Pamela N. Brown’s Literature

Bobby Giggles' First Day of School

    Adult Stories
    Kids Stories

Bears Don't Live in Houses
Bobby Giggles' First Day of School
Bobby Giggles Gets Stitches
Bobby Giggles Goes for a Visit
There's a Dinosaur in My Closet
Monsters and Goblins
Stories with The Boys
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Figgy Piggy and Goat
Mirrors and Monkeys
The Adventures of Bubba Rex
The Adventures of Dylster the Lizard
    Short Stories
    My Quotes
    My Ramblings

My Art Pages:


Who am I?

Name: Pamela
[email protected]

    Bobby Giggles had never been anywhere without his mom before.  He was very nervous about starting school.  The day before Bobby was to start school, he and his mom went up to the school to meet the teacher. 

    Mrs. Porkchop showed Bobby around the classroom.  She showed him his locker and where he would keep his crayons.  She showed him all of the different areas of the classroom and assured Bobby there is nothing to be afraid of.

    When Bobby and his mom returned home, Bobby said, "I am not going.  I don't like the school.  I don't like the classroom, and I don't like the teacher."

    "Oh, Bobby, I thought the teacher was very nice," said mom.

    "Well, I don't care, I am not going back to that place," Bobby replied.  Bobby decided if he got hurt, then his mom wouldn't make him go to school.  Bobby climbed up his favorite tree in the back yard.  When he got to his favorite spot, he jumped.  Bobby only got a couple of scratches from the landing.  He ran in the house crying, "Momma, I cannot go to school!  I fell out of the tree!"

    Bobby's mom cleaned up the small scratches and put some bandages on them.  "Oh, Bobby, it's not that bad.  You will be ok to go to school. Now, it is time to get ready for bed.  Tomorrow is your first day of school.

    Bobby thought, "if I stay awake tonight, I will be too tired to go to school and Mom won't make me go."  Bobby lay in bed trying his hardest to stay awake, but he was too sleepy to stay up late.  Despite Bobby's best efforts, he fell asleep anyway.

    Bobby's mom woke him up the next morning.  "Bobby, get up.  It is time to get ready for your first day of school.  Breakfast is ready."
"I don't want to go to school, Mom, and I am not hungry.  I won't go to school!"  Yelled Bobby.  Bobby followed his mom whining all the way.  "I am not hungry.  I do not want to go to school."

    Bobby's mom turned around with a plate full of pancakes in her hand.  "I guess if you aren't hungry, I will have to throw these pancakes out."

    "Well, I guess I am a little hungry," Bobby said.  Pancakes were his favorite.  Bobby's mom smiled and put the plate on the table.  Bobby sat down to eat. 
When Bobby was done eating, his mom said, "it is time for your bath, Bobby."

    "I won't take a bath.  I will not go to school," said Bobby.
Bobby's mom was very smart.  She knew bobby would get sticky from the pancake syrup.  Bobby hated being sticky.  "I guess you will have to be sticky all day," Bobby's mom said as she ran his bubble bath.

    "I don't care if I am sticky.  I will not take a bath," said Bobby.  He peeked in the bathroom and saw the bubbles rising in the tub.  Bobby could not resist the chance to take a bubble bath.  ""I guess I could take a bath, Momma," Bobby said.

    After his bath, Bobby was dressed and ready for school.  He fought and fussed all the way to the car.  He fussed and fought all the way to the school.  Bobby fought and fussed all the way to the door of his classroom.

    Mrs. Porkchop was waiting for all her students so she could start class.  Bobby's mom gave him a big hug, wiped the tears from his eyes, and told him, "everything will be fine.  Everyone is scared on their fist day of school."

    As Bobby looked around the classroom he noticed all the other kids had red, wet eyes.  One girl named Rhonda Butterfly was crying pretty hard.  "My name is Bobby Giggles.  Are you going to be ok?  I am sad too and miss my Momma very much.  Maybe if we play together, we won't miss our moms as much."

    Rhonda smiled, "ok, I will play with you then."

    Mrs. Porkchop read Bobby and Rhonda a story.  She let them color and paint.  She took them outside to play and fed them lunch.  She taught them a song and words that begin with the letter 'A'.

    Rhonda and Bobby had so much fun; they were ready to take a nap.  Bobby awoke to his mom's smiling face.  He put away his mat and got his backpack so he could go home.

    On the way home, Bobby's mom asked, "how was your first day of school, Bobby?"

    "It was fine.  I did miss you, but I made a new friend.  Do I have school tomorrow?"  Bobby asked.

    "Yes," answered his mom.

    "Good, I like school!"

~ The End ~