Pamela N. Brown’s Literature

The Adventures of Bubba Rex

    Adult Stories
    Kids Stories

Bears Don't Live in Houses
Bobby Giggles' First Day of School
Bobby Giggles Gets Stitches
Bobby Giggles Goes for a Visit
There's a Dinosaur in My Closet
Monsters and Goblins
Stories with The Boys
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Figgy Piggy and Goat
Mirrors and Monkeys
The Adventures of Bubba Rex
The Adventures of Dylster the Lizard
    Short Stories
    My Quotes
    My Ramblings

My Art Pages:


Who am I?

Name: Pamela
[email protected]

Bubba Rex was a great big dinosaur from the Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic Era. He was very tall with a baldhead. He had a round belly and big strong legs. Now Bubba Rex hardly had any teeth so he was n herbivore. He loved to eat flowers, berries, tomatoes, and leaves. Eating was one of the things that Bubba Rex liked to do the most.

Another thing Bubba Rex loved to do was swim. He would swim all day if you would let him. Bubba Rex made a great big diving board out of two big trees. He loved to jump off the board and cannonball into the water. This sometimes caused some minor flooding in Pangaea. You would have been quite amused to watch Bubba Rex swim. He used his big, thick tail for a rudder.

After finishing his swim, Bubba Rex would go look up his best friend, Yaddosaurus. They would run for miles playing tag. They would race each other from one mountain range to another. Small dinosaurs would get startled when these great friends would play. They were very large dinosaurs and the ground below would shake.

Bubba Rex and Yaddosaurus loved to play hide and seek although it was very hard to find a large enough rock, or tree to hide behind. Another game they enjoyed was ghost in the graveyard.

To finish up a typical Bubba Rex kind of a day, Bubba Rex would take a bath. He would splash water all over the bathroom while bathing. Then he would go potty, as all good, little dinosaurs should do before bedtime. Bubba Rex would then brush his two teeth. After his teeth were nice and sparkly, bubba Rex would get his good night hugs and kisses from his mom. His mom gave the biggest hugs. Soon after, Bubba Rex would fall fast to sleep.

~~~ The End ~~~