Pamela N. Brown’s Literature

Stories With The Boys

    Adult Stories
    Kids Stories

Bears Don't Live in Houses
Bobby Giggles' First Day of School
Bobby Giggles Gets Stitches
Bobby Giggles Goes for a Visit
There's a Dinosaur in My Closet
Monsters and Goblins
Stories with The Boys
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Figgy Piggy and Goat
Mirrors and Monkeys
The Adventures of Bubba Rex
The Adventures of Dylster the Lizard
    Short Stories
    My Quotes
    My Ramblings

My Art Pages:


Who am I?

Name: Pamela
[email protected]

The boys and I have started a creative writing day. We each get six post it notes. On two, we write colors. On one, we write a person. On one, we write an activity. On one, we write a place. On one, we write a mode of transportation. We ball up our notes into individual piles. Then we draw notes from each pile. We may draw our own or we may draw someone else's.

During the first round of writing, we get seven minutes to start a short story. During the seven minutes, we try to use all of the words that we drew. If we cannot get them all in the first round because of the time limit, we try to get them in with the next round.

I set a timer we write whatever comes to mind. After the timer goes off, the writer is to drop his pen, or pencil. It doesn't matter if the writer is mid-sentence, or mid-word, you drop your pen anyway and pass your paper off to the next person. Everyone reads over their new copy.

After they are done reading we reset the timer and write, but only for five minutes. You continue to do this until your original paper ends up getting back to you.

During the last round, the writer has their own paper sitting in front of them. They decide how they are going to end the story. The timer is set and the endings have to be finished before the timer goes off. Upon completion, we read the stories to each other. Here are the 3 that we came up with.

(Now, when reading these, remember, I have boys. They don't write about sweet, pretty things.)

Story 1

Story 2

Story 3

Figgy Piggy and Goat

Mirrors and Monkeys

All of the names and situations in these stories are a matter of fiction. If they are similar to any living person or true situations, it is purely coincidental.

All of the stories on this website are the sole property of Pamela N. Brown and are copywritten by Pamela N. Brown. Please, do not use any of the works found on this site without my permission.