Dogs, Dogs, Dogs

My Precious Babies

Take a Walk on the Wildside (a memorial to my daughter, Dawn)

Wildside full story...

Wildside 2 full story...

Wildside 3 full story...

Wildside 4 full story...

Wildside 5 full story...

A House is Not a Home...

...unless you have a dog, or in my case, seven dogs!

I cannot remember a time in my life when I did not have a dog. My very first dog as a very young child was a black Cocker Spaniel. Over the years, I have had a Collie, a Terrier, a mixed breed, a German Shepard, a Borzoi, a Min Pin, and a poodle mix. My current brood consists of Angel, a Yorkie/Maltese mix; Rusty, a Cocker Spaniel; Treasure, a Yorkie, Dancerand Cooper, Standard Poodles, and Bailey & Cricket, Yorkie/Maltese mix brothers. Two of the seven are "rescues" - one was thrown to the street by her former owner, and the other one - well, what can I say, the owner just didn't want him anymore. They are all precious and have found their nitch in our home.

In late January 2007, we added two more yorkie/maltese babies to our family - Bailey & Cricket. Please visit their site and watch them grow up!


A new Standard Poodle joins the group! Meet "Angel's Red Mini Cooper" - Cooper for short.

Missy, the poodle mix, and Rebel, the Min Pin (pictured above), both lost their battles with heart disease within the last 2 years. Life is not the same without them, but they both had wonderful lives, living to be 13 and 16. Please take time to read their pages and their memorials. In January of 2007, we also lost little Holly, our Cairne Terrier. She was 13 and our family misses her more than I can say. We got her when she was four from an elderly woman who just couldn't take care of her anymore. She brought a lot of love and joy to our family.

All animals deserve our love and respect.
PLEASE be kind to animals.

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| ©2006-2008 Barbara's Basement This page updated on October 2, 2008

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