Hi, my name is Weed (thanks to my adopted mom, Barbara!)
I hear her keep telling people that I am growing like a weed, hence my name.
My real mom and dad brought me to Barbara's home right after I was born, and I am sooooooo thankful they did. This is a picture of my home.

Weed's home

Barb started out feeding me bread until I felt comfortable around her, and since I have been so good, she bought me this little yellow stuff - I think I've heard her call it cracked corn, or something like that. Anyway, it's yummy! My mom and dad like it, too.

Barb is out here every day pointing this thing at me that looks like a black box, and then this flash goes off in my eyes - I haven't figured out what this is yet, but it doesn't hurt me so I just let her play and have her fun. I heard her say, "Good picture, Weed!" - whatever that means. So, this is my first "picture", and another one a few weeks later showing how much I've grown!


I have a good time here swimming in Barb's pond and eating her grass. I even helped her the other day while she was weeding her garden - every time she would pull up some grass, I would do the same thing. I wonder if she thinks she was teaching me how to eat! Boy, these humans are funny creatures. I had to laugh at her the other day when she was giving my dad a piece of bread, she pulled away too quickly and my dad's beak caught her on the finger and she screamed! haha That was so funny! She has since learned to just hold the bread and we will take it very gently. Boy, she is a hard one to train!

Barb was telling someone the other day that I was getting my face. Now...I had to think awhile on what she meant by that - "getting my face"???..I already have a face! So I asked my mom and she said that Barb probably meant that I was beginning to look like a real goose, you know, with the black and white markings, and not just a feather puff ball. Geez..I never thought of myself as a puff ball! I don't even know what a puff ball is! Anyway, here is a picture Barb took of me getting my face and eating the yummy yellow stuff. Notice how I lay down to eat. My legs are getting so tall that it's easier this way!


I asked my mom and dad if we were leaving once I learn to fly and they said yes, but that we would come back and bring ALL of our friends. I know that will make Barb happy - she LOVES animals! She better be stocking up on the bread and corn! Here's a picture of my dad. Isn't he handsome?

I was trying to learn to do this flying thing the other day, but my wings just won't work yet. I imagine I look pretty funny running up the hill flapping these little wings! I hear Barbara laughing, but I know she is laughing with me, not at me. And I know she is going to be very sad when we have to go, but I have promised her we will be back.

This is my mom and dad and me.

Barb has this little dog named Missy and we are about the same size right now. The other day while Barb was feeding us, Missy came real close to me and wanted to play. Well, big mistake! I wanted to play, but my dad didn't think it was a good idea, so he hissed at Missy. Barb ran over and snatched Missy up so quick it made my head spin! Ever since that happened, I've been trying this hissing thing and I think I have the hang of it now. I practice a lot when Missy is around or if a stranger comes too close. It's kind of neat - I open my beak, breathe out, and this hiss sound comes out, and the stranger runs the other way! I have so much to learn.

This is Dad teaching me the hissing thing. Don't I look cute? That's what Barb says all the time, "Isn't he cute?"

I have to tell you, Barb has started sharing my corn with these two ducks and that's ok, as long as they don't try to eat MY corn! The other day, they got too close to my food and I lunged at them and they ran the other way. This looked like fun, so I started chasing them all over the yard! I heard Barb laughing and saying "I can't believe this!" "Weed!" I guess she thought I should learn to share, but my mom and dad didn't seem to mind - they just stood there watching me, so I guess it was ok. haha - it was fun! Think I'll try it again tomorrow when Barb's not watching. I have a feeling Barb is going to put the ducks' pictures on MY page because she had that black box out again last night!

Well, she did it! She put them on MY PAGE! So just glance at them real quick and then go back to looking at MY pictures.


Well, I hope you enjoy the pictures Barb has posted of my family and me. She says she is going to take pictures of me "growing up on line" so the world can see. I have no idea what she means by this, but hey, she's the one who feeds me, so who am I to argue??? It was nice talking to you. ~Weed
Oh, yes, Barb asked me to ask you to please be kind to animals.

"What's an animal?"

P.S. Well, it's the first of July and my mom and dad are teaching me to do the flying thing. They make me flap my wings while running down the hill to the pond. I still can't get off the ground but I'm trying! Will let you know in a week or so how I'm doing.

July 17, 1999: I took my first flight around the pond with my mom and dad! It was so cool. We walked up the hill, started flapping our wings and making loud goose noises, and then whoooosh! Up in the air we went! We circled the pond two times and then landed in the water. My mom and dad won't let me land on the ground yet - they said I might get hurt. Barb was on the deck watching and I thought I saw a little tear in her eye :( My mom said it was a happy tear.

July 18, 1999: Well, we practiced flying some more today and I think I'm ready to take the plunge. We waited until Barb was not home and then we left to fly with our friends. We left some of the yellow stuff on the ground that Barb gave us hoping she will know we will come back next year to visit. Who knows...maybe I will bring my children back here next year! It sure is a nice place to grow up :)

Here is a picture of my mom, dad, and me the night before we left. I bet if Barb didn't draw that arrow, you wouldn't recognize me!

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

To email me, go to Barbara's Basement

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