
Once in a lifetime, a precious bundle of joy winds up on your doorstep and you wonder how you ever lived without her. She is another one of my rescues. Treasure needed a home, and my little "Angel" needed a sister, and since they are about the same size, I thought it would be a perfect match. The picture on the bottom left shows Treasure and Angel going for a walk. (Angel is half yorkie and half maltese.)

Treasure is a Yorkie with beautiful silky hair, and certainly the queen of our household! She loves to go for walks in the yard and will bark if she hears a squirrel in the woods or hears the neighbor dogs barking. The picture to the right is Treasure with her Daddy enjoying a sunny afternoon in the back yard.

Treasure is definitely "daddy's little girl" - he loves her and she loves him more than anything in the world! She hears his voice and her little tail just about wags off! What a precious baby she is and how fortunate we are to have her as a member of our family!

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Treasure says, "Be kind to animals....all animals."

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