Cooper, the Red Standard Poodle and the joy of my life

Angel's Red Mini Cooper, "Cooper", was born on March 21, 2007 and he's a red standard poodle. Dancer, my parti poodle, needed a playmate and Cooper fit the bill. Obviously, from the before and after pictures below, he wasn't very clean or groomed when I picked him up, but when I saw him, I could see through the dirt and the fuzz, I knew there was a gem hiding in there somewhere!. After getting him home, I gave him a good bath and grooming and he was as beautiful as I knew he would be. I recommend to anyone who wants a standard poodle to get two right off the bat. They have a certain play style that only two poodles understand, they help run the energy out of each other, and they actually learn from each other. Cooper watches and listens as I give Dancer commands and he has learned so much from him. Please email me (in regular email format) if you want recommendations before purchasing a poodle. blt222 at embarqmail dot com

Mommy bought me even though I looked like this.

Mommy made me bee-u-tiful!

I love playing ball with my brother, Dancer.

My brothers Rusty and Dancer and me with the jolly ball.

Mommy takes us downstairs for "carpet time" - where we can dig in our feet and have fun!

I am so happy in my new home!

To email me or return to index, go to "Barbara's Basement"

Check out the "Dogs, dogs, dogs" page!

Meet Angel's Yorkie/Maltese brothers, Bailey and Cricket!

Don't be a victim of puppy mills! Read

Getting a new puppy? PLEASE read" I Am Your Puppy "

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

Updated on October 2, 2008

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