Thank you, Chris, for sharing your dream with me.
Dawn spoke of you often and I thank you so much
for being her friend.


I dreamt we were walking hand in hand
down an old dusty road
Laughing joyously at our good luck
basking in the warmth of our love
Just like we used to-

Riding horses bareback out of the woods
racing through the empty field
laughing all the while
You were always ahead of me

Talking late into the night and
wiping each others tears
as we spoke of our most guarded secrets

As I awaken my smile slowly fades
The dream turns bittersweet
And as pain slices through my heart
I am still grateful that I was able to walk with you...
If only for a little while

Love, Chris

To email me, go to Barbara's Basement

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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