Rusty with his "hamburger".


Rusty is a Cocker Spaniel and one of the best dogs I've ever seen! He's another one of my "rescues" - coming from a family who was looking for a home for him. I had no intention of getting another dog, but when I drove up, he jumped into my lap in my car, stared at me with those big brown eyes, and the rest is history. He immediately went to the groomers for a much needed bath and hair cut, and that's when I found out he was not very well behaved at the groomers! I tried 4 different places and he was banned from all four. So.....I got my own clippers and learned how to groom him myself. One of the pictures shows Rusty in desparate need of a hair cut, and the first picture is after I groomed him - not bad, huh?

Not having a drop of formal training, Rusty is one of the most well

behaved and smartest dogs I have ever had. Cockers have a reputation of being "nippy", but Rusty doesn't have a mean bone in his body - he will let tiny puppies chew on his ears, jump in his face, and totally "abuse" him, and he is as gentle with them as if they were his puppies. I cannot say enough good things about this dog!

Rusty's likes: His toys! All toys!
Rusty's dislikes: Having his toenails cut. And probably posing with those clown lips!

Rusty Sept. 08

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Rusty says, "Be kind to animals...all animals."

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