Barb & Missy

Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress. name is Barbara and I want to thank you for visiting "Barbara's Basement." Whether you stumbled upon my page looking for pictures of mixed breed dogs, poetry, or pictures of my little yorkie/maltese mixes....I hope you are enjoying your visit.
I started my web site in 1997 as a memorial to my daughter, Dawn Marie, who was killed in a car accident on August 13, 1997. Creating pages in her memory has been theraputic for me, and I have found it has been helpful to other parents who have lost children.
Other than my family, my two loves are
animals and gardening. I can't remember a time in my life when I did not have a dog. My babies: Angel, Bailey, and Cricket are yorkie/maltese mixes, Rusty is a cocker spaniel (rescue), Treasure is a Yorkie (rescue) who has lost her sight, Dancer, a parti color Standard Poodle, and Cooper, a red Standard Poodle..
In May and February 2004, I lost Missy, my maltese/poodle, and Rebel, my little miniature pinscher. They were 13 and 16 and enjoyed a life filled with love. Little Holly, my Cairn Terrier, left us in January of 1997 at the age of 14 and her precious little face is missed by everyone. Their memory will forever be etched in my heart.
My family also includes Sunday, a cat I have had for 16 years, Kelsey, a Senegal Parrot who is 19, Autumn, my seven year old African Gray Parrot, and 500 gallons of tropical fish! (Note: Precious Sunday died in 2007 at the age of 16. From the day he wandered onto my porch as a kitten, he was very much loved and is missed terribly.)
I have a twin sister, Fran, who also has a website filled with dog training tips, poetry, free graphics, and much more.
Thank you again for visiting!

Getting a big, sloppy kiss from a friend!

Barbara and Angel
My precious Angel


If our mom didn't add our names to this picture, I wouldn't know who is who!!
(Hold mouse over picture)

I have met so many people over the internet who have emailed me with such kind words about my daughter. Some I've met and some I've kept in touch with for many years. Thank you to all my unseen friends - your emails of kindness will be forever appreciated.
Dave, Linda, Anne, Chris, Dean, Judy, Randy, Carmen, Marie, Giny, Sherri, CheeRee, Dawn, Rena,
Joan, Pam, Lisa, Nannette (Nan) , Marilyn, Mary, Nancy, Sally, Sherri
Sheila, Ellen, Georgia, Leah & Mr. Sil, Diana & "Mikko"

Linda (IL)

Anne (NC)

Dave, Kathy and Family (Canada)

Nan, Angel '06
Nan meets Angel here in VA in April '06

Nan and Dancer '08
Nan visits us again in Sept. 08 and meets Dancer

Thank you Linda, Anne, Dave and Nan for making it possible
for us to actually meet!! I love each and every one of you!!!!

My friends I have not met, but maybe one day!


Mr. Sil, Georgia & Leah


Diana & "Mikko"

To email me or return to index of Barbara's Basement

Barb and little Angel

These are my beautiful girls, Dawn Marie and Dana Leigh.
Dawn lives in my heart and brightens every day of my life....
Dana is in every day of my life and brightens my heart.
I love you both so much.......Mom

To my grandchildren...Kody, Tawny, Connor, Skylar, and Quinn - Grandma Loves You!!

Animals....God's gift to us
Treat them with love and kindness.

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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