Memorials are listed alphabetically by pet's first name.

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You may add your pet to the Eternal Rainbow by emailing a picture with the
following information: Name of pet, name of owner, date of pet's birth/death,
breed of animal, and a short memorial.
To email me, go to Barbara's Basement

This page is dedicated to my dogs, Brandy, Missy, Rebel and Holly
and to all pets who have been loved and are deeply missed by their wonderful owners.

BRANDY 1968-1982
German Shepard.
Barbara, Dawn, and Dana's faithful companion. She will remain in our hearts forever as a dog who loved children and was completly devoted to her family. We love you!
MISSY 1990-May 24, 2003
Poodle Mix
Little Missy, there aren't words to say how much I miss you. You were the sunshine every morning and the reason for me to smile. You were so loved by your daddy and me and your memory will always live in our hearts. There will never be another dog with your precious personality and your beautiful face. Your mommy's friend's dog, Chico, came to Eternal Rainbow on June 2 - please watch over him until his mommy and me can see you both again. I know Dawn is taking care of you now and she will love you as much as I do. I will see you again, my little punkin' head. {{big smooches}} Love, Mommy
Please visit little Missy's World.

REBEL April 8, 1988 - Feb. 6, 2004
Miniature Pinscher
Rebel, having you in my life for so long was not only a pleasure, but a privilege. You have been at my side through so many changes in my life and you always stuck by me. I couldn't have asked for a better companion than you. When Dawn gave you to me, it was one of the happiest days in my life, and now I give you back to Dawn, and she will keep you safe and loved until mommy can be with you again. I know you are with Missy and Brandy and all three of you have Dawn to comfort you. I love you, little punkin' head, and I will miss you with every breath I take. {{big smooches}} to your little punkin' head and know that mommy loves you with all her heart. Love, Mommy

Please visit Rebel's World.

HOLLY Feb. 5, 1993 - January 28, 2007
Cairne Terrier
Holly came into my life from an elderly woman who just couldn't take care of her anymore. She was 4 years old and not so sure of her new home. It didn't take long for Holly to fit right into the family and take her place as queen of the house. Holly lived a long, wonderful life with her family that loved her very much. Her sweet little face is missed so much and it was so hard for us to end her suffering from heart disease and kidney failure. I know we must remember the good times, but it is so hard to love them for so long and then know you must let them go. Holly, your family loves you and misses you. Your little bed will always stay where you left it. Love, Mommy
Please visit Holly's site.

I received a memorial for Benji, and decided to post the full story for reasons which are clear. Animal abuse in this world is wide-spread. For those of us who love and care for our animals, we can't understand how anyone could steal or abuse an animal - any animal. Animals cannot speak - we must be their voice. If you witness animal abuse, please contact your local authorities. If we all do our part, the world will be a safer place for our animal friends.

ALEX July 21, 1991-July 7, 1999
We found you abused, hungry, and dying in the hot Texas sun. We took you in and made you our baby. And all we can do now, is thank you God, for the allowing us to spend our lives with Alex. Alex, our beloved "mutt" of a golden retriever/spaniel mix, with freckles on his face, brought smiles to adults, giggles to children, terror to birds, and and unconditional, slobbering, slurpy love to everyone he met. Thank you, God, and thank you sweet Alex for the gift of your life. Mommy, Daddy, and Katy. We will forever love you.

Great Dane. Sweet, intelligent, loving, beautiful, devoted, and sadly missed by our entire family. The short time we had with her gave us memories we will cherish forever. A true "gentle giant." Heather

BARON 1988-1997
Boxer. Beloved pet of Charlie Ingram.
You were our baby, always. You never met a stranger and loved everyone, especially children. You knew when we were sad and comforted us. You knew when we were happy and were overjoyed. We miss you and will always love you.

BEAR 1986-1998
Alaskan Malmute. We miss you, BEAR. Even tho you are gone from our site, no more can you bark or bite. You were the perfect dog and we were quite a pair; I never will forget you, my BEAR. Earl, Jeanine, Cara & Todd

BENJI 1982-1998
Airedale/Shepard mix. We recently lost our Benji to a tragic situation... Our family had Benji for 16 years. He was a stray that we took in. He went EVERYWHERE with my dad. (Dad is a farmer so Benji even went to work with him) Benji was in all of our wedding photos (Yes, in the church with his very own bowtie & vest) He was very much a member of the family. Some unkind person stole Benji from a rest area, (while my dad was changing a flat tire on his truck,) on labor day weekend. We searched the area for 15 hours, then left his blanket, food, etc. near the area from where he was taken. Miracles do happen and 3 days later Benji made his way back to the rest area (which was 2 hours away from our home). A lady saw our "Lost Dog" signs & called us, which was one of the happiest moments of my life. She found Benji lying in the exact spot that my dad had parked his truck to change the tire. Unfortunately, Benji had been hit by a car or some other object and he was not in real good shape. He was concious but he had been hit along the side of the head so his brain was swollen. He pulled through that, but never seemed to really be headed toward recovery. He had a blood transfusion, which seemed to boost his energy. We had him in the intensive care unit at a veterinary college (two times during the following 3 weeks) The vets told us that his kidneys weren't functioning very well & it would just take time. But he was old and the trauma of the separation from our family was too much for him. He died as we layed him on the vets exam table for more tests. The thoughtless individual who took Benji from us has no idea of the hurt this has caused. Verlan Heberer & family. We love you.

A beautiful long-haired cat and a long time companion of Nina. She was known for being a big furry ball. She is loved by all who came in contact with her. She was a joy and a delight to know and is truly missed.

June 1998-April 15th, 2000
Abandoned heavily pregnant, just a baby herself.
Tragically killed.
Very much loved inbetween and greatly missed for eternity. Love, Alicat

CADILAC 1997-1999
Much loved feline child. Cadilac, my baby, I never had a chance to say good-bye, nor give you one last caress before you were gone. But you know I love you always. Just keep your brother, Tuffy, company, and tell him he isn't forgotten, same as you will not be. Both of you be happy in your new home untill we can all be together again. Your brothers,Toot and Chico, miss you too. So does your Daddy. We all love you very much. Love from your mama. God bless you both.

CASEY 11/89 - 11/99
Devoted and sadly missed pet of Pam.
She stood by me through everything, and most of all, she never judged me. She was my best friend for 10 years. Casey never demanded much from me, but it seems now I expected so much from her - and she delivered every day. I will miss her deeply. I can still see her sunning herself in the front yard, and if I listen quietly, I can still hear her bark. Casey, thank you for all you gave and for all you were. I love you and miss you very much.

CHICO-July 28, 1983-June 2, 2003
My little Chico came to me when he was five weeks old and from that day until I lost him, he gave nothing but joy. He was more his daddy's baby than mine, but when his daddy passed, he became my little one. So the rest of this is to him. Chico, my sweet baby, you know how much you were loved. I know that you are loved where you are now. You are reunited with your daddy and your brothers, Tuffy, Rex, and Cadilac. I know you no longer have pain and I'm happy for that. Tell your daddy and brothers that momma can hardly wait to join all of you. My sweet baby, that will be one happy reunion. Once again I can hold you and kiss all of you. Until then my little Chico I'll say so long, because it isn't good- bye. We will never say that word. Just know my baby, I won't stop loving you or your daddy or brothers. One day soon we will all be together again.

Note: Chico belonged to one of my best internet friends - a friend whom I've never met but have become so close. Dean, I am so, so sorry about little Chico. May you always have fun, happy memories of him.
Your forever friend, Barbara

COKE Adopted in the fall of 1979 - Died October 15, 1993 He was a beautiful long, white haired barn cat. Owner - Paula Gaumer What can I say about adopting an adult cat who had been a member of a loving home? I guess pure luck is all I had because he grew to love me and I grew to respect him.....and he was the beginning of a cat menagier that has lasted to this day. So regal and royal a cat......he had no idea that he had been born in a barn. He had the air of a king who knew how handsome and appealing he was. Yet he was a kind and benevolent male to all of the brothers and sisters in his household. He knew when his days were coming to an end....and lived them to their fullest. He let me know in his own sweet way that he was ready and we stayed together until the end. I just hope that in my final hours that I can have the dignity he showed.

CRYSTAL BELL (Adopted: no birthdate known, about 9yrs old)- Feb 1, 1999
Maltese. Beloved pet of Gloria Espinoza and Isabel. Crystal was the smile that woke me up and the smile that told me it was time for bed. She went through a lot but fought till the end. She was special, our little baby, our refined lady. She was sick for a long time. 13 birds, 3 dogs, 2 ferrets, and a cat (all adopted) miss her too.

DUTCH 1986-1992
Cock-a-poo. Beloved pet of Keith and John Alger.
Dutch was going to be put to sleep by the Humane Society. We brought him home and loved him, but he gave us more love than we could ever give him. I will never forget how he would go lay at the bottom of the bed when we told him it was bed time, it didn't matter if we went straight to bed or not. He went on to bed, he'd wait about fifteen minutes and then come look at us, saying "I thought it was bed time. Are you coming to bed?" He was my children's dog, Keith and John Alger, all three grew up together. Dutch, all of us will always love you the way you loved us.


DYLAN October 6, 2004

ELIJAH BLUE 1988-1995
Great Dane
TUCKER 1995-1997
Manx Cat
Both of my beloved, faithful campanions are very deeply missed and always lovingly remembered.......till we meet again.....your mom, Shelley

FAWN 1988-1996
Chihuahua. Beloved friend and unforgettable companion of Dorothea and family. Fawn was a tiny treasure with the heart of a lioness whose gentleness and sensitivity touched many people's lives. She lies beneath the dogwood tree with canine friends Annie, Emma, Boomer and Paws. The wonderful memories they gave live on as their noble, innocent souls take wing. Life without dogs would be immeasurably impoverished. We're thankful for them all.

FLURRY 1986-1998
Siamese Cat. Affectionate companion of Mary. He was the sweetest cat I ever had, with a real sense of fun. Even as an old cat, he would make a game out of anything. I miss our games of fetch, and the way he would cuddle and purr whenever I held him.

FRECKLES January 1986-May 13, 1997
Cocker Spaniel. Beloved pet of Garry & Kathy Draper. She was the most devoted pet we ever had. She accepted our love without question and never forgeot to lick our hands. Her health was bad when we got her, but, through her love and ours she was a healthy happy dog, but, her health failed and that was what took her. I thank God everyday she didn't die alone. I (Kathy) was with her and I am grateful to have been there through the last moment of her life. She was loyal, grateful, and the smartest dog around. We Loved Her Unconditionally. We miss her.

GEM May 1999- July 19, 2000
It's almost a year now.
The hurt is still fresh.
Rest little one - no more pain now.
Love, Alicat

Dec. 1997-April 1998
Black Lab. Devoted puppy to 18 year old Kenny, who loves to hunt and was training his beloved pup. I miss you Hercules.

8-12-86 to 1-15-02

Devoted and much loved companion of Chris Caswell. You will never be forgotten.
I miss you so much.

June 5, 2007
Lovedand missed by mom, Vicky Stevens
Hope was a rescue dog so I'm not sure of her exact age or birth date.  We think she was a mix between Maltese and Yorkie, but we're not sure on that either.  One thing I am very sure of is the fact that she was the world's sweetest little dog.  She came to me 8 months ago, and my life was filled with love.  I had to make the hardest decision I have ever made and Hope had to be put down to end her pain.  She had some issues that were never gonna get better due to obvious severe abuse she suffered in her life.  Hope had a hard life that was evident but she never let it ruin her sweet disposition and gentle way.  She loved people, and would always offer a wagging tail or lots of kisses.  Hope taught me that no matter how hard life has been and how bad a day today is,  there is always a better tomorrow.  I miss her so much and even now as I try to type these words my eyes cloud up with my tears.  My baby girl is gone and never again will I feel her cuddly warm body lying next to me.  I  miss her sweet kisses and her always being underfoot.  My only prayer is that she knew how very much I loved her and that maybe someday we will get to play together again.  Thank you for this site.  Hope went to sleep on June 5th, 2007 in my arms.  She came home with me and is buried here at her home.  Hope I love you and you will always be in my heart.


Page 1 - A-H
Page 2 - I-P
Page 3 - Q-Z

Memorials to my daughter, Dawn
Back to Barbara's Basement
Wildside (a memorial in pictures)
Wildside-page 2
Wildside-page 3
Wildside-page 4
Wildside-page 5
"So, You Want To Understand?"
"Her Name Is Dawn"
Happy 31st Birthday, Dawn
I Remember (Dawn's 32nd birthday)
Happy 33rd birthday, Dawn
You are the Wind Beneath My Wings - Dawn's 34th Birthday
My note to Dawn on her 35th birthday
You're Still Here (Dawn's 36th Birthday)
Happy 37th Birthday, Dawn
Saying Goodbye (Dawn's memorial service)
Two Years Later...
Year Three...
Year Four...
Year Five...
Year Six...
Year Seven...
Year Eight...
Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep"

My Heart Will Go On

The Rose Beyond the Wall

I Only Wanted You
If Tomorrow Never Comes
Tears in Heaven
The Dream (from Dawn's friend, Chris)
I am Sorry We Never Met (a touching note from my friend, Pam)

Pet Related Links
All Mixed Up - a page for mixed breed dogs
Missy's World!
A Memorial to Missy
Please God, Tell Me
Flying Without Wings

Angel - my Yorkie-Maltese mix
Angel Look-a-Likes!! (pics of Yorkie/Maltese mix)

Rebel's World - my precious Min Pin

A Memorial to Rebel
Dancer, my Parti Standard Poodle
Bailey & Cricket - my 2 new Yorkie/Maltese
Rusty - a sharp Cocker Spaniel
Help Stop Puppy Mills
I Am Your Puppy (a guide to puppy ownership)
Weed! (Look who grew up in my yard!)
Eternal Rainbow (a resting place for your pet)

Family Related Links
Organ Donation-Give the Gift of Life - A Personal Story
"You Are Not Forgotten" A loving memorial to my beautiful mother and father.
Dance With My Father
A Bit About Barb (that would be me) :-)
Gardening Links
Flower Power
Shade Garden
Simply Beautiful and Poems for Thought
(a collection from my friend, Anne)

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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