Pamela N. Brown’s Literature

What I Say

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Who am I?

Name: Pamela
[email protected]

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If I were a cannibal, I would wear a bib to dinner.

We are all different, individual, and there is no such thing as normal.... what is normal for me may not be normal for you.

People who are rude are only trying to feel better about themselves.

If you are only as old as you feel, then today, I am 29!

Never turn your back on a friend. They may not be there anymore when you turn back around.

You can tell stories until you are blue in the face; but if you expect people to believe them, then you are liable to die of oxygen deprivation.

Any friend that is only there when they need something, and not there when you do, is no friend at all.

I believe in love, honor, trust and respect.
I believe in hope, peace, honesty, and faith.

I do not believe in hatred, disgrace, doubt and mockery.
I do not believe in despair, conflict, cheating, and unbelief.

I know I have an inner bitch and I am so damn proud of her. As my key chain says, "I may be a bitch, but I am the pick of the litter!"

Who has time to be a 'LADY'? It is tough enough being a 'WOMAN'!!!!!

I would rather be blessed with a child with difficulties, than not be blessed with a child at all.

I will hold my head high. I was born fighting, and I will die fighting.

The less oblivious we are, the less content we become.