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Flashforward - 09/28/1987
Dakota Art?
Dakota is still in his office with the mysterious man (named Art?) who had come to visit him in the previous episode. They get up from their chairs and go towards the door. Dakota tells Art to assure Meredith Dre (?) Chemical Companys that he will take care of Dr. D'Angelo. Art is on edge, and Dakota assures him that the room is not bugged. Art tells Dakota to be cautious and that no violence can be involved at all. The company doesn't want anymore publicity. Dakota tells him that he plans on discrediting D'Angelo. They shake hands, and Art leaves.
Zena Ryan
Meanwhile, Linden continues to pound on the door of the Fenelli apartment. He demands that Zena let him in; she tells him that she isn't letting any crazy man like himself near her. He continues pounding on the door, but then tells her he’s going to leave. However, this is just a trick, and he continues to try to pick at the door. Zena is still able to hear him. At this point, Ryan Fenelli comes down the hallway towards the door, unaware of Linden’s presence. He quickly grabs her, puts a knife at her throat, and tells Zena that he has her kewpie-doll girlfriend. Although Zena doesn’t believe him at first, she soon discovers he’s telling the truth when Ryan makes her presence known after some not-so-friendly persuasion from Linden. Zena doesn’t know what to do now!
Linden & Ryan
Linden continues to beat on the door. Zena begins to pretend to go along with what Linden is saying -- at first she wasn’t too hot about the idea of selling drugs in Riverside, but now that she’s thought about it, it doesn’t seem like a bad idea at all. Linden is in disbelief and continues to order her to open the door. Grabbing a bottle of window cleaner, she slowly opens the door. Zena sprays Linden in the eye with the cleaning solution and grabs Ryan. Although in pain, Linden holds onto Ryan, causing Zena to have trouble pulling Ryan in. After Zena orders Ryan to kick Linden, Ryan is finally able to get free. Zena and Ryan hurry back into the apartment, close the door, and then lock it.
Ryan & Zena Ryan
Zena tells Linden she's going to call the police; Linden threatens to tell Jack that he has a dope dealer living in his apartment. Zena informs Linden that she has told Jack everything about her already. She begins to pretend to call the police, which scares Linden. After Linden leaves, Ryan rushes to the phone. Zena takes the phone away from Ryan and tells her that it's no use -- the cops won't find him. Frank Ryan already had the police comb three boroughs for him with no luck. They begin to get into an argument, and Ryan probes Zena about what she's doing in the apartment. Zena explains that Linden's been after her with some crazy scheme about bringing drugs into Riverside, and that she's been staying with Jack in Ryan's old room. Zena gets frustrated and starts to leave. Ryan asks where she's going. Zena's going back to her old neighborhood -- to settle some business with Linden. She doesn't want him to hurt Ryan, Jack, or anyone else in their family. Despite Ryan's pleas, Zena leaves. Ryan quickly dials the phone to reach Jack at Emily Hall's place but gets no answer.
Emily Jack
At the Hall apartment, Emily and Jack enter just as the phone stops ringing. Jack comments that he's sure they'll call again, and it’ll probably turn out it’s some long distance phone call -- like from Tierra del Fuego. Emily reassures him that her fan club doesn't stretch that far south -- just to Buenos Aires. Jack feigns being shocked and tells her he thought for sure that she had some outpost in the middle of Antarctica. Jack pauses and once again acts shocked -- it's actually quiet! No Zena...no Chaz...no mysterious phone calls! Well, unless Tierra del Fuego calls again, Emily jokingly reminds him. Jack tells her things are definitely looking up for him: he’s finally gotten a nice, quiet afternoon with a very special lady. They kiss.
Emily & Jack Jack & Emily
Emily recoils from Jack. She has tears in her eyes. Jack asks her what the problem is. She tells him she's not the kind of lady who can juggle two men. Smiling, Jack comments that he doesn't know who the other man is but advises that she drop him in his favor. Emily asks if it ever occurred to Jack that she might choose to drop him instead? Jack kisses Emily again. The doorbell rings, and Emily goes to answer it. A man stands there with a long, slender package. Emily sets it on a table and says she'll open it later. A not-so-happy Jack bets that the package contains several yellow roses, like many packages before it. He opens it -- and discovers he was right. He hands her the roses, tells her that she has a decision to make, and leaves the apartment.
Dakota & Delia Dakota & Delia
In a secluded area of Ryan's Bar, Dakota goes up to Delia and puts a flower in her hair. Delia informs him that she’s packing so she can go away -- hopefully, Dakota will be able to get along without her. When he inquires about her trip, she tells him she’s going on a business trip. This business trip is going to be step two in her quest to bring Lizzie and Johnno back together. She’s going to Ben Shelby’s former residence to dig up information on him. Dakota is confused -- Delia is going to Alaska in these types of clothes? Delia tells him that she isn’t going to Alaska; she’s going to New Orleans, where Ben once stayed in a boarding house. Hopefully he did something bad there -- maybe he swindled an old lady or knocked up the minister's daughter and deserted her. Dakota remarks that the trip sounds like fun…maybe he could come along? Delia tells him that she’ll have a lot of business to take care of there, and besides, he’s just been elected district leader of Riverside. Since he’s not coming with her, Dakota takes out the envelope Art gave him. He takes out several hundred dollars and hands them to Delia. She can use his money while she’s in New Orleans; maybe she could bring him back a souvenir. Delia promises to bring him back a t-shirt from Bourbon Street and several other surprises.
Chaz & Emily Chaz
While staring at the yellow roses, Emily is surprised when Chaz Saybrook enters the apartment. Chaz asks her if she’s all right, so Emily tells him she has a problem -- a problem she needs to work out herself. It concerns herself and Jack -- and the man who has been sending her yellow roses. She’s going to have to make a decision, and it’s going to involve a lot of pain. Emily talks about the mysterious man she loves…he’s the man who makes her drop everything and get on a plane to visit him whenever he needs her. It’s been going on for a very long time, and they love each other. But then there’s Jack… She just can’t deal with having two men! Emily decides she can’t think about it anymore tonight, but she thanks Chaz for lending her an ear.
Ryan Jack
At the Fenelli apartment, Ryan tries to call Frank when Jack enters. She tells her the entire story concerning how Linden came after Zena and her. Jack is mortified when he learns that Zena has gone to confront Linden. Ryan has already contacted someone who knows Zena's neighborhood and who can help Jack. Jack thanks her, and asks her to call Frank in case he needs back-up. As Jack leaves, Ryan tells him she loves him. Jack tells her he loves him, too.

Executive Producer


Created by

Written by

Zena Brown

Ryan Fenelli Hyde

Emily Hall

Dakota Smith

Delia Reid Ryan Ryan Coleridge Crane

Jack Fenelli

Chaz Saybrook

Videotaped at ABC Television Center in New York

©1987 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws