There's something I must tell you
It's been on my mind so long.
If you think I've gotten over this,
You couldn't be more wrong.

For those of you who want to know,
It was nineteen-ninety-seven.
The Lord looked down and called her name
And took my child to heaven.

Now lonely days are all that's left,
And a heart that just won't mend.
Not only did I lose my child,
I lost my dearest friend.

You ask me why I smile no more,
Why tears surround my eyes.
I tell you what you want to hear,
And live within my lies.

The pain and grief within my soul
Never seems to end.
If for a moment you see me smile,
It's just for you, my friend.

When I'm sad and very quiet,
And seem to look away,
Don't ask me what I'm thinking,
You won't want me to say.

My heart and soul are heavy,
My life is all but gone,
A piece of me now missing,
You see, her name is Dawn.

©~Barbara T.~

No part of this poem may be reproduced or posted on another site.

Please share Dawn's life at Wildside...a memorial

To email me, go to Barbara's Basement

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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