Dawn and her children, Tawny Sky and Kody

Saying goodbye is never easy...saying goodbye to your child is heart wrenching. Many people who attended Dawn's memorial service have asked me for a copy of the words that were spoken in her memory. I have chosen to share these words with you.

I asked a very dear friend of mine, Diane, to be my voice at the memorial service for my daughter, Dawn Marie, and I will be forever grateful for her presence and her friendship. And for all of you who shared in my grief by your presence at Dawn's service or through your kind words through cards, I give you my heartfelt thanks.

I chose the following poem by Emily Matthews.

The Lord will never leave us
nor forsake us.
He promised He'd be with us
through it all.
It often seems
He's walking right beside us
As He guides us through our problems,
large and small.

But there are times
we just can't feel His presence,
When the road's so rough,
we need Him all the more -
We wonder why we're so alone and helpless,
Why His hand's not there to lead us as before...

But if we listen quietly,
He'll tell us,
"Take a moment and remember what I said:
If you fail to see me
walking right beside you,
It's because I have you
in my arms instead --

For together, we will cross the highest mountain
Together we will face the stormy sea,
You never are alone,
you're never helpless!
I'll carry you --
let go and lean on me."

My friend then read the following words I wrote in memory of Dawn.

There is only one way to describe my children -- gifts from heaven. Today, Dana is with me in body, and for eternity, Dawn will be with me in spirit.

Every aspect of her life - her contagious smile, her love for her children, her compassion for animals, and her zest for life will be constant reminders of the beautiful woman she became.

She is my daughter, she was my confidant, she was my friend. When the heavens opened and called her name, it created a great void in my life. But with each passing day, and with each new tomorrow, her memory will live on in my heart. For 29 years, God gave me a gift more precious than gold -- the gift of Dawn.

Until we meet again, the memory of your beautiful smile will remain in my heart forever, and you will never be alone.
I love you Dawn.


A special thank you to my sister Fran for creating such a wonderful picture of Dawn and her children.

To email me, go to Barbara's Basement

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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