Pamela N. Brown's Literature

Bobby Giggles Goes for a Visit

    Adult Stories
    Kids Stories

Bears Don't Live in Houses
Bobby Giggles' First Day of School
Bobby Giggles Gets Stitches
Bobby Giggles Goes for a Visit
There's a Dinosaur in My Closet
Monsters and Goblins
Stories with The Boys
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Figgy Piggy and Goat
Mirrors and Monkeys
The Adventures of Bubba Rex
The Adventures of Dylster the Lizard
    Short Stories
    My Quotes
    My Ramblings

My Art Pages:


Who am I?

Name: Pamela
[email protected]

Friday had come and Bobby Giggles had a big day planned.  He and his mom were going to visit his Great Grandma Crackers after school.  All day long Bobby was anxious for school to end.  He fiddled his thumbs and danced around his seat.

"Bobby, you need to pay attention in class," said Mrs. Porkchop.

"I am sorry," said Bobby.  "I am just really excited about going to visit my Grandma after school today."

"Well, that is fine," Mrs. Porkchop replied, "but for now, you really need to pay attention to what I am saying.  Class will be over soon."

"Ok," said Bobby as he tried to focus on their lesson.

When the bell rang, Bobby immediately started out the door.  "Bobby...Bobby!"  Hollered Mrs. Porkchop with a smile.

Bobby turned around to see what she wanted.  "Yes, Mrs. Porkchop?"

"You forgot your backpack," she replied.  She smiled and said; "now you go on and have fun with your grandmother."

"I will, Mrs. Porkchop.  I will!"  Bobby dashed outside and found his mom waiting for him.  Already knowing the answer, Bobby looked up at his mom and asked, "are we going somewhere today?"

"Why, yes, Bobby.  We are going to stay the night with Grandma Crackers.  Did you forget?"  His mom asked.

"No, I just wanted to make sure.  Yay!  We are going to Grandma Crackers'.  Yay!"  Bobby yelled.

When Bobby got home, his mom already had their bags packed to go.  Going to Grandma Crackers is always a treat for Bobby.  She lived over an hour away so they usually stay the night.  Bobby thought it was a long trip, but he also thought it was worth it.

Grandma Crackers' house is a lot different than home.  She likes to keep life pretty simple.  When Bobby and his mom finally got there, he jumped out of the car.  He ran up to the house.  He went straight to the living room, and threw his arms around Grandma Crackers.  "Grandma, I missed you so much.  How are you?"

"I am doing good, Bobby.  How are you?  You are getting so big!"  Said Grandma.

"I am fine too.  Can we go feed the birds?"  Bobby asked.

"Sure, Bobby."  Grandma Crackers answered.  Bobby followed his grandma outside.  Grandma has lots of bird feeders in her yard.  Bobby filled the ones closer to the ground with seeds.  For the higher ones, he got seeds for grandma so she could feed them.  Bobby helped Grandma Crackers clean out and fill her birdbath too.

After they were done, Bobby asked, "can I help you with your flower garden now?"

"That sounds like a good idea to me," answered Grandma Crackers.  They dug up the weeds and watered the flowers. 

When they were done, Grandma took Bobby for a walk to see the neighbors new ponies.  Grandma Crackers told him stories about what life was like when she was a little girl. 

Bobby and Grandma Crackers had worn each other out and decided it was time to watch the sunset, then go to bed.  The next morning Bobby and Grandma Crackers made breakfast for everyone.

Bobby listened carefully as his Grandma told him more stories during breakfast.

After they were done eating, Grandma Crackers read Bobby a story.  They colored pictures and they painted.  They sat on the porch and watched the birds eat.  They sang songs that Grandma's mother had sang to her when she was little.

Before he knew it, it was time for Bobby and his mom to return home.  This made Bobby sad, "Momma, can't we stay just a little while longer?"

"I am sorry Bobby, but we have to go home.  We will come back for another visit soon," his mom said.

"Ohh, ok," Bobby said with a tear in his eye.  He turned to his grandma and gave her a great big hug and kiss.  "I love you very much and I will miss you.  Momma says we will come back to visit soon."

"Ok, Bobby, I will see you then.  I love you too," said Grandma Crackers.

On the way home, Bobby's mom asked, "did you have fun with Grandma Crackers?"

"Yes," Bobby replied.  "Did you know she grew up during the Great Depression?  Back then they didn't have lots of toys, but they still knew how to have fun."

Bobby told his mom about his visit all the way home.

~ The End ~