnauts to the size of ordinary present people look like, is best illustrated by videos showing a statue called "Unconditional Surrender", which is an immortalization of actual kiss of a sailor and a nurse who did NOT know each other at all, but in 1945 in New York, they both participated in a spontaneous celebration marking the end of World War II. By the way, this statue also symbolically illustrates the effectiveness with which UFOnauts secretly harm humanity by slowly turning the Earth into a copy of their parasitic civilization. Described with an interesting story, this actual kiss immortalized by the "Unconditional Surrender" statue perfectly reflects the essence of voluntary "giving" relations between men and women prescribed in verses 5:21-33 from "Ephesians" from the Bible. From times of my youth, I still remember how beautifully and perfectly this statue illustrates the now disappearing male-female "giving" relations. Meanwhile, various telepathic, hypnotic and demonic reprogramming which the advanced technology in disposal of UFOnauts allows them to subject today's inhabitants of Earth, has distorted these relations to the level that today this beautiful monument is vandalized and criticized, because UFOnauts with their plots initiated new destructive and parasitic trends of egoistic "taking" - instead of "giving" persuaded by God, as described in #V1 and #V2 of web page named humanity_pl.htm. I should also add here that the gathering close to each other near the Bąkowiec castle as many as six stones with these huge "devil's paws" embedded in them, practically means that UFOnauts indicate with them the location of something very important for them. But in order for someone to be able to find it, investigators would first have to plot the location of each of these 6 "devil's paws" on a detailed map of that area, and then logically analyze "how" UFOnauts encoded with these paws the location of whatever is so important for them. After all, even at the present stage of our knowledge, we can already deduce what is so valuable in there that these 6 paws direct UFOs and UFOnauts to it, and that it had to be hidden from people. And so, it may be, for example, (1) an entrance to an underground UFO base, similar to the one that exists under the Teutonic castle in Malbork, Poland and which was described e.g. in #G1 and under Fig. #G1ab from the web page malbork_uk.htm - and thus can be used by people, for example, to calibrate newly built "devices detecting UFO and UFOnauts invisible for human eyes when these are flying in the state of telekinetic flickering" described in the content of free Polish treatise [7b]. Or it may be, for example, (2) a UFO landing site convenient for UFOnauts because, for example, it is inaccessible to people, and thus enabling UFOnauts to hide their landings - as these could, for example, allow people to calibrate the "revealing devices" described in treatise [7b]. It may also be, for example, (3) a warehouse of looted treasures hiding what is valuable that UFOnauts rob from humanity or from the Earth. Apparently UFOnauts (just like some people) are very greedy for gold. This is why, for example, old legends claimed that "dragons" love to sleep on gold, e.g. see the so-called "dragon scene" from the movie "The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug 2013" . We should remember that "dragons", "serpents", and in America the so-called "feathered snakes (e.g. Quetzalcoatl)" are just some of the names with the use of which old-time people who did not know machines (and after them e.g. today's Bibles) described UFOs and their crew members today called UFOnauts. These names derived their origin from the ability of a number of UFO starships to fly across the sky also in long, thin, flexible, snake-like formations, coiling and changing their shape in flight and zigzagging like terrestrial snakes, because the individual starships of these formations are connected to each other flexibly and loosely in the contactless manner and only through their magnetic circuits. It is because of this snake-like behaviours and appearances of UFOs in flight, that they were perceived by folklore of numerous nations in the way that is illustrated e.g. in Fig. #G1a from my web page named bible.htm and named with the words meaning dragons, serpents, feathered snakes, etc. However, in reality e.g. the arrangements of Magnocraft starships of my invention making for the duration of flights the same kinds of contactless formations that also enable them such serpentine bending and curling, in my publications are described under the name of "flying clusters". Additionally, to the shock of ancient people, UFO starships e.g. "spoke" to them through their on-board megaphones, while their human-like intelligence was the intelligence of their crew. Moreover, for example, Chinese folklore has discovered also that "dragons" can fly due to having (which can be interpreted that they carry within themselves - e.g. in their mouths) a miraculous "pearl" glowing with supernatural light and giving to them the mystic abilities - including to fly. This pearl is best illustrated in the Australian film for youth from 2011 entitled "The Dragon Pearl". This "Pearl" is actually the device powering UFO starships and reported by many people abducted to UFOs. However, with God's inspiration it happened that here on Earth independently of UFOs I also invented the device about 40 years ago that is to propel the Magnocraft starships of my invention. I named this my device the Oscillatory Chamber and described it in detail in many of my publications. This my invention much later allowed me to identify: that (a) UFOnauts are already using Oscillatory Chambers that look identical to mine for the purposes of propulsion and energy storage of their UFO starships - which means that I independently from UFOnauts also invented the same device again as the aliens have done, that (b) the Bible describes the Oscillatory Chamber under the name "Ark of the Covenant" - see subsection S5 from volume 15 of my monograph [1/5], and that (c) its construction is encoded in the folk tradition of many nations (e.g. as the Buddhist so-called Thangka - see Fig. S7 in [1/5] or see #H3a to #H3d from web page ufo_proof.htm). The above means that one day people will also need my Oscillatory Chamber as a propulsor to power my Magnocraft and as accumulator capable of storing unlimited amounts of energy. It is also intriguing that after the landing of UFOs, people noticed that the surface of these "dragons" was covered with cracked so-called onion charcoal with the appearance of reptile skins and described in more detail, among others, in #B3 and #B3.1 from the web page evidence.htm. The "devil stones" from the vicinity of the Bąkowiec castle in Poland with their three-fingered paws can also indicate (4) hidden entrances to underground tunnels similar to those that a certain Wincenty visited in "Babia Góra" (mountain) from southern Poland in his youth, and probably also with the inspiration from God then he described it to me when I was still a teenager (see his story quoted in item #G3 from blog #298 and from my web page aliens.htm - which page is available on all my websites). The discovery of these tunnels near the castle would confirm Wincenty's claim, also proven by my research and publications, that a system of such tunnels surrounds the entire globe while for people it may prove highly useful in an event of a nuclear war or a destructive cataclysm, and would also confirm that UFO starships operate on Earth as they are the only ones that are able to evaporate such a large number and length of these technically evaporated tunnels. Moreover, regardless of the melting of these "paws" or "feet" on them, these devil stones also hide telepathic devices which probably also allow for the calibration of telepathic devices built by people - e.g. the "telepathic pyramid" described in #E1 and under Fig. #2 from the web page telepathy.htm. After all, these telepathic UFO navigation devices are similar to the so-called "GPS" satellite navigation devices used by people today - descriptions of which can be searched for, e.g. with the keywords: satellite Global Positioning System GPS, both in texts from and in free videos from But this telepathic navigation system of UFOnauts is hidden in marked stones regularly placed on the surface of the Earth, while GPS is only in satellites and uses radio waves for communication. I published short descriptions of this entire UFO navigation network in a number of my publications - e.g. in items #D21 to #D23 of the web page named milicz_uk.htm, and in subsections U3.1 and VB4.3.1 from volumes 15 and 17 of my monograph [1/4]. However, the most extensive descriptions of this telepathic UFO navigation network are contained in my Polish articles: [1U3.1] "Ziemia w sieci UFO - diabelskie kamienie punktami nawigacyjnymi" (which title means: "Earth in the UFO net - devil's stones as navigation beacons"), Kurier Polski, No. 79/1982, page 5; and [2U3.1] "Diabelskie kamienie" (meaning: "Devil's Stones"), Nieznany Świat, no. 10/1992/(22), pages 20-22. In turn, photographic evidence that these stones contain some telepathic transmitting devices was revealed and shown in the photo from Fig. K2 in my English-language monograph [1e] - when, after blowing up one such stone, it turned out that there was a "battery" in it with a perfectly cylindrical shape, that emitted light. Notice that from Fig. K1 to Fig. K3 from that monograph [1e] I also showed several "devil stones" of this type, which throughout Poland form a regular "navigation network" of UFOnauts similar to "GPS". A long time ago, a friend from New Zealand took me to her friend's private farm located north of the city of Hamilton, where she showed me an almost cubic "devil's stone" with many markings. Although I photographed it and published its photo and description in one of my publications, today I cannot find either its photographs or descriptions - probably UFOnauts deleted all this from my computer (as they often do to harm me and all of us) by using the so-called "sabotage loop" which I described in post #359E to the blogs of totalizm, and in #J3 to #J3a from my web page named faq.htm.
       Shown above in the photo Fig. #K5e1 the imprint in the stone of the three-fingered hand of a giant UFOnaut is NOT the only evidence that these human-like colossi operated on Earth in ancient times. Another imprint of a huge hand, but with five fingers, was discovered in eastern Siberia on the slope of a mountain whose name, pronounced with an English accent, sounds to me like Satan's Mountain. This print from the Far East is documented from 4:44 to 5:35 minutes of the English-language, 16-minute video titled "12 Most Mysterious Discoveries Scientists Still Can't Explain" distributed from . Comparing the length of the colossus' fingers to the height of the person standing next to their imprint suggests that the colossus could have been up to about 30 meters tall. There is also circumstantial evidence that colossi of such height still secretly arrive to Earth in UFOs from their planet in the Orion system.
       The hand and foot imprints of giant UFOnauts are NOT the only traces they leave on Earth. In fact, in many places on our planet, gigantic sculptures and images of them are also discovered. One example of a stone sculpture of a giant was documented at 26:07 to 26:40 minutes of an English-language video at - showing a sculpture of a giant head photographed by a drone in a hard-to-reach place from Dolomite mountains in Italy. I once learned from a Maori lady of chieftain's origins that also in the sub-tropical forest of the Coromandel in New Zealand there is still an officially NOT discovered similarly gigantic ancient sculpture of a cosmic relative of humanity, which I described under the name Sleeping Giant in item #J3.3 from my web page named god_proof.htm. (When I went with this Maori woman to show me this "Sleeping Giant", there was technically initiated such a terrible storm that reaching the sculpture turned out impossible.) Numerous sculptures of human-like giants who ruled individual nations in antediluvian times, along with standing next to them people of normal (Earthly) height, can also be seen on many videos reporting archaeological discoveries made in Egypt, India, and in the area of the former Assyrian empire. Some of these videos can be searched using, for example, the following English keywords: giants antediluvian India Mediterranean Egypt .
       This imprint of the "devil's paw" shown above in the Fig. #K5e1 and described here, was once melted by a giant UFOnaut in the distant past that has not yet been precisely dated by us - although my research on a similar stone from Zemanów near Milicz, Poland, summarized under Fig. #D23 and in #D23 from the web page named milicz_uk.htm, suggest that the "navigation network of UFOnauts" (i.e. the UFOnauts' equivalent to the satellite GPS of people) hidden in these stones was built on Earth at the turn of the centuries 15th by 16th AD. Nevertheless, such gigantic UFOnauts still secretly operate on Earth also nowadays - as evidenced by the diameters of the proportional to their height footprints left by the outlets from their propulsors shown in Fig. #K5ab and #K5cd from above item #K5. Unfortunately for us, having devices forming the state of telekinetic flickering which makes them invisible to human eyes, these gigantic UFOnauts for millennia hide carefully from people their constant parasitic presence on Earth. However, because, according to what I explained for the period (3) in item #A2 of my web page named ufo_pl.htm, in the years from 2007 to 2020 I was NOT yet able to distinguish the parasitic operation on Earth of these secretly occupying UFOnauts from the planets of Orion, from the divine simulations UFOnauts (after all, both these types of UFOnauts are able to form identical material traces and evidence on Earth), thus in 2007 I stopped researching UFOnauts because I decided that they are probably simulations of God implemented in order to test and examine the morality of people, so it will be better if I undertake rational research of God instead of waste energy and time on researching UFOnauts. However, my discovery of the so-called "God Drobinas" - which were discovered because of the research on God and the Bible carried out from 2020 till now (2023), confirmed to me that although divine simulations of UFOnauts, as well as UFOnauts who really occupy us, would form identical material traces on Earth, the reasons for operating on Earth of both these types of UFOnauts would be exactly the opposite and detectable to humanity. For example, divine simulations of UFOnauts would act in such a way as to increase people's faith in God. In turn, the UFOnauts who occupy and exploit us would try to secretly exploit us while simultaneously hiding from people and fighting people's faith in God - just as robbers always do in their behaviour. As results from the analysis of the most frequent observations of UFOnauts arriving to Earth, in fact the entire activity of these aliens is aimed at: stealing sperm and ovule from people (from which they breed their slaves) and at sucking out with their advanced devices called "komora zimna" (meaning: "chamber of coldness") the human so-called "moral energy" (which is generated only by people who obey the commandments of the Bible, hence atheistic UFOnauts are NOT able to generate this energy), and also allows UFOnauts to raise their "morale" and sense of superiority by each of them gaining the absolute power to secretly do to people whatever they want or whatever their fantasy suggests to them (i.e. raping, tormenting, scaring, showing their "magic", possessing, abducting, murdering, etc.), and of course their activity is also aimed at eliminating people's faith in God which persuades humans to act exactly opposite to what UFOnauts do.

#K6. Linked below are next items of evidence documented on photographs that prove invasion of "adversaries of God" on the town of Petone and their occupation and exploitation of entire humanity, which however I show and describe on different web pages:

Motto: "Wherever God rewards the inhabitants of an area, an invasion of "adversaries of God" (i.e. UFOnauts) is immediately directed there in order to reprogram the local people into denial and lack of faith with their advanced technology of telepathic commands, hypnosis and possessions." (A situation just being repeated in Petone, NZ, where numerous material footprints left by our morally bankrupt relatives from the Orion planets document a massive effort to reprogram the locals to be skeptical and ignore the obvious evidence of God's blessing, distinction and protection.)

       On this web page I point out numerous and undeniably obvious evidence of the distinction and special treatment of the town of Petone by God, as a reward that it was the first place in all of New Zealand where the inhabitants, in as early as 1840 (i.e. over 183 years ago), crowdely celebrated the Holy Mass based on content of the Bible and declared their faith and fulfillment of God's 10 commandments throughout the entire country newly opened to Christianity. Unfortunately, in our "world of matter" each "action" is supported by a "reaction" that counteracts its effects. As a result, along with God's blessings, Petone also experiences a veritable "invasion" of cosmic beings which the Bible calls "God's adversaries", but about whom UFO researchers have established that they are in fact our morally bankrupt relatives from the planets of Orion, whose extremely advanced technology allows them to secretly occupy and exploit humanity and the Earth, while them themselves cultivatw and at the same time force into us the atheistic philosophy of evil parasitism, while pretending that they are "supernatural beings". These anti-human and anti-God beings leave numerous footprints of their activities in Petone, some of which I have already described from #K1 to #K5e of this web page, and also in several posts to blogs of totalizm - e.g. see in there posts #363E, #362E, #361E, #360E, #359E, #355E, #348E and #347E. So in order NOT to further neutralize this positively and optimistically oriented web page by excessively filling it with documentation of the negative actions of our morally bankrupt relatives from the planets of Orion, I try to publish everything that I further present about these beings on different web pages - here I only added links to these other publications.
       And so, I hereby recommend that readers who are interested in my documentation of material footprints of the activities of these morally fallen creatures (UFOnauts) both in Petone and in New Zealand, as well as on the entire our planet, read the following further ublications of mine. Please note that I always support all my documentation with confirmations of the three most important witnesses that I described in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 my web page named 2020life.htm - which witnesses include: the Bible inspired by God himself, my engineeringly worked out and providing answers "how" theories, especially the Theory of Everything from 1985 and The Theory of Life from 2020, and the empirical evidence manifested by the reality around us. Here are the links to these further publications:

(A) Post #360E to blogs of totalizm, or #D1 to #D2a from military_magnocraft.htm. It explains why accurate learning by people of the essential "details" of the construction and principles of operation of the starships of my invention called the Magnocrafts will provide humanity with the second among the most important sets of keys to the truths that will set us free according to the content of verse 8:32 from the "Gospel of St. John" - I quote from Catholic "Millennium Bible": "and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (note the use of the plural in this verse). According to this verse, in order to effectively defend ourselves and free ourselves from the attacks of morally fallen people and beings who act contrary to God's commandments and requirements, it is enough to make sure that we reveal the truth and only the truth to all our neighbors and actively help them learn this truth.

(B) Post #361E to blogs of totalizm, or #L2 to #L3a of the web page evil.htm. In there I discuss the next set of footprints of a giant UFOnaut flying around the township of Petone in a second or third generation "personal propulsion system" capable of telekinetic flights with almost infinite speed, or even of reversing or accelarating up the passage of time. This giant UFOnaut probably left one of such marks on purpose with his foot in a shoe with a soft sole, so that it looks as hiif it was made wits h bare feet. It is highly probable that he wanted to convey some message to me with this deliberately imprinted and cunningly arranged footprint of giant feet - the probable content of which I am quoting at the end of the caption under Fig. #L2f .

(C) Post #362E to blogs of totalizm, or #I1 to #I5 of the web page bandits.htm. In there I discuss the next set of activities of UFOnauts who secretly occupy and exploit us, who are destroying humanity using, among others, another type of starships that can be called four-propulsor UFOs. In item #I5 I also explain "how" carrying out a reform of the human justice system that would be based on the principle of "depriving privileges" would create a role model for all people which would increase the effectiveness of humanity's fulfillment of the 10 commandments of God, and with this increase would increase the number of people deserving to be defended and protected by God against attacks of anti-human UFOnauts.

(D) Post #363E to blogs of totalizm, or #M1 to #M4 of the web page evil.htm. In engineering terms, it describes "how" UFOnauts, with their highly advanced devices for technical telekinesis and their telepathic and hypnotic weapons, imperceptibly penetrate into the inside of people's bodies and they synchronize their minds with such a possessed person, causing a reprogramming of the views and actions of their victims. Although these possessions are caused by our cosmic relatives from the Orion planets as material as we humans, in every detail of their consequences these correspond to what the Bible describes as demonic possessions and what is perfectly known in virtually all major religions of the world - although it is still ignored by " the official atheistic science" the research of which is controlled by the UFOnauts who occupy us. This post #363E explains that women are more susceptible than men to these possessions by UFOnauts - this is where, for example, today's absurd, destructive and parasitic trends in the behaviour of young women described in item #V2 of the web page named humanity.htm come from. The #363E also compiles a description of the characteristics of such possessed people, allowing us to recognize whether someone is a victim of such possession. Furthermore, #363E indicates as well how one can defend themself against being possessed by anti-human UFOnauts.

Part #L: A birthday gift of 1840 for the newly established by God Christian New Zealand:


#L1. The history and meaning of the newly-formed in 1840 by God "birthday gift of New Zealand":

       Let's take again a look at the photos Fig. #1a (upper) and Fig. #J3d (lower) shown in INTRODUCTION to this web page. The upper photo "Fig. #1a" shows an example of a series of plaques permanently embedded along a long line in the sidewalks of the city of Wellington (i.e. the capital of New Zealand). These Wellington plaques document where the front of seashore was in 1840. Also very wisely (because in a way NOT breaking anyone's so-called "free will") and historically perfectly, these plaques document the miraculous "Act of God" which was to give New Zealand a "birthday gift". It appears that God gives a "birthday gift" to every newly born country that begins its life in compliance with God's commandments and requirements. There are many examples of such "birthday gifts" from God on Earth. Apart from the gift summarized in this INTRODUCTION to this web page, in items #F1 to #F5 of the web page named pigs.htm and in post #368E to blogs of totalizm I documented in more detail another similar "birthday gift" granted by God to ancient China. Notice that apart from the physically "tangible" birthday gift, at the moment of birth each so-called "intellect" (including every country, nation, person, etc.) receives from God a number of so-called "privileges" (e.g. God's defence, protection, guidance, grace, etc.) which I described more precisely in blog #362E and in items #I1 to #I6 from the web page bandits.htm. (Later, if this "intellect" does NOT live according to God's commandments, these "privileges" can be taken away from it.)
       In turn, the lower Fig. #J3d from the INTRODUCTION documents a plaque commemorating the event that initiated this reviving "Act of God" which caused the embedding of the line of upper plaques into the sidewalks of the city of Wellington. This is because the "Act of God" took place in 1840 not far from Wellington, in the location of nearby township of Petone - wonders and extraordinary phenomena of which I describe on this web page. In turn, if this miraculous "Act of God" did NOT occur in there, then probably neither the current NZ capital of Wellington nor the industrial township of Petone would exist either. Alternatively, the present-day city of Wellington would be at best a small fishing village surrounded by mountains and difficult to access - perhaps with a rarely used sea ferry to bring supplies to it and to nearby farmers. After all, building comfortable roads through a series of mountains only for the use of one small village is typically NOT economically justified. The young inhabitants of this village would probably flee to larger cities, discouraged and troubled by isolation, difficulties in access and mosquitoes multiplying in the swamps that would probably still cover the area of swamps where today's nearby township of Petone was later founded. (What these swamps from the location of today's Petone looked like then, can be seen on the reproductions of their photos in the mini-museum also located right next to the Petone beach and only about 100 metres west from the Celtic Cross.) In turn Petone would probably NOT exist at all due to diseases spread by swarms of mosquitoes multiplying in the surrounding swamps with no flow and stagnant water. Moreover, the capital of New Zealand would probably now be another city (perhaps today's Christchurch), which would have a completely different than Wellington the so-called "Feng Shui". In turn the difference in "Feng Shui" of country's capital, the Chinese thousands of years long experience indicates as almost certainty that the fate of the whole of New Zealand would take a completely different path. Also, the life fates of all current inhabitants of today's capital metropolis of NZ would be completely different. In other words, this life-giving "Act of God" is the verifiable for everyone material evidence for the truth of reassuring words of God "I Am" (in Polish: "Ja Jestem"), which everyone can read e.g. from verses 3:14 of "Book of Exodus", 41:10 of "Isaiah", or 11:25-27 of "Gospel according to St. John" in the Bible and which truly assure us and at the same time warn us. Notice here that the words "I Am" contain NOT only hope and reassurance, but also a warning. After all, just as easily as one vitalizing Act of Omnipotent God was able to create a land area for construction of city such as Wellington and township such as Petone, another Act of God is able to erase the existence of cities and towns that began to break God's commandments. After all, today's scientists, secretly programmed by the "powers of evil" with phenomena of hypnosis and telepathy still NOT researched by humanity (see blog #367E), deliberately avoid researching the so-called "morality" (i.e. the obedience in fulfilling God's commandments) and avoid asking the "right questions" to determine the most important knowledge: "why" in the so-called "Acts of God" entire towns are wiped out, but one or a few houses or churches sometimes remain untouched in there? (The reasons for the need that scientific research after around 2000 years from the birth of Jesus finally begin to investigate the so-called "morality" and thus, by asking the "right questions" to determine the truth to the question "why in erased entire towns, sometimes single houses remain untouched" - I explain in post #272E to the blogs of totalizm and in item #B3 from the web page portfolio.htm, and I additionally clarify it in items #F4 and #F6 from the web page evil.htm.) Hence this line of plaques embedded in the sidewalks of the capital city of Wellington, an example of which I am showing in the photo from Fig. #1a, is probably the material proof to be most easy verified by almost anyone willing, that the "Act of God" discussed here actually took place in 1840. In order to later to be able to recall the key words "I am", this proof can be photographed and even its existence can be checked tangibly - i.e. just like this "Doubting Thomas" in the Bible from verses 20:24-29 in "Gospel of John" checked Jesus' wounds with his finger to see if Jesus had actually risen from death. These plaques are also scientifically undeniable proof (although they will certainly be questioned by evidenceless speculations of servants of the so-called "power of evil") that by an "Act of God" a "birthday gift" was created for the entire New Zealand in the form of flat land for the construction of the current capital Wellington and the construction of nearby industrial township of Petone, and thus a gift from God to celebrate the birthday of the new country of New Zealand, which was then just emerging to lead a Christian life.
       To summarize the above, the upper photo "Fig. #1a" from the INTRODUCTION to this web page shows only a single example from the entire line of commemorative plaques measuring approximately 91 by 46 cm, embedded in the sidewalks of Wellington city streets. Thus, together with the plaque from the lower photo "Fig. #J3b", it historically document the "birthday gift" from God for New Zealand. At the same time it contain confirmation and warning of the wisely encoded biblical message "I Am". One can search for more photos of these plaques from Wellington on the Internet, for example using the following keywords: Shoreline 1840 plaque Wellington .
       Similarly important is also the lower photo "Fig. #J3d" from that INTRODUCTION that shows a plaque from the "Celtic cross" in the township of Petone around 8 km distant from Wellington. The plaque from "Fig. #J3d" also reveals who was the messenger of God and the date that initiated the "Act of God" bringing this "birthday gift of newly established New Zealand".
       To get from Wellington to Petone (and then back to Wellington) the most convenient way is to use Wellington's city bus number 83, which typically runs every half an hour. It has stops on the western side of the above-mentioned "Lambton Quay", as well as at the Wellington railway station (from which there are also many trains to Petone and back), and also has stops on Wellington's main streets - e.g. on "Courtenay". Groups of tourists arriving in Wellington in the so-called "Cruise Ships" can probably also try to persuade, for example, the captain of their ship to arrange transport for them from the port where these ships dock to the "Petone Celtic Cross" through the so-called "Cruise Ship Shuttle". Petone is the only place in the world that I personally know, which relatively recently God honoured by establishing it as a "holy place in the open air" where to this day various miracles that violate the claims of present science take place, many of which I describe on this web page. Hence, some of these miracles are probably possible to experience there also by those who need them and pray to God for a miracle. In turn, dowsers, dowsers, researchers of energy radiation of the Earth's chakras, Kirlian photography, human aura, chi, feng shui, etc., will find there a place to carry out their tests or innovative research.
       What did this former swamp from Petone look like before 1840, full of mosquitoes, tall reeds and dark stagnant water from the nearby "Hutt River", which in 1840, by a miraculous "Act of God" in the form of a series of gentle earthquakes, was raised to its present height, enabling the construction of the current town of Petone on it, everyone can see in the photos from the walls of the mini-museum located in Petone only about 100 meters west of the Celtic Cross. At the time of writing this paragraph, entry to this mini-museum was still free of charge, and its opening hours were from 10 am to 4 pm. When viewing the reproductions of photos in the mini-museum in Petone showing the appearance of these swamps covering the area of the current town of Petone, it is also worth seeing the beautiful folkloristic sculpture of a three-fingered creature, on this web page shown at photo from Fig. #K1f (click on this green link to see this photo). In this mini-museum, this sculpture stands at the entrance to the room with exhibits. This sculpture illustrates the folklorically remembered appearance of tiny UFOnauts in Polish folklore called "zmora" (which means "nighmare" in English). The imprint of their 3+1 toe foot made in the asphalt of the sidewalk near my apartment and their actual appearance are shown and discussed above in photo from Fig. #K1abc and from post #347E to blogs of totalizm. These UFOnauts still operate secretly and mainly at night in Petone - although I saw one of them flying in the air during the daylight. The permanent evidence of their "invasion on Petone" are imprints of their 3+1 toes feet in the asphalt of Petone's sidewalks shown on this web page, as well as the evidence from post #365E to the blogs of totalizm and from #V1 to #V1a of the web page humanity.htm. Their miniature height, 3+1 fingers, and the appearance of the masks they wear when interacting with people are artistically recreated in the 2011 movie entitled Paul. However, they also have their version of gigantic growth similar to the creatures of the "Olmec" culture from Central America, i.e. creatures over 12 meters high, the imprint in the stone of their 3+1 finger paw I show in photo from Fig. #K5e1 from this web page named petone.htm and from post #364E to totalizm blogs.

Part #?: ... (These parts of the web page are reserved for future use) ...


#?1. ...(Items reserved for future use and writing)...


Part #Z: Summary, and the final information of this web page:


#Z1. Summary of this web page:

       Even the most atheistically oriented researchers must admit, that the analysis of evidence presented in "part #I" of this web page, in fact confirms that permanent living of so-called "10 righteous" in the vicinity of the New Zealand township of Petone, clearly protects this township from the fury of present cataclysmic phenomena of weather and nature.

#Z2. How with the web page named "skorowidz_links.htm" one can find totaliztic descriptions of topics in which he is interested:

       A whole array of topics equally interesting as these from the above web page, is also discussed from the angle that is unique to the philosophy of totalizm. All these related topics can be found and identified with the use of content index prepared especially to make easier finding these web pages and topics. The name "index" means a list of "key words" usually provided at the end of textbooks, which allows to find fast the description or the topic in which we are interested. My web pages also has such a content "index" - only that it is additionally supplied in green links which after "clicking" at them with a mouse immediately open the web page with the topic that interest the reader. This content "index" is provided on the web page named skorowidz_links.htm. It can be called from the "organising" part of "Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would recommend to look at it and to begin using it systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to everyone.

#Z3. Blogs of totalizm:

       It is also worth to check periodically any blog of totalizm, e.g. check any of these operational until now out of 8 original such blogs, still available at addresses: ("Small Print" 12 pt: posts from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) (posts from #293 = i.e. since 2018/2/23) ("Large Print 20 pt": posts from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16)
       Currently there are 3 blogs of totalizm still working. (Notice that blogs of totalizm from all the addresses that still work, have posts with the same content and are numbered in the same way.) On the blogs of totalizm typically many of matters discussed here are explained with additional details and usually are available in two different languages (i.e. Polish and English).
       Notice also that in 2019 the number of posts in blogs of totalizm exceeded 300, and that almost a half of these posts is published in two languages - namely in Polish and in English. Moreover, there is a book-like "publication [13]" that I prepared in two sizes of fonts (i.e. in the "large print" 20 pt, and in "small print" 12 pt) - in which all posts to blogs of totalizm published so far are collected together and supplied with detailed lists of content. This publication [13] is also instantly updated each time a new post to blogs of totalizm is published. The "publication [13]" is available free of charge from the following web page: tekst_13.htm.

#Z4. The author of this web page (i.e. Dr Eng. Jan Pająk):

       I have a pleasure to inform readers of my web pages, that to commemorate the 70th birthday of the author of this web page (i.e. myself), there was produced and published around 35 minutes long film by Dominik Myrcik, which since May 2016 is available for free viewing in The film is entitled "Dr Jan Pająk portfolio" and it presents graphically most important among my scientific accomplishments. Its English version can be viewed at the address or run it from the web page named djp.htm which provides links to the list of all YouTube videos in the preparation of which I participated in person. (The web page "djp.htm" I programmed to be run on the "smart" TVs of the Korean company LG, and on PC computers - preferably having the "Google Chrome" search engine.) I am inviting readers to view this video. The working green links, Internet addresses, promotional leaflets in three languages, and complete descriptions of all three language versions (i.e. English - see, German (auf Deutsch) - see, and Polish (po polsku) - see of this excellently designed and produced HD and HQ film, are available on my web page named portfolio.htm - which was especially prepared for describing the film.
       All current email addresses to the author of this web page, i.e. officially to Dr Eng. Jan Pajak while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak - e.g. the most frequently used my address [email protected], at which readers can post possible comments, opinions, descriptions, or information which in their opinion I should learn, are provided in item #L3 from my autobiographical web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm (for its version in the HTML language). That item #L3 provides also some additional information regarding contacting me.
       The author's right for the use of courteous title of "Professor" stems from the custom that "with professors is like with generals", namely when someone is once a professor, than he or she courteously remains a professor forever. In turn the author of this web page was a professor on 4 different universities, i.e. on 3 of them, from 1 September 1992 till 31 October 1998, as an "Associate Professor" from English-based educational system, while on one university as a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till 31 December 2007 - means at the last place of employment in my professional life).

#Z5. A copy of this web page is also disseminated as a brochure from series [11] in the safe format "PDF":

       This web page is also available in the form of a brochure marked [11], which is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document Format") - currently considered to be the most safe amongst all internet formats, as normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This clear brochure is ready both, for printing, as well as for reading from a computer screen. It also has all its green links still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer screen connected to internet, then after clicking onto these green links, the linked web pages and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because the volume of it is around a double of the volume of web page which this brochure publishes, the memory limitations on a significant number of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to offer it from them (so if it does NOT download from this address, because it is NOT available on this server, then you should click onto any other address from Menu 3, and then check whether in there it is available). In order to open this brochure (and/or download it to own computer), it suffices to either click on the following green link or to open from any totaliztic web site the PDF file named as in the above green link.
       If the reader wishes to check, whether some other totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying, is also available in the form of such PDF brochure, then should check whether it is listed amongst links from "part #B" of the web page named text_11.htm. This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic web pages, which are already published as such brochures from series [11] in PDF format. I wish you a fruitful reading!

#Z6. Copyrights © 2024 by Dr Eng. Jan Pajak:

       Copyrights © 2024 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk. All rights reserved. This web page is a report from outcomes of research of the author - only that is written in a popular language (so that it can be understood by readers with non-scientific orientation). Majority of ideas and presentations providedd on this web page (and also in other publications by the author) are unique for the author’s research, and thus from the same angle these ideas were NOT presented by any other researcher. As such, this web page presents a number of ideas, inventions, theories, illustrations, tables, etc., which are the intellectual property of the author. Therefore, the content of this web page is the subject to the same laws of intellectual ownership as every other scientific publication. Especially the author reserves for himself the moral credit and copyrights for the scientific theories, discoveries and inventions, photographs, illustrations, tables, etc., mentioned or utilised on this web page. Therefore, the author reserves that during repeating any idea presented on this web page (i.e. any theory, principle, explanation, deduction, interpretation, device, evidence, proof, discovery, invention, photograph, illustration, table, etc.), the repeating person revealed and confirmed who is the original author of this idea (means, as it is used in creative circles, the repeating person provided a full moral "credit" and recognition to the author of this web page), through a clear explanation that a given idea is repeated from the web page authorised by Dr Jan Pajak, through indication of the internet address of this web page under which this idea was originally explained, and through mentioning the date of most recent update of this web page (i.e. the date indicated below).
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Date of launching this web page: 30 March 2012
Most recent update of this web page: 14 July 2024
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)