The cutest mistake in the world!!!!
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Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress.

Angel 12 weeks
Hmmm..should I keep my ears up or down?

Angel 7 mos.Angel 16 weeksAngel is a Yorkie-Maltese mix - first generation - that means her mom and dad are pure bred. Angel was born on 6/20/03. She joined our family in September 2003 and weighed 1 pound 11 oz! I call her my little mistake because the breeder I got her from raises Yorkies and Maltese - I guess you can figure out what happened next! Angel was one of three litter mates - her sister, Truffle, was adopted by my sister, so they get to see each other often and play together. Angel 6 1/2 mos.Truffle looks more like her Maltese dad and Angel is taking after her Yorkie mom. She can't figure out if she wants her ears to be Maltese ears or Yorkie ears! Some days they're up, some days they're down. Angel has the personality of both parents - lovable and "clingy" like her dad, and feisty and bouncy like her mom. I hope you enjoy these pictures and I will post new ones periodically.
Angel 6 mos.Most recent pictures of Angel on page 3 - She gets more beautiful every day!

Read about the new ANGEL LOOK-A-LIKE page and send in your photos!!!!

Angel turned "2" on June 20, 2005. She is as precious as ever!! Happy birthday punkin head!
Angel 9  weeks
Ok, I'm cute and I know it!
Angel 12 weeks
Workin' on that pig nose
Angel 9 weeks
Tiny dog...BIG bed!
!12 weeks
Puppy Slippers!
Truffle & Angel 12 weeks
Truffle and Angel
Angel 12 weeks
My daddy picking me up

Angel 12 weeks
Hey..watch where you're steppin' big foot!

12 weeks
I'm gonna get that Angel belly!

12 weeks
Truffle..let's get him!
12 weeks
OK, Ok..I give up!
Angel 19 weeks
I'm 19 weeks old and getting SO cute - that's what my mom says :-)

OK, I'm in the bag... but I'm not going!!!
Angel 19 weeks
I'm gonna eat that camera!

Angel 5 1/2 mos.
Back AWAY from the duck!!
Angel and Rusty
Don't worry mom, I can handle him!
Angel 6 mos
The Coat
(larger view)

Can I take it off yet?
Angel 6 mos.
I'm SO embarrassed!
6 mos - first bow
Not sure if I like this thing in my head!
Angel 6 mos
Get that flash out of my eyes!
6 1/2 months
Right after my bath :)
Angel 7 mos.
The pink bow
Truffle and Angel-7 mos.
Truffle and Angel-7 mos.
Angel 7 mos.
In case you can't read it, it says "Princess" :-)
Angel 7 mos.
My new sweater

Angel 8 mos.
8 mos.

Angel 8 months
8 mos.

Each time I get a new picture of Angel, I will post it here next to her baby picture so you can see the changes.

Angel 12 weeks

Angel - 12 wks.

Angel-9 mos.

Angel turns "ONE"

(see her b'day pics on pg. 2)

Angel - 2 yrs.

Angel - 3 yrs.

Angel 4 yrs 4 mos
Angel - 4 yrs. 4 mos.

Happy 5th Birthday, my little punkin' head!!!!!

If you're not going to PAGE 2, you're missing some good pics of ANGEL!!
Email me at:
blt222 at embarqmail dot com

(Type email in regular email format. I don't put my email on my website in regular format hoping to keep from getting junk mail)

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2 years, 8 mos.
Angel -2yrs.8 months.

Nan, my internet friend from NJ, meets Angel for the first time in April '06 while visiting me in VA! Angel was "4" on June 20, 2007

Angel turned "1" on June 20, 2004!!!
See her party pictures on page 2

Angel's Weight Chart
8 wks. - 1 lb 11 oz * 12 wks - 2 1/4 lbs. * 15 wks - 2 1/2 lbs. 19 wks - 3 lbs. * 5 mos. - 3 lbs.

* 6 mos. - 3 lbs 7 mos. - 3 lbs. 9 oz. * 8 mos. - 4 lbs. * 11 mos. - 4 lbs. * 12 mos. - 4 lbs.
16 mos. - 4 lbs. 4 oz. 2 years old - 4 lbs. 12 oz. 3 years old - 4 lbs. 12 oz. - 4 years old - same! 5 years - holding at 4 lbs. 12 oz.

Read about the new ANGEL LOOK-A-LIKE page and send in your photos!!!!
All photos are Yorkie/Maltese mixes!!


Angel has two new yorkie/maltese brothers!
Bailey and Cricket are here!

Thank you for visiting my site
http://www.sparklee.com - glitter text
glitter text

Health information

As Mommy and Daddy are kind to me...please be kind to animals :-)
All pictures © 2003-2008 Barbara Tomlin

Check out the new "Dogs, dogs, dogs" page!

Getting a new puppy? PLEASE read " I Am Your Puppy "

If you have a mixed breed dog, add his/her picture to my
"All Mixed Up" page.

HELP STOP PUPPY MILLS !! Each year thousands and thousands of puppies are bred under deplorable conditions by unscrupulous breeders and sold to pet stores. Every puppy in a pet store has come from a puppy mill somewhere in the United States. Every puppy purchased in a pet store at exorbitant prices makes room for more puppies to be bred under these conditions. Don't support stores that sell puppies. Don't purchase puppies from ads in the newspapers. Those breeding conditions are often only a step up from puppy mills. Encourage your friends and family to look for a dog or puppy in a shelter or rescue organization. You can find a shelter or rescue group anywhere in the United States by going to www.petfinder.org or www.pets911.com
And beware of those cute puppy internet sites - they are more than likely a puppy mill!!

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Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

New pictures added on May 15, 2009

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