Hi, my name is Missy and my mommy loves me so much that she wanted to make a page for me and show everyone how beautiful I am :) That's what she tells me all the time. I am what they call a "mixed breed". I think one of my parents was a poodle and the other one was a maltese, but we're not really sure. My former owners treated me very badly and when they moved, they left me in an apartment. When my daddy found me, I was crouched in a corner of the apartment, shaking and shivering and scared to death. I didn't know what would happen to me. I was always good and yet my former owners just left me. I have to tell you, since I have been in my new home, I have had the best life in the world! I am surrounded by so much love and I now have a brother, Rebel, and a sister, Holly. I also have a new brother, Rusty. I'm sure my mommy will put their pictures somewhere on MY page! I also have two parrot friends and even a cat named Sunday. We all get along fine. My mommy spoils me rotten, always kissing my face and picking me up. She took me to the vet and found out that I have an enlarged heart - this was three years ago. I heard the vet tell my daddy that he didn't think I would make it through the summer. They didn't tell my mommy, though, because they knew it would break her heart. My mommy makes sure I take my medicine every day, feeds me good food, and I feel fine. I have a little cough, but that's because my heart is too big. The last time I was at the vet, he couldn't believe how well I was doing. He said to my mommy, "You sure must be doing something right!"

Anyway, my mommy wanted to put all these pictures on my page for you to see. I just wanted you to know that with a lot of love and care, any pet can live a long, long time. I am 10 now, and I hope to give my mommy a lot more years of love.

This picture was taken after my bath one day. Mommy wrapped me up in a towel and thought I looked like a seal pup! Mommy and Daddy take me every few months to get a real hair cut at a real pet salon. Boy, do I feel special on those days!


Before and After my trip to the pet salon!!

Mommy tries to trim my hair inbetween my beauty parlor visits, but she doesn't do such a great job because I wiggle too much. She always says, "I don't know how you manage to get your hair cut for someone else. Do you wiggle this much?" hahaha What she doesn't know is that I just don't want her trimming my hair, that's why I wiggle! Boy, do I have her trained. And that's me on the right, lounging on one of my favorite pillows - mommy has all kinds of pillows and dog beds for me! This is better than a pet motel and I've never had it so good!!

Well, I knew she would do it...here are pictures of my brothers Rebel and Rusty, and my sister Holly.

Here are some pictures of me playing in the leaves. Actually, my mommy took me and plopped me in the leaves so she could get some good pictures!! Bet you can't find me in the first picture!


That's my mom picking me up like she always does (but I love it!) And mom let me lounge in her new zebra chair, because she says I am "special" :)
My brother Rebel and my sister Holly and me all dressed up for my mommy and daddy's wedding.

Mommy says I have the most beautiful eyes and took this close up picture of me. Mommy also has this African Gray Parrot (I'm sure she will put her picture on my page too!) - her name is Autumn, and her feathers keep jumping up and landing on my nose!! If you look real close, that's a FEATHER stuck to my nose!


Recently, my grandson was visiting and by the looks of these pictures,
I think he was hanging around Missy too much! :-) :-)
Note the resemblance!!

And here are the latest pictures my mom took of me. What is with that tongue???

My favorite pose for my mom

Boy, am I tired!

Don't know if I'm coming or going!

As my mommy and daddy are kind to me.....Please be kind to animals.

On May 24, 2003 at 2:30 a.m., little Missy lost her battle with heart disease.
Missy's world was filled with love and she returned more love to me
than I can ever put into words. My heart is crushed once again.
But I know Missy is with Dawn now and she will be loved once again.
Your mommy and daddy miss you, little punkin' head, and we love you more than words can say.
May your life in Heaven with Dawn be as happy and filled with love
as it was here on earth. May you run through the flowers once again...
We love you, Mommy and Daddy

This is one of my favorite pictures of Missy. She ran to me and jumped up to show me her new hair cut :-)

Missy's Memorial sites:
A Memorial to Missy
Flying Without Wings
Please God, Tell Me...

Back to my mommy's home page.

If you have a mixed breed dog, add his/her picture to my
"All Mixed Up" page.

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

To email me, go to Barbara's Basement

Memorials to my daughter, Dawn
Back to Barbara's Basement
Wildside (a memorial in pictures)
Wildside-page 2
Wildside-page 3
Wildside-page 4
Wildside-page 5
"So, You Want To Understand?"
"Her Name Is Dawn"
Happy 31st Birthday, Dawn
I Remember (Dawn's 32nd birthday)
Happy 33rd birthday, Dawn
You are the Wind Beneath My Wings - Dawn's 34th Birthday
My note to Dawn on her 35th birthday
You're Still Here (Dawn's 36th Birthday)
Dawn's 37th Birthday
Saying Goodbye (Dawn's memorial service)
Two Years Later...
Year Three...
Year Four...
Year Five...
Year Six...
Year Seven...
Year Eight...
Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep"

My Heart Will Go On

The Rose Beyond the Wall

I Only Wanted You
If Tomorrow Never Comes
Tears in Heaven
The Dream (from Dawn's friend, Chris)
I am Sorry We Never Met (a touching note from my friend, Pam)

Pet Related Links
All Mixed Up - a page for mixed breed dogs
Missy's World!
A Memorial to Missy
Please God, Tell Me
Flying Without Wings

Angel - my Yorkie-Maltese mix
Angel Look-a-Likes!! (pics of Yorkie/Maltese mix)

Rebel's World - my precious Min Pin

A Memorial to Rebel
Dancer, my Parti Standard Poodle
Bailey & Cricket - my 2 new Yorkie/Maltese
Rusty - a sharp Cocker Spaniel
Help Stop Puppy Mills
I Am Your Puppy (a guide to puppy ownership)
Weed! (Look who grew up in my yard!)
Eternal Rainbow (a resting place for your pet)

Family Related Links
Organ Donation-Give the Gift of Life - A Personal Story
"You Are Not Forgotten" A loving memorial to my beautiful mother and father.
Dance With My Father
A Bit About Barb (that would be me) :-)
Gardening Links
Flower Power
Shade Garden
Simply Beautiful and Poems for Thought
(a collection from my friend, Anne)

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