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Flashforward - March 1983

INT. Ryans Upstairs Hallway
[A man claiming to be a building inspector is opening and closing doors along the hallway. A perplexed Delia Coleridge is frantically trying to get him to explain to her what he's doing.]

DELIA: [to Inspector] Didn't you hear me? That's the room I was talking about! Please, don't disturb my sister-in-law and her husband; they're sleeping!

[The inspector appears into Siobhan and Joe's room.]

DELIA: That's a bedroom, why are you inspecting the bedroom? Hello?

[The inspector continues to look through rooms.]

Are you deaf? No one's paying attention to me, not even the building inspector! Must you be so thorough? What are you doing? Would you come back here? [turns towards stairs] Kevin! Kevin!

INT. Ryan Kitchen
[Kevin MacGuinness is working in the kitchen as Delia can be heard coming down the stairs. She enters.]

DELIA: Kevin! Kevin!

Delia & Kevin

KEVIN: (annoyed) Yes, hennypenny? Is the sky falling?

DELIA: It's terrifying! There is going to be a 1984; George Orwell was absolutely right! In 1984, we're not even going to own our own souls anymore! Big Brother is everywhere and he's watching!

KEVIN: I'll trust he'll give us a hand in the kitchen?

DELIA: Kevin, it's already happening! That building inspector is up there, he's totally invading our privacy, he's not sensitive to the family needs, and he's totally ignoring me! [pauses] ...Is that allowed?

KEVIN: Well, up to a point.

DELIA: Kevin, he's going into all the bedrooms and all the closets! He can't just barge into the apartment like that, can he?

KEVIN: (pauses) No . . . I'd think not!



INT. Kirkland Mansion - Drawing Room
[Rae Woodard, Frank Ryan, Catsy Kirkland, and Hollis Kirkland are gathered in the drawing room.]

CATSY: Well, Mr. Ryan, I�m sure you had no idea of the excitement you were going to generate when you came over here this afternoon.

Frank Catsy

FRANK: Mrs. Kirkland, I came here for one reason: to make sure your husband stays away from my brother.

CATSY: Oh, you've accomplished that, and a lot more! Why, you've actually changed the lives of everybody in this room!

FRANK: It's my brother's life I'm interested in.

HOLLIS: You've made your point, Ryan.

FRANK: You understand what will happen if you go anywhere near my brother?

HOLLIS: Please, no threats. In the first place, your premise is wrong. I had nothing to do with your brother's injuries.

FRANK: Possibly you weren't directly involved, but you were involved.

RAE: You're wrong, Frank! He had nothing to do -

HOLLIS: Rae, don't you dare!

FRANK: Don't you dare? What do you know, Rae?

HOLLIS: She doesn't know anything. [to Rae] Why try to convince him of anything? What good is that going to do now? What difference is it going to make?

CATSY: What difference, indeed! If my husband was trying for a cover-up, well, it's failed! Now, there's nothing more for your brother to do to him. It's all in the open now, thanks to the Ryan brothers!

HOLLIS: I think Mr. Ryan was just leaving -

CATSY: No! I want him to stay; I want him to hear how this all turns out! I think it'll be a very good idea for him to stay, too; after all, he's still contemplating the fact that you were the one responsible for his brother's accident, and if he's contemplating in any way pressing charges, maybe, maybe if he hears what happened, he'll consider you punished enough.

HOLLIS: Drop it, Catsy!

CATSY: Mr. Ryan, my husband and Mrs. Woodard thought I was just going to gracefully bow out of my marriage and watch them walk into the sunset towards a dream they've had for twenty-two years!

FRANK: This is none of my business -

CATSY: Oh, but it is your business, considering that silencing your brother was going to be what would help them accomplish that! Now, I think that makes it very much your business! I want you to stay; I want you to hear how it turns out. I'd feel a lot better if you'd stay.

HOLLIS: Have you no sensitivity at all?

CATSY: About what? Privacy? Why, Mr. Ryan already knows all the private little facts about our life, and Mrs. Woodard says she doesn't care who knows about her affair!

HOLLIS: I think all of us have been through more than enough in the last twenty-four hours, so why don't we just stop this?

RAE: I think that's a very good idea. Frank, I came in your car, will you please drive me home?

CATSY: No! No, nobody is going to move from here! I want this settled and now!

HOLLIS: [to Rae] I'll call you later this afternoon.

CATSY: No, I said I want this settled right now!

Rae, Catsy, and Hollis

HOLLIS: You already know what I want.

RAE: (turns to Catsy, eyes welling up with tears) You do realize the publicity and scandal that is going to follow if you force him to make this choice?

CATSY: Oh, I don't think there's going to be any publicity, at least not from any of your seven newspapers or how many radio stations and television stations is it? Because guess what: If you go after me, you're going to hurt him, too!

RAE: He's not going to stay with you!

CATSY: Won't you, Kirk? He doesn't have a choice, because in a few hours, I'm going to have some hard facts on him, and then it'll only take a few more days before I turn it over to the state district attorney of San Francisco! (pauses) No, no, actually, he does have two choices. He can fold his tent quietly and come home with Amanda and me to San Francisco, or some other wonderful place and continue the lifestyle, the extravagant lifestyle he's become accustomed to, or he could spend a couple of idyllic months with you and a number of disastrous years in the state penitentiary. Of course, you would wait for him.

RAE: Oh, yes.

CATSY: (smirks) Of course! You've waited for him twenty-two years. Actually, that might be very good for you. You'd visit on weekends, and it'd help you maintain your fantasy that whenever you were together things would be just like heaven. But let me ask you, what would it be like for Kirk? I mean, can you really see him on some chain gang or hammering out license plates? Well, come to think about it, a man of Hollis Kirkland's caliber they probably wouldn't make do menial jobs, would they? No, Hollis would probably write a book. How does that appeal to you, Hollis?

HOLLIS: This charade has gone on quite long enough, I think.

CATSY: Oh, I couldn't agree with you more! What is your answer? We all think we know what the answer is, but you could surprise us. Mr. Ryan, Mrs. Woodard, anyone want to place a bet?

[Rae, worried, looks at Hollis.]


INT. Ryan Kitchen
[Delia and Kevin continue their conversation.]

DELIA: Why is he even inspecting the upstairs? The public never even goes upstairs, Kevin!

KEVIN: Well, it's all part of the same building, but still, it seems a trifle excessive.

DELIA: Kevin, he was being very rude to me, and I am not going to let him get away with that. In fact, people are just walking all over me! ...But I'm the one who's letting it happen, so I'm the one who's got to make it stop. You know what it must be? I look like a doormat, don't I? I do! I look like a doormat, is that what it is?

KEVIN: Delia, any resemblance between you and a doormat - look, do you want to stand here discussing your image or do you want me to talk to that building inspector?

DELIA: I'd like you to do both!

[The building inspector comes marching down the stairs.]

INSPECTOR: Everything looks good upstairs.

KEVIN: Oh, good! I understand you left no stone unturned?

DELIA: That's exactly right! You think that just because I'm a poor, defenseless female, that you won't listen to a very simple request not to disturb my sister-in-law or her husband! You said you wouldn't go in there - he said he wouldn't go in there - and then you walk right in, not paying any attention to what I have to say!

INSPECTOR: Is she always like this?

KEVIN: Ah, frequently, but still, she's entitled to an explanation.

Kevin, Delia, and the Inspector

INSPECTOR: I'm a building inspector. Inspecting the building is my job, that's all I was doing. Besides, I didn't wake anyone up; there wasn't anybody up there. You lied to me!

DELIA: I lied to you? I . . . I thought they were there!

INSPECTOR: How do I know you weren't trying to cover up some gross violation? You know, I could report you for giving false information to a public official!

DELIA: Oh, boy, that's all I really need right now.

INSPECTOR: I'll forget about it, if you will. We're even. Okay?

DELIA: It's not okay, but I'll forget about it this time.

INSPECTOR: That's a good little girl. Well, nice doing business with you. Have a good day!

[The inspector leaves the kitchen.]

DELIA: Have a good day? Have a good day?! I really hate it when people say have a good day when there isn't the remotest possibility of having a good day - how can I have a good day with Patty unconscious in the hospital?!

KEVIN: That man couldn't have known that.

DELIA: You let him walk all over me, didn't you?KEVIN: I let him?!

DELIA: Yes, you did!

KEVIN: Delia, I've never looked on you as a poor, defenseless female! Never!

DELIA: Kevin, I'm very, very vulnerable right now, and you should've stood up for me!

KEVIN: Well, I honestly thought that I did!

DELIA: No, no, you didn't! You could've defended me! He said I was lying about Siobhan and Joe. Look, I know that they went up there to rest - [pauses] Where did they go?


INT. Diner
[Siobhan and Joe are seated at a table.]

JOE: You realize, don't you, that we haven't really thought this through?

SIOBHAN: It's too late to back out now, pal.

Siobhan and Joe

JOE: It's been an incredible 24 hours. I think we're a little long on emotion and short on logic.

SIOBHAN: We know that we love each other.

JOE: Well, we've always loved each other, and we always will, but that's not enough.

SIOBHAN: It feels different now.

JOE: Why, because I shot Ace and now you know, you're finally convinced, that I'm out of the mob?

SIOBHAN: Joe, come on, I knew you were.

JOE: How do you know that I won't go back?

SIOBHAN: Because you said you wouldn't.

JOE: I've lied to you before.

SIOBHAN: I know what it cost you to get out. You won't go back, I know that.

JOE: What about Johnny's objections to us?

SIOBHAN:We'll have my mother's blessing.

JOE: What's that going to do to them?

SIOBHAN: That's something they'll have to work out, not us.

JOE: What about Mary?

SIOBHAN: I've thought a lot about that, and I think you were right - to a certain degree - I did blame you for her death, but now that I can admit that to myself and you, I think I can deal with it, and if I find that I can't, I will get professional help. I won't let it get in the way anymore. Joe, I know that you're playing devil's advocate, but you don't have to. I'm sure -

Siobhan Joe

JOE: No, I'm not, I'm not just playing devil's advocate. The questions about your safety are real, and they're very serious.

SIOBHAN: All right. If I continue on the police force - not the organized crime squad, I'll transfer out of that - my life is all ready at risk. That's a chance I'm prepared to take, and I'm prepared to accept whatever risk is involved in being your wife, because I won't be happy any other way.

JOE: I want you more than anything in the world.

SIOBHAN: You have me.

JOE: And I would marry you again tomorrow, but I cannot do that with all good conscience.


JOE: Look, I need time to make sure no one's found out about Ace, and we should know that soon enough.

SIOBHAN: Okay, but I know that we belong together.

EXT. Phone Booth
[The 'building inspector' is talking on the phone.]

INSPECTOR: Yeah. Yeah, I just missed nailing Novak. Don't worry, I'll get him. I'm staying right here - until I get another chance.


INT. Kirkland Drawing Room
[Rae and Catsy await Hollis' answer. Frank is also in the room.]

CATSY: Don't keep us in suspense, darling.

HOLLIS: (long pause) I'm sorry, Rae. There's nothing else I can do.

RAE: (tears streaming down her face, she turns to Frank) You did this!

FRANK: Rae...I made an attempt to protect my brother. Now, if I've hurt you, I think it qualifies as a big favor. You're better off without him.

RAE: [angry] Don't you dare! Don't you dare to presume to know what I need! Who the Hell do you think you are?! You've never cared about what I needed!

CATSY: He's undoubtably right, you know. You never could've been sure why he was staying with you.

HOLLIS: Just how much of this do you think I'm going to take?

CATSY: As about as much as I will, I'm sure. Mrs. Woodard, you and I are at a terrible disadvantage. It's very difficult for rich women to find men who aren't possessed by our money. Now, I know exactly how Kirk feels about my wealth and I've accepted that. We have a perfect understanding - no more pretenses. I have my man, for better or for worse, and I intend to keep him.

RAE: You really are just about as insensitive as he said you were.

CATSY: [laughs] Well, you can't live with Kirk for that many years without developing a pretty thick skin.

[Catsy walks past Rae towards Hollis.]

CATSY: Do you want Mendenhall to pack for you or do you want to pack for yourself? I'd like to leave immediately.

HOLLIS: And what happens to Amanda?

CATSY: Amanda will go with us. We'll take her back to Switzerland to the sanitarium. She had excellent care there.

HOLLIS: Oh, did she?

CATSY: She will this time.

RAE: Kirk . . . are you really going to let her do this to us?

Rae & Hollis

HOLLIS: [walks over to Rae] No. I'm going to do this to us.

[Hollis kisses his fingers and puts them to the lips of Rae, who is shaking and on the verge of sobbing. He leaves the room.]

CATSY: Mr. Ryan, I hope you won't hold Kirk responsible for your brother's accident. He usually uses other people to take care of his unpleasant matters.

FRANK: Well, whether he had someone else do it or did it himself doesn't make much difference.

CATSY: Oh, it does to him. I hope your brother is going to be all right very soon, really.

FRANK: Thank you. Rae -

RAE: No. I've changed my mind.

[Frank leaves the room.]

CATSY: Not going to leave with Mr. Ryan? I sensed a history there. He's a very good-looking man if you happen to like younger men, and I understand you do.

RAE: No, I'm not leaving with Mr. Ryan. I'm not going anywhere until you answer a few questions, Catsy.


INT. Riverside Hospital - Pat Ryan's Room
[A nurse puts up an IV bag by Pat Ryan's hospital bed. Faith enters.]

FAITH: Dottie, how is he doing?

DOTTIE:: He's mostly conscious now.

FAITH: That's good. I thought someone from his family would be here?

DOTTIE:: They were. His father just left to stretch his legs.

PAT: Hi.

Faith & Pat

FAITH: Hi! I just heard. How are you feeling?

PAT: About what you'd expect with inner-cranial bleeding. My head's like a balloon; it feels like its getting bigger all the time.

FAITH: Well, it looks the same. [smiles] I'm so sorry this happened.

PAT: Yeah, so am I. The trouble with being a doctor is that you know too much and you recognize symptoms.

FAITH: Yeah, but the good thing is that you know recovery's possible. And it better be fast, because we can't handle the clinic without you.

PAT: You'll take care of it.

FAITH: You know I will until you get back.

PAT: I'm hazy, Faith. Mitch Bronsky. I wanted to come to you in the ER but I was busy with Amanda and . . . you were gone.

FAITH: I know. I went to your mother's - like always, and she was just what I needed - like always.

PAT: Could you find out - Amanda - neuro -

FAITH: Okay, I will, I will. I don't want you to worry about that. I want you to rest, relax, and get well.

[Pat begins to gasp for air.]

PAT: I'm . . . in trouble . . .

FAITH: Just relax, deep breaths. [to Dottie] Can you turn up the putty on the monitor?

PAT: Oxygen . . . I need . . .

[Pat becomes unconscious.]

FAITH: Pat? Pat, can you hear me?

[Faith, with the assistance of Dottie, covers Pat's face with an oxygen mask.]

FAITH: Get Dr. Coleridge, stat!

[Dottie scurries out of the room.]

FAITH: Come on, Patrick. Don't do this to me, Pat. Come on!

[Pat begins to flatline.]

FAITH: Cardiac arrest, Code M!


INT. Riverside Hospital - Pat Ryan's Room
[Faith prepares an external defibrillators for Roger as they hover around Pat. The heart monitor begins to flatline.]

ROGER: Give me a 125 millivolts.

FAITH: Right.



ROGER: All right, clear!

[Faith and Roger continue to try to resuscitate Pat, but to no avail. Pat's spirit begins to float out of his body as he has an out-of-body experience.]

Pat has an out-of-body experience

ROGER: Faith, litacaine, 100 milligrams! Is he breathing?

DOTTIE:: Not yet.

ROGER: Make sure it's not infiltrated.

DOTTIE:: It's not.

ROGER: Reset. 100 millivolts.




ROGER: Clear!

[Pat continues to flatline.]

ROGER: My God, I think we've lost him!



Executive Producer

Produced by

Directed by

Created by

Written by


Joe Novak

Patrick Ryan

Roger Coleridge

Hollis Kirkland III

Siobhan Ryan Novak

Catsy Kirkland

Delia Reid Ryan

Faith Coleridge

Frank Ryan

Rae Woodard

Kevin MacGuinness

Videotaped at
in New York

�1983 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.

Past Flashforwards

November 9, 1984

August 29, 1985

Fall 1986

September 27, 1987

September 28, 1987

February 1988

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