Please God, Tell Me...

Please God, tell me
That this warm and sunny day
Is not the only day you have
to take my dog away.
She's small and quick and always has
Such lovelight in her eyes,
Please tell me that it's not today
That we must say goodbyes.

My little dog has always stood
faithful by my side.
It surely can't be time for us
To take that final ride.
Not when the air smells oh so sweet
Not when there's a ball to throw,
She and I need just one more day
Tell her it's not time to go.

I know you might be lonely
Up there in all that blue,
But please don't take my dog, God,
She wasn't meant for you.
She's small and warm and feels so good
When I cuddle in her fur
I guess I understand how
You might want to play with her.

Please visit Missy's page :-)

But please, God, let her stay with me
For just a little more...
She loves me so and I love her
And that's what dogs are for.
And if by chance, she wants to go
And find that bridge to cross,
Then God, let me be brave as she
And smile to mourn my loss.

©2003 Deborah Sweigart -

Dedicated to the memory of little Missy, the most
precious and loving dog that has ever owned me.
I love you, punkin' head, and I miss you so much.
I will never forget you.
Love, Mommy

Missy's Memorial Sites:
A Memorial to Missy
Flying Without Wings

Missy has had her very own page for quite some time...
Please share her wonderful life in Missy's World

If you have a mixed breed dog, add his/her picture to my
"All Mixed Up" page.

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

To email me, go to Barbara's Basement

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