Pamela N. Brown’s Literature

Bobby Giggles Gets Stitches

    Adult Stories
    Kids Stories

Bears Don't Live in Houses
Bobby Giggles' First Day of School
Bobby Giggles Gets Stitches
Bobby Giggles Goes for a Visit
There's a Dinosaur in My Closet
Monsters and Goblins
Stories with The Boys
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Figgy Piggy and Goat
Mirrors and Monkeys
The Adventures of Bubba Rex
The Adventures of Dylster the Lizard
    Short Stories
    My Quotes
    My Ramblings

My Art Pages:


Who am I?

Name: Pamela
[email protected]

Bobby Giggles loved taking bubble baths.  His mom had run a bubble bath for him and she was constantly warning him to not goof around while taking his bath.

Bobby naturally wanted to play.  He would jump up and splash the bubbles everywhere.  "Bobby, I told you to not play like that in the tub!  You are going to end up getting hurt," Bobby's mom said.

"Ohh, Mom," Bobby whined.

"I said to stop Bobby," said his mom.  She turned to get a towel for Bobby.  He decided that he would splash one last time before he had to get out.  He jumped.  SPLASH!  BOOM!  OH NO!  Bobby slipped and hit his head.

Bobby cried, "Momma I hurt my head!"

"Bobby are you ok?"  Bobby's mom said, "that's why I told you not to play in the bathtub.  I was scared you would fall down and get hurt."

Bobby continued to cry.  His mom picked him up out of the floor.  She noticed he had a cut above his eye.  Bobby's mom said, "oh no, Bobby!  This cut looks pretty bad.  I am going to have to take you to the doctor."  This made Bobby cry even louder.

Bobby's mom got him dressed and rushed Bobby to the emergency room.  The nurse at the emergency room looked at Bobby's eye.  She said, "well, Bobby, it looks like you might have to get stitches."

Bobby yelled, "no!  No!  No!  I don't want stitches!  Just put a bandage on it!  It will be ok!"

Nurse Bloomers said, "Bobby, the cut looks too deep for you to not get stitches.  Let's have the doctor look at it and see what he thinks."

Nurse Bloomers took Bobby to a room.  She called for the doctor to come in.  Bobby was still crying Doctor Buckles said, "Bobby there is no reason to cry.  You need to calm down so I can have a look at your eye."

Bobby was still scared, and he tried to calm down.  It was hard, but Bobby did as he was told.

"Bobby, we are going to have to give you stitches for this cut," said Doctor Buckles after examining the wound.  "It won't hurt a bit, but we have to do stitches to keep you from getting an infection."

Bobby asked, "Are you sure it won't hurt?"

"It may sting for a second when we put the medicine on, but after the medicine is on, you won't feel a thing," Doctor Buckles answered.

Nurse Bloomers told Bobby, "it is time to lie down now.  We are going to put a blue sheet over your face.  There is a hole in the sheet.  The hole will go over the cut so Doctor Buckles can see what he is doing."

She put the sheet over his head.  "I am now going to put the medicine on.  It may sting a bit."

"Ouch!"  Bobby said, "It does sting."

"Are you ok, Bobby?"  Nurse Bloomers asked.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt now," Bobby answered as Doctor Buckles worked.

"Good," said Doctor Buckles, "because I am done."

"Already?"  Bobby asked.

"Yes, and you did a great job," answered Doctor Buckles.  "You deserve a reward."  Doctor Buckles gave him a lollipop and sent Bobby home.

On the way home, Bobby's mom said, "Bobby, I am so proud of you.  You were so brave in the emergency room.  I think we will stop for an ice cream cone on the way home."

"Yay!"  Said Bobby.

~ The End ~